Essential pc games?

Essential pc games?

Attached: doom.jpg (460x215, 47K)

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Painkiller 2016 is a decent game but I wouldn't call it essential

STALKER trilogy
Arma 3

What game is this?

>Drawf Fortress
>Cave Story
>Starcraft + Brood War Expansion
>Diablo 2
>Painkiller: Black Edition
>System Shock 2
>Baba is You

Attached: 1501043189862.jpg (1000x400, 181K)

Mount and Blade: Warband

XBOX One exclusive


Ultima VI (with Nuvie source port)
The Complete Ultima VII (with Exult source port)
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
Postal 2
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Doom (series) [excluding 3]
System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Thief Gold
Thief II
Gothic II
Half-Life 2
Arx Fatalis

The Witcher 1

*with a movement speed mod

>Arma 3
Fuck off with your 15 fps autism simulator.

Arma games are such a fucking meme. Lowering the graphics so you can see the enemy better is horseshit.

Don't forget lowering FOV to zoom in.

Total Warhammer

>butthurt toasters

Sucks to be you.

Is it worth buying this game right now or wait until the next steam sale in a week? It's 15$ right now, but will it maybe be cheaper next sale?

I regret not using a sprint mod or something for Chapter 2/3, I could have easily saved like 3 hours of my life

Attached: 1416246504675.jpg (1680x1050, 726K)

If you play online and enter a city, your FPS tanks no matter what rig you have.

Buy it now or pirate it.

Valve games
Paradox games
Elder Scrolls

What kind of choices are these.

Most of the Valve library, DOOM 1 and 2, the Quake games.
As far as shooters go you're basically set at that point.

Seriously? How? What about historical shooters?

Fuck off boomers

>no Red Orchestra 2

Do people still play RO2?

>STALKER Trilogy
Seconding this

I just got doom for the switch even though I have it for PC
And I'm going to be honest here
It's a really good port with hyro aiming
It doesn't look half bad even the frame rate feels nice

Postal 2
Civilization 5 (with expansions)
Half Life 1 and 2
Max Payne 1 and 2
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games
Deus Ex
Doom series
Portal 1 and 2
Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light
Mirror's Edge
Divinity: Original Sin
Crysis 1
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Dwarf Fortress

Attached: mfw.png (640x300, 5K)

that piece of shit runs like ass no matter the specs or options used

>Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

I just bought this for PC. I cannot get the fucking PS4 controller to work. Input is grayed out. I used input mapper and it works on all other games. Any tips?

New to pc here. But i second this hard. Ive sunk hours upon houre in both the base game and tld mod.

I honestly just use the mouse and keyboard. I found that I actually prefer it.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Worms Armageddon
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1/2

certainly not that pile of shit


>bunch of indietrash
please post good actual AAA games than doesn't suck on pc


fpbp get fucked corporate cock suckers.

>Deus Ex
>Dawn of War
>Neverwinter Nights (with mods)
>Half Life
>Age of Empires 2
>Unreal Tournament 2004
>Arx Fatalis
>Fallout 2
>Dwarf Fortress

>don't suck on pc

So literally all of them as long as you don't have a poverty build? Except maybe unpolished trash like an AssCreed game.

>good actual AAA games
There aren't any, AAA games are trash thanks to consoletards like you.

Huh I only have 5

Is MGSV supposed to be easy or hard to run? My build can run that but on high but that's about it's max capability... would I be able to run a modern battlefield game or even arma?

>fallout 2
He said essential pc games, not essential comp-sci student ironic game folder

Old shit.

PC gaming died in 2016

was PC gaming particularly alive in 2013?

but i have a good pc only, thats why i'm asking

Remove crisis and I agree with that list 100%

One with actual graphics?

>Is MGSV supposed to be easy or hard to run?
nope it's an extremely well optimized game
2016? it died in 2007 which coincides with the AAA console industry becoming a thing

You think I could still run Battlefield 4?

Dota, Starcraft and CS. You don't have to like them but you at least have to have played them.

Ultimate Doom

Halo 2

You dumb shits probably forgot to check this:

Pretty cringe list.

Attached: nonono.webm (608x408, 1.93M)

you have to go back

Heavily depends on your taste but you should try these at least once
>Killing Floor 2
>Rising Storm 2 and Battlefield 4
>Civ 5
>CSGO and Rainbow Six
>Mount & Blade Warband
>FTL,Enter the Gungeon, Risk of Rain(any roguelike really)
>Gmod and Minecraft for extreme autism