Post yours

Dragon Quest VII (as a big fan of the series)
Donkey Kong 64
Metal Gear Solid 3
Donkey Kong (Arcade)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Demon's Crest
Goldeneye 007
Super Mario Kart
GB Tetris
Wario Land 3

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Other urls found in this thread:

No particular order

BioShock infinite
Uncharted franchise
AssCreed franchise
Halo franchise

Any Nintendo game.

FF7 has been called overrated so many times now that it no longer is.

>Dragon Quest VII (as a big fan of the series)
Did you mean Dragon Quest VIII or Final Fantasy VII? Either way, you screwed up. FFVII is definitely overrated though. Dragon Quest VIII? Not at all, since 1/10th as many people have played it.

Onion Souls
Devil May Cry
Monster Hunter
World of Warcraft
Mario 64
Metal Gear Solid
Elder Scrolls

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The whole Halo series. It's the shittiest and most dumbed down FPS game series of all time, yet it's hailed as something revolutionary. Before Halo there were games like Quake, UT99, Tribes, HLDM, CS, etc.

What did Halo do? It just dumbed everything down and made everything extremely slow and require as little skill as possible and somehow that made it into one of the biggest franchises of all time. It boggles my mind.

Grand Theft Auto III
Alan Wake
Silent Hill 2
Uncharted 2
Chrono Trigger
Majora's Mask
Half-Life 2
Animal Crossing
Persona 3
Kingdom Hearts II

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Gears of war
Half-life 2
Ocarina of time
Serious Sam
Brutal legend
But Skyrim comes first

Games have to be hyped in the first place to be overrated guy.

Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Super Mario World
Half-Life 2
Deus Ex
Kingdom Hearts 2
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Cross


I know these are really popular but is there anywhere they're actually highly rated?

any Zelda game

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Final Fantasy (any)
Elder Scrolls (any)
Pokemon Gen IV (all of them)
Tekken (Any)
Halo (any)
Doom (any)
Rare game (any)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 on GBA. That fucking garbage port is on everyones best-of list

Reminder that "overrated" is what passes for criticism when you can't say anything of substance against a game.

Not even endorsing any "overrated" games, but I know what an opinion is.

Literally the worst Elder Scrolls game

>Donkey Kong 64
But that game is almost universally disliked.

in no particular order

any Zelda
Castlevania SotN
Dragon's Dogma
Street Fighter 2
God Hand
Silent Hill 2
any Resident Evil

Absolutely this.

hey, Zoomzoom

Really nigger?

The worst part too is that you can easily just call a game bad and say why anyways, its not hard at all. People just don't want to deal with people liking shit they don't.

there could be one person on the entire planet that defends it and it would still be overrated

Deus Ex
Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
Mario 64
Red Dead
Final Fantasy VI
Divinity Original Sin
Animal Crossing
Golden Eye

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I love reminding people Undertale lost indie GotY to car soccer.
Really puts a stick up their ass, especially if they were one of those retards shitting up threads for others games when it released about how great it was.

>Wario Land 3
nice b8
its peak gaymboi game and discribing it as perfect is just that: objective discription

Super Mario Odyssey
GTA Vice City / San Andreas
Deus Ex
The Witcher 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Half-Life 1/2
The Last of Us
GoldenEye 007

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2 is better and less annoying to play

Every modern Naughty Dog game.

Secret of Mana. That shit aged really badly, unlike Chrono Trigger. You can tell it's pure nostalgia and not the game actually being good.

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That didn't take long. 3rd post.

Alan Wake – Flashlight Simulator

Let me guess. You didn't change AI settings in the menu. I was the same way until I figured this out. It went from "shit this game sucks!" to "wow, range is awesome."

Ocarina of Time has to be up there. It is good, but it is not "sell your soul to satan" good that everyone has you believe. A solid 9/10 but not "the best game ever made".

Trials on the other hand...

