Is there any other character reveal that could top his?

Is there any other character reveal that could top his?

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Definitely not, but I think Crash would come close.

Sans or Steve. The internet would be unusable for days.

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Yes, any other character reveal could top this

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I was thinking Shantae, that would definitely have an outrage here.

It would be monumental.

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Unironically this. Sans hype would easily eclipse Banjo getting in.

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She would be the first hentai character in Smash and would break new ground, paving the way for Rance and Taimanin Asagi in Smash.

Never ever

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Yeah an actual interesting character

the ones that would of have either already happened (Ridley, K. Rool) or are pretty much 0% of happening ( Geno, Goku just for the fucking memes)

They're gonna be decent but they're not going to break Yea Forums again.

Nothing could compare if it happened.

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>DQ and Banjo revealed in the same Direct to appease east and west at the same time
>yfw a winter Direct does the same thing with Sans and Reimu

I feel as though Ruby could top it terms of how much chaos she would cause amongst the fans.
People either absolutely hate RWBY or like it.

Seeing as how RWBY is popular in Japan and BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle did alright, there's a chance that she might be considered.

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Honestly this. Imagine that absolute shitshow that would engulf the internet

We still haven't topped Cloud

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Master Chief
And finally and ultimately: Goku

>Is there any other character reveal that could top his?
>Everyone just posts their favorite
I hate you people

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You live in your own world.
Literally no one knows what RWBY is or who this shit character is.
Out of 100k people in the world, you'd be lucky if a single one recognizes this shit.

Bubsy would probably cause an elder god-tier shitstorm. Good thing it'll never happen.

The amount of legal bullshit Nintendo would need to jump through would be insane.

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Oh boy.


You're not everyone, user.

This, although they might when they announce Sephiroth as the 5th DLC slot.


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we got sword gohan and android 17, is that not enough?

In the realm of possibilities, no, but we could come close with Conker or Waluigi.

with wild picks included, I guess Master Chief or a Sony rep would make the Internet go bonkers again. But even that I don't think it would hit the levels of hype Banjo got because he was being backed by a ton of nostalgia and momentum (E3).

Monkey's Paw: We get Bond but it's Daniel Craig instead of the architect. Would you be happy?

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Japan fucking loves Undertale user

Ruby and Reimu are literal who's compared to the average DLC character. Even Banjo, a character that hasn't had a good game in over a decade is known throughout Smash's fanbase. Try to find a single person that knows either of those characters by name that doesn't interact with fags like you on a daily basis.

>anything goes
>in the realm of possibility, at least somewhat
Master Chief

He didn't top Snake or Sonic.
Or Megaman.
And I would argue he didn't beat out Richter either


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Ummm, ok sweetie...

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what makes you think anyone knows who that is?

- Crash Bandicoot: Pretty close, but not Banjo or K. Rool tier. Reaction would heavily depend on how funny the trailer is.

- Minecraft (Steve): A big deal, kids who grew up with Minecraft would probably go nuts. Older people would be annoyed by it and probably act really shitty about it.

- Undertale (Especially if it's Sans): Internet would fucking explode. I don't think it can be anything from Undertale though, the entire DLC plan was laid out way longer ago than people might think. Banjo's music was done a month after Mario x Rabbids was completed (don't know if this is referring to the original game or the DK dlc, but that would mean from October 2017 at the earliest and July 2018 at the latest)

- Geno: Kinda hype. His trailer would have to really sell him to people who don't know who he is. (The K. Rool trailer did an amazing job of this) He'd have to be treated like his appearance is really special.

- Waluigi: Not really hype, he's generally playable in most Mario games. If his trailer was super funny then sure it could work.

- Doomguy: Hype in a "holy shit what's that doing here" way. He'd be mindblowing but he doesn't have the same kind of weird crytyping fans that K. Rool or Banjo would have. Would be a good way to draw in people who are into more mainstream games.

Anyway, short answer: only an Undertale rep could top Banjo.

Dear Nintendo, please no.

Regards, Cave fans.

The average gamer knows Persona 5, the average gamer at least has some knowledge of Dragon Quest outside of Japan, the average gamer knows the legacy of Banjo-Kaoozie, Reimu is a LITERAL literal who in the eyes of many.

>that doesn't interact with fags like you on a daily basis
If they don't, then they have no say in this franchise to begin with.
Guarantee you that 95% of the Smash consumerbase "interacts with fags like me" on a daily basis.

You know.


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Not until we get the FACE of DB

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>the average gamer knows the legacy of Banjo-Kaoozie
No they don't.

>You know.
I've never seen that character outside of weebs forcing her on Yea Forums

*wipes out

Billy mays

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And guess what? Yea Forums(nel) and 2chan are used by hundreds of thousands of people daily.
People know.


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They do tho

ctrl+z this immediately!

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oh no no no...

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>implying they wouldn't use the shitty white and black guest character if he did get in


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I think it's kind of unfair to compare anyone else to BK. They're a lost nintendo icon who felt like they've been missing from the roster since melee and arguably 64.
All the third party characters feel like awesome inclusions, but Banjo and Kazooie have a feeling of completion towards the smash roster that no other character has the weight behind them to top. Maybe Waluigi or Geno, but Waluigi's a when and not an if. And Geno was a side character in his own game, not a major icon, no disrespect to him.

