Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States

Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States,
Todd Howard

Attached: 1539963299078.jpg (691x720, 45K)

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"You see that moon? We can go to that."

See that country? We can invade it.

We're gonna need 16 times the taxes

>see that country? you can bomb it

*stands up*

>entire population starts noclipping

Attached: 1547071141116.jpg (476x350, 13K)

>see that mountain? we can climb it

Blue pill me on Todd Howard.

Remember when Geoff carted Todd out for no reason during the musk interview?

Attached: elon_x_ikumi.jpg (1006x846, 183K)

pretty cool guy who just wants to make great vidgms


>see that school? you can shoot it


You see that tanker? We can orchestrate a false flag attack based off faulty evidence on it.

The best thing about our government is all of this just works

>Bombs China

"Who's laughing now?"

>giving nuclear power to a tiny tiny man
this is how it ends

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Thread theme

Cant wait to watch the Internet Historian video on Todd Howard's presidency

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*nukes the entire galaxy*

Attached: 1546364767955.png (1024x768, 737K)

They're all degenerates anyway.