If you don't main Polar you're a little bitch.
Crash Team Racing
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is a fake crash? I only played the first crash game.
>only 5 days left
So will Tawna and the Trophy Girls become recurring characters in future Crash games? Would be nice to see them with PS5 visuals.
technically 4.
>a fake crash
His name is Trash "Fake Crash" Bandicoot thank you very much
>future crash games
What makes you think there will be more? These games are good because they are remakes. Every attempt at making new ones have been a disaster.
Been at work all day. Anything new come up today?
>Crash Bash
The hell is this?
>what is future tense
>It’s been literally a week
>still basking in the glow of CTRemake being the best shit ever and Banjo coming home
No regrets
Why yes I'm patiently waiting for the definitive Personal Computer edition, how did you know?
N. Sane Trilogy sold 10 million copies and CTR is also looking to do well. The series is making money again so like it or not we are getting more Crash (and Spyro) in the future, all that remains to be seen is what form these future games will take. The hope is that these devs have actually learned something from remaking these old games and will actually be able to make a new game that's good and retains the spirit of the old games.
Gag character created after the team saw a knockoff crash doll. Inserted in random levels as an easter egg and is playable in some games
What system is everyone gonna play on?
Posting again, since last thread was near bump limit.
Conan plays CTR Nitro-fueled.
future tense was actually a cut level they readded. nice try buddy.
>if you dont main a little bitch youre a little bitch
I thought the Spyro collection flopped
Stfu dirty mexican
If you dont main Coco youre gay.
more bandicoot porn.
Coco will be what all pseuds will pick since she's associated with speedrunner autism.
>that feel when you didn't play CTR as a kid but can appreciate the weaponized autism of reserves and USF
>been playing the original lately so I can stomp casuals in online on release
>maining a turn character
He’s in boys.
The Oxide ship is pure kino, I always wanted it.
Just started the Spyro Reignited Trilogy this morning and loving it so far, might main him or Crash.
Unfortunately I won't be getting this launch day as I planned to, because Mario Maker 2 comes out a week after and I want to save myself a trip
why go for handling in a game where you're supposed to drift every turn anyway
They fucking reverse engineered the first game from scratch, even if they suck I trust them to make a good effort.
So, is this game 30 or 60 fps?
to drift harder
PS4 for me
A bootleg Crash plushy that one of the devs bought while in Japan. It had buckteeth and huge eyebrows. They all thought it was hilarious and so they included it as an Easter egg in future games where he can be found hidden in certain levels doing a weird version of the Crash dance. In CTR he’s even an unlocksble racer.
not sure if I want to go with Switch or PS4 Pro
This one.
>she's associated with speedrunner autism.
Yeah but that's only because she's great to play as.
Im picking her cause shes best girl. Ill leave the autists to their own machinations.
Who /RipperRoo/ here?
Next remake is Crash Bash: Bash Fueled for Ps5 and you WILL like it
Who cares mate, I had my fun with TSR (like 90 hours played so far) and I'm sure I'm gonna love CTR too.
Post 'em an rate 'em
I'd kick Yea Forums's ass in the pogo game.
Best moment of that year's E3.
I'm here user, thought i was the only Ripper Roo main
All day. Every day.
This looks pretty cool
I used to be but know what I know now about character classes, I just can't do it anymore.
>being a speedfag
Time trial isn't the only mode
Now I want a Crash and Sonic crossover even though it'll never happen
Not outside of creepy, autistic furry fanart anyway.
>mvq the "Sonic's Ass" phrase takes on a terrible new meaning
It'd work pretty well too, since both games are basically the same concept.
>Evil scientists vs. furry squad.
Too bad Sonic Team would ruin it with their terrible design choices though.
An E3 stream played this in Sony's place for not attending and it was actually pretty good.
What did Beenox mean by this?
>Also that USF blue flame on Hyper Spaceway.
lmao i remember going to a sleepover where some faggot thought I was winning because I was picking the bear and made me play as one of the other characters. still beat their asses with all the other faggots. picked the bear since it was clearly the least gay bitch character.
So can you customize carts or are stats tied to weapons?
They probably would, unfortunately. Unless it was the Generations team and it isn't a platformer, since they're now doing the Olympics games.
you can customize carts cosmetically
stats are tied to characters
>So can you customize carts
Yes. We've had trailers showing this.
>are stats tied to characters
Do you have to unlock colors and shit or is it available at the start?