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Master Chief and Doomguy

I want this for multiple reasons.

Goku is literally the only person. No video game character could come close. Even if it were a more popular character owned completely by Sony or MS, that shock factor is a one time deal and Banjo took it.

No one who's experienced more than an hour of sunlight knows who she is.

Only cringe tumblrdrones want anything from undertale. More people know about sans through memes than the actual game.

Crash Bandicoot if done right.

But instead of the joy DQ and banjo brought, reimu and sans would just bring contrarian weebs and memespouting underages.

isn't Crash owned by Activision? That license wouldn't probably be cheap for Nintendo.

When they reveal this Steve will be officially BTFOed and Yea Forums will explode again


I'm sorry Chief but he deserves it more.

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ssslumber was a really weird choice to make a trailer scene about.

Activision is probably cheaper than Microsoft.

>You might be thinking that just because we got in as a Mii costume, that must mean there's no chance of me appearing as a playable character.

I highly doubt it. They were the #1 most wanted characters worldwide and was considered the biggest never ever, even more so than Ridley or King K. Rool. The reaction to their inclusion in Smash was even bigger than Mega Man's or Cloud's, who previously held the record (although I would say reactions to Mega Man were bigger than Cloud's).

There will never be a reveal that could top this one.
This is peak video games.
Smash Bros is finally truly Ultimate.

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dunno about that. MS looks pretty accessible these days.

Lloyd is basically guaranteed at this point but he won't top Banjo or basically anyone.

unironically a Mii costume that fully covers the Mii with a Steve skin, replete with diamond sword, would make a ton of sense and virtually be indistinguishable from whatever Steve's moveset as a character would end up being

No, purely because Banjo was the last character they HAD to add for Smash to feel "complete" from the perspective of representing Nintendo games and Nintendo history.

Everything from here on out is a fun bonus. They could get close with Doomguy though, and anyone from Undertale

fuck, if we're gonna get banjo, just say fuck it and throw goddamn goku in there too, i don't care anymore

Sonicfox's fursona with himself doing to mo-cap

Snake reveal happened years ago, and after him Cloud was a close second. To be fair ridley and Krool were the biggest never evers to happen.

>unironically a Mii costume that fully covers the Mii with an Erdrick skin, replete with steel sword, would make a ton of sense and virtually be indistinguishable from whatever Erdrick's moveset as a character would end up being

I would main her unironically
play soku

Goku is never going to happen ever. It's a licensing Hell for Nintendo.

>Hrrngh! Colonel! I'm in a game I don't belong in, isn't that wild n' wacky?
I was over it immediately and don't understand why this still happens.

>Banjo fans seriously think no other reveal could top theirs
>Sonic, Snake, Cloud, K Rool

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That's an awful comparison since the DQ Hero's proportions don't sync with the Mii fighter, and he'd still have a Mii face. It'd be piss-easy to make a Mii costume that's literally just the minecraft avatar skin laid over a Mii fighter

Cloud and Joker already outdid it.

DQ and banjo only brought joy from boomers.

>Every bond iteration are the alternate costumes

I am 100 percent convinced the current rosterfags, banjofags included, are just newfags who weren't there for snake or sonic and are trying to recapture it.

>Having to lie to yourself like Japan wouldn't forsake every mobile game fanart, fangame, and meme wise if Touhou got in. Reviving it twicefold.

I think Goku and Chief are the only names that could have a bigger holy shit impact than BK.
Like, are you aware how popular DBZ is with black guys? If Goku got in, Etika would go back to the mental hospital permanently

Sonic's reveal trailer was weak even if it was hype at the time, snake's trailer was part of the reveal trailer for brawl, cloud didn't even have a proper trailer, and K. Rool's was actually pretty cool.

>sonic reveal
>literally just saying he's in the game on the website

>That's an awful comparison since Steven Minecraft's proportions don't sync with the Mii fighter, and he'd still have a Mii face. It'd be piss-easy to make a Mii costume that's literally just Goku's hair laid over a Mii fighter

We already know the next two are edelgard and Sylux.

>BRO Thats not true, just because every leaker is saying these specific characters are in the game doesnt mean--

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kill yourself


We didn't had as many people on the Internet back then. If Sonic was revealed at E3 instead of Banjo, it would have this impact on people.

Arcade and convention going gamers on average get way more sun than anyone on Yea Forums, please don't lie.

Why was anyone ever excited for Sonic? He hasn't had a good game since the mid-90's and the only feeling looking at him should evoke in anyone with dignity is embarrassment. You should be ashamed that he's on this roster. He tarnishes the whole thing by being a part of it.

Banjo was the most satisfying only because he was the character that felt like he had the most working against him because of the Rare sale.

They are, which is why they're bandwagoning hard for characters they don't care about. Most Banjofags I've seen on the internet are zoomers who were born after his game got released. These people try so hard to fit with the boomer crowd because they're socially inept and can't fit in with their own age group.

>caring about the trailer more than the character

Name a single leaker who is saying this.

