Just how mad are PC/PS4 bros?

Just how mad are PC/PS4 bros?

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I can just emulate it o nmy PC

based retard

got a PC and switch and not mad at all because i pirated it

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I have a PC, ps4 and a switch

I-I'm sure they'll patch it in T_T

I mean, I hope they bring the content to the ps4/pc versions via a patch/dlc, because if not I'll just not bother buying the games in the future till the complete edition is out. I don't care if another platform gets it first though, that shit's happened since forever.

I still haven't got around to getting this game. Waiting for the Steam sale to hopefully give a good price on it

Oh man I sure am going to regret not being able to play Dragon Quest Eleven: Echoes of an Elusive Age -Definitive Edition- S on my PC.
Surely I will be missing out on strikingly innovative RPG gameplay and advanced graphics technology.
What a shame! Switchchads win again!

I can only speak for the Xbone camp;
we couldnt give 2 shits about a weeb game kek

Attached: Xbox-logo.jpg (840x525, 13K)

This. I can't believe the latest entry in long-running legendary JRPG franchise Dragon Quest is only for Nintendo Switch, might be time to finally pick one up!

>Definitive edition
>360p 20fps
Oh no no no no

>Switch fans get yet another port with slight alterations

not much, I assume, given they'll get it afterwards

I played it on ps4 and it wasn't really that good. Kinda repetitive and boring, couldn't get attached to the characters either.

Attached: Nothing.png (1102x623, 148K)

PS4 and Switchbro
Mad at myself, I should have waited, but I legit thought DQ11 Switch was canceled because it was MIA so long

I am pissed the original version had no fast forward function mostly, that should be a standard in any turn based JRPG now

i'm bloody furious, it ate up my bandwidth for 3 hours while i torrented it... imagine my suffering when i couldn't watch my favorite streamers and shitpost on Yea Forums without delays

i am mad

>definitive edition
>in glorious 540p
lmaoing @ nintod*ler's life
besides you know it's coming to PS4 and PC to get more sales

why the fuck is nint*ddler spamfiltered?

Dragon quest games are dog shit, that's all I came to say.

apathetic, because its the first RPG to put me to sleep within the first couple hours.


Waiting for the supreme PS5 version

>definite edition
>doesn't even have 3ds superior version
enjoy being jewed out

Same here it was actually torture powering through the generic first 10 hours before I just gave up. Worst JRPG series I've ever played.

why do japs eat this shit up?

>I am pissed the original version had no fast forward function mostly, that should be a standard in any turn based JRPG now
Once I played a JRPG with this option, it ruined every other turn based rpg for me.

>Square has been shitting on players for more than a decade with terrible practices
>Retards still buy their games day 1
They only have themselves to blame

Because its consistently high quality. While Final Fantasy went down the shitter, Dragon quest refined its combat systems and always delivered engaging stories, amazing overworlds, and amazing characterization.

Why would PC only people be mad, they'd just emulate it wouldn't they? I thought a lot of people here played BotW on PC

I never played this series, and I dont know why this one is special and would be fun? I dont like how the characters look and the story is probably gay too

i have a switch, but this type of game belongs on ps4.

its literally the same in every dq game after 6
games are boring and slow

>Because its consistently high quality.
It really isn't, it absolutely has it's high and lows. The highs being 3, 5 and 9.

Stop being a fanboy.

About to play 7
What to expect?

user, let me enlighten you:
Dragon Quest is carried by Story and Characters, and as of DQ11, its carried by graphics too. The gameplay is the same as its been since DQ8 with minor adjustments and added features, which is to say, its fun.

The 3DS version is built in

Before people say it's just a minimal port
- "super fast" battle speed
- japanese VA
- party members follow you on the field
- you can call your horse from anywhere on the field
- killing enemies while on the horse earns you XP
- the 2D mode from the 3DS version (you can play the whole game like a SNES RPG, and can toggle between 2D and 3D mid-game)
- fully orchestrated music, can switch back to MIDI
- new story content, focusing on each of the party members
- more monsters to ride
- the retro areas from the 3DS version are back, you get to revisit areas from each of the past 10 dragon quest games
- more marriage options (you can choose to "live with" male characters as well)
- there's going to be an audio drama DLC coming after launch
-photo mode
-blacksmith anywhere
-equip costumes for visuals and get stats from other wearables
There's more I'm missing but this is quite a bit

no its not only snes alike pixel version is built in

same here brother, lmaoing @ all the poorfags

also if you don't play dq11 in anything but 2d mode you are a massive pleb

I'm mad that I have to pay $60 to play this again.

I got it for cheap so not too much

Reddit Quest getting BTFO so hard by based chads. Literally our most hated JRPG series now.

He's not wrong

is it because the mod is a nintendo shill?
didn't he pin a banjo thread during e3?
fucking kek

Your life must be so fucking horrible.

Some of those features sound like they were purposely removed or devs didn't think of it? Not that I'm complaining since I have 110+ hours on the PC version.

Equiping costumes have also been around in mmorpgs too.

I've never played a dragon quest game before, is this a good one to start with? Looks like a long game.

I'm not sure if that feature was in the original. They made it sound like it wasn't on the treehouse.
But yeah, a lot of this stuff should've been in the base version. I'm glad I waited it out for the switch release. I wasn't expecting it to be a definitive edition at all

I'd recommend starting with either IV or VIII.

DQ is literally the Reddit of JRPGs. XI is considered the worst one.

Is there any reason all of that would be Nintendo exclusive? I doubt Nintendo moneyhats SE.

It's just time exclusive right?

Literally just curious.