>Alan Wake is good
no one ever

>okay this is getting to me, forest shit feels real nice
fuck this game and fuck remedy

Aren't you forgetting your Nintendo bias buddy?
I'd suggest you start following the rules or your brother might get in an accident when he goes to work this Tuesday...

best Zelda is Links Awakening anyway. not the new soulless shit

planescape torment
resident evil 4
chrono trigger
final fantasy 7
league of legends
world of warcraft
warcraft 3
half-life 2
ocarina of time
witcher 3

Yeah this is the real best game
You know I'm right

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The entire Legend of Zelda franchise.

Oh god FF7 is so overrated!!!!!
why wont some one remember this obscure less successful game that only I care about

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anytime made by ubisoft except rayman

Op is an obsessed autist who keeps spamming the same thread because he's mad FF7 was exclusive to PS1 and made Nintendo irrelevant.

The entire grand theft auto series. I find the games dull and boring and its written by 15 year olds who just watched scarface. Ive been saying this since 3 came out on ps2.

The fact that that game isn't called no.1 on everyones list shows how pozzed gaming is.

Most ps1 games

Uncharted (All of them)
The Last of Us
God of War (onions version)
Zelda BOTW
The Witcher 3
NieR Automata
Soul Calibur 1
Shenmue I & II
Kingdom Hearts (All of them)
Shadow of the Colossus/ICO/The Last Guardian

For reference if anyone is unsure what the most acclaimed games are. Look at this picture

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List made by a tendie.

Yikes. Everyone knows Ocarina of Time doesn't belong at the top of any list. Also stay obsessed with FFVII.

Can anyone stop Link? The absolute madman

half life 2
the last of us
shadow of the colossus

How many times are you going to make this thread? Go outside.

> Console war garbage
Fucking kill yourself, this is why Yea Forums hates Sony

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1. OOT
2. OOT
3. OOT
4. OOT
5. OOT
6. OOT
7. OOT
8. OOT
9. OOT
10. OOT

Stop making this thread.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Last of Us
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
God of War (2018)
Any Halo
Any Assassin's Creed
Any Uncharted
Any Metal Gear Solid
DMC is the best game series ever and DMC3 is the best game ever

Probably forgetting some but these are the one that comes to mind, in no particular order.

Dark Souls
Nier Automata
That said, that doesn't mean I think they're bad games either.

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>Ocarina of Time
>best soundtrack

Now THIS is nostalgia at it's worst. Not even in the top 100 all time OSTs.

>OoT, a mediocre piece of shit, is almost always #1 in best game lists.
Why? Is it unchecked nostalgia?

Thanks for exposing yourself as the same autistic tendie who keeps spamming this thread. FFVII was on the PS1 and there's a reason it won. Get over it.

Final Fantasy X

Any turn based rpg, especially those jrpgs with fixed camera. Choosing an option from a menu from time to time, while watching cutscenes play out in between, is the most pathetic form of "gameplay" I can imagine.

COPE, i made the last thread. Someone else made this one, i haven’t used my Computer all day

Does a game that has been grossly overrated when it came out, but nowadays most people recognize as mediocre/shit count as overrated?

Now this is a pretty accurate most overrated video game list.

Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid 5

>best anything
People who vote for this trash must have rocks in their heads.

Because you sonyfags are seething with jealosy, people who aren’t autistic poorfags use their PC for classics/Multiplats & Switch for exclusives

>playstation beat blizzard


11 of your favorite games.

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Yeah. Anglos and americans grew up with that game as their favorite, and they made up the vast majority of english speaking internet from 95 to 2008, which is when OOT wanking was absolutely rampant and out of control. People stopped overrating it now, which is why it has dropped out of top 50 by user score on metacritic.

