ITT: overhated games that weren't half as bad as people made them out to be
I'll start
ITT: overhated games that weren't half as bad as people made them out to be
Pic unrelated
It deserved all the hate it got, and more.
I'm one of the biggest FFfags around and even I don't like XIII
No that game deserves every singe ounce of hate it receives.
This game doesn't get enough hate honestly. It's fucking insulting.
>muh demiurge but in a worse package
nah I'll stick to 12 if I want a gnostic allegory in a jrpg package
good combat tho
Don’t worry user, someone has to have shit taste.
nah that'll be watch_dogs 1
One of the only FF games with decent combat
XIII had some undeserved hate because it went multi-platform. But, the moment it got into consumers hands it was all on SE. They fucked up really badly. It is a straight line for the first 40 hours of the game. There is an open field about 30 hours in and then back to the straight line. I wish I was joking about that shit.
That is why FFXIII-2 is a severely underrated and great game.
13-2 ruined the tight balance of 13 by allowing grinding
It's hated for good reason. It's just plain boring on all fronts. The gameplay is structured around auto battle which already takes away a lot of the complexity but doesn't expand on the fun so essentially the game plays itself. Even at its best, you have to switch paradigms which are auto battle "classes" on the fly but it's still pretty boring since it lacks complexity to make it any interesting. You then have the corridor level design that takes up at least 75% of the game. Nothing much to explore and interact with, which is one of the reasons people might play a jrpg. After that you have the story that felt like it was written by people who don't have any idea what a good story is at all. Like, there's so much to pick apart from this visual diarrhea that I could have a 10 part youtube series doing so. It overcomplicated the setting when it isn't hard to understand just to make it interesting. At least the music was fine at parts but I don't recommend this game unless you want a lesson in how to NOT make a game.
>They fucked up really badly. It is a straight line for the first 40 hours of the game. There is an open field about 30 hours in and then back to the straight line.
I played the game and you're not wrong, yes there's a problem when it comes to the corridor kind of map but there's a lot of redeeming qualities about the game, like the music, the graphics, the combat mechanics (which are definitely an acquired taste but you'd have to be pretty dense to describe as "bad")
the game is just decent, not the kind of dumpster fire critics claimed it was
If you like this game, you're a small brained retard that probably thinks Transformers and the Star Wars prequels are good as well
>only 11 hours in
>owned since summer 2015
>haven't played in nearly a year
>Star Wars prequels
oh boy here we go
oh shit here we go again