>Literally 20 seconds of gameplay throughout the video
You'd think Activision wouldn't approve this
Stats are purely character-based, no matter how you customize your kart
you have to unlock colors and shit, but it seems you're gonna get showered by it by just playing
No one has seen the starter equipment but realistically you get the 8 starter characters and their respective default kart colors and that's all.
You get bombarded with them fast, though.
>having mains
If you don't play whoever you feel on the day you're a metagaming faggot
Is 6 mains enough for you?
CG less about showing off the game and more about using Conan to broadcast to the normie masses that the game exists.
is it my fault every day is a dingo day?
Dude, nearly everybody posted 3 to 7 characters as their mains. We're not metagaming, we just have situational preferences.
Lol these games cant have meta. Its all luck based.
t. mariofag
I like robots, user. Leave me alone.
The most popular Crash character in Japan
Kart games are like Smash Bros. They cant be skill based because the items you get are random.
based on the gem ending of Crash 2, are the bandicoots and Brio on good terms?
I still can't believe we're actually getting a remake of Crash Team goddamn Racing. This is the stuff of dreams
>mfw I'm just now realizing the Team Oxide vehicles in CNK are based off Oxides saucer from CTR
If you don't regularly give every character a go you're a faggot
>pre-ordered at closest gamestop which is 30 minutes away
>working until 6pm on friday
>have to drive 30 minutes to get it, 30 minutes back, plus more time for the game download it's updates and other shit
>have work on saturday at 9 am
Should I switch to digital?
Nice goalposts homo, shut the fuck up.
Really? I don't see the resemblance
>Should I switch to digital?
I would
Same round front, same headlight shape, same windshield shape
>preordering from Gamestop
Stop doing this. Make it die faster.
But I want physical and I don't want to wait for a late delivery.
Can you preload the game on switch yet? Also more fat megumi edits please.
I'm a Crash noob, any chance they could port the Tag Team Racing courses as DLC for this game?
It's all but confirmed that CTTR content is being considered, it'll probably come after the Spyro pack
Huh, neato
They teased the idea of CTTR content, but nothings been confirmed yet outside of Chick and Stew having cameos, and various skins/karts from CTTR being select-able
look at the grill for fucks sake
>Do you think there's inter-species intercourse?
I mean, if i saw Ami i would.
>Using CARS in a KART racer
those tits look shopped
there are people who are against what has been the best possible outcome
I just put the original CTR on my Vita and decided to play it for the first time in life in anticipation for the remake.
I chose Tiny cuz I love max speed characters but I suck at drifting.
never bring a kart to an alien flying saucer race
Tbh i wish they presented trophies and were playable too but im not gonna go on an mentally inept tirade about it. Also theyre not censored like the rumors claimed.
Anyone else hear the chants as the audience shouting "Velo!" or am I just imagining shit
>CTR on my Vita
I just went through the whole Vita hacking process successfully and now don't know what to do from here.
Just forget about them. Despite what they say, they aren't fans and the multiplayer is better off without them.
Bringing it up starts potential arguments too and nothing kills a thread faster than arguments over this kind of shit.
>Be one of the girls.
>Really want a trophy bad
>Get 6th place
>have to fake a smile and hold back tears while giving the fucker that styled all over you the trophy that you wanted
I just realized.
>They showed off Oxide Station and Hyper Spaceway already
>There's a chance that in the new adventure mode, neither of these will be the final track
>Instead, Beenox could have designed a new original final track that puts CTR hyper-autism skills to the test
Ami's tits fucking bounce, sure they'rs smaller but she's hot as fuck anyhow now too
Link to template?
Does adventure mode work like Diddy Kong Racing?
Would be nice to have them, but I'm sure they would take some work to port over
I use the NPS Browser.
You can follow the guide I used to get it all set up.
Not sure but it definetly could be. It also makes sense in context since Velo has a colliseum full of fans that would chant his name.
I don't think we've seen Hyper Speedway yet, though it's confirmed to be in along with all the other CNK tracks
They're already reworking Nitro Karts tracks to CTR physics and standards.
user, are you leaking by any chance?
In that case I guess it isn't out of the question. Anything to help add more content and make this game the ultimate Crash racer
Outside of Nitro Fueled, do you guys think that N. Trance should be implemented in future mainline games and become a reocurring boss?
That or "Beenox!"
I think they are hilarious. Haven't seen any arguments here, just anons in disbelief over them.