It has been filtered for a year you fucking tourist

>poorfag enrages and projects on a fellow

Got the platinium for the game.
Jap VA, forge/horse everywhere and faster combat are all I regret not having
The rest is pretty inconsequential. 2D mode from the 3DS version sounds like a gimmick since the game was obviously meant to be played in its UE4 incarnation. Same for story content, the base game already has good story there's nothing really missing unlike say FFXV which was basically half a game at launch ans was patched up afterwards

why would PC/ps4 bros be mad is 'S' different?

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It looks cool. I like the art style, I don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a system. Currently I have a PC & switch. All other stuff is packed away.

I pirated the game on PC. Having fun without any regrets.

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Why would I want to play it again at a shit resolution? What?

Yea Forums has always liked Dragon Quest, especially in comparison to Reddit

that doesn't answer my question, faggot
>muh sekret clubhouse

>XI is considered the worst one.

Your life objectively is trash if you believe the awful PS4 exclusives warrant even the TIME to invest. Same with the Switch after the first year.

S adds more content.

Yeah it's OK to start with XI. There are better games in the series but they are either ancient in their gameplay or difficult to acquire on modern devices

It's Dragon Quest so not at all.

Idorts are the worst

dude just kill yourself. you're a waste.

Don't care. 2D mode will be ported to phones eventually.

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Mad enough to never pay for a Square game again in my life.

It will probably be Nintendo exclusive. Otherwise, don't expect to get the new content patched onto the base game, it'd be a new SKU if anything.
I see it as more of a, "thank you for waiting, here's the game you've been waiting for but better". Not really an incentive for people to buy it if they've already beaten the game . Definitely sucks if you want it and don't have a switch or you have yet to beat it

Doubt it. They did this with FFXII Zodiac Age where switch and xbox got unique features which haven't been given to ps4/pc still. There'd be less incentive to buy the new version if it didn't have exclusive shit.

Yeah DQXI is fine to start on. If you don't mind the outdated platforms people have been recommending 8 too. Well worth the time and money!

Bold calling others a waste when you're a manchild with probably 10 different consoles sitting in your room to play trash like Horizon, Spiderman and Smash Brothiiiees XDD lol

I understand your rage.

Oh I don't know maybe because the game got delayed for 2 fucking years on Switch?
It'd be a dick move to just give Switch owners just the same base game with shittier performance and nothing else.

honestly, who owns a switch? what the fuck. Why do you like playing the same garbage for like 25 years

>how mad are PC bros?
Mad about what?

Last I checked you need to be on the autism spectrum to enjoy Dragon Quest games to begin with so nothing of value was lost

It's more like an appeasement to me since it took them so long to release it on the new console. I actually find this very respectable and exemplary of SE. The only good thing about that shit company.

Capcom releases MH on PC months later and then it even has LESS content for inexplicable reasons that make no sense kek

you're a sperg with garbage asinine taste projecting your insecurities on everyone who isn't poor. you should kill yourself.

Cope harder, welfare boy.

True but 99% of developers do this.

As I said, I understand your rage. And wasting time on trash games like Horizon, Spiderman or... (what exclusives are there even on the Dilatestation worth mentioning rofl?) is just too illustrative of being a low-IQ r-selected bugman.

>look how rich I am, I can buy a viveeo gayme system for 300 bucks
That you believe this distinguishes you from poorfags just shows what an insecure poorfag you really are, lol

Just a tip tho :)

With the way Square enix works, I bet you'll have to be always online for it

DQ11 on the Switch has so much more content and so many improvements, frankly, it might as well be listed as an exclusive at this point.

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I - 8 only require a check every now and then. I doubt 11 will be any different.

Kek, that's saying Persona 5 Royal has so much improvements over P5 it counts as two exclusives instead of one

They seem pretty upset judging by the amount of seething and coping in this thread. Also snoy

what tho? like where does it say that i cant find anything that says that

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Sure, why not. Let the PS4 have 3 exclusives instead of just 2.

Not mad, just disappointed. I thought the Enix side was better than this.

Why would I be mad? I never completed it on PC why would I care about any other versions of it?

quite mad desu

I don't even have Spidey yet, but I'll eventually get it because it's a good game. Never even played Horizon. Anyway, when are you going to kill yourself? Everyone is waiting.

>reddit spacing
its all about the basics


>PS4 music
>Switch (or modded PC) music


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hoes before bros
second amendment propaganda

in that order roughly

Switch emulation is going great


Mad about patch tier features of an old ass game everyone already played?
And I dont want to reenjoy this game at 20 fps, 540p because it would be unbearable.

>that midi
Holy fuck. People weren't lying about the music. That's awful.
Looking forward for it on switch

definitive huh

Literally the first result on google, you colossal retard.


Ah yes, Switchlets pretend once again thag they are relevent.

>all these snoy copes
BASED you set them off lmao

stay mad that we dont have to deal with petty exclusives warring.

Only tendies will gloat about a port.

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Considering DQ isn’t even that’s popular here. I’d say not at all

eh, never really played one except for Slime Rocket

Not as mad as when Nincels lost this.

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Is it even a port anymore when it has so many so vastly superior things?

>complete 2D mode you can play the entire game in
>ability to explore past DQ worlds
>expanded storyline, each character will be more fleshed out
>QoL changes
>more monsters you can ride
>vanity system (transmog gear)
>orchestra OST instead of synthesized, can also choose to use DQVIII OST while playing
>can romance and marry girls in the postgame

>240p 30 fps


im done with square 1st buyer gets burned like this

>I have the last word on good investments when talking about your hobbies and tastes
>If you post about being an idort your an insecure poor man because, I'm not
>Just let me have my shitposting thread in peace

Your posts are a bunch of "no u" with extra words, what a fucking sad console warrior you are, pls kys.

Nothing of value was lost.

You're right. It's an inferior port. At least on PS4 and PC I can play them in with a modern resolution and framerate.

Not mad, enjoy the game Nin10toddler.

