
I want to ____ _____ ____ poppi!

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she is too cute

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Oil, repair and shine!

Help poppi with her eventual existential nightmare

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it's been less than a year since Torna came out, calm your fucking tits

I am just scared of botw 2 fucking us over again and torna was shit


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Why does she have a cape?

if that's what you're worried about, the longer we go without an announcement, the better
that way Nintendo actually gives Monolithsoft enough time to develop the thing and there will be less development overlap with BOTW 2 (though it seems like the they already have separate teams to handle Xenoblade and Zelda stuff now, so there's not much of a reason to worry about it taking from the Xenoblade staff anymore)

>main story cutscenes never shows poppi in her qtpi mode
Wasted opportunity

Cheese superbosses with

I opened Yea Forums precisely because I was hoping to see a Xeno thread

Are any Xenobros willing to offer a writefag some feedback on a short story I'm mulling over?

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Fair enough, i am just cautious worry about what direction would this franchise take and how will this new team will affected, besides anything xeno related always seems to get fucked in development

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Monolith Soft wanted to show the wind in the environments, so they asked the main character designer to add flappy bits to the characters' outfits.
Most of the characters that originally had capes in their concepts were toned down because it was too hard to animate, but Poppi got to keep hers because it's nice and simple.

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Huh thanks for telling me that, genuinely didn't know

What kind of sidequests are we gonna get on botw 2 related to xenoblade 2 and what outfit will we get?

Probably something promoting the next game.

Botw 2 is probably release before the new xenoblade game is even announced

I like her adult mode

Okay rex

Is it lewd?

Bout to fire this game up, any early game things to do or missable things to watch out for?

I want to make an insane promise with Poppi that will force her to do exactly what I want and mindbreak her in the process because she can't refuse!

I've heard the only missable quests are a couple in chapter 8, I'm in chapter 4. First couple chapters kinda slog but it picks up

hold hands with

C'mon user, tell how would mythra would have managed that situation better

What the fuck

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Someone will probably eventually post the big copypasta with all the tips, but here's what I remember
-In the first town, Argentum, there's a shop that sells dessert items that buff your art recharge speed. One of these items, Narcipear Jelly, will be useful for the entire game, and the others aren't bad as cheaper early game alternatives either. Arts recharge is pretty much the best buff in the game, and you should always be using at least one pouch item that offers it
-Similarly, the instrument shop there sells an item called 'Clicky Clacks' that offers a really good special charge buff - special charge isn't quite as good as arts recharge, but if your teammates aren't building their specials quickly enough to finish combos it can help.
-There's no way to reread tutorials, and the battle system can get really overwhelming and confusing for someone just starting out. Screenshot anything you feel like you might forget, or just be ready to look up a guide later.
-If the characters constantly yelling in battles is bugging you, you can turn it off. Just turn down the 'game voice' option in the sound settings menu.
-Get the skills that let characters chain arts into other arts as soon as you can.
-Don't kill the baby armu in Torigoth, it's part of a quest and can be eventually raised into the best legendary core crystal farming spot in the game.
-All the enemies in early Uraya have tons of HP for some reason. You're not underleveled, that part of the game just fucking sucks.

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Why does nobody like her?

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can't believe Morag and Tora are both in Smash as the same character
what a bold move

pop her flower?

Thanks bruddahs!

I want to hold hands with poppy?

>Morag and Tora are both in Smash as the same character
Hero is voiced by morag?

>don't kill the baby armu
Oh shit I don't remember if I did that

Assuming the Luminary keeps the same Japanese VA for Smash, yes.

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user, I'll have you know I find Malos's Pyra cosplay very cute.

>-There's no way to reread tutorials
Dont you buy them from those back-ally merchants?


The tips you get from the informants are different, and they're usually just one or two sentences each.

Bowl girls.

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You are thinking of those information broker NPCs. They sell you those short, two line gameplay tips. The tutorials are something else.


those are bobs dunkus

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What is the difference?

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Explain me something, how exactly she caused those monsters to exists?

ones cute the others for nerds


Shut the fuck up kevin

I finished the third game yesterday and i have no idea.


Well we ever get any merchandise?

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Are we dead xenobros?

We got the HD figurines, remember?


