Tell me their names

Tell me their names

Attached: The boys.png (320x320, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pocky and Rocky

Lan and ___

Lan and Hikari

Lan Hikari and Hub Hikari (MegaMan.EXE)

Name a more iconic duo. You can't.

Dead and /thread

megaman and ash kepchum

Lan and his dead little brother who his dad turned into a computer program

OP, if you want people to actually talk about these games, here's how you do it: you post an image of BN6 and you write "What went wrong?" as the OP text

>"What went wrong?"
series was fine

Batman and Robin.

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Lan and his brother, whose father in grief, made a digital copy of his dying son's soul and implanted in his other son's personal assistant, whom will be risked being lost forever in the high stakes personal assistant battles which he knows his living son loves.

Cute and cuter!

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doesn't megaman sacrifice himself in 3 and the subsequent games it a new megaman made out of found megaman data or some shit?

Who names their kid Hub?


Someone living in a world where you name your kid 'Lan'. Or 'Mayl'.

>play SF games
>talk to random NPCs
>realize that every single person on Earth now has a pun or a reference for a name
>mfw talking to a guy literally named "Bulk N'skull"

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You are thinking of Megaman NT Warrior, I think.

Sup bros, we starting this mega thread for tonight?

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nah just looked it up he does sacrifice himself at the end of 3 but lans dad decodes a letter from lans grandfather that had hubs backup data. So yea he dies at the end of 3 and the one you play in the subsequent games is a new one created from the backup which depending on your world view is either the same person or a different one.


Netto and Saito

Megaman/Hub and Lan Hikari

Sharkboy and Lavagirl

Hey, guys.

I just found this chip. What should I do with it?

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D.A.R.E. to be drug free, kids!


Why bros why. Legends 3 wasn't enough, they had to cancel StarForce 4 too.

I love you Geo and Omega.

OP and cocks

Eat it

what cool other hidden styles and fights were there? i remember finding so much stuff in these games after beating them just jacking into random shit and finding secret bosses. the glitch style was pretty cool but i forget how it worked

wait mayl->mail
damn i feel like a retard now

Bugstyle was always an unreliable pain in the ass and I hated it and always tried to avoid it. Give me any more consistent style any day.

maybe that's just the natural progression into the future. Most names today come from their ancestors' occupations or things/places their ancestors lived around or some combination

reminds me of the weird dragon ball naming conventions

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To be fair, he dies every time he gets deleted.

omega xis and lan

Whats the male version of cunny?

I mean he acts like the same person like it never happened. On another note, there's also backup chips in Network Transmission for navis...

Banjo and Kazoomie

There is no equivalent for cute and funny.


Hub and Local Area Network

I have a hard time deciding which design is better...

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Hikari Netto and Rockman.exe


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You are now aware that Star Force 4 could have happened.

The series should've ended with BN3. Prove me wrong.

>"Hey this new girl is cute. I wonder what her name is."
>"I'm Iris."
>"Oh. Oh no."

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I still can't believe lan's dad is fucking dead

>finally make a good game
>cancel its sequel

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getting to control other navis and cross styles already does that.

I don't. EXE has too much yellow, Shooting Star has it just right with the highlights. Plus, dat red visor and the alien head buster are just too good

>those poses

>that stupid fucking spiked up hair

Mario Mario and Luigi Mario

Outside of a more interesting multiplayer, 3 was barely better than 1 in terms of gameplay

They both have it, Geo is just not embarrassed by letting it all hang out. Truly a chad design for a character that eventually became a chad


Peepee and/or bussy.

Both are cute, and cool. Though I’m more partial to SF.

I’m still mad.

I would love to see how the older version of Megaman(SF) would look like

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willy or peeny

Did BN ever have IRL events where they gave away exclusive/rare chips and people used those old GBA link cables to battle? Feels like something that should have happened


>Starforce 4 could've been the Battle Network 3 or 6 of the Starforce series
fucking hell capcom

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Willy or weewee or work as well