Do deserts in America really look this green...

Do deserts in America really look this green? It feels kind of weird playing RDR2 and going around this desert which feels weirdly full of vegetation and greenery. Maybe its realistic, I dont know, thats why Im asking, because it doesnt fit my traditional view of what a desert looks like.

Attached: greendesert.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

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Not a full blown desert, just semi-arid climate and vegetation.

You gotta remember that a lot of the vegetation here has evolved to survive in this sort of climate. It's not unusual to see greenery during a mild season.

desert areas in the US still get enough water to have vegetation, yes. The deserts in the middle east/Africa are not the same at all.

nigga have you not watched the magic school bus?

>doesnt fit my traditional view of what a desert looks like.

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Not every desert is the fucking sahara

Show doo

"desert" is a nebulous category which contains a lot of different things. but yes, most of them some have at least occasional vegetation. huge stretches of endless sandy dunes like the iconic parts of the sahara are just one kind of desert
pic related is a desert in canada

Attached: osoyoos.jpg (671x460, 69K)

t. Retardo Milos

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>game has desert level set in african/middle eastern desert
>cacti everywhere
>people just act as if they're a native species

Just google "new mexico desert" why even make a thread about this pointless topic

Attached: Chihuahuan_Desert.jpg (565x376, 241K)

name one game that does this


cut him some slack user hes a little artistic and needs social stimulation.

Dude go to Arizona, New Mexico, or southern Utah and it looks exactly like your pic

/pol/ was right again

Yes some are they're called flowering deserts but we also have the extremely arid kind almost completely devoid plant life as well.

Attached: sonoran desert.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

Meh, I think RDR2 probably went a little too much on the green side. RDR1 captured that dried out feel a bit better

Attached: chihuahuan-view.jpg (3264x2448, 2.85M)

xcom 2 did, I think

Attached: Kelso Dunes Mojave Desert.jpg (1928x1285, 2.15M)

>game has desert level set in african/middle eastern desert
>cacti everywhere
>NPS constantly talk about how strange it is
>some talk about invasive species and climate change, others about insane conspiracy theories about the Illuminati growing cacti around the world
>some believe they are in the game and cite unnatural flora as evidence.

It made it easier to transition to a green forested area much quicker and still be believable given the size of the map.

Sure. The Sonoran Desert has plenty of scrub. It's especially noticeable after a rain.

Do you work at Rockstar or are you a game dev of sorts? That’s a very interesting response that makes sense from an art perspective.

Attached: Anza Borrego Desert.jpg (1024x616, 1015K)

Arizonan here, the desert will only be that green during the Monsoon, otherwise it's very brown aside from the Cactus

yeah, it's a different type of desert, than say, the Atacama desert in Chile which is just a barren wasteland of sand and sand alone

Attached: Great Basin Desert.jpg (1600x1064, 269K)

>be arizonan
>9 am wake up to a bark scorpion infestation in my bedroom
>make an appointment with the exterminator as i'm on my way to work
>AC dies in my car during the commute and I have to be hospitalized for heatstroke $20000 USD bill
>boss berates me for being a fuckup says pajeet does my job much better
>go home exterminator is waiting outside
>but police have confused him with a home intruder so now they are playing twister outside on my driveway
>the exterminator can't go left foot green and is .45 ACP freedomed in my driveway
>manlet cop turns, punches me in the gut, says have a nice day
>I nod you too and tip my ten gallon hat to him
>he mistakes this as reaching for a weapon and I'm also killed


Attached: (760x950, 81K)

Ditat Deus

Name 3 games that do this


non-americans don't mesh well with technology
why do you think they're so afraid of automatic transmission?

I was just thinking about this too, you can have deserts in cold regions too

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arid/vegetated deserts are the 2nd comfiest and best terrain to live in after rocky arid mountains.

>A desert is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs
>This includes much of the polar regions where little precipitation occurs

yeah, basically, from what I remember from my childhood.

the forests on the hill should have more signs of wildfires, especially since nobody was there to put them out back in those days

they can't afford it

>Do deserts in America really look this green?
There's different kinds of desert ya numpty.

Attached: Iran biomes.png (850x845, 1.22M)

Natures fucking fantastic, desert as an umbrella term really fails to describe how unique and individual each desert can be.

Attached: fantastic.png (1648x206, 44K)

Yeah that's the desert in the southwest alright. Green enough for weeds to thrive but grass doesn't last a week unless it's actively being taken care of.

>but resembles a desert because of a poor soil quality and drying winds
Does that really count as a real desert?

Attached: sonoran-desert1.jpg (1600x1200, 254K)

after a rain yes

Well the land isn't much use for anything which is why a lot of it is in use for Army training purposes.

AC: odyssey


Attached: Saguaro_National_Park_-_Flickr_-_Joe_Parks.jpg (1200x800, 329K)

Antarctica is a desert.

lolllllll yoooooooooo

>Deserts can be classified by the amount of precipitation that falls, by the temperature that prevails, by the causes of desertification or by their geographical location.
It was a legit question considering the definition I pulled up is just from wikipedia but I should have read the rest of it.

Why can't cacti feel cool to touch instead? Imagine being able to run your hands all over those. It'd be easier to cut them open to drink too.

This game is photorealistic, it's fucking scary

The American southwest is a lot greener than you think, OP.
Go outside.

Attached: 20190616_193519.jpg (2226x1446, 2.92M)

>drive past these thinking they're just normal hills
>they're actually volcanoes

Attached: Cima Volcanic Field Mojave Desert.jpg (2400x1600, 718K)

those aren't deserts they're plains

try visiting arizona or nevada sometime

OP is a middle schooler


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>Do deserts in America really look this green?
Not every desert is the Sahara or death valley

not him but just kind of a common sense thing. it's why they were able to have so many biomes in one map. I personally still found it a bit jarring that the heartlands were so small, but the actual transitions between biomes was well done. the worst one was probably crossing into the swamp out of a meadow

Fun fact it's a felony in Arizona to damage, move or destroy a Saguaro. Although you can get a special permit to have them transplanted.

how did you mod john into rdr2??

>alright boys he touched a cactus open fire

>he doesn't know
Oh honey

To be fair they take over a century to grow to full height and if they didn't protect them ass hats would have made them extinct.

>>God tier
>Snow areas
>Desert Areas
>beach areas

>>Good tier
>Swampy areas
>Heavy woodland areas
>Tropical rainforest

>>Shit tier
>Mountainous regions

>>Shitty ass tier

>Why can't cacti feel cool to touch instead? Imagine being able to run your hands all over those. It'd be easier to cut them open to drink too.

A Cactus doesn't want you to drink it's water you fucking fool.
The water inside of the Cactus is for the Cactus, it isn't for YOU.

The Cactus' delicious fruit, though, is for you.

Attached: prickly+pear+jelly+001[1].jpg (1600x1200, 247K)