>sneething snoys reducing the resolution with every post they make
It looks more than fine for the Switch, plus it has all of

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who plays dragon quest?

This, feels good.

>Just how mad are PC/PS4 bros?
a friend of mine let me borrow his Switch to play zelda. I love it but the graphics are dogshit. and im a consolefag to begin with.

well the difference is that I literally passed out from boredom with DQ11 but can easily stomach 4 hours of no gameplay in something like Persona 4's intro.

nothing about any of the characters or the setting engaged me at all at the start of DQ11. I play a lot of games that fit the "doesnt get good until X hours in" but SOMETHING needs to hold my attention until then.

Same. You do you


i would care if i wasnt already 50 hours into the steam version. would only be rustled if they announced an english version of X only on switch

The game runs at the same fps on PS4 and Switch, fyi.

And your slightly better view range and textures on the PS4 don't make up for having none of this You can't even mod out the GARBAGE music. The music is so bad I'd rather rip my ears out. Poor PS4lets.

Unwanted consolewar faggotry isn't allowed.

The Switch is so pathetic. Even my phone is more powerful.

There's a reason all Switch games look worst than PS2 games.

Attached: switch_pokemonswordpokemonshield_e3_screen_08.jpg (800x450, 97K)

>140p 14fps.

Yikes. Nincels really are used to last gen hardware.

You guys have to understand why PS4 DQ11 buyers are so mad. They paid full price, bought and supported the game day 1, yet they get absolutely NOTHING. They don't get to marry all girls, they don't get the 2D mode, they don't get the orchestra music, they don't get lots of quality of life changes, they can't ride anywhere near as many monsters, they can't explore past DQ worlds and so on.

I'd be fucking mad too. No reason Squeenix couldn't just patch this shit into the PS4 version. But they won't.

dragon ball fighter Z is the nicest looking switch game, im just upset that i suck at it. the only time the switch looks ugly is when you try realistic type graphics or if your gamefreak and upscale 3ds games

Show some phone games that come even 20% close to the likes of Odyssey or Luigi's Mansion 3.
I'll wait.

if they patched that stuff in they wouldnt be able to sell the game a third time.

Is there a fanbase more insecure than toddlers? You don't see any other fanbase make as many console war threads as them. It must be playing on a happy meal tablet that causes all the insecurity.

They did get something. The developers vision in visuals, proper performance, and didnt have to wait 2 years for a game no one cares about anymore at full price.

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I got the platinum a few months ago, so I'm good. I'm actually hoping Switch owners who play DQXI realize just how shitty Pokemon Sword/Shield will be by comparison.

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they get mad that zero exclusives have come out in 2019 and that their shit hardware cant play the multiplats, so when they get a win they need to run with it


>dragon ball fighter Z
doesn't help that it takes a minute to load matches. its better on ps4

No it doesnt we already saw tons of dips in the feature videos for DQ11.

Reminder that Dragon Quest XI was the very first Switch game we learned about. Before even any first party games or anything. It was -the- first confirmed game.

>b-b--bbut they do it too!!!
Every console war faggot should off themselves. End of the story, nothing more, nothing less.

PS4 players get the superior version because they don't have to play at 240p 14 pfs visuals. Keep SEETHING and making threads like this toddler.


Don't make me post the 5 billion Eric threads we've gotten this year alone.
Snoys are, by FAR, the worst fanbase. They make 90% of all console war threads.

Absolutely seething lol

No, the Switch just makes them even bigger whiners. Theres a reason they are known as the worst fanbase or the Apple of gaming

Nice try, but no, we didn't. They literally showed over 20 mins of unedited gameplay at Treehouse and it hasn't dipped under 30.

But PCfags can emulate it
not like many of them don't have a switch laready considering PC+switch is the most coverage in the fewest systems

ahem... Shitch

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And what are you doing?

Switchlets are so desperate for games that when they get inferior ports of multiplats they gloat about it.

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The only reason I would want it was for the orchestral soundtrack but there’s already a mod for that; so indifferent

Pointing out how stupid you are. Everyone on Yea Forums knows that Sony fans make the most shitpost and console war threads by far. You're not going to trick anyone, because anyone who's been here for more than a week has experienced it firsthand.

Who the fuck plays dragonquest?

I don't see them make threads like this. Stay insecure toddler.

>one autist you track is an entire fanbase
Not buying it, ive seen way more Switchlets acting out than anything.

>90% of console war threads
Also, if I search "Snoy" in the archive alone, over 15000 posts contain it. Isnt that more telling than your collage of bias?


It’s just shit posters pretending to piss off other shit posters who are pretending to be pissed off

I'm mad because
>romances are only for Switch

Persona is the most hated jrpg series stupid newfag

Can you adjust the battle speeds in S, and if so how depth is it?
I know when they demo'd it on the E3 floor, the increased battle speed look Way too fast. Wondering if there's an in-between option from current speed and max.

Meanwhile you're in a thread with insecure toddlers starting a console war with PC players and PS4 players. Tendies are literally mentally ill. I don't expect anything less from the most insecure fanbase who has to play on a small weak tablet though.

>hasnt showed
>implying you can tell
Fucking retard.

just waiting until the fans port it to pc, just like they added the music

Today, I'll remind them

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People with good taste in JRPGs who aren't action combat ADHD-ridden zoomers.

I wasn't who you were talking to. You're that same exact guy above who was telling me how bad I must be for playing Horizon and Spider Man, lol. You're fucking pathetic, tendie. Go eat your chicken nuggies.


Not from my experience. Also Switchlets seem to be cult like and deny even other Switch owners from having negative opinions. Its hilariously pathetic.


