For me it's Minecraft with graphic mods.
For me it's Minecraft with graphic mods
Other urls found in this thread:
>yfw you will never have an apartment as A S T H E T I C as this.
In all seriousness what does it take to be hiCaste rich like this?
is this Minecraft? It looks comfy.
Suck off the right dude’s dick
I miss grafics cat
retake these screenshots with regular fucking fov
Is this shit still running in a java applet?
yeah and they need NASA specs to compensate
Not him but this is so cherry picked it's not even funny.
All except 16k realistic textures are inapplicable here tho. MC has no artstyle, it has memorable programmer art that we mistake for artstyle. There's no cohesion or semblance to it. Most of the texture packs actually have some style to them, not always good perhaps but still cohesive.
I miss the simplistic flat beta 1.3 minecraft look
the HD texture pack is 9/10
>paid mod for minecraft
lmfao pass
yes its ray tracing
Reminds me a bit of that Chinese lady's apartment in Deus Ex.
look more that way at night.
These have to be custom models vs actual textures themselves. How can you have depth in any of these blocks like this.
>he doesn't know about Minecraft's lore
fucking zoomer get the fuck out
>he knows about Minecraft's lore
fucking zoomer get the fuck out
>mah nigga
displacement or parallax occlusion maps
*breaths in*
>Take a game
>Ruin the appeal
Dumb faggots
This is why I hate Minecraft. That city is completely dead and empty, and there's nothing to do there. You can make the comfiest town in the world and it loses 99% of those comfy points for being totally isolated and pointless.
This looks the best in the thread. Staying true to the original low res style (because photorealistic high res textures on cubes looks retarded) but giving it nice lighting.
ok so you copied then pasted my post, just to post it as a response to my own post
are you retarded?
reminds me of blockland
Well start a serb then Im sure you could easily populate it.
nvm I'm the retard who can't fucking read
nepotism usually
just the fact you didn't go to an ivy league is enough to barr you from employment at places that pay this kind of money
you often need connections and a ton of already present infrastructure that people don't really consider, like where you live and whether that place supports you being able to get into a job like this in the first place.
How can 1 guy make a minecraft mod look good and nvidia's Quake 2 raytracing looks like fucking trash?
>inb4 nintencels with their stupid le hire meme
whats the name of this one?
Minecraft absolutely has an art style
The problem is cohesion with other art styles, which games like skyrim suffer from cause no mod covers every single texture, but most minecraft packs do. There's no clashing of art styles with minecraft packs.
Link was posted now and then in SEUS discord, search it yourself.
Nobody plays minecraft to sit in an empty sksyscraper all day. His issue is their is no function to those buildings. Looking nice is fine, buy buildings are designed a specific way to facilitate their use by people and that use doesn't exist in minecraft. That's why people just build cabins with basements for their furnaces.
this is the way MC will look in the future I guarantee it.
yeah and how is that NASA computer going for you, shitlord?
Just because you lack imagination doesn't mean others don't user
what the hell does this image even means?
what the fuck is it trying to say? Its all gibberish garbage that I bet only the creator would understand.
if you had theoretically 100's of people to occupy it then you already have a purpose, a place to keep your shit.
Also if you had a server you can have dynamic quests, fucking factory, automate your shit, hell I'm just talk vanilla.
>All the lighting mods in Skyrim make night pitch fucking black, and the insides of houses dark as fuck
>Occasionally have to turn the brightness all the way up just to see what the fuck I'm doing
Ray Tracing and no cubes is the way to go
I like to create a sprawling metropolis and then walk around in it as if I we're the only human left alive.
I love cities in real life but can't stand the crowds and I go into autistic sperg fits it I have to speak to another human bean, so minecraft is a good alternative.
There's nothing comfier than walking through a dead cityscape
Why all these ultra realistic games with 10 million polygon models do not impress anyone with raytracing, but suddenly someone applies the same lighting in Minecraft and it gets super realistic and impressive? Does anyone have a rational explanation for this fact?
Several factors, of which luck is, as always, one of them
Mostly high IQ as well as high conscientiousness. Being fortunate enough to have the right idea at the right time is significant bonus.
Don't listen to Nepotism, if you have it, can be highly beneficial, and there are of course people in high places due to nepotism, but businesses don't run on workers who don't bring more profit than they cost in wages because they'd literally go out of business ultimately a business run primarily on nepotism, as opposed to merit, WILL be overcome by a merit based system short of government based interference or monopoly
Sharp reflections, coloring and simple geometry really helped showcasing the benefits of raytracing.
