Why can nobody get horror games right?

Why can nobody get horror games right?

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what video games do you want me to like OP

>Ifunny Watermark

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They haven't learned the basic arc of any successful horror. How can the audience expected to be scared of normalized dread? I won't explain it further.

Most games in that picture save for A24 trio are unironically good, though.

In what world are Luigi's Mansion and Doom horror?

We know of the roller coaster effect.
Your highs need lows so you reset your tolerance for the horror or have you stew in your own suspense.

Why can't you just go back to ?

lol so true

lol so true

how the fuck Doom, L4D, Luigi Mansion, LSD and Undertale are on this picture ?
and why do the guy who made this picture prepared some phrases that are suppose to make the picture uncriticable ?
Are u that insecure about your taste?

videogames are a blight and ruined my life
if i had never played videogames i would have had sex with stacies and become a chadgod
i'm white with god genetics, not a mutt, but videogames corrupted me and poisoned my mind with (((their))) propaganda
now i'm on a shitpost crusade to destroy videogames once and for all

Or Lisa, Castlevania, Half Life, and SS2.

Because no one actually wants to be scared. Fear isn't enjoyable. They just want to fight something that is gruesome, ugly, and menacing because it feels good to overcome monsters.


LOL so true

stalker is legitemetely scary tho
at least it was when I played it for the first time

Pic related got it right.

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this picture was specifically concocted to make people mad, wasn't it?

I agree with most of this list but why Dead Space? For me that one was the last good horror game. It didn't rely on jumpscares 24/7 and actually builds up tension when you play through the game. On hard difficulties it gets even better because of the ammo scarcity so you have to use Stasis and Kinesis more.


Should've used the VR game given the endings in that one.

You can pause. Video games will never be scary.

what you don't like random loud noises and scary images what are you soi

"I don't like horror genre videogames" - OP
It's okay, you don't have to like all types of games sweetheart

This is bait

horror games are deeply personal to the person playing it
we're not all scared of the same thing, if we were """they""" would have capitalised on that years ago
this is also why most horror games fall down to shitty jumpscares rather than trying to trigger fear / unease, since it can appeal to everyone since everyone jumps when unexpected shit happens, at least the first time
basically horror is dead, until you can buy shit tailor made for you it will stay dead

Oh i'm retarded, this is listing games that are 'soi horror'

But why FNAF 2 and NOT the 4th game?

I'd rather believe that than believing that someone can be this autistic.

Imagine being such a pussy that you think Castlevania is a horror game.

>top down
Just no

But half of these aren't even over,
Not a NPCment because I didn't word it that way, Also.
>>>>>>>ifunny watermark

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Ok, NPC! You are an NPC! "This is bait" Haha! NPC! I got you! Fucking NPC! Pic very related because it's a picture of YOU!!! NPC!!! YOU'RE AN NPC!!!! I bet you're shaking right now, ready to delete your wisecrack, huh? Got snakes in your boots pal? Go pop open a onions bottle and chug. Go dilate you disgusting tranny. Cat got your tongue? That's OK! I didn't wanna hear your DUMB NPC voice again! What do you mean you didn't fall for the bait? Shut up NPC!

Attached: npsoy.png (644x800, 14K)

>being concieved
Just no

half of the games on that list aren't horror games.

>castlevania is a bad game
>RE4 is a bad game
>L4D is a bad game
>silent hill 2 is a bad game

Christ, Yea Forums has shit taste in everything

>It's a walking simulator where you have to open all the doors manually! Such immersion!

Half-Life? Who the fuck thinks that Half-Life is a horror game?
What a shit list, OP. You should be ashamed of yourself if you aren't 100% just baiting.

"Walking sims" are the only good horror games.

it's a shitty bait image from Yea Forums edited into Yea Forums bait material, can't you even see the poorly edited "games" on it ?

Imagine actually spending time making that image

An asshurt zoomer made this, probably never played most of these.

OP has a very broad definition of horror, have a hyper realistic ISIS terrorist about to explode picture for your trouble.

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Yea Forums copying somewhere else's memes once again.

lol so true

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Walking sims are Funhouse tier.
Enjoy your outlast/amnesia trash, fag.

>Using the terms "stacies"
Get out. Go anywhere but Yea Forums. Please.

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this is the most zoomer-tier opinion I've seen on Yea Forums yet


>mfw my favorite horror doesn't appear on the bait pic because its pretty niche

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lol so true

lol so true

Might as well kill yourself now bub

I love Darkwood, but I’m pretty sure it’s not on there because it’s too niche.

Who goes out of their way to make a chart like this?

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because Konami cancels them when they shape up good


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Darkwood is shit tho.

I know it's from Yea Forums, but in what world is Castlevania horror? It never made fun of tropes either.

No one:
Literally no one:
Not a soul:

>this fag doesn't like funhouses

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>now i'm on a shitpost crusade to destroy videogames once and for all
Look where that got Quentin



>poorly edited "games" on i
sounds like Yea Forums

>t. ugly, lazy piece of shit

>shitty inventory system
>retarded scripts
>terrible enemies
>terrible gameplay
>terrible crafting, weapon system, and quests
>RNG based exploration and maps
>terrible soundtrack
>muh scary nighttime parts where nothing happens

Does anyone have the original? I wanna see how shit my taste is

>penumbra not on the list


lol so true

>dude what if I just said all of the good parts of the game.....BUT I SAY THEY ARE BAD LMAOOOO I’M SUCH AN EPIC TROLLER


>no Siren in pic
where my Siren bros at

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>posts argument
>better call him troll
you sure showed him.
enjoy your shitty black/white indie survival.

This is like the most tryhard bait image you can come up with

>bootleg Quentin

Its astounding how that game was so terrible in the sound department, where sound department is a key part in good horror.
>creature takes down barricade
>no sound
>door knocking
>super loud because scripted event
god that game was awful

That night the rain fell on a terrified city. A lone figure wandered the streets, always vigilant, always euphoric. We all knew it was safe around him. Three bodies had already been found, seven more victims were still missing. The police couldn't stop GTA, it was too powerful. But he could. Years of studying the way of blade had made him unstoppable. His mastery of the block chain made him invincible. Beneath his trench coat he held a Cold Steel(tm) katana, the most formidable of all weapons. A normie hunter like GTA might have it's way with the frat boys and suburban gangster wannabes, but it wouldn't dare strike around this man. A passing woman was paralyzed by his fearsome aura, only able to move after a tip of his fedora, the universal sign of goodwill and respect. He dusted the doritos off his hands and kept walking. There was more work to do. There was always more work to do. The rain fell.

I like what I like and I don't need some fag to tell me what I can and can't like.

imagine actually spending time making that image

those games in categories have almost nothing in common were they just slapping random games in there or what

what's a VR horror game that's not gonna make me fall down and break shit? I want spoopy but i don't want jumpscares.

I'd settle for just creepy or dreadful

>slow and uneventful

real life

I've found Pathogic 2 to be more scary then most of these games.

>sitting in room
>someone starts knocking on the front door
>Light suddenly dies and I'm plunged into darkness

Funny if you look at the definitions, jumpscare and scare are the same thing, so to be scary is literally having jumpscares, horror is something else

>no argument and incorrect information

Valid point but one I disagree with

>incorrect information
>valid point
make up your mind fag.
Darkwood is trash.

lol so true


>Valid point but one I disagree with
>hurr no argument
he made his point, what about you, fag?
defend your trash.

Yea Forums always makes the best bait

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>didn't edit the A24 part out
low quality tbqh

op takes cock up his ass