Attached: sony won.jpg (160x198, 8K)

One shitpost thread versus hundreds of "We WoN!1!1!1!" and "TeNdIes BtFo!1!1!1!1!1" threads

nah I'm good senpai, already beat the game and couldn't care less about all that

No... NO

It wasn't even that good

Literal fucking retard. I can see either having a PS4 or PC with Switch, but why the fuck would you have both?

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>not a single one comes close to Snoy
In fact, you have this list saved and showed up on the archive WHILE shitposting kn Sony threads.

Really makes you think when all these posts combined dont amount to a single buzzword used for shitposting.

>imagine getting this upset over video games

Attached: cringe.jpg (293x172, 10K)

People with good taste in JRPGs play SMT and Persona. Dragon Quest isn't an extension of that sort of superior taste.

You've spammed this pasta far more than any of those images have been posted, Eric.

Nah, Neptuniablade Chronicles is.

>people with good taste
>playing Shitsona dating sim garbage
lol I don't think so
SMT yes.

Not really mad since I enjoyed it anyway, but I am not gonna buy it either.
I'll replay it once switch piracy becomes a thing.

Go outside.

Everyone makes fun of Nintendo fans though. They are the lowest of the low in terms of looks, human interaction, tend to smell like shit, have awful taste, etc.

Name one fanbase that doesnt look down on the Nintendo fanbase.

Reminder Square outright said it wasn't exclusive. It will come later because square loves reselling games now.

what the fuck, are there bots on Yea Forums consolewarring?

Persona shits all over Dragon Quest don't even kid yourself.

Consolewars aren't videogames. Try again sweetie. :^)

True, it's not that good on the PS4.
But on the Switch it's fucking great due to all the extra content, improvements, additions and new stuff they gave it.

It's fucking based now.

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real master race

>LMAO he likes to play video games

wow shame on him

Protip: No one likes you anymore, Sony. You lost your last fans when you started censoring everything.
Just leave.

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Wow patch tier content being gloated about. I guess it gets old talking about 10 year old ports, that a 2 year old one is nicer.

PC bros, because they’re above console war garbage

same, but ps3 and vita instead of ps4 because everything came out on sony's old consoles anyways

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I have the links copied+pasted on a text file.

You first.

My name is Gabriella, not Eric. If anything, Eric's the Sonyfag, not me.

>pretending ps4 isn't a port and remaster machine too

Kek, still posting a 2013 "survey" catered by literal tendies that was posted on all Nintendo senpai sites.

Can you marry Jade in this?
If so, I'm getting a Switch.

This. Most likely just baiting anyway.

The real issue isnt the ports necessarily, its that the Switch gets them even later WITH them being the worst objective versions at full price.

See all of that sounds well and good but I don't know if I really care enough to play the game a second time even with it.

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I never bought the pc version because of denuvo anyway, so I don't give a shit.

I mainly game on PC and make fun of them all the time. If anything, a bunch of Nintendo fans built shitty PCs to pretend PC users give a shit about Nintendo trash.

New IP: bored soijak
600p port of old game: excited soijak

Yep you can.
Try reading the thread. The Switch version is vastly superior with a ton of things only it gets.

>Most likely just baiting anyway.
Lol, are you fucking braindead and retarded? It's not uncommon to have multiple consoles if you have a job and like games.

See, here's the conundrum. I just don't have any urge to buy or play Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild. I don't foresee myself wanting to play Breath of the Wild 2. As far as I am concerned, those are the only console-worthy games Nintendo has released.

However, the most pressing problem is that I can turn on my Playstation 4 Pro console, open the disc-case for my copy of Monster Hunter World, remove said disc, and insert into my Playstation 4 to enjoy it. While I'm doing this, and waiting for the preliminary loading of Monster Hunter World to progress, I will walk across my room, which also exists as the penthouse for a luxury skyscraper, and turn on my original Playstation 4, itself attached to it's own TV. I'll remove my second case of Monster Hunter World for the Playstation 4, which was resting besides 55 copies of Bloodborne: GOTY edition, and repeat the process

I'll then quickly do sixty press-ups and backwards somersault over to my Xbox One X, which is placed inside my full scale replica Pelican from the Halo series, and retrieve my copy of Monster Hunter World for the Xbox One, signed by Phil Spencer, and insert it into my Xbox One X, and wait for the loading to complete. While this is happening, I'll quickly rappel down the side of the skyscraper, of which I entirely own, and break into the olympic sized swimming pool which also houses my original Xbox One. I'll swim down to the very deepest depth of the pool, retrieve another copy of Monster Hunter World for the Xbox One, and insert it into the special water-safe disc-drive I had the good folks at Microsoft specially engineer just for me.

Finally, I'll walk out of the skyscraper into the midnight beauty of the tropical island that I own, and look down to my phone, activating the final piece of my midnight entertainment. I'll look up and see steam, satellite projected on the surface of the moon, with Monster Hunter World ready to launch.

I just can't do these things on Switch.

Cant wait for the PS5 to explode in popularity so i can laugh at all the pathetic FUD Nintendo fans have been pulling.

Same, which is why I can confidently say PS4 SUX

8k 20fps cinematic QTE game with 90% cutscenes: giga soijak getting clawed by a cat

Nepnep is literally made for the old Yea Forums audience

>Fifafags buy Fifaconsole

ps4 is the best.


>vastly superior
>looks and runs like shit
No thanks, thats the most important part of an RPG.

You are both wrong and not worthy of Valhalla

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>60fps 4k
Nah I got the best version

It's ok, makes me not feel any remorse when i'll pirate it on the switch.

Why make up shit? We've seen it at the Treehouse. It looks 90% as good and runs at locked 30fps.

You're gonna have to find some other way to cope, sorry.

The PS4 has an attach rate of nearly 11 games. Even if they just bought call of duty and fifa every year, more games would be sold in between. Nice try though, fifa is on the Shitch too.

