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Never have I played a game that has music that's so bad that it ruins the rest of the game.

Just awful, i like dqbuilders a 100 times more this felt like a baby game because of how absurdely easy it is, just spam your strongest attack you have virtually infinite mana and ennemy pass 3 feet away and don't even try to attack meaning that you can just run trough all the dungeons in 10 min

this, my biggest vidya purchase regret
I've been pirating ever since this piece of shit

And i skip the rant on that awful"Open world"Design and that shitty 200 stolen story mash together barely fleshed out anything joke of a main campaign

Only niggers and mexicans like DQ because it reminds them of DBZ.

>threads on DQXI alternate between praising the game as the best RPG of the decade and instant-regret trash
>don't know what to believe

I appreciate Square Enix for introducing voices, but man this game sucked. It was too long, too boring, the world was too void of anything worthwhile, skill points were an absolute grind, and despite an entire section dedicated to picking up where you left off, they would refer to areas like mountains and valleys instead of named towns that you can find on the world map. The doujinshis started off interesting, then just died.

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Had to mute the music to be honest
It's so fucking bad
Why are there so few tracks too?
Just makes things even worse

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Honestly though you can forgive a lot when the game gives you jade milkers

didn't it get like perfect scores in japan though

is dqb2 going to make dqb1 irrelevant or should I play dqb1?

I don't get the argument that the music is supposed to sound traditional either. The problem isn't the things used to make the soundtrack, it's that the soundtrack insanely short for its length, and the music that is there fucking sucks. I thought I'd be able to deal with it but by the 40 hour mark I was fed up with the same shitty fucking battle theme, town theme, and boss theme.

Oh my bad, you can't forget the awful overworld theme either that never changes no matter where you are on the map besides the sea. Hooray.

cant you just mod the original music in?

The orchestra doesn't fix the repetition or the fact that the music just isn't great. The midi is hardly the problem.

least you can change the music in 11s

but it's critically acclaimed af

easily the best Sqaure Enix game of this console gen (DQ11 > WoFF > KH3 >> FFXV)

Even if arc 3 felt unnecessary so we could get a cliche happy ending.

Is DQ Builders good? It seems like it's Minefract but with actual objectives on what you have to do.

Different user here, DQ Builders was a BLAST, easily worth the money. It's a little short main story wise but there's plenty of side stuff to do as well

maybe all of dragon quest sucks, you ever think of that

>easily worth the money

is it worth $14 + shipping?

>he played on normal
>he was then so bad at the game that he grinded until an already easy game became mindless
>he doesn’t realise how much of a brainlet this makes him look.

*blocks your path*

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Eh, it was pretty damn fun but I could only do one playthrough. I know the definitive edition is coming out, but this is not a game I would want to play on the Switch.

I still think it's a great JRPG, like easily a 9/10 in my book.

took too long to get going.

Lmao projecting much why would you ever grind in this game ?

this, also Zelda

it's not that good. might be for you though. it's the same loop from what i remember. go collect this shit. now collect this shit from different's certainly not bad but kind of just busy work.

i want to play this game but the dude in red and the short midget missing teeth are so fucking ugly they turn me off from actually playing it

A lot of people say this but it didn't really feel that way for me

did you play PS1 or 3DS version of 7?

>talking shit about Gabo

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i got past that by using the distant worlds soundtrack put on shuffle. it works really well actually.

No. How the hell do I get my money back. I want the faggots that made this piece of shit to lick my nutsack. I feel the stink fo FF12 all over it. Fucking horrible. Last time I listen to this reddit shithole

idk which one is Gabo but they're both hideous

its actually cus the composer hates the west cus hes like a nazi sympatherizer or someshit. i know it sounds like im making that up but im not look it up

Oops sorry, posted the wrong image

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lets get this party started

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>looks at your dick
What do you do anons

buy the switch version so I can marry her

well you don't have to worry about that for long

Not to mention the composer. Meh.

Started DQ4 and I'm not feeling this at all. Feels so restrictive compared to 3

>have to literally just make shit up so you have an excuse to use the "git gud" crutch argument


While it is pretty good, V is better

such is the price paid for having party members with character