Sorry fags but I work at Nintendo of America.
Doom Guy and Wonder Red
You heard it here first

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Mega Man X & Doomguy coupled with new bosses (Duon, Pokey Minch, Petey, Fug/Mega fug, Sigma, Cyberdemon).

Might come very close.

>caring about Sonic as a character

Maybe if you were around back then you'd know. Too bad you weren't and you will never live through that hype period, enjoy the bear and bird whose game you probably didn't even play.

It only would've been shocking if Snake wasn't in the game's reveal trailer. Snake being in, as awesome as it was, was what shattered the idea of smash being a Nintendo only game series. If Sonic came first, he would've overshadowed Snake.

I was there. I didn't get it then, either. Sonic is a punchline in video game history.

>mario's long-term rival getting into smash
>not exciting

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wasn't sonic a last minute addition anyway

>Snake being in, as awesome as it was, was what shattered the idea of smash being a Nintendo only game series
I'm still not certain that this didn't do more harm than good.

But Mii Fighter doesn't really do any utility magic like the Hero class is known for. Literally nothing in Minecraft is exactly iconic outside the pickaxe and blockstacking.

He'd be way closer to BOTW Link given Stasis if anything.

If you actually were there then you'd know the answer to your question.

Why do you gotta hurt me like this?

Oh, yeah, Mario's rival, who nearly died and had to beg Nintendo for his life.

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I doubt Activision would be too hard to convince. We did have DK and Bowser in Skylanders after all, so Crash in Smash isn't a stretch.

They also love Banjo-Kazooie, apparently.

this, crash already has history with bowser and donkey kong

Yes, people did care about it. But personally, it wasn't the best reveal ever. You've got to keep in mind that Sega system's had been gone for almost a decade and Sonic had already been whored out on every single system ever by this point, plus Sonic and Mario at the Olympic games already released before Smash, plus there were other exclusive Sonic games on every system. It was cool, but not fully shocking on such an unbelievable level. I genuinely think that Banjo-Kazooie's announcement holds much more weight given the situation of series. Additionally Solid Snake had a way higher reputation and trailer during that era (and still does).

>He actually typed this

But Mii Fighter doesn't really perform any well known mechanics that Steven Minecraft is known for. Literally nothing in Dragon Quest is exactly iconic outside... Wait... haha. NOTHING in Dragon Quest is iconic.
He'd be way closer to Robin given generic RPG swordsman if anything.

Yes, literally any character before or after this announcement

>and still does
Not with Metal Gear Survive and panchiko shit it doesn’t. Konami has been pretty shit to its IPs for a bit.


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I mean, this really is the reason people wanted Sonic in. If it wasn't for this I doubt he would've ever gotten in.

Yeah, Bowser

Also cope

Yeah? Sonic is still way worse in terms of the embarrassing shit out there, official or not, and it's completely impossible to deny that. How is that Sonic movie looking, etc?

user, Mario and plenty of other video games have had shitty movies, literally a piss in the bucket. Besides, Fallout is is a much worse state with 76, and people are giving that piece of shit the Bethesda pass.

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You say something old man?

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>Dragon Quest not iconic

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>Brawl introduced third party characters
>Ultimate introduced western characters
>Next Smash introduces non-vidya characters

Stevie, Stevie, cope and seethie
Last chance to get in was E3
Won't be in with Cloud or Snake
All his fans have turned out fake
His invite got lost in the mail
A year of shitposting, what a fail
Now the Xbox rep draws near
A bird sat on the back of a bear
His face forgotten just like his name
Smash Bros Ultimate, what a game!

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Literally everyone says it's the most generic JRPG ever, even fans. Nothing in it is iconic sans the slime.


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I thought everyone didn't want Banjo cause he'd be a duckhunt clone and make real bear and bird noises? Why'd you lie to me, Steve-bro?

I take it you did not read the articles. And by everyone, you mean a bunch of anons on Yea Forums?

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>Minecraft not iconic

I dislike the idea of non vidya characters. I know Smash has kinda evolved from a celebration of
Nintendo games into a celebration of all video games, but non vidya characters just seem wrong. Putting Goku in to me would be like putting Bear Grylls in just because he had a game about him.

So popular that Banjo got in before him.

Steve bros never ever aHAHAHAHAHA

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kek his was underwhelming and expected
Belmonts were cooler

Not the guy you're replying to but you're not in any position to gloat about that since Cloud got in before you as well.

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Cloud is 1000x more popular than B-K
t. biggest Banjofag on Earth

>Reimu would be GLORIOUS.

>something as famous as cloud
>on the level of minecraft

And Cloud got in before Minecraft too.

The west wouldn't care or even know who she is.

cloud was more exciting and nothing will ever top that

>why yes I do think that nuts and bolts is the best one in the series how did you know?

There's no topping that. Expect the last two characters to be interesting but not as cool as Banjo.
The options we have are clearly inferior, except maybe Geno or another character that the fanbase has wanted for a long time: Isaac, Majora, Chorus Kids, Excite Biker...

We're talking about Dragon Quest you brainlets.

The peak was Ridley and King K. Rool. Everything else is B-tier and below.

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None of that belongs to DQ specifically anymore, but rather it's part of the RPG genre as a whole. What it pioneered also been taken and improved upon by even bigger RPGs like Final Fantasy, while Dragon Quest just sat there, forgotten by everyone except a small island nation.