Persona takes a big fucking dump on all Dragon Trash games for sure.

Only nuweeb zoomers who care about epic dating dialogues would say this

Persona is a big fucking dump. Why don't you just play a visual novel? Atleast the story will be better

It looked and ran like shit, nice try though. We already saw the downgrade.

>nuweeb zoomers
Yeah I'm 25 and my first game is Super Mario Bros 3 at 1 year old. Dragon Trash is garbage in comparison to Persona.

Persona 5 is the greatest game known to man. Why would I do that?

sony fags mad lol

>If only you knew how wrong you are

Attached: 98C76315-1A35-4B3D-AEF4-A2AFB05A9043.jpg (675x990, 388K)

Mind linking to me the Treehouse gameplay that showed those massive frame drops?
I'm sure you could, it wouldn't be any problem for you, since it totally happened and you didn't just make it up for shitposting sake.

I'll be here, waiting :)

You have one of the worst tastes in video games period

And yet, I'm correct.


No, im not skimming through footage.
We already know it runs like shit.

I can record it running like shit whennI pirate it on my Shitch, just for you.

>cinematic QTE game with 90% cutscenes
You mean like astral chain? Oh wait that's 540p 30fps LMAO

I'm talking about Xenocringe chronicles

Thanks for conceding, as expected.

Not at all. Persona 5 is definitely one of the best games ever created.

Attached: 5D544E1A-4728-4145-BA32-D831941EFAE1.jpg (498x325, 66K)


Imagine having to play this on the PS4
I'd rather rip my ears out lmao


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I wish they didn’t take so long to announce the date for this game.

Persona shits all over Dragon Quest.

>Using cringe ever
Go take your medicine you demented fuck.

Conceding to what? Its well known the majority of Shitch games run and look like shit. Previews already showed DQ does too. Again, i will record some when it releases, without the tailored treehouse gameplay.

couldnt care less


Haven't seen Snoys this angry and out of control in a while.
Squeenix shitting on them and not even patching the music really did them in.

If you have a PC you can already play every third party PS4 game that look and run better.

Astral Chain looked like it ran like shit.

>switch fags thinking we give a fuck

yeah, we know you don't care about games.

I find it funny when people make passive posts directed towards no one, as if they are insecure about losing arguments. Literally the most insecure shit you can do and quickly lends itself to making Nintendo fans looking like retards.

You need to be 18 or older to post her

>entire thread is sony guys screeching about how the ps4 version totally isn't vastly inferior due to lacking a metric ton of content and features, as well as music one can stomach, because it has slightly better textures
you really don't care yeah

Not like the Switch has anything worth gloating about. The no games tablet hasnt had any games since fucking 2017 outside of a Smash port.

So leave then. Persona shits all over DQ get fucked buddy.

can't wait to play this game in bed

>that one guy in the thread who keeps trying to make persona > dq a thing

What does this add? I haven't bought DQXI yet but wanted to pick it up at some point, finally finished up the backlog. Was gonna go PC but if this adds a lot I might have to go switch

It's been a thing since Persona 1 came out.

way too much to list

>Imagine having to play inferior versions of games on a happy meal tablet

tendies don't have to imagine

Attached: d20.jpg (489x623, 58K)

>inferior version
>when it has more content then the original version


He's not the one who made a thread gloating about his 240p 14 fps version of a port of a game everyone got to play already.

Yeah but uhm.. some... some bushes pop in a bit earlier than on the PS4 version and if you zoom in on the clothes of characters the texture resolution is a bit lower... so... .. that... that's why the PS4 version is way better!

>being this much of a cuck to memes

>stunted versions of a games for mentally stunted fanbase

Makes sense.

already pirated the game, it was shit and boring

If you wondered whether PS4 guys are angry about the Switch getting the definitive version of this game from Squeenix while they don't even bother patching in proper music for the PS4 version.

The anwer is yes. Just look at this thread. Jesus christ.

I know this is console war bait but honestly? Pretty pissed. I bought this on release because I like DQ and want more to be released in the west, but you know, they turn around and do this not even a year later.

Should've just pirated, this kind of anti consumer behavior is ass. They could at least sell this shit as DLC.

Thank you user. There's really no way they will bring this to the other versions? That's a lot to miss out on

Doesn't seem like it right now, but with Squeenix you never know. If they do expect it to be paid DLC because they know no bounds in their jewishness.
For what it's worth, PC version can at least use mods to fix the music.

If you wonder if Swithchlets are obsessed with other fanbases the answer is yes. Just like at this thread.

I'm and idort and I hate this too. I'd rather play it on my PC. But whatever, the downgrade isn't that bad and the performance is fine too.

Not very seeing as the "definitive edition" only has that 8bit mode and the extra story is all just that. Story. background on the party with no gameplay in it.
You'd get the exact same enjoyment out of the extra story segments by just watching it on youtube since there is no gameplay involved in them.

This guy is a lil tendie. Be nice to him.

??????? the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger?

So you're just ignoring all the other things on purpose?

Oh, no, no, no, no no, no... look at the top of his head! Look at his lips!

What happened Switchbro's? Even Xbone's getting this one...

Attached: Tales of Arise.jpg (678x381, 34K)

Have fun with the gross last gen graphics and shitty performance. I played and beat the real version on a real console already.

PS4 and Switch owner, bought day one on PS4 and already have a voucher set aside for the Switch version

>except bloodborne, rd2, horizon, spiderman, GoW, p5royal, etc


The Switch isn't powerful enough to handle that. Only real consoles get it.

We've seen a few seconds of it. Tales has been pretty shit for years now.

Ah, another game I'll enjoy on my PC. Very nice.

>No, im not skimming through footage.
Well yeah, can't find footage of something that doesn't exist.

The Switch is so weak. It probably looks like garbage running on that mobile hardware. Good thing I beat the game on a real platform already.