Can everyone use any car, and does it affect their stats?
oh fuck me I just noticed it was in the "launch" trailer, disregard what I said
>They are now Halal
What the fuck?
>I don't think we've seen Hyper Speedway yet
Glimpses of it are in the newest trailer
I'll assume these people are looking at an image of them in the tracksuits and think it's the default outfit.
To be fair only Megumi looks good in the tracksuit
>when you're so fucking immersed in internet affairs that you complain about shit even after your worries have been assuaged
What a miserable existence. Besides, Ami is hot as fuck now too.
Are the tracks being introduced through the Grand Prix completely new or from the older games?
Its a tough job but someones gotta do it.
God, I can't wait to hear youtube.com
Somewhere in a AU universe
Completely new but the two we've seen seem to be thematically based on levels from warped.
Brand new.
game goes like this except with crash
>Completely faithful recreation of the racing physics of the original game
>All the characters and tracks from both CTR and CNK
>Skins that aren't all just recolors, but actual clothing changes
>More characters and tracks that weren't even in the original added for free over time
We don't deserve this game
>threads went from dreading the game to salivating for the release
How does he do it?
>This video contains content from Studio71_2_1, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
If they make a new original game I'd like him to be in it.
>skin-tight racesuites are halal now
brb converting to islam
Is there a list or pic of confirmed racers? I'm seeing people post trophy girl racer pics and I dont want to get my hopes up.
>I'm seeing people post trophy girl racer pics and I dont want to get my hopes up.
they were confirmed days ago
Dropped pic, also *suits
>How does he do it?
Buy not only showing us the racing physics are intact, but adding in everything from Crash Nitro Kart
>adding in everything from Crash Nitro Kart
...and fucking beyond.
This game is apex soulful.
What guide did you use?
It's everything I've wanted and more.
Everyone from CTR and CNK (both handheld and home versions, except for Fake Velo) is in, new characters include Tawna, Trophy Girls, Baby T, Baby Crash and Baby Coco
Really? I thought they just built a new engine from the ground up and just got really accurate. Is the original source code lost or just owned by some other company?
Exceeding expectations. I was so pessimistic when I first heard this was announced, but then the subsequent trailers just kept raising the bar. By the time the customization trailer was shown and all the CNK bosses were revealed the game became far more than just a mere remake.
I love her so much please help
>all those soulposters after the announcement
>I'm just wondering why they don't seem to care about the gameplay
Fuck soul. Even if the visuals were fubar I'd get it for the gameplay.
I just want a Twinsanity Grand Prix with Nina, Amberly, Victor, and Moritz
Holy fuck so it's real? Thanks. I cant believe I'm hyped for a kart racer in 2019.
Her head shape is fucking too fat and ugly, they need to fix that. They probably just made it where she's only good looking at certain angles
is Fake Crash unlocked from the start?
Here's some medicine.
There is a guide in the link I provided.
It has all the links and stuff you need so you can get the games from the store in the NPS browser.
Nope. We don't know how he is gonna be unlocked but him being a gem cup unlockable is the more likely option.
not as a main villain, but he'd be a fun boss fight
It's only the original 8 who are available from the start, but you can get Penta right away because his cheat code is still intact
Thanks doc
>buying censored games
>have ps4 almost day one
>yeah, you need plus to play online now
>"lmao I never played online, even when it was free, see if I care faggots"
>CTR has online now
its the first time in almost 15 years that Im gonna play an online game again
feeling excited
how the fuck is anything censored?
the waifus have their normal outfit plus fucking hot bodysuits and are all playable now
twf just realized Liz' color scheme is green and purple
Best girl
I remember when I started playing online games.
It was hard to get used to not winning all the time.
That accent is making me diamonds for some reason.
Not him but those motocross outfits are the opposite of hot. The only thing missing is helmets covering their faces, which at that point it may actually look decent.
Good thing their original costumes are pretty much tank tops, then. Cries of censorship are idiotic.
It's pseudorandom. The items are based on the player position.
can i just say that each Cortex having a different name is fucking magnificent craftsmanship
>Bought digital
>Already downloaded
>Just waiting for the release date to play it at the release minute
Should I switch to physical?
Going above and beyond. Meeting and surpassing every possible expectation and then some. Genuine love was poured into this game and you can feel it. It better sell amazingly, they more than deserve it. They actually listened to criticisms over the months and fined tuned what people pointed out. I'm in actual awe seeing a game handled like this in today's age. I had partially given up on the vidya industry, but Beenox here has done something truly amazing. If any of them are here reading this, thanks.