Truly retarded if unironic.

With out DragonQuest, Final Fantasy wouldn't be as prominent as it is now. Lmfao

Jubei? More like Ju-based.

The only people who matter, then.


Not so fast.

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Geno or Waluigi would come close.

Ridley has always been boring bandwagon meme trash
K. Rool was kino tho

>Reimu gets in, plays like a zoner, and has a grazing gimmick
Would be cool

now that we know rare characters can get in, pic related

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I'm not sure if you're shitposting or you're actually retarded enough to miss my point. I'm done arguing with a mouth breather like you anyways.

Goku or anyone from DB

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Based and gruntypilled

We need to start messaging Phil Spencer with this shit now. Better start now before it's too late and they have a change of hearts.

and I can't stress this enough

Who the fuck knows what dragon quest is

>It's showtime!
Nothing has topped Snake's reveal

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Even so, the internet went wild with Ridley’s reveal for a bit. Yes, K. Rool was THE absolute peak for this game.

You guys know that Dante is basically confirmed at this point, right?

For Brawl, it was Snake. For Smash 4, it was Cloud. For Ultimate, it was K. Rool. (and DQ Hero for the Japanese).

if anything i remember people being mad that snake and sonic were the only third party characters

Popeye sets sail

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Don't worry Banjobros, the most hype and internet shatter character will be coming to finish the fight.

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Probably Dante and Ryu Hayabusa. I’d like an Atelier girl as a newcomer but that’s a long shot.

>Source: my mentally retarded schizophrenic asshole

There's no way a call of duty character is getting in smash, sorry

This board would be unusable for like a week and I would love all of it

COD man would unironically be a better, more unique, and more popular character pick than Erdrick.

Honestly, Popeye is surprisingly a realistic choice if I’m honest.
It would be super fitting to have the character who inspired Nintendo to create Mario as the last DLC character.

Based Chief bro, we’ll be waiting for you!

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>sequel to bad fur day scrapped because microsoft acquired rare

Some big western character like Gordon Freeman or Steve
Chosen Undead

I’ve been on this website for years and I have no idea who that is. I only now know her name based on replies but I still don’t even know what she’s from

It's Morgan Freeman


>no one wants banjo
>no one wants sans (or another character from undertale)
You're wrong, fuck off.

literally who?

we already got 8 gokus

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Neither are you. But much like I've never heard of whoever that is, I had friends who've never heard of Dragon Quest.

>Not Susie
Not based

Ya know, I don't feel like they translated Toriyama's style as well as they could have. Like, it's sort of there, but Erdrick in particular looks off in terms of his face. Maybe I'm just too used to the classic Toriyama illustrations.

>newfag pretending to be an oldfag

that's gohan you fucking retard that joke only works with chrono

discord and mii costumes

That would be too easy.

I like how people claim this character is like the "biggest indie character" when a large population of people on this board don't even know who she is.


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>Gets to use the firearms from Left 2 Die
That'd be the best thing ever.

touhou fags are literally delusional.

They've been criclejerking over their niche series for so long they don't comprehend how niche it is and always site "but look at all the fan content!!" like that prevents it from being some weeb shit nobody knows.

He can fuck off unless he comes with a Vegeta echo who's trying to fulfill his promise to Cabba.

i feel that they purposefully tried to make him as far from the toriyama artstyle as possible

Sakuri was afraid of the Goku comparisons.

aces m8

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He didn't say nobody would, he just described the type of person who would, i.e. (you)

Much like doom guy, I really can't conceive an actually good and faithful moveset they could give Sans.

>blocks your path

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reimu is smush pls

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I have no doubt Yea Forums would blow up but I can guarantee that of my maybe 6-7 normie friends who play/enjoy Smash, maybe (and that’s a huge maybe) 1 of them would know who that is

smash died the moment paid dlc was on the table. Nothing but irony and cope posting left now.

banjofags are so annoying ffs

Fuck, I was working on one of these. fucking LOL

Oh boo hoo

Touhou is popular, dude.

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shut the fuck up PUSSY. stay mad that your faggy little minecraft character didn't get in.

user, Grant Kirkhope didn't do the Banjo remix until this year


My nigga

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I really have a hard time believing that.

>dude if I'm sick of the fucking non stop banjo/smash threads I must be a stevefag
minecraft is much better series than banjo kazoie is any way
hope he actually gets another game because his inclusion all autism aside


Hell yeah
Touhou's growth comes mostly from Japan, similar to how DQ is gigantic there but still somewhat niche here in the west. There is a western fanbase but it usually flies under the radar because the IP isn't mainstream.

As for Yea Forums, everyday is someone's first day here. Touhou is one of those things that you will have come across sooner or later, and people who have been here for years will have at least an idea of its existence, even if they are not fans.

Keep dreaming touhounigger

It's aight. You should try the games out. They're pretty fun.

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Came to post this. No other thing would surpass this since everyone and their mom knows about sans


more like

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He isn't lying. This documentary is a good tl;dr on just how big it is in Nipland.