>There's a reason all Switch games look worst than PS2 games.
Cause modern devs are shit, yeah.

And even better on PC, what's your point retard

no you fucking dont

>no new IPs
We get it autist, no need to post over and over

Ok buddy

Attached: 1559710376822.png (1327x900, 740K)


No. It's fine I don't play games with garbage visuals on a garbage hardware. I'll stick to next gen visuals on next gen hardware. Nintendo gave up and no longer make real consoles anymore.

nope. better on ps4. no one plays it on pc

>240p 15 fps

LOL. Imagine boasting about that. Only Switchlets.

Imagine posting in this thread for the 40th time


I own all 3 platforms and never cared for this game. If I ever pirate it then I'll pirate the switch version

>"super fast" battle speed
>Japanese VA
good but fine without.
>party members follow you on the field
pointless aesthetic changes.
>you can call your horse from anywhere on the field
Another casual feature
>killing enemies while on the horse earns you XP
Look at all these casual features.
>the 2D mode from the 3DS version (you can play the whole game like a SNES RPG, and can toggle between 2D and 3D mid-game)
Cool but has been done without
>fully orchestrated music, can switch back to MIDI
Pretty sure the original had full orchestraed music.
>new story content, focusing on each of the party members
Which turns out to be entire just story with no gameplay. view-able on youtube for the exact same experience.
>more monsters to ride
Which is purely aesthetic
>the retro areas from the 3DS version are back, you get to revisit areas from each of the past 10 dragon quest games
Which is purely aesthetic
>more marriage options (you can choose to "live with" male characters as well)
>there's going to be an audio drama DLC coming after launch
Who give a fuck
>photo mode
Casual crap
>blacksmith anywhere
Casual crap
>equip costumes for visuals and get stats from other wearables
This is possibly the only good thing.


I'm not a poorfag so I have all consoles and a gaming PC.

I pirated it for PC. Realized it would be perfect for the Switch.

I'll pirate it for the Switch too.

>/threading your own post

The Switch version has the classic game mode so I don't care, I'll just play that

Because I want to play exclusive games but piracy and 144hz gaming on PC is just too good to pass up? Witcher 3 looks like utter garbage on PS4

>this entire post
absolute mega cringe
Also, yeah, the PS4 sure has nice orchestra sound

The guy at the head of the last 5 games has been removed and not make this one.
So expect a quality shift. Whether it is a good or bad shift is still up for debate.

This. PS4 is just gathering dust. Its best exclusive is an 8/10. Weak console

Played the original for over 100 hours on PC. I'm going to rebuy it on Switch so I can play in 2D mode.


>good taste
>Persona 5

Yeah, if you're a braindead nigger.

>"MUh shitty adults in this evil society"

How the fuck can you stand a second of that crap? You would literally eat shit if I put a nice ribbon on it.

I grew up on SNES rpgs. Never played DQ though. Is this game actually good? Will it top Xenoblade Chronicles 2?

that was probably a shitty localization issue that was pretty easy to overlook. The game's great user

Comedy isn't for everyone

The entire script?

Kinda mad. Still hope they will update PC version. I also expect them to ask money for it and that makes me more mad than Switch version.

no, the way ryuji talks about "shitty adults". The whole story had a lot more going on than just "adults are evil buh!!"

I'm not that mad. I got about 120 hours out of my first playthrough of the game around a year ago. Was quite satisfied with my time with the game. Not too sure yet if I'll go out of my way to buy the Switch version for the extra stuff though. Might just end up looking the extra content up.

>The whole story had a lot more going on than just "adults are evil buh!!"

Like what? The evil blueberry man? Or the generic rapist? Or the generic politician? Deep, deep game. Made for thinkers.

If you're a braindead nigger you probably like Dragon Quest, or rather, braindead weeb. Persona 5 is the best game this generation hands down. The amount of soul, effort, and style it has along with it's great difficulty, massive content, great gameplay and lovable characters plus a crazy story. Nah, DQ does not fucking compete. None of the games are even better than 3 or 4.

lmao i almost put "spare me your gay ass reduction of random plot elements" but i didn't expect you to actually be this cliche

They might add in the Switch content via patch or re-release the game with the added content on PS4 and PC.

Worse case scenario PC version gets a mod to add it all in.

>Deep, deep game. Made for thinkers.
This. Everything I like needs to be incredibly deep and complex, it's the only way I can show other people I'm not a mediocre loser, I'm secretly really smart.

>braindead weeb

You can't unironically call me this after professing love for Persona 5.

>Persona 5 is the best game this generation hands down. The amount of soul, effort, and style it has along with it's great difficulty, massive content, great gameplay and lovable characters plus a crazy story.

It's frankly both hilarious, embarrassing and disappointing someone would believe this. Legitimately ruined my day thinking about how sad and uneducated you must be. Nolan films and anime, am I right? You love those.

>All these people in utter disbelief that someone has multiple platforms to play games on
Why though? What's so unbelievable about it?

Attached: idort.jpg (4032x3024, 621K)

>I'll keep pretending my game with wikipedia level villains is smart and thought provoking

I've got my brother's old Xbox One on top of that, and honestly besides KH3, i've been playing the Xbox more and the PC ahead of that. Meanwhile with no Nintendo Online I really can't be assed to give a shit about Switch lately.

He's right though

It's all true. You know it is. And to top it off, with Royal coming out, I genuinely cannot see how gaming will survive in the future, because there will be nothing better.

>but i didn't expect you to actually be this cliche

You must love that seeing how you're a p5fag

Dont care Dragon quest 11 was a shit game and the worst 60 buck i spent on a game

I had more fun with digimon for the ps4

>I'll miss the very obvious point you're making because I'm not only autistic, but I'm also a retard.

