Did Microsoft just save the flight simulation genre?

Did Microsoft just save the flight simulation genre?

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Yes, I can't wait to do verticals at 400 kmh in an air balloon all over again.

Last game had things like gliders, trike kites, jumbo jets, biplanes, helicopters, and military jets. What kind of aircraft do you think we'll have this time?

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So far we have the Diamond 62, Cessna 182, Icon A5, A320Neo, Piper Supercub, some kind of stunt plane, TBM 900, Robin DR400, Grand Caravan. They'll probably add some regional jet, glider, jumbo jet, and air trike as well.

are there even any other good flight simulators than the microsoft ones?


its always online game

How will it be better than FSX?
>Muh graffix

DCS could be good, but it's horribly mismanaged by slavjew devs who expect people to pay for asset packs, and can't actually simulate anything well outside of aerodynamics and systems.
BMS is a modernized Falcon 4.0, which was god tier back in its day, but is really showing its age.
X-Plane is a great simulation on a technical level, but is completely clinical and soulless,
IL-2 is also very expensive and has some weird aerodynamics issues.

MSFS is what we need. A well polished game made with modern technology that is great *out of the box* and actually has missions to play.

If it can look as good as X plane and not run like dog shit, it wins be default.

So it IS muh graffix then? Because quite frankly, FSX has everything you need.

FSX is fantastic, but has stability issues once you start going crazy adding shit. If this game is FSX plus Muh Graphics, it's a winner. Stop being retarded.

playing a flight sim these days without a hotas and a vr setup honestly seems like a waste.

I feel mostly the same about driving sims and a wheel steup.

Can't wait until these hit the market.

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It needs better flight model and systems to be perfect. Thankfully it looks like the A320 has a working FMS in the trailer.

I've never been into those games but man, this one looks good
Seems like an extremely comfy game and ideal to play stoned (DUDE WEED LMAO)

holy shit thats cool. Can you use pedals with it?

i didn't know it was in trouble, other than that dcs and xplane and p3d etc have essentially monopolised it.

It's probably okay in this case, if it's really THAT huge simulator game.
If google wants some audience for their shitty online streaming thing, they should do something similar. I mean something that isn't really convenient on normal hardware.
But that's a big if, all i've seen is that there's now animals and cars on the ground. Still fairly sure that all the flying simfags will buy into it.
Remember playing some of the older ones, just casually flying through world for no reason. Autopilot on and enjoy the journey. untill fuck up the landing.

The only thing i'm afraid of is the super ultra mega textures that will probably make everything next gen come on 2-3 discs (like some PS1 games) or will require a download of 200-300GB

Yeah, if it has the flight model of X-Plane 11 with the missions and lessons of FSX, game play wise I'm sold.

Yeah, you can mix and match them with whatever.

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I bought the ace combat 7 flight stick a few days ago. Recommend me some games.

I already have ace combat 7.

If it's leveraging real geo data for realism, why wouldn't you want to stay connected? It's like complaining having to go online to play some real fighting games.

It'll probably be like X-Plane where you can selectively install continent packs based on your needs.

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why not just become a real pilot

Flight Simulator X and this book.

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It’s expensive.

Depends on your stick, but IL-2 is great (the old one; the new one is fucking expensive), DCS, Elite Dangerous if you like space stuff.


I’ll look it up.

I made pdfs of the included lessons for FSX if anyone wants them.


Attached: fsxLessons.png (266x219, 6K)

DCS looks pretty demanding for my laptop.

does it have VR support? would be comfykino

What happened to the simulation genre ?

In the 90's there was at least a dozen title per year, from full autismo mode to arcadish, and suddenly they almost completely disappeared in the early 2000. Only hardcore sims like DCS and the like are more or less alive, while I believe there would still be a market for stuff like pic related, with simplified avionics and physics + dynamic campaign, or even something more arcade like Commanche.

tl;dr : where are the fun sims ?

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if you're a big company shareholders want infinite expansion of profits and you can't make a trillion dollars if you keep putting out titles for a niche market. that's why every game has to be uncharted or fortnite nowadays

t. GroundPound69

Domo, Smbro-sama

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Microsoft IS the flight simulation genre

Could always give it a DL and test it. Its free; you only pay for planes.

That's why the next I develop will have almost no graphic assets. Just pure autismo.

Because you'll spend 25k minimum to get your commercial license, and if you do not have the passion and personality, you won't make it.

Yeah but that's also true for little games like Cuphead or Bloodstained, and yet they still exist. Most hardcore sims could be considered Indies too. So to me it's not a very good explanation, the Ace Combat 7 success proves people still love planes.

way more people are inclined to buy a cutesy platformer than a hardcore simulation game. ace combat 7 is an arcade action game at its core

The A10 Cuba aesthetic was great, you should aim for this but with some shading to better appreciate the distances.

