Dragon Quest

I really want to give this series a shot. As someone who isn't usually into JRPGS, where should I start? The only RPGs I've actually enjoyed are Pokemon and Earthbound.

I hear the GBC versions of I, II and III are nice and short sweet experiences?

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V is also relatively short

IV is cute as fuck

5 will have some pokemon vibes, the original trilogy has the same mechanics as mother 1/2

I'd recommend 4-5-6 on DS in any order, then playing 1-2-3 in order. After that you can play the other games however you feel, just dont play 10

We have had already 100 threads with the same topic, it's hard to believe that you missed any of them.

Wait for the switch one.

The GBC or mobile versions of I-III are alright for experiencing the early titles. You don't have to play them in order, but I would suggest playing I-III in order for the sake of III's story.

Other than that V, VIII and XI are all good too.

I have a love for VII's story and characters, but it's a pretty long game, even the 3DS version with some QoL changes.

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I just started DQ1 2 days ago therefore you should also start with DQ1. I'm playing the NES version though.

I ironically enjoyed 9

DQ1 can be beaten in an afternoon but it's obviously extremely simple as far as RPGs go. Don't start with 2. 3 is good though.
DQ5 or 8 are also good games to try first

I played a little o DQVII on 3DS. I was enjoying it until like 30 hours in, but it became a slog. The game is huge and there isn't enough depth to justify it. The setting is cool and the histories of each island are nice, but the actual gameplay don't make up for it.

Playing I before III and IV before V would be better imo. For reasons I'm sure you know.

Now I’m curious, mind explaining? I love cute.

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Dragon quest 6 was my first in the series and from there I've played 7 and 8 looking to buy 11 when it drops for switch. One day I'll play the old ones but I do like how lengthy the games are, feels good to progress and unlocking skills with jobs is pretty fun

IV (merchant chapter is kino)

I love Healie, all the Slime buddies, so much in VI. He shows up in IV Remake as well?

>As someone who isn't usually into JRPGS, where should I start?
You fucking don't I really dont get you people

Avoid DS and 3DS ports and all the ones from 8 onwards as they have shit translations where everyone is a "wacky" scottish comedian.

XI is the most modern entry and one of the best. You really can't do anything wrong with it.
If you want a retro experience, try V or III. These three are usually the highest rated games in the series.
Alternatively, you can always try some of the spin-offs. The Monster series for example is a fun monster-collecting game, Rocket Slime is pure cuteness and a fun action-adventure and a few others.

Getting really fucking tired of these mushrooms putting my entire party to sleep.

If you like Pokemon, probably start with Dragon Quest V. It came out before Pokemon and was its biggest influence.

>I hear the GBC versions of I, II and III are nice and short sweet experiences?
They are short, but it depends on if you like older RPGs or not. Earthbound feels very similar to Dragon Quest II in terms of UI, battles and skills. But it's not similar in setting or tone.

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Which DQ has the best music? Why is it III?

Play Dragon Quest V and marry best wife Debora.

Reminder that XI S barely adds anything new and the PC version is still a perfect game.

There's good music in every game. Hard to pick just one. But DQII, VII and VIII probably have the best overall music.

>Reminder that XI S barely adds anything new

well that's not true

>trying so hard to troll new players
Dragon Quest XI S has the most additions of any DQ game.


Like 40 additions. Including some UI/gameplay stuff that should have been in the base game.

from what I understand it sounds like the S version fixes the retarded vanity system which really ground my gears when I played it

The only actual new thing that matters is new party relations (?). Everything else is whatever or is just part of the shitty port of the 3DS game that they've thrown in as a ""mode"".

>didn't even read the article
You're wrong. And no amount of responses with deflection and denial will make you right. Read the article.

>nuh uh and if you respond you're wrong!!
Very epic. There's nothing in S that justifies waiting for it over just playing the existing game right now.

>There's nothing in S that justifies waiting for it over just playing the existing game right now.

Enjoy your shitty vanilla version then I guess.

Dual Audio alone is a reason to get the Switch version. But beyond that:

-Improved forging, can forge anywhere and reverse look up needed items
-New appearance changing equipment
-Appearance equipment can be used on top of other gear
-Appearance equipment is properly labeled
-Post game quests improved
-New characters
-Improved Horse racing mini game
-Improved Bowgun gameplay
-Ability to skip cutscenes the first time around.
-Camera improvements.
-Photo Mode added.
-Increased variation of ridable monsters.
-Ability to attack ridable monsters on the field to earn experience points.
-Symphonic music replaces Synth
-Can switch all music to Dragon Quest VIII Symphonic music
-Party members follow you on the field.
-Ability to call horse at all times.
-Obtain experience from blowing away monsters on the horse.
-Shiny spots stand out more.
-Immediately obtain materials upon examining gathering points.
-Made some events happen earlier
-Improved campsite features
-Increased the tempo of party dialogue.
-Added party member speech bubbles in battle.
-In battle, party members move on their own according to the situation.
-Can adjust battle speed on the fly
-“Skill Reset” and "Multiple Skills" available from the beginning of the game.
-Improved UI
-Display monsters on the map
-All the 3DS features added with improvements
-Improved many existing quests.
-Newly added party chat dialogue
-Fully voiced party chat
-All events fully voiced
-A bunch of unreleased new features (assumed new playable characters and story events)

I know you'll just ignore all of these and go "wah game is fine as is" just to defend your point. All of this is for the benefit of others.

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