Persona is already dead. Hashino literally left the series after he saw how much he fucked up. There will be nothing better because it's over, thankfully.

>Yay another crappy jrpg shovelware game
I'm so fucking jealous.....hehe

>after he saw how much he fucked up
nice caved in head

Attached: persona.png (1600x7460, 628K)

>I'm defending my game with the "it's not even trying to be good" argument and then fall on my ass when people point out it's shit

Thanks for the laugh, user.

>I'm flailing incoherently now because I realize how stupid I look
Okay user, just maybe take a break for like a half hour.

This bait is pretty tasty.

The only thing it's good at. He was surprised anyone even liked the game. It helped having a different consumer base so they don't realize how much worse it is than previous games

Story was hot shit.

Its the gameplay and waifu romance that people like p4

>I don't have the brain capacity to follow plain logic so I'll just be even more retarded and point out to him that I don't understand shit

>half the xbone conference was jap games
>everything that people said was good was japnese



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Well, I could play it at a level of quality that Switch bros could only dream of on PC, so not mad at all. It's a great game by the way, enjoy.

I just finished the First boss of DQIV, who thought it was a good idea to give you a random healbot that basically nullifies any challenge the game would have up to that point? And why do I still only have a basic attack at this point

DQ4 is centered around playing multiple intro "episodes" with different protagonists, and the real game takes a good while to begin proper.

Can I ask you people a question? I understand that some people like Persona 5 for the combat or gameplay in general (if they haven't played the previous entries). But do you guys skip cutscenes or something? Half the game is a visual novel and it's extremely poor. I can't imagine someone just siting there and reading that stuff. It's highschool level writing, what's so good about it and how old are you? Also, what anime or comic books do you kids read?

I am more mad about the fact it took them more than one year to release it in the west, to 3 months later or so say "there will be a definitive version later next year lol"
And the fucking soundtrack isnt all orchestral as it should

nobody cares about you

The game was the first game to get announced for the NX, so there's no reason to be angry. If anything, it's ludicrous that they took 2+ years to port a game in UE4.

isnt there only like 2 games on it right now and neither runs well at all

They really dropped the ball on the sound, which is really odd for a DQ game.

>I-I don't care...
>Nigga posted in this thread
Let me go get a tissue for (You) sweetheart

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Jokes on you OP, I didn't buy DQ11 because I knew they pull some shit like this off anyway.

Though I probably stick to PC even if it lacked the extra stuff.


>I knew they pull some shit like this off anyway.
Of course you knew, everyone did. The game was properly announced years ago, before the console itself.

It took them 1 year and 3 months to release the PS4/PC version in the west, while delaying Switch version for a while, to say a couple months later that Switch version is the definitive version that in the end of the day will be released 2 and half years after the original japanese version.
This type of shitty business is begging for DQ to keep failing in the west.

Never played DQ, is the extra content exclusive with Switch?

Seems like it. Some people are hoping the extra content gets upped as DLC for the PS4 and PC versions, but I really doubt that's gonna happen. They have to incentivize buying the same game twice, after all.

wait to emulate it or wait for someone to mod all the content into the pc version i pirated. never going to give square my money.

I found it weird too that the Switch version got an international release and not a JP only one for the entirety of 2019 to then get it west in Summer 2020 (like it's usually done). I guess the almost complete lack of localization effort in this version is the reason, most lines are already dubbed and so on.

I am disappointed that it is only on switch, seems to be stupid and should be a dlc for pc but whatever. I will get a switch at some point anyway since there are a lot of games I want to play on it.

is that a gaming laptop? specs?
what do you use it for when you have all consoles?

>waited for the Switch version
>now have the 3DS 16-bit and PS4 versions on one package

I'm not trying to be smug here, I have no fucking idea which one to pick for my first playthrough or if I'm going to do another playthrough at all. It feels wasted on me, aaahh.

Why do you guys seethe so much over P5?
I’m always seeing Nierfags, FEfags, XBfags and even DQfag seethe over something that didn’t sell a lot.


I mean, you need to have a PC nowadays. It has been this way for almost 15 years.

How long is DQVIII?

I just started it five minutes ago.

I bought it on PC.
Despite running 1440p 144hz I'll probably pirate and play it on my Switch.
Not just for the extra content, but because JRPGs are comfy to play on a handheld.

Attached: 1536635251161.png (408x438, 326K)

It's not that impressive, honestly, but it gets the job done, especially for games that I really prefer to use kb+m for, like any FPS or games like Terraria. Xbone typically is relegated to streaming services most of the time honestly.

Attached: spec.png (526x415, 22K)

You've got about 4000 more minutes to go.

nice, trying to decide if I want to pick up a gaming laptop (got all the consoles) quite happy using everything with a controller, but shit like WoW classic and older last-gen games on Steam and classic PC games tempts me

Dell as well (1060 MaxQ)

Long enough. With sidequests and that extra final boss, maybe 100 hours.

If they did bring the content to PC, how long do you think it would take for them to do so, whether its official or a mod?

I don't wanna buy the switch version to find out its coming to PC very soon.

The Switch version was basically built from the ground up since porting the PS4/PC versions were implausible at best. The chances of seeing this content liberally back ported are slim for now. Maybe give it a year or two.

>havent seen Yea Forums for years
>land in the middle of a full blown mustard console war

Why would they need to do that, the ps4/pc version is unreal engine, the switch supports that natively, at most they would need to dial down some settings but that's it.

Yeah? How so? I thought with UE4 being used it would be pretty inane work. However, I've seen that the game has a lot of very impressive and detailed textures.

I get why people are mad but I'm surprised how many people were caught off guard. Every thread I'd ever seen asking about the game since the PC release at least brought up that the Switch version was going to be enhanced. I recall speculation of it before the PS4 version launched too.
I was annoyed at having to choose between the two but in my mind it was just a question or whether I'd wait or if I'd double dip.