>Get to play as hot girls
>Still complain about censorship and muh sjws
why is this bitch so smug
what does she know that i don't
I just wish they didn't ignore twinsanity
the evil twins and the obese headmistress would be great racers
I'm hoping I get mine a day early since sometimes amazon screws up.
Their hate and insecurity has consumed their lives.
Yes and no
we need more hover karts
two arent enough, also more Von Clutch karts pls
If they're showing CTTR love, have some faith.
>those motocross outfits are the opposite of hot
are you 'avin a laugh?
I will try
I mostly want Victor and Moritz for their amazing bantz
Besides Tawna getting nerfed, they look fine.
Ape Escape remaster when?
tik tok plumber boy
Yeah, it's odd that her moto outfit has her flat, when her regular in the red shirt has her decently stacked.
Soon hopefully. Soon.
They made so much fucking money with crash and Spyro. Medevil could also do well and remaking these games has been the most positive generated news Activision has been able to make in forever. They’re be dumb to ignore Ape Escape
I approve
>hair up
My fucking dick.
Reminds me of giga nigga
Coco cute
Have you permavirgins ever heard of a sports bra.
>love motocross outfits
>dislike their hair when put up
well, fuck me I guess, at least their classic outfits are an option
Have you ever seen a woman retard? Sports bras don't delete tits, retard.
>Warcraft can't be skill based because the item drops are random
>DotA can't be skill based because many abilities have random outcomes. There being entire heros built around it.
Cope harder, retard.
Sports bras don't do as much difference as that shows, and it doesn't touch the other Nitro Squad girls. Her regular vs Moto outfits are too different. I love her either way, but it's odd.
Can I just say that it's a pretty genius move to take the kinda-dated trophy girls from Crash Team Racing and instead of just removing them, making them into their own racing team? It shows girls the beautiful women in the cast can be racers too, and it keeps the characters around for purists like me.
A factor of luck doesn’t negate skill. Player position is part of it, but using the right turns, power slides, and jumps makes the difference. Here’s your (You)
>motocross outfits
Motocross isn't the only motorsport where they wear jumpsuits
>"H-hey mister Dingochad. Can I have a look at that trophy of yours?"
>"Yeah baby"
>grab the trophy and run away
there you go, first place girl! keep on the good work
hey can I get that image without the shit footfag edit
You can steal the trophy but you couldn't steal first.
I let my driving do the talking, not some shiny trinket.
I'll give you the better version.
>mfw immediately picking a speed character for adventure mode then changing as need be
i'm looking to 101% it as soon as possible and the first hub's tracks are all best for a speed kart
pc some day
for you, mate
Get someone to erp as her
Appreciate it
How did you not work this out in the original game just judging by the feel? Who fucking cares, anyway? You can win with anyone if you're good enough; it's not like the game was ever hard.
My absolute nigga
I thought you could play all PS Classics on the Vita?
Nah, Sony doesn't let you. No one had access to the whole psn ps1 library and some games were only available in certain regions. You had to be on the lookout for psn errors that allowed you to download games you normally couldn't, like Soul Reaver or MGS. The Vita can be hacked now so it's all good.
good taste.
Polar and Dingodile are the champs.
As nice as some of these look, I'm just gonna use classic cart because I'm autistic like that.
Whats the best skin in the game so far
>bandicoots have tails
Wait what?
Fu manchu Joe is kino
Lex Lang when?
Yes. I wanna lick the fluffy tail.
N. Tropy establishing his own faction of evil scientists across space and time is a fun idea. They could even introduce the ones planned for Cortex Chaos.
They also have pouches.
That’s hilarious, but I still love Casual and Kabuki Big Norm the most.
>thursday off
>friday off
>next monday and tuesday off
>cannibal corpse concert on thursday so home just in time for release and pumped up
>pic related
its Coco
youre fucking dumb you know that?
rpcs3 supports ps1 classics, go use that instead
>Texan joins the server
i think he's on his phone
no tail
then hes a dumb phoneposter too. he should fuck off and just get a rom of it and a ps1 emulator
She looks like a precious doge
The Trophy Girls, Tawna, Baby T, Baby Crash and Coco, and Spyro aren’t in the game at launch but will be free DLC. The rest are all in at launch.
good lord that's amazing
>turn character
i still cant get over it
correct answer
more like tum character
'cause she's fat
Me too. 4 girls and 4 classes. It's such a wasted opportunity.