>thread everyday
Not really.

Yeah but for worst girls

It only reaches 200 replays and we talk about nothing

what is there to talk about
have you seen pyras pyras yet

>worst girls
*best girl
If you don't have anything to talk about, don't make a thread.

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I didn't make this thread and aion figured when

Which xeno would you gear?

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Pyra is shit SHIT

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i want to fingerbang nia

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There's no way Pyra has a bob cut post game. Her and Mythra will absolutely be rocking a ponytail.

>Playing through an actual new game through a different Switch account
>Want to use Shulk and Fiora during the final battle
>The mission to take them out of the Challenge Mode unlocks post-game
For what purpose? At least Corvincheese allowed me to take Elma out early.

>Finch uses the generic high heel footprint of every other female Blades while walking in the snow/on sand
Shaking my head to be honest family

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one eyed monster

>Finch uses the generic high heel footprint of every other female Blades while walking in the snow/on sand
the same thing happens with a lot of the more monstrous male blades, at best they just get a slightly scaled up version of the regular footprint


Makes sense she hasn't realize how lewd her blade costume is, she was born with it.

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I don't think she was, I believe that's a new form she got as a flesh-eater like Jin

Also fun detail I've noticed since I'm mainly playing as Zeke this playthrough: you know those little speech bubbles in Elysium near the tree, the water tower, the parc, etc.? Well every single party member has a different thing to say about those, you just have to change who you're controlling.

Now I wonder if anyone with a hacked Switch/glitched game could check out if Jin, Malos or Vandham have anything special to say about those.

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Nia has no idea what a swing set is and thinks it's some sort of training device

New blade

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>Now I wonder if anyone with a hacked Switch/glitched game could check out if Jin, Malos or Vandham have anything special to say about those.
I don't have a hacked Switch, but they don't. There are unused lines for a couple other things (like a shop and a car) that weren't included in the final game, though.
If I can find the page again in the datamine, I'll link it.
>no core crystal

reminder that xenoblade x emulates really good now, assuming you have decent hardware.

uncensoring the outfits is simple too, you just slap in 1 file.
however adding in the breast slider seems impossible, so you have to resort to cheat engine.
oddly enough you can change the breast size of all party members this way.

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Found 'em. Most of the lines aren't labeled, but the order of the dialogue goes Rex>Nia>Tora>Morag>Zeke, like you'd expect.

Nice, thanks.

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Cursed nia

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She resonated with u-do/the zohar

I started playing this game recently and got poppi.

How important is playing the stupid mini game to get poppi's parts?


And asked for monsters to fuck everything?

Finch got a raw deal overall. Such a good character design weighed down by a poor weapon class, and not performing all that great even within that weapon class.
Seriously, only one aux core slot?
Still use her whenever possible.

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You only had to ask.

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Everything until NG+

It has become a part of my life's mission to see that image purged from every corner of the internet

No, the gnosis are attracted to u-do

leave noppon to

Then why she blames herself?

poor little gormotti girl

If you want to use her, a little important, but your don't need to go overboard.
I mostly ignored it and I was fine. The stages that give you the actually good rewards only unlock later, anyways.

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Just wait my child. There will be more philosophy, psychology and robutts soon enough.

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every nia is cursed

Because she cause the link with u-do
Also small correction. Gnosis are attracted to u-do but in this case they migrated from the imaginary number domain that u-do opened from the link with shion.

She's in that outfit before she eats her dead sister out.

No, that scene is after. We never see what she looks like before it

doujin wen

Never ever

There is one

>think about getting the wiiu version of XB1 since I already have X on my wiiu
>the wiiu pro controller doesn't work with the wiiu version of xenoblade but the gamepad does

Its shit

Which one?

I didn't say it wa good



X is one of the few games that actually uses the gamepad somewhat effectively though i wish it had more use in combat.

I mean the gamepad is mostly a nuisance so I'm glad X relegates it to just a minimap device.

he's talking about using the pro controller for the wii U version of XB1, not X

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Poppi +10

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More like poppi +upgrades.