I guess it's because Vanilla MC looks really simple, so to add stuff that makes it "ultra realistic" makes the difference even more apparent. I also agree with
>Minecraft will ever become optimized enough to run this on the average PC
sure buddy
>then walk around in it as if I we're the only human left alive
Any games that have this but don't require autism in building the city?
You could download the map the guy is posting. I think it's called Broville?
the only person who doesn't understand it is you, retard
Looks vaguely like OG Perfect Dark
Fun fact, this map was made by Yea Forums
I'm not all that familiar, so someone can correct me if I'm wrong. But from the explanations I heard, RTX's ray tracing feature is actually an assortment of graphical details that you can toggle on and off. Some of these features aren't being used in the realistic games. Because it requires that light sources be implemented. And the realistic games were not made with realistic light sources in mind. So they can still utilize features like reflections. But they don't benefit from global illumination, which is the big one.
The reason Quake 2 is being used as an example game, is for the fact that it was produced with realistic light sources in mind. So it was only a matter of converting those light sources to utilize the RTX.
Minecraft is easy, because all light comes from the sun, or torches. So you can easily enable global illumination, and it works realistically. Couple that with the fact that Minecraft barely moves. Blocks are either on or off. It's a binary existence. Which makes rendering way easier.
Now I remember how fun it was playing multiplayer Minecraft years ago. I had a Cave Story texture pack. I regret not taking any screenshots of all the stuff I built back then, all I have are vague memories now
>install reshade
>turn eye adaption on
>adjust darkness levels
>disable everything else
and thats not just for skyrim though, I use that with all games, usually after adjusting black levels to increase contrast which make dark areas pitch black.
Only if you're a dumbass and don't know which mods to install, also mc doesn't have any art style or lore
>no enb with insane dof
you tried
another thing to mention, which as well as the other mentioned qualities, can help one become mega rich obviously its not easy, or really feasible, to have this quality
Understand/discover some contrary market truth. Or essentially know what the market wants (but doesn't know it wants).
IBM, the experts of computing, used to think that Personal Computers were retarded, and that there was no market for it. Bill Gates and some others thought contrary to this. Steve Jobs knew how to market a product, and knew that customers don't buy products/statistics, but feelings and status.
These things seem obvious to us today, but the "experts" used to disagree
wow this will look really good once you fix your fov
>Little do they realize the yuppie buyer of this condo doesn't realize his furniture is actually just highly decorated broken anvils.
The Windows 10 version is significantly better optimised than the old version was.
now apply the shaders without the texture pack
>join the shire
>it's a big circlejerk of mods
oh well, nice builds
that's pretty neat
Post a server
peak aesthetic
yeah but why would anyone ever play bedrock edition
>rtx shaders are patreon-only
>The reason Quake 2 is being used as an example game, is for the fact that it was produced with realistic light sources in mind. So it was only a matter of converting those light sources to utilize the RTX.
Why do I need a $2000 graphics card to get lighting that doesn't even look as good as Escape From Butcher Bay?
texture pack?
What're your system specs?
There's so much concentrated butthurt in this pic that I can't legitimately believe it was simply made to bait people
You know what also helps? Finishing highschool.
Your grammar is below any 5th grade standard, And your prose is sophomoric for anyone claiming to be above 18 years old.
in the future, there will be no need for it to be voxel-based.
Are there any good cartoon HD texture packs for the latest version? I'm not a huge fan of the realistic ones
its a shaders mod thing.
is there one for the new machine learning upscaling meme or no?
The same guy who built this city. Oldshoes's serb
>Summer climate in a cold land
It's cute how some people genuinely think northern countries are just constantly -40°C
Nigger that shit make low res prerendered backgrounds looking like they were taken straight out of some 90s vidya magazine ads
The texture pack is Ultimate immersion with SEUS E7 ray tracing shaders.
Jesus this just makes vanilla Minecraft feel more like the unfinished piece of shit it was on release.
>tfw your house looks like a Quake map
>take a game that is all about straight lines and cubes
If you're not born into it or win the lottery, then you have to find a niche and start your own business.
Oh how ugly. Is that the switch version?