More like bum character because she sucks.
n-no, she just has a healthy weight
Tawna shouldve been all rounder and Ami acceleration, since shes handing trophies to those characters and Liz speed, because shes fat
best for last
thats not Coco
yeah, for an elephant
>yfw coco is still the hottest
Is there any chance the low speed high handling characters will be any good?
Their stats have been buffed, so they should be more viable than in the original game
decent taste 7/10. I can tell you're not one for "silly" characters
>Ugly pixar minions tier character as a main
yikes from me dog
>continue looking
>fake crash as a secondary
I'm holding out hope that the final stats are different. We should at least get one of each class from the Nitro Squad.
Speed buff plus sustainable USF are nice buffs but we won't know how nice until the game drops Friday and people start to test them out. At the very least, they will be nice niche picks for certain tracks.
>those wumpas nearly busting out of her shirt
what did Beenox mean by this ?
we will probably get Nina as a gem cup unlock as an acceleration character
Ami gives trophies to speed characters as well
Polar's new icon makes him look retarded
oh really ? well then it fits
I'm inclined to buy the Xbone version but I actually wanna play with you fucks, but I think you all wanna play on PS4.
I have a PS4, I just don't like playing on it.
Does USF effect them more than the other classes?
Isn't her gimmick her giant metal gauntlets? Sounds like a turning character.
Handling will (theoretically) have an easier time controlling their karts while under USF and (theoretically) be able to exploit USF much more effectively than the other classes on tracks.
get in on ps4, i dont think the playerbase on xbox will be huge and last long
This, I already have Xlive and I don't have PSplus. Not fucking paying for another service for one game.
Papu-Papu is more a placeholder "Speed" character until Fake Emperor Velo is revealed. I'll probably play everyone eventually, but these four are my personal picks for their specific class.
Thanks user, very cool!
How do I install N.Sane Trilogy? New to this.
Where is the dick?
Tucked behind her legs.
That's a joke tier list, user. The highest rated characters are characters N. Trance hypnotized in N. Tranced and CNK.
no, USF gives the same speed to all classes
Is Cortex the closest Crash and Coco have to a father?
Aku Aku is their father figure sure but Cortex and Brio are the ones who created the Bandicoots
Cortex did create Crash, nursed him, and tried to destroy him.
Switch or PS4?
Do you think an open world Crash could really work if done right? I mean, it was the initial pitch for wrath or cortex before Universal told TT to make it a Crash 3 clone and one could argue Twinsanity was the original vision of wrath in spirit but it was still really undercooked thanks to being rushed.
they just mutated them, their biological parents are still out there digging out earthworms
It's not clear how well CTR performs on Switch yet, if you want to get the game ASAP then PS4 might be the safer option
When is the best racer getting a remaster?
>less than 4 days
I can't wait anymore bros, honestly considering working only 4 hours this week so I can go home earlier and practice more
What's everyone doing to pass the time?
Only 5 days to go
I always see these crash lore questions but
did coco also get tested on? do they look like that anthropomorphic forms we know all now or did they look like actual little bandicoots before?
If ami is muscular and megumi is fat then what are liz and isabella
going to be a long week :(
>i was a long time x fan
If you don't main Small Norm you are a little bitch.
Isabella is a trim European. Liz just has big tits.
>mfw I thought it was a new enemy Cortex made to finally beat Crash as a kid
Is everyone getting the game on friday midnight regardless of timezone or something?
It says like 3 days and 16 hours for me yet people keep saying 5 days left
t. yuro
Same with Crash desu
>biker racing suits
>retarded hairstyles
what the fuck was beenox thinking
I wonder if there will be anything like MK8's golden kart, I'd use the hell outta that.
If you don't main Small Norm you are a little bitch.
I suspect USF will now vary in speed between character classes.
It think it can work as a method of hubworld traversal like Spyro (and the levels are still littered throughout, but are linear like Crash 1-3).
But I don't think it ever needed to go quit as big as Twinsanity.
he a good boy
>gets put in with Spyro
>Bianca and Bandicoot fan art
>Bianca as a Trophy Girl
allow me to show you the doors to the truly based timeline, gentleman, this way
they have their hair up so it doesn't get in the way when racing
Wholesome and cute
>that little mole
I'm not a furry, but...
