Let's see how many Boomers VS Zoomers we have on Yea Forums. Vote in the poll then post your favorite video game.
Boomers VS Zoomers
Other urls found in this thread:
Rain World
zoomers will win by far, you can tell because Yea Forums is a retarded casual board
In boomer times, only high IQs played video games, before the great dumbening down
forgot to vote: Ultima Underworld
WRONG, you just try to make yourself feel better.
Thief 2
how is a kid born in 1990 a fucking boomer?
>One morning on break
>Decide to buy and try a Coconut water
>Thought it would be water with a hint taste of coconut
>No its like fucking juice with alittle water mixed in it.
Fucking gross and cost 2x more then a body armor.
20 years old, some of my favorite games;
>Thief 1 and 2
>Stalker SoC and CoP
>Fallout 1 and NV
>Total War Rome 1 and Medieval 2
>Jedi Knight Outcast and Academy
>Witcher trilogy
>Arma 2 and 3
24, Starcraft 2
The power of forced memes
They aren't, The boomer Gen is from around 1946 - 1964
Turns our most everyone is a boomer... we just act like zoomers... sad
>forced memes
this is the best meme to happen in a decade
I want my pre 2007 internet back
>24-29 winning
Etrian Odyssey 3
>a shit wojak edit is the best meme to happen in a decade
Cringe cringe cringe based cringe based based based cringe zoom zoom zoom boomy zoom zoom based cringe boomer doomer zoomer cringe cringed based
I mean half the joke is that people become their parents.
Shit, I was born in 1991, and this morning I woke up at 7 AM to mow my lawn, with a big sugar free energy drink while blasting ska punk and 80s rock.
It's a good meme.
simcity 3000
>Hard to say, probably Dawn of War Soulstorm dark crusade was still the better expansion
>tfw turned 30 in march
Halo 3
Forge in Master Chief Collection is going to be legendary
22 (been using Yea Forums regularly for over 9 years now)
The Wonderful 101
Or the joke was that it was forced
Youthlet cope.
Unreal Tournament 2k4
jesus fuck what is that
it's your nervous system
I never picked a favorite but I like Banjo-Kazooie, Luigi's Mansion, Dead Rising, and Mario Party 3.
But then you wouldn't have the Caramelldansen craze.
I know I keep harping on that, but it's a pretty underrated gold nugget in Internet history.
The joke is the "the kids" millennials, are finally old people now.
Mother 3 and Jet Set Radio Future
Xenoblade Chronicles
The 13-17 group may be small now, but how many of you were browsing Yea Forums when you were 13-17?
The future belongs to the zoom.
MGS 3. Maybe the gameplay isn't the best in the series, but the I still love the story.
Woah there, little zoom-zoom, you're a bit young to be joking about CP, aren't you?
Super Castlevania IV
I thought it was exactly the opposite
rodent from a very cold palce
Hard to say which is my ONE favourite game of all time, but it's tied between these three:
- Uncharted 2
- A Link To the Past
- Dead Space 1
I'd say that's pretty good diversity. But yeah, I really cannot decide.
>mother 3
I feel so left out being in the oldest range on that poll...
Ahhhhh... Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Now that,
Was a game...
Something only a REAL gamer will understand....
Considering the state of this shithole, I guarantee someone in this thread has said boomer/zoomer IRL like a retard
Zoomer/Boomer is inferior to so'y and npc
I was already an adult by the time Yea Forums came out, so.....
>people started calling millenials boomers unironically
the absolute state of this board
Is browse of this site I was 23, a friend accidentally mentioned Yea Forums irl so I got curious. After a hellish 2 weeks there realized the site had way more to offer and found places like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /o/, /jp/ and /ck/.
13-17 year olds should even be here, they shouldn't even be on the computer without their parents.
That's me
I thought the baby boomers are from 1960-1980?
>Baldur's Gate 2
Timesplitters 2
Like and said.
The meme is "30 year old boomer" but it got shortened.
Some day I should go through the archives and make a collage over the collective meltdown over the wordfilter
Now that was a good time
>tfw 1999
Digimon World
Ghost Trick
Who the fuck told you zoomers liked cocunut water? Born in 2000 and have yet to meet anyone in my age group to drink that shit in a daily basis
29. Will be 30 in December. Fucking sucks.
New Vegas
30 years old
Good taste user.
It's hard to choose only one game but I'll go with Witcher 3
29 master race
splinter cell chaos theory
I don't even say it here.
Team Fortress 2/Doom 2
A similar thing happened to me, except it was /pol/ that I spent awhile on before looking at other boards. I found this site in 2015 because I was wondering where all these frog cartoons were coming from.
19, Sonic Adventure
I don't think I have a single favorite, but the oldest of all my favorites is probably River City Ransom.
>19 years old
>Super Mario Land 2
>despise zoomer culture with a passion
Fuck you all.
Pokémon HGSS, FE Binding Blade or Jet Set Radio.
born 1993 and i like coconut water, what's the fucking problem?
Fallout: New Vegas
bullshit. I'm a boomer and I come here to shitpost.
Feels good knowing I'm in the majority.
Ahhh sotc, now THAT was a game.
I started posted here when I was 18 on Yea Forums
For most of my adolescence I assumed everyone on this board was a pedo, superhacker, or terrorist and avoided Yea Forums like the plague
remember this: youtube.com
Cave Story
I like Coconut Water more than energy drinks, those fucking things are industrial waste
>what's the fucking problem?
That shit is less healthy than regular water in every way
Favorite game is always hard because my all-time favorites are dead multiplayer games I haven't played in years. I guess it'd be Rainbow Six 2, but if we're talking about games I've actually played recently it's probably either Grim Dawn or Transport Fever.
I tried coconut water once before and it made me shit my brains out
Anyone that hasn't played Quake should be banned from the board.
>be 31
>drink red bull daily
What is health?
The OP image is 100% made by someone born 1999 who doesn't want to accept that they're a zoomer, if you were born in '96/' 97 or later you're a zoomer.
Only real boomers have played this game.
t. 31
Nope. Read the image. If you were born 2000 or later you're a Zoomer.
it was probably all that disgusting mexican food you ate
Damn i was like 14 and didn't post until i was like 17 because i feared Yea Forums and thought I'd get put in a list.
I probably am but idgaf anymore
"Read the image" yes, that incorrect image, there's literally no difference culturally between someone born in say '98 and someone born in 2000, even less so for' 99.
Considering how Yea Forums works, 99% it's "everyone born after the year I was born was zoomer" cause boomzoomdoomyoompoomkoomloom
Damn, I thought mainstream media only discovered Yea Forums during the Trump campaign. Fox is pretty ahead of the game.
you got put on the retard list, boy.
Was so glad when I saw I got it for free on gog.
And there's literally no difference culturally between someone born 95 and 96, or 96 and 97.
Generations are arbitrary.
Shut up Trevor. Got take your medicine.
Ocarina of Time
Obviously we got let into Yea Forums, girl.
Baby boomers are like '45 to' 63
Mortal Kombat 4
Daily reminder that if you're under 21 as of this very moment that you were born in the second half of 1998 or later, meaning you are among the first of the pure bred zoomers, since you were 5~ years old in 2004, having completely missed out on having first hand experience of the late 90s/early 00s boomer culture
>being this new
Sly 3 Honor among Thieves
The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past