>removing any robot-like features except her headgear

Friend reminder to all the fags that think it's "Niyah" that this guy shares the same name as her (ニア) in Japan

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the real debate is whether ジーク is Zeke or Sieg

He's nit refined enough to be a Sieg. Zeke is a chad name

his full name in Japanese is ジーフリト though

I still stand by my assessment

XC2 spin-off 4 koma manga when?


His name is romanized as Near and there's no debate over it. The Kanji being "ニア" doesn't mean the name is "Niyah". Datamines found the name "Nia" in the files

the datamine also has 'melef' 'sieg' and 'sin' so I'm not sure that's a 100% accurate source

When we get a gacha so probably never or when Nintendo rounds of out money

Sadly, I think they pulled a Mac and just used the Japanese voice for every region since he only grunts. Except the Luminary specifically, not the other costumes, calls out Spells in Smash, so what they really did was tack on the grunt only track from the other three alts and call it a day.

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Do a second playthrough with the English dub to catch all the post-battle dialogue I missed, or stick with the Japanese dub?

Do the English dub


the dub is gringe AF and literally censors tons of dialog.

>Being enough of a weeb to actively remove your ability to fully understand all of the dialogue and missing on on a lot of the best character interactions

Only NG+ runs should be sub

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As opposed to the Japanese censoring all the dialogue if you can't understand it. You do realize that the subs are of the English script right?

Some people can't enjoy the story with the wonky english VA. I don't blame them at all for using the sub.

>As opposed to the Japanese censoring all the dialogue if you can't understand it.
Are you honestly retarded, or do ya just enjoy pretending?

The story is almost entirely goofy to begin with

>pick up on some common Japanese phrases during my first playthrough that are terribly adulterated
Nah, shit was enlightening. I hold fast to the notion that Xenoblade 2's notoriety is owed, mainly, to the shitty localization.

Playing in Japanese is not "uncensoring" anything if you can't understand it. Is that too hard of a concept to grasp?

The subs are still of the dub script. Even with only a barebones understanding of Japanese as well, I can spot when the script blatantly fails to match the dialogue and that ruins the whole thing for me worse than Rex's English VA ever could

>I hold fast to the notion that Xenoblade 2's notoriety is owed, mainly, to the shitty localization.
The Japanese Humor is identical in both versions. The notoriety is only due to buttblasted weebs vs. anti-weebs

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that one weeb who shows up every now and then to link to blogs and claim that any part of the plot he didn't pick up on was invented by the dub disagrees with you

>Playing in Japanese is not "uncensoring" anything if you can't understand it.
You don't need to have a master's degree in Nipponese in order to recognize the vastly superior conveyance of emotion in dialog, or to realize that no, she's not acting like a retarded animal.

Also, you really need to be a shut-in burger to not know at least the most common Jap phrases by now.

A lot of the writing, in the localization, is really flanderized, though. Really short phrases and expressions are often inflated in favor of making the dialogue more "animated"--but it often comes off as garish.

You can get it back in new game+

>Also, you really need to be a shut-in burger to not know at least the most common Jap phrases by now.
read the rest of
>Even with only a barebones understanding of Japanese as well, I can spot when the script blatantly fails to match the dialogue and that ruins the whole thing for me worse than Rex's English VA ever could

Here's the most egregious example
How can you possibly enjoy butchered subtitles like this? It's like watching Japanese One Piece with the subs being written by 4kids

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The scene where Rex is trying to pull up Pyra to the Ardanian ship comes to mind. JP Pyra is embarrassed by Rex's comment about her weight, whereas EN Pyra is shocked and offended.

My main point is I'd rather play in a language I can understand so I don't have inconsistent details like this popping up every two seconds. It stuns me how overrated voice acting is to the experience of a video game.

just depends on the person
might not be a big deal for you, but it is to others

I've seen dubs with great VA and awful writing before. I much prefer having bad VA and great writing

You delete this you little shit.

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shoop da woop

Poppi QTpi should've been a story blade. Tora basically loses relevance after his arc is done.


that's basically all the party members though
everybody gets one or two little arcs and then takes a backseat

I mean poppi stays relevant through the end

that's just the power of nopon engineering

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I just started Torna and at the first campsite. Why does it keep looping the "can you cook" scene no matter what? B = scene. Rest = scene. Talk = scene.

Did you go into Jin's cooking menu and make the food the game is telling you to make?