>another day closer and STILL no leaks
i NEED to know what/who those gem cups unlock dammit
>a-user, youll be maining me right? I'm still the best girl!
of course
>Bomberfag desperately trying to remain relevant
no fuck off slut, this is liz town.
Sorry ma'am I only play as human females
>got an email with a code for the PS4 starting line theme
>not valid
It was a fun game :(
and I'll use the retro skin too
>ordered digital for those ps4 themes
>still want physical
I'm such a dumb cuck I might actually buy another copy, the fuck is wrong with me
more money for nice devs if you ask me
It's alright user, I bought Sonic Mania like 4 times, including the collector's edition, pre ordered it for the avatars, and bought it physically and for both my systems, plus the DLC, I can relate
good taste
so does wumpa fruit actually increase your speed or what, this has mystified me for years.
if you have 10 wumpa fruit it makes you faster and makes special effects like aku aku mask last a little longer, yes
no it makes items better
i mean, those pixelated skins are a nice addition, but not even the ps1 models were that bad
i like the kart tho, it has the old engine sound
Just wondered cause I never felt that much faster.
It increases boost length, speed, and makes power ups stronger.
it's only very slightly, but it's faster
Damn, can you play this on Viper X?
its mostly items but it increases your base speed by 2%. Having only 1 wumpa fruit increases your speed by 1%.
Are you ready to compete with these kind of people?
I'm definitely using the retro kart, it's so simple and nice, don't really like the regular ones as they seem too big
Literally the best part of the retro kart is how they preserved the original engine noise, that makes up for the incorrect model style.
theres more to this game than time trials
Holy fuck this is the best, thanks. Worth the three hours I spent setting everything up.
Nice, I'll bookmark this for future reference, thanks.
So am I meant to keep an eye on the boost meter or does it eventually become second nature to simply time your boosts while keeping an eye on the circuit?
Writing 2000+ word essays due tonight
I don't know what I'll do for the rest of the week though.
the timing will become muscle memory along with all the track layouts.
The only thing that will fuck you up is mirror mode and desu I hope thats a seperate playlist online.
I've played with these sorts of people for years (my brother is one). It is entirely possible to beat them - I have on several occasions. Let's just say that the importance of items cannot be stressed enough.
I just notice it with the corner of my eye but it's getting to the point of muscle memory now
Seeing as how well the Crash IP is being handled, I'm just gonna say that they are most likely being saved for an eventual Crash Bandicoot 4 that borrows heavily from Twinsanity but is ultimately a new game.
Depends where your friends play and how much you value playing and the go.
Otherwise, PS4 version will be obviously vastly superior.
I'm still seething we're not getting an unlocked fps mode on the pro.
Second nature and instinct, you'll come to just 'know' when to boost based on duration, smoke, engine sound, and speed. Don't overthink it, user.
There’s a lot of stuff from Wrath of Cortex, Twinsanity and the GBA games worth salvaging imo.
Twinsanity should stay buried.
I'm gonna autistgraph this on Excel
>You have to wait an extra 5 days because you're out of money
How do i hold out
Just throwing it out there, but I had a crush on Coco back in the day. I was 5-7 I hope she plays well in the new game.
surprised nobody is talking about the possible early release date on digital.
How do you do time trial mode, I completely forgot
I can't wait. I hope I'm not overhyping myself.
>tfw you'll never visit dingo diner
You press time trial on the main menu, do a track, and if you're fast enough then N Tropy will challenge you.
ah so it's on the main menu, thanks. Ye I'm not at home so couldn't go check but I remember looking all over the campaign overworld yesterday and couldn't find it.
Beating time trials and ghosts doesn't contribute to your save file completion rate, right?
According to my PS4's countdown, it will unlock at 8pm thursday for me.
they named Ami after the woman who came up with
yea, around same here, seems to be midnight GMT or something
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure only adventure mode stuff raises your percentage.
Is there any Megumi gameplay yet? I've see all the other girls except her.
Do you go by central time too?
>playing turn characters
>playing speed characters
im picking papu pyramid at every oppertunity.
>implying that'll stop me and my mad drifting skills
I've mastered that stage with speed characters as well as Cortex Castle.
so that's like 1am GMT?
which should be around 3am for me, god damn that's awesome I should by just about home by then
Daily reminder that this will be the quintessential video game to test the most reliable sources of gaming. The devs have came out and quite literally said this game will NOT hold your hand, and expect you to learn the mechanics on your own, and you're gonna have to do the horrific task, of actually gitting gud. This will NOT fly with modern journalists playing the game, and will bomb the reviews.