Have sex

Uncharted (whole series, especially 4)
Metal Gear Solid (whole series, especially 4)
Assassin's Creed (whole series)
God of War (whole series, especially 2018)
Horizon Zero Dawn

>Having a PC that's 4 times stronger than the Shitch
Yeah let me just waste my money on emulatable hardware because Nintendo loves to sell their paypigs shit that's 3 gens behind

My list is:

basically anything that's good or Yea Forums likes.


Sony fags have no games & their exclusives die to fast for them to have a dedicated fanbase like Zelda, Mario or Pokemon. So despite this being a Nintendo board. Sonyfags make up all of the shitposting & console war threads because crying about Nintendo is the only thing Sony fans have in common, which is why everyone has always hated them. Several games are impossible to discuss because Sonyfags get assmad & resort to console-warring

>best story

It barely had a story, and what it did was a direct copy of LttP's story, just sub maidens out for sages, it's the same exact shit.

Also the fact anyone can think a silent protag is anywhere capable of being a best character needs to experience more stories. OoT Link has literally zero depth or actual character.


Says the tendie who's so obsessed with FFVII he spends his all his time posting about it.

Go outside.

>Yea ForumstendoGAF hates sony
Color me shocked.

Cope more

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> So schizophrenic that he thinks everyone is the exact same user & cannot even IP check properly

We all know the reason. There's a reason they're obsessed and spam threads like this.

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These kind of things are retarded, every game in a similar list would be considered overrated

> Every single thread is flooded by Sonyfags spamming hollow buzzwords & absolutely seething about Nintendo’s very existence. Claiming anyone who disagrees with them is the same person, unable to cope with the fact that their opinion will always be extremely unpopular.
> Is surprised when Yea Forums declares Sony the worst fanbase
Nice victim complex

That actually makes sense

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>Only sonyfags spout buzzwords on Yea Forums
The delusions one tells themselves to have a boogeyman.

Ocarina of Time
Half Life 2
Any CoD
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Any Pokemon
God of War

>Every single thread is flooded by Sonyfags
>Nice victim complex
The irony is palpable.
I guess no one could possibly think 720p gaming is a joke since Nintendo does it and it's "Mobile" despite phone sales and phone game revenue completely cock stomping it due to being an awful mobile medium.
But hey man, companies don't need money to survive, they need that pixie dust nostalgia from half cocked games like BotW you'll suck dry, but the moment someone points out the AC-lite mechanics to it you'll ignore the posts

>Metal Gear Solid 3

Dark Souls (series)
literally any Moba (the genre is a bloated failure)
Final Fantasy VII
Street Fighter II
Metal Gear Solid (specifically 1 and 3)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Horizon Zero Dawn
Spider-Man (PS4)
any Tekken game prior to TTT2
any Mortal Kombat that isn't 1-3 or 9

The Last of Us
Overwatch(but most people know it's shit anyway)

Meanwhile he's in a thread spammed by a seething tendie mad because FFVII and the PS1 made Nintendo irrelevant.

Where did Undertale touch you?

They're not overrated, you're just a retard with shit taste and you will stay that way until your pointless life is over.

You can tell this guy has only owned Nintendo consoles in his life.

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I can google the first sites about overrated games & I guarantee you that none of those games except FF7 will make the list

Particularly my eyes, since the artstyle looks like dogshit and the tranny fan art got spammed here.
"Le steven after not surviving"


Chrono Trigger
Paper Mario N64
Secret of Mana
Luigi's Mansion 2
Spec Ops The Line

These are the worst offenders.

> Still obsessed with the mindset that only one person exists on Yea Forums
Jesus christ

Squaresoft putting FF7 on the PS1 has really messed with tendies. They can't let it go to this day.

Why is it always that same fucking face?

Awful opinion. Only Morrowind is in its league in that series

Still obsessed with FFVII the destroyer of Nintendo.