Did you reply to the wrong comment? I literally said nothing about Steve

I'll take your words for it and give it a look. I may have never heard of it before, but that by no metric means it's bad.

meant to only reply to

I never would have even heard of this series if not for Black MIDI videos in 2012

That's pretty neat honestly

Where did this whole Reimu thing come from? I've only really seen it on Yea Forums. Was there a leak or something that named her?

Reminder that nobody actually plays smash and they just endlessly pine for more vicarious triumph from game characters they recognize getting represented.

How the fuck does near rhyme with bear.

I dont think we will get a indie rep and Reimu feels like a sudden choice. Basically she doesnt feel like a Sakurai or fan demanded type of choice idk how to explain
Sans is a pure meme like Steve and Waluigi

Much like Doom guy I think people just like her. From what I can tell people here really like Touhou so, there you go

The entire Internet would crash

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Didn't RWBY flunk in Japan with recent seasons and lose interest?

its an imperfect rhyme, you stupid twit
now leave this thread, stop posting shit

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Reimu would be fucking hype

Wear, tear, fair, fare, blare, square, repair.



what the fuck? Do you not know how rhyming works?

It would be a disaster

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Seethie absolutely rhymes with E3 though

>the latest fighting game had a switch port announced recently
>we still don't know when it will be released
I swear if I see the trailer popping up on a random direct I am going to shit my soul.

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Urban Legend in Limbo wasn't even released in the West for PS4
What makes you think they'll release that game on the Switch for the West?

no, its bad because the e3 line is missing one more "e" noise. Read it out loud and you'll know what i mean

No, not even Geno could. Banjo represents something different from Snake, Cloud, Joker. He's something people have wanted since Smash 64. Mega Man is probably the only other character announcement between 4 and Ultimate that brought out such joy.

Also they said the port only begun development the moment it was announced

Sound fine to me

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DQ Hero was already revealed though

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dragon quest is well known in the west

tow how isn't

I legitimately dislike how they just called him hero. I admittedly don't know what else they'd call him, but still

Literally no one cares, Id argue there would be mass shitflinging if Banjo didnt come afterwards
in fact that is probably why Sakurai showed him first

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unironically based if true. I fucking hate RWBY, and honestly RT needs to burn to the ground at this point

Touhou is that kind of series everybody loves to talk about, but never play the games.

It's already on steam so I can't see why not.

Is Carmen Sandiego eligible as a Smash character?

Is it officially translated on Steam?

Does Nintendo really want the degenerate demographic?

God, modern RT is so depressing.

Kinda of, the subtitles are in english but not the interface for whatever reason.

Do you think a fully translated official Touhou fighting game will land on the Switch and be released for English speakers?

All things considered, I'd say yes.

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this. Sakurai or Nintendo know DQ isn't as popular in the West, so even if they planned on both, they revealed Banjo because Hero was not going to receive as much hype on his own, and probably also because he was already basically guessed.

The last two are Crash and Spyro revealed simultaneously

Intelligent Systems isn't owned by Nintendo
Nintendo owns Fire Emblem but they let IS do whatever the fuck they please

He's in.

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Sure, it's not impossible.

Doomguy at least has that whole "Bethesda talked with Nintendo about Smash" business going for him though.

Don't care if this was 2 hours ago

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if it is generic that means it is well-known, yes?

I'm guessing that's going to happen for real.

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What we do know
>Hines said Nintendo and Bethesda talked about Smash
>Sakurai said Nintendo chose the DLC with him calling the final shots if he could make them work as a fighter
>Joker got in because of Sakurai approaching Atlus according to Atlus
>Nintendo wants Smash to go after newer audiences
>Hines said on the Nintendo Power podcast that they’re very satisfied with the switch and have more fun surprises for Nintendo fans coming
>Mick Gordon, around January (same time Kirkhope was contacted to do Banjo music for Smash), needed a ”metal choir” for a ”video game” although everyone knows he’s on Eternal, so the secrecy is weird (however a vlog from one of the singers seems to indicate that it was for Eternal)

What we don't know
>Was Hine's conversation with Nintendo serious or small talk
>When Nintendo made the list, did they approach the companies first or did they make it first, got Sakurai's approval, and then see if the companies were on board

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t. Non-genesis owners

Does Japan give a shit about Banjo? I'm curious.

I had a nightmare that fortnite got a character in

It's pretty much the exact inverse of how we received Hero. A bunch of people saying "fucking who?" a few people being really excited, and people explaining the foreign popularity to everyone else.

So? Nintendo ultimately has influence on what they allow and don't allow on their platforms. Unit bonding features have been heavily featured in Awakening, and has been further expanded in Fates, and the upcoming Three Houses. These features wouldn't have been expanded on if there wasn't an audience for this, and Nintendo knows this first hand for allowing them to move Fire Emblem in this
new direction.

that's a meme, tons of people play it. there's just nothing to talk about between game releases

>so obsessed with the smash roster and with hating fortnite that he has a nightmare about them.
I think this says more about you.

there are more people that care about indie comics than the actual games. there is nowhere near as much hype over the same fuckton of pretty geometic bullet formations for the nth fucking time as you want to think.

The majority of people were excited

Why is the shit in the can brown instead of green?

literally cancer

papyrus would be the only acceptable choice from undertale

come on, do you really expect them to add Mr. Satan?