UE4 didn't support Switch when development and you can see in comparison videos that they redid assets for the lower specs instead of just down scaling like the Witcher 3 port is doing. They haven't shown us what it entails yet but it seems like we're getting story alterations. The production was troubled enough at one point that Square talked about how they weren't sure how it would happen except that they were committed to doing it.

That's not the same as rebuilding from scratch. It sounds like what they did was update to a newer version of UE4 and make it compatible with that and then create some new assets that the switch can run better. That's not the as being built from the ground up

Because exclusives numbnuts. Life the only reason to own a console nowadays. I have a PC too but can't get that in the picture.

Attached: IMG_20190616_172119313.jpg (3006x5344, 3.23M)

It is a bit surprising that the EU-US version of PC-PS4 DQXI wasn't an enhanced one beyond a dub, which is usually one of the proper reasons to take so long in releasing it (while some translate, others add shit to the game). Japanese players are used to get played like a fiddle like this (and they actually got the "international" version two years after the original release, it's not THAT bad), but not so much EU-US ones.

not really? I played this almost a year ago

I see. While this doesn't seem to be "from the ground up", it might be fun to see what tricks they pull off with the hardware.

That's a nice piece of furniture, but have you considered putting the PS4 on the upper side? Doesn't it get hot in there?

>equip costumes for visuals and get stats from other wearables
But their end gear equipment are their best looking gear except for like Veronica

It's open in the back. The stand isn't really a TV stand but rather an old shelf thing that I popped the backing off of. Thanks for the concern.

Attached: _IMG_000000_000000.jpg (5344x3006, 1.11M)

Which unique features?

Switch and PS4 have exclusive games. My PC is my Xbox.

The only retardation combo is PC and Xbone.

The abililty to change class, in the normal game you are stuck with whatever you first pick.

Compare all these things to
P5R that is actually giving us more characters, more abilities, more personas, new dungeons, more story/cutscenes, more costumes, basically at least 30h of new gameplay.

Everything you listed there is minor (except maybe some new scenes for the characters, but we'll have to wait and see) and could easily be added in a DLC patch. Maybe that's what Squix will do for the PS4 version. Or maybe not, but either way, it's pretty cheap.

Very neat. How is the TV supported?

>The only retardation combo is PC and Xbone.
Not quite... yet. Xbone is attractive on the basis of it playing Xbox and 360 games with higher performances. I'd get it for 100 bucks. God, I wish Xbox emulation wasn't so backwards.

I mean, I already played the game, over a hundred hours, and it was incredible.
I don't own a Switch yet but I plan to eventually. That's gonna make the game very refreshing when I inevitably replay it someday.

The best part though is seeing so many Americans excited for a Dragon Quest game, and how many people are gonna be experiencing the series for the first time because of this re-release. The Switch really seems like it gives great games like this a huge bump compared to PS4 and PC where people aren't that interested in RPGS.

Depends on the version you are playing.
PS2 takes longer thanks to random battles and no battle speed up.

PS4 gives a pretty big bump given how P5 and Nier Automata has sold, but yeah, DQ11S is going to be a smash hit across the board, I'm pretty sure.

Glad you asked.
The original stand broke but I still had the original wall mount. I didn't want to mount it to the wall as I found it too far away from my couch so I made a pseudo wall to mount it with. It's the perfect height and it's easy to move around if I need to. Plus plugging stuff into the bottom ports is a bit easier than with the original stand or "correctly" mounting it.

Attached: _IMG_000000_000000.jpg (3006x5344, 816K)

Lmao that would actually be really useful. I forgot which class I gave to panelo during the opening few hours and ended up with two black mages accidentally because I assigned Ashe to be one during that break out segment. Made me drop the game despite enjoying it since I have no healer.

Cool! Isn't there a possibility of the wood to fall (obviously it's not just put there without some drilling, but I've had bad experiences with bad fucking wood) due to the weight of the television?

>- "super fast" battle speed


I have never finished a Dragon Quest game because they are slow as fucking fuck. They aren't fast paced like Final Fantasy at all, I hate dragon quest. I hate them to death!

But if you come out of the woodworks and tell me this dragon quest game has super fast battle speed. Then maybe I should really give it a go.

>- japanese VA
I thought all Dragon quest games have Japanese VA. Do people really play RPGs with American voice acting? How? I can't even tolerate watching a trailer with American voice acting.

I'm gonna pre order this game just for those 2 points you brought up, hope you're proud of yourself, faggot.

Those were the two main selling points for me too
I can't into long ass RPGs anymore so that helps and fuck dubs

Yeah, of course, but I haven't had any issues with it. It's sturdier than the cheap plastic stand it was originally on but I don't try to push the limits of it. The TV isn't the heaviest thing either but it's on a pretty solid base so balance isn't a huge issue.
The main post is screwed into the base by two L brackets (if that's the right name) on both sides, so it isn't just screwed in from the bottom.
As for wood quality I'm not sure. I basically scavenged the parts from my parents garage while visiting. I'm not the greatest craftsman either so there is probably a much better way to do this.

Attached: _IMG_000000_000000.jpg (3006x5344, 982K)

Good, good. The wood's thick, so there shouldn't be a problem with those stands and the general legs of the furniture. Thanks for the pics.

too many companies dicks in your ass

>I thought all Dragon quest games have Japanese VA
Jap releases have no voice acting whatsoever because muh bleeps and bloops

No problem. I get a kick when I post my setup and people ask about the stand.



>slight alterations

Bros I tried 3 but I didn’t like it as much as I liked 1 (3 has great music though) should I just skip to 4?

I won't berate your taste and I can kind of see in theory how this would be possible, but I can't believe it.