In retrospect, this game was average at best

In retrospect, this game was average at best

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2 was kino tho

In retrospect, impregnating your mom wasn't worth it lmao.

MW2 > Big Red One > MW1 >>>> the rest

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It came at just the right time two months after Halo 3

The multiplayer was shit but its the best Veteran of any CoD game

People were so sick off WW2 games at that point, that a mainline FPS featuring modern warfare was something new

no shit
cod is the video game market version of grey paste

You're retarded zoomers who didn't play it on release

It came out in 2007 retard, plenty of zoomers played it on release

the multiplayer was amazing at the time, it has been done to death. seinfeld syndrome or some shit

Compared to what?

>the multiplayer was amazing at the time
it was just CoD 2 again with shitteir maps and a Korean MMO grinding system, Featuring Bullet Penetration from The CounterStrike Series.

that IS the zoomer game, retard

bullshit, the cool new guns and perks made it very fast and fluid. cod2 was a bolt action twitchfest

>cod2 was a bolt action twitchfest
and it was better for it, guess 4 is better for casuals like yourself that cant handle skill in his shooters

CoD 2 and United Offensive are still the best ones

cry some more, i bet you're 22 or some shit

>it's a zoomer wasn't even born at the time so there's no way for him to grasp how good it was for it's time episode

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>he thinks COD 4 is shit
>must be a zoomer

COD 4 laid a lot of the foundations for future COD games but it's was still average. MW2, Black Ops, WAW and BO2 were all better

In retrospect, no game has benefited from taking inspiration from CoD4.
It's like the Goldeneye of gen-z, hugely popular among consolekiddies, while PC gamers don't understand why such an underwhelming shooter is praised so highely.

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