This, but Mystical Ninja Goemon

it'd be another instance of Nintendo treating a character better than the character's owner, that's for sure.


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Sans Undertale or even fucking this would be better then 2shit

>The bastardization of a dead man's dream
>Better than literally anything


Cope and Seethe, Minecraft Steve.

The raptor guy is the absolute best
>That jaw drop at the Jiggy

Attached: Banjocrouch4.gif (360x360, 281K)

In my eyes? No, not really

I think Sans would come pretty damn close though considering how hard he was memed, also he is all around pretty badass

The second dude in the first video fucking gets hyped as all hell when he sees Bottles.

>implying there are millions of tumblrdrones
Cope harder.

This is the one from the Tom and Jerry video

Yeah but at least DQ has never fucked up it's franchise as hard as FF.

What if Sakurai announces a completely original character but pretends they're famous?

Would people like Etika sperg out like they're someone famous?

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You forget the target demographic of smash is kids. Most only know Banjo from JonTron and other creators.


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he's right though

literally who.

Crash since he was essentially Playstation's Mario and would be the ultimate fuck you to Sony having Snake, Cloud, and Crash in the same game that isn't PS All Stars.

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I dont think the generation of hype will matter much desu. It's like those internet stars with millions of subscribers/followers/watchers/whatever that can't even sell 10 tshirts. The concept of the "selfish gene" is increasingly applicable to the meme.

Did his chances increase after the gun rule was broken, the western 3rd party rule was broken, and the "too violent" rule was broken?

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I guess but if we're getting a "mature" rep it'll probably be Resident Evil.

i saw that video explaining to americans (by a brit) how important DQ is to the japanese, did the japanese made a video similar explaining the importance of B&K!?

Leon would bring much less to the table than Doomguy. And I don't see a Raccoon City stage being a possibility.

Look at those souless eyes. You have my condolences, banjokes.

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RCPD as a Luigi's Mansion-like stage with zombies as stage hazards

Doomguy does not fit in smash brothers. Please understand.

>girl 3D avatars
>all guys........................................

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Neither do Snake, Joker, and Bayonetta.

How would you react, Yea Forums?

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>Leon's trailer is just the Belmonts trailer but with Luigi getting fucked up by Mr. X

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What would Hitler's moveset be?

Who's this bugman?

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Wanting Doomguy is based.

Expecting him is retarded.


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give me those (you)s

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If they reveal geno next we'll have the ancient trifecta of never ever characters (ridley, banjo and geno)

With how much Doom Eternal is being one of the most anticipated games of 2019, I could see Nintendo taking this opportunity. But I'll try to keep my expectations low.

And let's be real, people have been wanting him in MUCH more than Leon or Chris.

Easily this

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I'm still mad Shadow Moses doesn't at least have Pleasure of Tension

>Anime trash
>would play like a Zoner

You want a character thats hated more than Olimar in smash? Yikes

What other characters are off the table?

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It was inferior to Rools, at least coming from me who wasnt all that into banjo back in n64 era.

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I like how japanese fans alternate between BANJO!/KAZOOIE or BANKAZU. it's cute

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I'm a fucking Banjofag and I would take Steve over Reimu anyday of the week.

Imagine if we got this instead of another anime swordsman.

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arale kiryu geno

People only expect him so much because Doom just happens to be on Switch. Doom is one of those series that yeah does have history but does it really need Smash representation?

it still hurts

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Touhou is the most popular game in the world that nobody wants to play.

I would cum buckets.

They fit more then doomguy.


You wanna know how i can tell you didn’t play the game

>does it really need Smash representation?

Honestly? Yeah. Smash is a celebration of video game history. Doom is the DQ of FPS games. It deserves to get spotlight.

so why does Banjo want Ivy's pancakes? i don't get the reference

Dragon Quest is consistently good. Final Fantasy is a consistent train wreck.

Nothing ever will. Snake in Brawl opened the floodgates for 3rd Parties (and 3rd Parties that aren't really associated with Nintendo) coming into Smash.

Now the only clear rule is that to be in Smash Bros the character must originate from video games.

Cloud was a much bigger shock, and nothing has topped it.

The internet wouldn't explode, but Kat would be sweet.

No. Pierce is the only choice.

>"Doom is grandfather of first person shooters! That means Doomguy is in!"

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to think that Snake could have been in Melee if Kojima asked Sakurai months sooner.

>Persona got Mii costumes
What if Banjo came with a Master Chief mii costume?

>What it pioneered also been taken and improved upon by even bigger RPGs like Final Fantasy
And yet FF is in the toilet now in terms of quality because it got taken over by the "muh realism, turn-based = bad" crowd while DQ is still fun.

I wish leakers would fuck right the hell off. I would have LOVED to be surprised by this but that faggot VirginBen spoiled it weeks ago and of course all the little queermos spammed it all over this site and youtube. I truly hope the next 2 DLC fighters don't get leaked.

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I'd rather have a Mumbo Swordsman, Conker Gunner, and Rash/Fulgore Brawler

Based on the current DLC, we're obviously only going to get reps from the most popular franchises in the world, so the choice is obvious.