The amount of salt you will get, will be unlike any other. Expect "UHHH.. THE CAMERS IS BAD... HA.. M--MARIO DOES IT BETTER?" or variations of this. "I CAN'T ACTUALLY CONTROL THE KART? WHAT THE FUCK? I JUST WANT TO BOOST BUT I CAN'T?" You will get so, so many variations of these cope lines. Don't let this go to waste, and you can find out with reviewers to trust.
The level of salt, I can already taste it. HURRY UP AND RELEASE.
Speed characters are only 5-7% faster than turn characters
They weren't able to use any source code, the original engines were 90's playstation magic, and just didnt work in any way with more powerful systems. t. wikipedia.
They were however, given level geometry data by Sony and Naughty Dog, which vicarious says was incomplete and in "some wacky format" they had to decode.
so essentially they had to reverse engineer the game from level geometry data.
enough to make you eat dust
tik tok slow boy
>tfw we might get a complete twin sanity
so wouldn't that be 6pm west coast? Big if true.
>implying i'm not a tactical genius and item farmer
There's also the fact that they can't boost on straight ways.
Perhaps, anyone in the west coast will get to reveal the big details to us if that's true. Well, at least if the leakers don't do it before then.
>card games skill based
>sports aren't skill based
all right
Who can't?
Ok so I've run into this strange problem on pcsx2 while trying to emulate Twinsanity for the hell of it. Crash moves just fine in all 4 directions, but any diagonal movement acts like I'm barely pressing the stick at all. Anyone seen this problem before?
megumi voice @ 3.17
shes fucking FRENCH?!
The best
I really need to learn all that sacred fire stuff and how/when to preserve it, I just keep wanting to drift and boost and when I do somehow get USF I just fuck it up because I continue to drift anyways, it's just too fun
I really dont think USF will be in CTRNF because the jump pads that forced you to top speed to clear big jumps dont seem neccesary with most of the landing spots moved closer.
I liked her more than every girl at my school. It was so hard masking how much I was in love with her, especially during CTR.
Turning characters
It's actually in the game, I shit you not. They even added one to Polar Pass and some old builds of the game show it stacks with miniturbos now.
Bandicoot in the dark.
great post
>time moving slower and slower as we get closer to release
What does he see?
>>have work on saturday at 9 am
Same with me. I'll get about 2 hours of playtime on release day.
>tfw will get 0 hours of playtime on release day
>or any day after that until they release on PC
if nina isn't in the base game (as a new unlock for the gem cup) then she'll definitely have a grand prix based on her, will most likely have a twinsanity themed track (probably academy of evil/rooftops) and victor and moritz as other unlockable characters.
Tfw even fucking Yea Forums think these people are pathetic. You know you fucked up with life when that happens.
is there a count down site where I can check how many hours until unlock? eshop only says 21st
yea, just check your ps4 :^)
Mighty sure sounds weird.
sadly they dropped the ball hard with spyro 3, really sucks too because that one is my favorite of the trilogy
Polar has always be my main.
I was thinking the same. It's weird to see all these positive threads and people genuinely excited for the game on Yea Forums (apart from the usual 30fps or always-online posters), while the autistic fucks are on other communities.
I'll give it a week before people will start complaining about Activision shilling on the board.
switch emulator isnt bad so far, theres hope if they dont wanna deliver
30fps is a travesty after all they've done but I can't bring myself to bring it up more than once a thread
It also happened with Sonic Mania back in 2017, probably because of how much passion went into it. And of course nowadays you see a lot more shitpost threads about it because wouldn't you know it, it got popular. I sadly expect the same to happen here in due time. But we'll keep trying I guess.
I'm actually seeing in some footage that speed characters and accel characters have less handling than before, we may actually be seeing handling and all-around dominate for quite a bit with USF being in.
do you like the newer sky for papu's pyramid
I don't care what anyone says, CNK's music is up there with Mancell's PS1 tunes if not better, minus a couple examples.
So... Turn, Speed or Acceleration? And why?
based CTR with filters in giant fullhd pngs poster
I'm going to be sad if these threads get shat up. I haven't posted on Yea Forums in at least 7 years, but these threads have warmed my heart.
accel because that's what Coco is
Based pastaposter
the one that feels best in your hands. im partial to polar myself, but everyone can do well if you have the skill and a little bit of item luck at the right moment
tik tok speedfags
gonna start compressing them
Acceleration usually so I can recover from item fuckery. Though I'm a Megumifag so I'll have to learn turning.
