Memes aside, what are the pros and cons of a Demon gf? Would Doomguy ever a cutie demon?
Memes aside, what are the pros and cons of a Demon gf? Would Doomguy ever a cutie demon?
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>what are the pros and cons of a Demon gf?
>Will do any kinky or degenerate shit you want
>Is much more open to sex in general
>Isn't stuck up or think highly of themselves
>Very low maintenance
>Most likely literally evil
>High change of treating you like dirt
>Doesn't actually care about you at all
>Will get you to kill yourself or others
Would Doomguy ever a cutie demon?
cons: would fucking destroy your pelvis
pros: would fucking destroy your pelvis
>Suck your dick so good your soul comes out of it
>Demon futa dick
I'd rather a bunny gf
the male demon should look like this
source on top fem demon
no doom guy is canon virgin save sex until marriage.
God I wanna date a hot demon girl...
This is my ALL time favorite FemDemon design
>Evil Looking
>Piercing eyes
>Massive and imposing
And yet
>Just enough slenderness in the face to look feminine
>Smile and the end is cute af
Would watch 30 mins of this desu
What’s stopping ya?
Them not being real...
Her name is Synth. Some guy's OC.
Both are great, top right is probably another species of demon and has a horsecock or something. Trust me, I'm an expert.
thanks duder
I loved the sensual licking after he cums in her mouth.
>tfw no power bottom demon bf
I want him to drain my balls
the male demon should look like this
I once read that demons can't impregnate you but they can steal other person's semen and use that as their own.
I also wonder how hard they are going to explain the background lore in Doom Eternal. Hope they don't go full retard with it. Sometimes leaving stuff for imagination is better than explicit lore.
>Will do any kinky or degenerate shit you want
Correction: YOU will do whatever kinky and degenerate shit SHE wants.
thats hotter
>being a trapfag
Literally tranny tier
Get gf
If demons are real, hell is real
and you're definitely going to hell for dating a demon
yeah but there are more hot demons in hell then
Fembois are best bois
Doomguy wouldn't date a demon because he's canonically asexual. He doesn't even understand the concept of sex, he only knows how to rip and tear.
Liking traps is as anti-tranny as it gets. It means you accept pretty and natural boys and reject all mutant tranny scum.
This is basically my biggest fetish, so let me break it down for you:
>gf is hot but also old, knows your body better than you do
>Has magic which can possibly give pleasure beyond physical stimulation (read: direct stimulation of the brain or soul)
>she will have control in the relationship, and may give you more carrot than stick
>Lots of potential for continuing your relationship beyond your human lifespan, depending on universal metaphysics, including necromancy, soul consumption and merging, or conversion into a demon
>gf is old and evil. If she has some nefarious purpose in mind for you, a lengthy relationship could just be one big "long game".
^greatest long-term risk^
>Could easily choose to devour your soul, and it might not be pleasant
^greatest short-term risk^
>"Girlfriend" is a poor description for a relationship with a being that's thousands of years old. In reality, you are, AT BEST, a "favored slave".
>Related to above, she could easily choose to give you more stick than carrot
>is a slut
absolute faggot
ahhhhh my dick
>HDoom 2016
We know doomguy in the new continuity has a suit made by a daemon turncoat for him so at the very least he understands the concept of not immediately killing daemons, as for him falling for one?
I doubt it.
The real cons are that she probably has loads of sex in demon rape pits and you'll never be able to compete with that.
You know those are characters from a book, right?
I bought the first one a few years ago, but I've been seeing fanart of those two on the regular since then.
Think it was called, "Succubus sub" or something.
Yeah, and the author is a balding fatguy.
And it's not fanart, he comissions every one of those pictures. I think he's actually in love with her.
imagine getting a demon gf like this, but you find a way to revert those cons & over time turn her into a loving, caring wife
>not getting a demon-fu that can properly turn you into a demon yourself
>not ruling hell together and raping the shit out of adventurers or tempting mortals
I can't get off to xeno porn when the human has a horse-sized rubber cock as well. It ruins the point of interspecies erotica.
I love my hell knight gf
>Male's shield is facing towards the female
>With a face that says, "oh god, please help"
watch him get faster every time you watch it :^)
cringe but good taste
thanks for reminding me to play hdoom
If we're talking Doom version of Demons then I'd say
>All humanity inside her is virtually gone
>Becomes a mindless drone whose sole purpose is to kill all living beings and expand the Hell empire until the entire multiverse is consumed by fire and argent energy
>No longer human so not much of a nag
You may not like it but this is what peak demon looks like.
>High chance of treating you like dirt
I can't help it. She has a very appealing design.
Reverse corruption essentially. I like it
Demons are for slaying, not for sexing
She has a cock
"Slay" is also slang for sex, so...
much better