Witcher 3
Bioshock Infinite
The Last of Us
Halo 2
Dark Souls
Breath of the Wild
Uncharted series
KotoR II (original is better)
Fallout: New Vegas (mediocre even with mods)
Paper Mario 2 (64 is better)
Mass effect games

See, proved my point
> Tendie, Obsessed, Toddler, Nintendo Bonus, Bing Bing Wahoo
These are the only words Sony fan will every use when you try to argue with them, they will continually spammed 24/7 & it’s the equivalent of talking to a brick wall

Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Decay
Half-Life: Source
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two

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He shat on Earthbound, so no

Says the tendie spamming the FFVII thread.

I genuinely love FF7, stay seething
> Bbut Nintendo bias
Absolutely seething & desperate

>ITT: zoomerfags and summerfags shitposting

enjoy your containment thread retards

>3DS is trailing PS4
>Sony is doing everything it can to sabotage the PS4
>Third parties are rushing to Switch at a pace not seen since the SNES days
Nothing makes sense these days.

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And super Mario isn't there to smash the wall

Car Soccer is pretty guud tho.

It's literally the opposite. You can't discuss any Sony exclusive without assmad nintentoddlers shitting up the threads. Especially for upcoming games. Those ones make nincompoops seethe and boil with rage. It's not hard to imagine why. Nintendo's flagship console is a literal tablet with 4 year old technology and nintendo is selling them overpriced ports, indies and literal mobile games. On the off chance they get a multiplat, it's heavily downgraded and looks and plays like absolute turd. Imagine being a nintendo fan, spending $300 on a glorified tablet, 100 more for a proper controller and other accessories, and being forced to pay $60 to play decade old ports. I would be constantly angry and lashing out sonyfags too if I were a ntoddler. Nintendo is ripping them off and pulling a scam over them but they have no choice but to go along with it because they're too far gone with their brand loyalty. Nintendo is part of their identity. They can't pull back now and admit nintendo is trash after being a diehard fan for decades.

The creepiest part is his eyes. Usually when somebody is smiling there is a smile crinkling of the eyes, but his arent. He's just opening his mouth and showing his teeth in a strange pretend smile. Same with the other normally posted soilent grins.

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> Literally uses the exact buzzwords, and still desperately clings to the hollow notion that it’s only one person posting this thread when someone else made this as a response to the older thread that was up earlier
Fucking cope more

Why are tendies so obsessed with FFVII? It was a great game and Squaresoft chose Sony. Let it go.

car soccer is normie bait. normies would rather die than admit undertale was goty

It is, it also didn't have the insane overhype from the hipster and "quirky" community.
It stood on its own merits and not being insanely overrated

I want to personally punch anyone who gave Gone Home a perfect score.

f a l l o u t 4 by normies

Was it Bloodborne or The Last of Us, which one upset you more?

Do you know what IGN is?

The Witcher 3
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Hollow Knight
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Alien: Isolation
Halo: Combat Evolved
God of War (PS4)
Uncharted (whole series)
Last of Us
Fallout New Vegas

Some of these were bad, some mediocre, some had very monotonous bits, and a few were even good but nowhere near a masterpiece.

>Game that could be played hundreds if not thousands of times and still be different and fun
>Compared to "Pacifist" "Genocide" "Mixed but with 100 different variants with said variants being dialogue for which assholes you did decide to kill"
Real compelling bro

This. There's a reason this thread exists. Only insecure tendies make threads to shit on other games that they can't play. You don't see any other fanbase making threads like this. There are multiple threads on Yea Forums at anytime time either shilling Nintendo, praising Nintendo, or trying to shit on the competition. It's quite cringey actually. Spending all day on an anime board shilling for a children's toy company.

All games I like are underrated and perfect
All games I dislike are overrated and shit

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Agree with all of your picks except MGS3 and Wario Land 3.

Fuck you Wario Land 3 is ludo

At least you admit you're spamming these threads obsessed tendie.