Attached: official leak.png (1967x1107, 2.72M)

>you get Killer Instinct themed costumes
>Jago swordfighter
>Orchid Brawler
>Fulgore Gunner

i can dream

>"We had made five first-person shooters before Doom," said the game's writer, Tom Hall, now head of PlayFirst. "We released Wolfenstein, which had been a hit. But this was the first that had multiplayer, the one that innovated in lots of ways that are now standard in shooting games."

Boom. Doom invented multiplayer fps games.

holy shit tank wireframe from Battlezone confirmed!

Reference to a part in Banjo’s game.

more like doomgay.

>implying it won't be Geno.
lets be realistic here. If Banjo is in so is Geno.

>Joker and Hero both reuse animations from other characters
>Banjo is completely new
Press D to dab on nips

It's a reference to an event in Banjo-Tooie, where in Mayahem Temple, they have to steal a Jiggy from the character Ssslumber by slowly walking up to it, in order to prevent him from waking up and protecting it.

we got cloud and we got 4 toriyama swordsmen. I don't even think we'll get much more from Square, knowing how stingy they are with music.

70 Million. :)

>Sakurai brings back the Cloaking Device from Perfect Dark

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Vast majority of the people here probably only heard of her through rosterfaggotry

but invisibility is SHIT

Grant said he put in touch with Nintendo by the Rabbids team after it was completed, and he said a month later he found out it was music for Banjo in Smash.

wait, why the fuck Terry, Heihachi, and Dante crossed out? Those are the dumbasses I want the most

so we got Spiral Mountain, what else would he remaster?

I hope we never get anymore westerner reps, fucking obnoxious humans beings.

>there are Steve fags that are still trying to shitpost

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honestly I crossed them off based on upcoming releases and lack of third-party.

Dante, while he is iconic, was swiftly de-confirmed and would have to be on a Nintendo system to get in. A late port does not mean anything.

as long as people are on this board, steve and doomguy posting won't go away.

Chi chi wants that Super Saiyan ass fucking.

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Banjo is already DLC, so his chances are 0% until next game.

What. Because he's Western?

Banjo reuses tons of moves from Duck Hunt and even Diddy Kong though

yeah because he used those things in his game. duck hunt wasn't a platforming duo.

Stinky Steve, cope and seethe.
Dabbed on twice, but still won't leave.
Stevies cry and Stevies beg forever. Still no invite. Never. EVER.

>pancakes with butter and syrup

ramen sundae

Do you honestly expect 2 western characters, especially when it took the DLC for the 5th game to get a non-Nintendo owned Western character?
If you do, then why is Frisk/Sans off the table?

1. Yes. Because why not?
2. Because Indies are very likely not allowed to become actual fighters. Sans is a fucking meme choice anyway.

>typing this much and being this wrong
Snake got in because Director Kojima begged for it. There was no such outcry at Sega for Sanic

Dragon Quest is the reason a shit company like Enix got to buy Squaresoft. Fuck Japanese gamers. At least they never bought into XBOx ;]

please for the love of god put her in, imagine the stage, imagine the remixes, it would be the greatest

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I would rather sans over blocky lego man

it's the other way around, square bought enix. if you're gonna shitpost try not ending with winking number muncher.

No more Kayima characters until Wonder Red.

Chris-chan + Sonichu duo.

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based gruntilda, still laying down the hot rhymes

Since Mac got in this has been one I've been hoping for. Finish the team.

Kids don't play smash anymore retard, they play fornite and whatever their favorite youtubers are into for the month

just make a mii fighter, because you know this faggot ain't making the cut. Mac wasn't part of the team, you must be thinking of Simon.

>More people know about sans through memes than the actual game.

That's true of most video game characters. It takes seconds to view a meme, it can take hours to beat a game.

Screencapped because this will totally fucking happen.

did you know fortnite introduced mini battle royales of like 16 people? if the game isn't dying then what's the fuck with that?

>You say something old man?

Old man? I'm not the one playing 10 year old games lmao. Fucking boomer may as well go to /vr/, Minecraft will be allowed on there soon.

>Minecraft allowed on /vr/

only if you talk about Notch and none of the updates past the beta i think.

Nah, Enix bought Square.

It was one of those sneaky mergers where the purchasing company took the name of the company being purchased because the weaker company still had a better reputation.

Kind of like how K-mart bought Sears but named the new entity Sears Holdings, because Sears had better credit and connections.

God I want Doomguy, but I don't think he's in.

These two. Sol main, Ky echo. It'll never happen, but fuck me would it be awesome. I already know their movesets.

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>1. Yes. Because why not?
There will be 80 characters when Banjo releases, and only 4 of them are made at all by westerners, 1 is an echo, and only 1 is from a western series. That is 5% of the roster being westerners at all, and 1.25% westerners from western franchises. And also remember that K. Rool and Banjo&Kazooie were highly requested characters that got top places on several polls, while most other western characters, let alone Doomguy, didn’t make a scratch at all.
>2. Because Indies are very likely not allowed to become actual fighters. Sans is a fucking meme choice anyway.
Since when was there a rule against indies? And this supposed rule you think exists deconfirms Undertale characters?

Imagine a reality where it was called "Enix Square"

You don't have mine, Steveslave. I hope you rot.