I can't imagine this running better than a cripple though. Looks nice i guess
You should really look at Escape From Butcher bay again. It's lighting was impressive for it's time. As it sought to replicate realistic lighting from actual light sources. But notice that light doesn't reflect off surfaces onto other surfaces. They disguised this limitation by making the shadows stylistically black. However, with realistic lighting, you should be able to the natural illumination caused by light bouncing into shadows.
The Switch version is actually compatible with mods, though it's super finnicky and SE doesn't work. Literally uses the same files
Minecraft clean and minimalist look lends itself well to this since it makes the effect much more easier on the eyes than than a game with complex landscapes and also showcases the effect really well, your brain gets tricked into thinking there's a lot more to the scenery because there's nothing else to look except extremely detailed simple shapes.
Hello, Jordan Peterson
Modern games look like shit intentionally. Remember those realistic Unreal demos? Not dark and gloomy enough.
You have to hack the console right? In that case even the PS3/360 had mods, thats not what I was talking about though.
Isn't that Broville?
It's full of cool stuff in most of the buildings and everywhere else on the island
It's example of why open worlds can be great really
This is literally like an 80 year old hag getting plastic surgery. She still looks terrible
texture pack and shaders?
Except that they made many touches to Q2.
It has no sunlight, just an orange diffuse sky
ocd pack pbr, SEUS ptgi
>I like to create a sprawling metropolis and then walk around in it as if I we're the only human left alive.
>There's nothing comfier than walking through a dead cityscape
My absolute nigga.jpeg
Its a top comfy feel
My go-to is GTAIV and V with simple native trainer, disable peds and cars, enjoy the empty city, and you can still spawn any NPC's you want, its the ultimate personal sandbox.
For bonus comfy make it permanently raining and stormy by locking the weather, the atmosphere is just sublime.
Medium poly, sharp and visible shadows and good textures > Extremely high poly, muddled shadows, and weird LOD textures that pop in
I'm also a business student that graduated from the best business school in my state. They never taught me how to start or run a successful business because you unfortunately can't really be taught that but they did teach me about the qualities of successful business men and businesses
Jordan Peterson is a meme now, but that does not diminish his credentials or the sources he sighted
Formerly Chucks
keep larping ya fag
a lot of this shit is pretty impressive Yea Forums you've got to admit
the uncanny valley is here
Born into money, high class lawyer, owning multiple businesses, CEO/upper management of very profitable company; or by somehow making a product/idea that you can sell for $$$
i live here
Please do a video of you walking through the house
Can some make a 2048 texture of a subway tile in NYC?
Just because you can't see him does not mean he's not there.
What framerate are you guys getting with SEUS PTGI?
kys stupidass
im getting 60 but my view distance is less then normal on a 1080ti
There's this weird issue with SEUS PTGI E6 where certain things won't reflect off of reflective surfaces which is what makes this screenshot look off. For some reason the quartz blocks aren't reflecting the fencing even though it technically should, nonetheless I was fucking around with the time and I got this
the word is "cited" you fucking illiterate
E7 fixed that.
Because those game will never be able to handle actual raytracing. They use some dirty hacks instead. Only simplistic low poly games can run full path tracing without turning into slideshow.
Those demos use prebaked lighting which makes it 100% static lighting. Thats why only console trash movies use this tech.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but does the ray tracing really apply to literally everything that's being rendered? Like there's no way to only use it for stuff close to you and use a simpler lighting system for everything else so my PC can handle it?
How is it doing this without dipping in FPS but we can't do raytracing without a ton?
shut up faget
Thing is not all things are able to be reflected properly as well there's a reason why Screen Space Reflections are there "reflect" the objects that cant be reflected.
when is optifine going to update
Jesus christ this absolute pleb taste mcmansion Mickey mouse bullshit makes me wanna puke.
Black and white color schemes are for fucking serial killers not the wealthy and successful. The wealthy and successful go for textured you tasteless hack. Browns. Wood and leather and stone counter tops.
Because RTX games only implement one feature at a time, be it reflections (BF5), shadows (Tomb Raider), global illumination (Metro Exodus), in order for the game to run
properly since they're already demanding as they are without it.
But with Minecraft it has all of the above implemented due to how Minecraft's world works, being static (blocks either exist or don't), it's much easier to run too.
Based. Sterility is a vile design trend.
baaed and true
No they dont retard.
um?? did i, like, ask for your opinion??? NO! FUCK YOU!!!!