I like turn, mainly because I like to have as much control over the car as I can.
last one
fucking soon if Medievil is successful
Same. I haven't been here for a year because of the shitty mood this board puts me into thanks to the retards that write on it. The hype for Crash made me want to talk about it, and these threads made me stay.
I heard it got outsourced yeah. I hope it's at least still good though
someone with a ps4 and digital preorder, can you check what's the countdown at?
I don't blame people for unliking the 30fps thing, it's their opinion and they're entitled to it.
I hate those who spam the 30fps thing for baiting or feel the urge to tell everyone that it's a dealbreaker for them in every fucking thread. No one wants to know why you won't buy this game in a thread about that same game.
I hate to be that guy, but acceleration. I typically do not like the people who play N. Gin and Coco, but overall those karts feel the best. They have low powerslide angle and don't feel like you really need to be committed to turns to powerslide, yet the handling is still sufficient for just about every corner in the game.
In general there's a real sense of torque as well, as if you can feel it fighting for traction while it's turning and sliding around. It handles the most like I would expect a kart to and feels nimble while not sacrificing the feeling of weight.
>This is a warp thing from 3, and not an upside down Pokeball
3 days, 16 hours, 9 minutes and counting.
*high powerslide angle I should say...
if you're going time trials speed is usually your best bet, though some tracks their low handling could be a pain.
online i'd go accel because you WILL get hit by items, you won't be able to maintain top speed.
I love these threads too, nobody ever said it was in the board rules to force anger. Sometimes I just wanna talk.
>releases at 3am
looks like I'm going no sleep
I'd buy it. Thank you for remembering. Half the time when I play this I think it is dumb and bad, but have the time I really enjoy it. Lots of personality, I like all the different rabbits and Tirras you can buy. it is unique and I'm glad it came to the states, I remember FUCKING gamestop employees insisting the game never existed and wasn't in their system
hey. fuck you
I can't wait 3 days for a fucking kart racer.
CTR is a hell of a drug kids.
My bad if I missed it, do we get a timeline of when Spyro and the other courses are dropping?
>tfw someone attempts a yahoo
She's in!
we only know first GP starts 7th July
>weekly challenges
there goes my life
time never moves in my domain
I'm going to take so many screen shots of Crash and Spyro chilling together in their karts like a full blown autist. CUTIE BROTHERS.
>Maintain Super Turbo Pad Speed for an entire lap on Cortex Castle!
lol don't worry negro if you don't get it all the rewards will be in the pit stop to burchase with in game currency.
Woah, no idea why I haven't realized it before
both crash and spyro have that middle mohawk hair flick. that has to be fucking destiny, what in the fuck are the chances
I ain't buying shit like some pleb
in-game currency is gained from doing literally anything and there's no microtransactions
it takes about an hour of play to unlock a character source trust me dude
>searches for new nitro fueled videos
>runs into this joke video
what the fuck, I haven't heard that song in so long
ah that's okay then
still, it'll feel better if unlocked via challenges
and you get to flex your e-peen
This game's intro was fucking terrifying
>soulful music
How long before your controllers break bros?
I bought a spare but I'm still worried about those X L1 and R1 buttons
I swear if this was made by one of our resident yaya posters
This game was actually decent, fight me
ps1 version was cuter,this looks soulless
Good lord that first lap was almost 2 minutes. What the hell kind of slog is this game
huh, took till the end of the thread to get a soulless poster, legitimately surprised.
Truly blessed threads
What's the context of Yaya?
some dumb character made for chinks in a handful of shitty crash kart styled games for mobile.
she's in
So, Brio wasn't involved?
I'm pretty sure one of Pasadena O'Possum's cars is included in the first Grand Prix event.
there's no explanation for the existence of yaya, the trophy girls, the viscount, or pasadena
in fact with the exception of the trophy girls the rest are animals that aren't australian so that's even a bigger offense. i'm willing to give the komodo bro's a pass because eh close enough Oceania.
At least Opossums are marsupials too.
yeah but she's an american possum.
i was really looking forward to them not putting any cttr tracks/characters into the game (outside nina) but they'll add them on later. ugh.
nothing wrong with that, pasadena a cute
Wow, based