She is in

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If they're going to put some obscure indy guy in it should be Quote/Curly Brace or Hollow Knight, not that garbage. It doesn't need a rule to keep it out. It doesn't even rise up to the level of the Waluigi of the indies.

Because two colored squares as eyes are completely soul, right?


You would be able to hear japan collectively gasp as a nation from across the pacific if Saber got in

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Brings a smile to face to see the bloodied and ruined faces of them as they continue to bang their heads against the wall.

Not just Japan but everywhere, doesn't help that it's not on YouTube anymore. Only people still watching are RT fags and hardcore rwooby fans

For me at least, the toilet humor and everything.

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>Yea Forums chooses a row to make it into Smash, no columns.

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Row 6 by a long shot.

1 or 7 purely for doomguy or kiryu. if not for those specific two then 6

For me, it would be this

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I honestly thought the trailer for NMH3 was his intro movie.

>trailer starts out in the woods again
>fighting and shit
>see the light of the grail in the background
>see a red light and everyone turns to where it is
>Shirou with the command seal shadowed
>some short monologue with iconic lines from Fate
Niggas would straight nut

It won't happen, that's true, but it's just Toriyama and maybe the publisher. His Bird Studio is already involved. But it won't happen.

I would not at all be surprised, hate the game but you have to give it to Blizzard for making a character that is visually recognizable despite the game being a complete fucking disaster.

Attached: and i love you random genji main.jpg (2182x1871, 1.32M)

>visually recognizable
Bruh her britbong ass look like something out of pixar. get that shit out of here.

Master Chief would be ridiculous, but I've heard he's deconfirmed.

fucking murder a family in puerto rico you fucking sponge

I doubt Microsoft is allowing more then one rep for Smash so probably.

What a retarded choice, its like adding Kratos
at least other characters have had at least one game on a Nintendo platform

Frankly I'm counting on it.
Along with Steve? obviously

Maybe not top Banjo-Kazooie, but Yea Forums would definitely be btfo like never before

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Honestly I just can't think of anyone else that'd make sense aside from Doom Slayer and Ryu. I don't know, maybe those leaks are just getting to me but.. they just feel like they're the final pieces of the puzzle.

>What a retarded choice, its like adding Kratos
That would be such a wasted slot, they need to add Knack instead.

Why does Japan want this little go in so badly?

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Knack is unfunny Youtube meme and a shit game that isnt on Nintendo, would be worse than Chief, Sans, and Fortnite man combined

>Sora gets in
>Square pulls a Cloud and the only two songs we get are Simple and Clean and the Traverse Town battle theme

I would be genuinely disgusted, but since Shimomura is on the Smash music team he likely wouldn't get the Cloud treatment

>represents modern kirby era
>unique and fun moveset
>people have wanted a new kirby char for a while now

there. spared you the shitflinging. no more questions at this time, please.

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as far as i know the DQ music is just the tokyo orchestra we heard for years. this may end up being a Midgar again.

Name a character who'd bring better content to smash. You can't.

No reveal could beat Heavy. Not Master Chief, not some animu, Team Fortress 2 x Smash Bros. Is SUCH a good idea, in fact.. that i'll never ever fucking happen

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yes they do

sorry, dude, it's just not going to happen

>Nintendo putting dojin lolicon characters in their game
seek help

touhou fans need to die violent deaths

what is Zelda?


Would love it, but Snoy is already kind of killing itself in Japan anyway.
No need to appeal to the Otaku.

you think Zelda is a dojin game?

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yes have you not read zelda dojins?

I definitely want Doomguy more, but Chief is more iconic and would definitely be more hyped for most people. Either would be great though.

He is probably talking about Ruto.

I have no idea what it is

>everyone and their mom knows about sans

The indie characters with the widest recognition among moms and children - as far as I can tell - are Cuphead.
Large numbers of primary schoolers are playing the game.

God please Sans would be for the history books

lol No. Banjo-Kazooie will forever be the hypest reveal. No one in the west gives a shit about this shit.



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I think my dude Heihachi has a pretty decent chance. They still need a Namco rep, his intro could be him fighting one of the SF reps, and Nintendo has done a ton of shit with Tekken like the Tekken Tag Team 2 shit on Wii U with all the Nintendo and Mario shit in that game. Terry would make me rock hard, but aside form all the KoF games being released on Switch EShop, nothing really stands out with a connection between SNK and Nintendo. I would love it though if we got more other fighting game reps so Ryu and Ken wouldn't be our only ones.

I want Travis in so fucking bad, but it sucks dick because Suda even said it himself that Travis isn't coming to Smash. It would've been great too cause Suda said if he got in, while he'd be a sword fighter, all his specials would be wrestling type shit cause that's how it was in the games. Fags would still complain about it being "another generic anime swordsman".

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getting Sans in smash would fucking break the internet and cause the end of humanity as we know it.
i can't wait.

Snake, K Rool, and Simon/Richter had the best reveal trailers. Cloud's was a little lackluster and Sonic's was beyond shit.

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no... kids definitely play smash at my highschool a freind of mine often brings his gamecube and the zoomer 9th graders love that shit.

what if Skyrim was a girl

B eter Griffin