My first console was an NES, I had an SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, all that, so even growing up with Nintendo I have the opinion that most of their games are really overrated. Even as a kid I just thought they were boring. I know boring is not a great criticism but just nothing about Zelda, Mario, or any of their mainline series interests me at all. I couldn't finish Breath of the Wild because the world was so washed out and fuck ugly. That's something that doesn't help. I don't mind graphics that aren't top notch but it's embarrassing that Nintendo truly just can't keep up. If you're going to make games for kids they should at least look nice. Doesn't have to be realistic. Some PS1 games are my favorites of all time. But they're not ugly even if they're outdated, whereas I find the designs in Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, all just ugly and annoying to look at. I probably have autism, but I really don't have anything against Nintendo. I just don't get why people like almost any of their games. Their best games are Mario Party and Mario Kart because at least they're party games and fun for laughs with friends.

We know, we know, you've threatened the lives of many for perceived slights or bias. Let's not forget depression quest and various reviewers threatened with murder by you virgin freaks for the crime of being women. Luckily you freaks never leave your basements let alone your homes.

Case in point, the absolute state of Sony fans. Sony has no games, you will never see a single sony game discussed on Yea Forums except SOTC, for any reason other than the same group of ConsoleWar fags using it to cry about Nintendo. You faggots did the exact same thing with Persona 5, every thread was the exact same wojak spam & console war buzzwords. Nobody actually discussed the games because any criticism will be instantly deflected by Sony fags spamming buzzwords & crying “Le Nintendo”

>any zelda
Link's awakening is true kino

I thought everyone hated DK64?

What the fuck? People were posting music, boss fights, villain motivations, etc. of p5 when it released. What are you smoking?

Halo 2
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Diablo II

I didn’t because it wasn’t me you fucking idiot. I have never played any of the games in the OP except Tetris, GoldenEye & MGS3

Yet you're spamming threads with FFVII, a Sony game. Stay obsessed and seething.

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>I couldn't finish Breath of the Wild because the world was so washed out and fuck ugly.

Literally all they had to do was get rid of that weird smudgy filter that washes out all the colors but nope, to stubborn to admit they made a bad design choice.

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My pupils will dilate when you're bleeding out from your mouth after I apply my boot to your face several times

>Dragon Quest VII (as a big fan of the series)
talk about a psued. DQVII is one of the most disliked of the series - certainly before the 3ds remake.

Seriously. I don't get why they did that. It reminds me of when you accidentally leave the partial color range on and all your blacks look gray. But that's just the visual design of the game. It's so hideous. I really don't understand why they'd do that besides technical limitations. They can't have believed it looked good.

Every Nintendo fan has a PC & uses it to play retro games on their emulator because Nintendo is full of greedy kikes that have horrible online service. But of course Sonyfags wouldn’t know this.
Whatever helps you cope Sonyfag, maybe believing everyone is the same user will help you get over your massive victim complex

I never had fun with unreal physics sandbox sim. Not for a single session. But then again, my IQ is above single digits.

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario Kart (entire series other than 8)
Mario 64
Godhand (At least on Yea Forums, the press reamed it appropriately)
Uncharted series
Dark Souls
Street Fighter IV/V
World of Warcraft

In general, 64-era Nintendo sucked ass. Gamecube was peak Nintendo.

Bioshock Infinite
The Last of Us
Monster Hunter World
Witcher 3
Deus Ex
Majora's Mask
NieR Automata

A genuine console warrior. Hello.


Most overrated game of all time is Half Life 2 and that's coming from someone who played it on release.

That's chill.
You're in the minority though and your opinion is worth less than dogshit but it's chill

Conoletelt agree. Halo was the mainstream's introduction to FPS and onine multilayer. It was revolutionary for the general public that never experienced an online shooter before. Anybody that was already playing games like quake and UT on a pc thought halo was garbage and it was by comparison.

>people actually saying chrono trigger and ff6 are overrated
Holy fuck this board is full of zoomers.

I thought most people universally hated on GTA4? When it came out there was non-stop bitching about the driving controls and everyone just went back to sucking SA's dick. Now SA, THAT is an overrated game.

Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger
Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.

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Look at the metacritic of GTA4

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Odyssey
Breath of the Wild
Twilight Princess
Gold Version
Mario Kart (The whole series)

any indie game

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Nier; Automata
Mario Kart 64
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Secret of Mana
Pikmin 2
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Mega Man NES games (any)
Gone Home
Final Fantasy IV

ITT: contrarian zoomers

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>putting OoT over silent fucking hill 2 in best storylines
Really, nigga? Silent Hill 2 gets spoken of like it's the gospel far too often, but it does have a great story.
>putting OoT in best soundtrack over SoTN
Who the everloving fuck made this list?

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>implying this is somehow shocking

Rocket League is one of the most amazing games ever created. Everything about it is absolutely flawless except for the occasionally finicky matchmaking.

Well, also the fact that you can get banned for calling someone a stupid niggerfaggot.

Dungeons and Dragons (not vidya)
Dragon Quest
Might and Magic

But Undertale is a story about how quirky and awesome I am and le asgore goat you incel


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don't @ me ever again, basedboi

The filter was most likely to cover up less than stellar textures as well as draw distance issues. It's actually amazing the game looks as good as it does on the WIi U. But when put on the Switch, things become more noticeable.

But it also could have just been an artistic design choice. Like the horrible brown filter on everything in Twilight Princess. Which actually made the game harder to see on SD TVs, so it was a bad design decision both visually and for gameplay.

Pretty easy:

1.Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2.League of Legends
3.Dota 2
4.Street Fighter (Any of them)
5.Left 4 Dead
6.Dark Souls/Bloodborne games
7.The Last of Us
8.TES 3: Morrowind
9.Persona 4/5
10.Pokemon BW2
11.Team Fortress 2
12.Final Fantasy games, especially FF7
13.Counter Strike


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Except no one needs to justify why they think a game is overrated, especially not to you.

>Kefka Palazzo and Ganondorf in the Best Character Lists
How the fuck is a Psychopath best anything? What is wrong with normalfags?
Daily reminder: we, human beings who are supposedly capable of rational thought, live in a society where Kefka Palazzo's character can be admired even by retarded normalfags. The levels of degeneracy are beyond the charts, we need another Noah's Ark.


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All Ubisoft games
Sono movies

Ocarina of Time has been called overrated now more than its been called the best game ever. Like 3 or 4 years ago it feels like everyone got so sick of it being worshipped that they just collectively agreed to completely turn on it.

Honestly with BotW out now, it's pretty easy to see how overrated it is.

>Dragon Quest VII (as a big fan of the series)
>not VIII
my favorite one is 6

Baldur's Gate 2
Animal Crossing
Fallout: New Vegas
Mass Effect 1
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon's Dogma
Smash games
Persona games > 2

Article: Some barely literate shit that someone put zero effort into that often doesn't even relate to the headline.

The internet was a mistake.

Reminder that Yea Forums is full of contrarians as usual & no other place on the internet shares their opinions.

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Super fucking outdated. Undertale isn't there.

Thats just game journalism.

Only one site had Undertale on their list

Every LoZ game after MM. Your all faggots.

my nigger

It had satisfying vehicles and a way better setting than any of that crap you listed.

Super Mario 64
Breath of the Wild
Final Fantasy 7
Team Fortress 2
Half Life 2
Halo in general
Tales of Vesperia
Street Fighter 2
Persona 5

actual seething the thread

>I get my opinions from sites

>no Ocarina of Time (it's still great but good fucking lord)
>DK64 and Goldeneye when public opinion of them went down the shitter
>fucking Vectorman
>Demon's Crest
>Wario Land 3
IGN continues to be off the goop. I do agree on GB Tetris though, it's trash compared to even 5th gen versions of it, and there's no reason to touch it when PuyoTet and Tetris Effect exist

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