Attached: a-10-cuba_11.png (640x480, 8K)

Nah, not my thing. I'll develop something more closely related to Shenzen I/O and Factorio, but focused on power electronics.

that game was great.

even though an a 10 would never do any actual dogfighting in real life.


Damn, I miss semi-casual combat flight sims.
What happened to the middle ground? It seems today you can only have full on autism simulators like DCS or "tap screen to dodge" android shit

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What if I want to play flight simulators on a Thinkpad T430 with no dedicated GPU. What would you guys recommend?

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Flight Simulator X with the 2d interface.

What are your thoughts on VR For something like this? I guess you lose the haptic touch feedback of real controls but the potential for immersion seems great. That plus touch controllers that let you use virtual cockpit controls seems great.

also what happened to microsofts combat flight simulator series?


God I miss F22

Thank you, Mr. Skeltal.

If you can line up your yoke, pedals, and throttle you're golden. All your other switches can use your vr controllers to access.

Wake me up when someone makes a sequel to this god-tier flight sim.

Attached: Sky Odyssey.png (220x313, 140K)

There was a lot of things to try and you could wreck havoc with your Gau-8, drop GBUs on American ships, try to chip the edge of your wing without crashing (the physics and the damages were very precise for the time), landing on water, propel the plane backwards with the recoil of the Gau-8... The demo alone was worth hours of fun.

Please jesus add a career mode to the game please, not just a plane sandbox.
>get hired by small company to deliver packages
>slowly move up to working at an airport
>eventually get enough money to start your own small time airline
it's all i want, just so we have some incentive and goal to work towards.

>flight sim for ps2


>Still no proper Steel Batallion sequel
What the fuck

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Those were the days. Like I said before there would certainly be a market for semi arcade games.

Same for space combat sims, Star Citizen gets billions from backers and no other single serious dev is considering making another space sim ? There's something wrong with the industry.

Are we getting Combat FS 4 too? Korea like would be god tier
>give ED money for the F86 and MiG15!

Could role play rising through the ranks with the included lessons or this book if you wanted.

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Is there a new Flight Simulator coming out?


Ye but also want an economy system, kinda like how Euro Truck Sim 2 works. And roleplay that seems like effort.

yeah games like x wing alliance were great.


We're all just playing make believe.

but again like with flight sims and dcs, the space sim genre has been monopolised by elite dangerous and..er..no man's sky.

i think the x series is still a thing, though you never hear about it.

that was another god tier space sim, x beyond the frontier.

How do you manipulate the g1000 with an Xbox controller? I would love to practice IFR shit but I can’t imagine operating the PFD/MFD is easy on a controller.

Also shoutout to the skelly user above who bought the full g1000 setup for his PC. Ur a rich man.

>have VR
>have flightstick
>buy Aerofly FS2 to fly a plane

Well it captures flying a plane pretty well.
But a damn flight sims are fucking boring. You fly in a giant blue ocean of sky in a straight line for hours to land.
I want to like them, but they get so damn boring 15 minutes in.

How do they manage to make realistic clouds like this ? Are they 100% volumetric (doubtful) are are they a mix between volumetric and something like HD 2D sprites ?

Anyway the graphics look great.

Is this the power of generating terrain based off google maps?

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There's Boomer: Dangerous if you want to sink 100 hours into before you realize you hate it.

Yeah Eurotruck 2 is pretty cool how it works. Project Cars has where you cna start from Karting and work your way up. It'd be cool if MSFS had that.

I would like a create-a-plane mode to allow us to create monstrosities that, when obeying the laws of physics, somehow work.

yes, but then you just play in windowed mode and minimise the window and go have lunch or mow the lawn and come back and hope the plane hasn't plunged into the ocean or something.

that's the beauty of autopilot.

You just might not have the right kind of autism for civil/commercial aircraft flight sim. Have you tried DCS? Combat flight sim might be more your thing.

Project Cars system is good, however I don't like how you can start anywhere and all the cars are unlocked from the get go. I'd prefer:
>Start off with some shitty cessna or ye olde crop duster or something.
>Save up money to buy new aircraft (Or join an airline to use expensive ones instead)

I find if I have everything unlocked i'll burn out a lot quicker.

horry shet what the fuck

>elite dangerous
mmo shit, not my dope. I mean MP is fine, but that kind of game needs an interesting story and well scripted missions.

>No Man's Sky
Hahaha no.

Star Citizen looked good at first but since it's a scam (and mmo too)... Which leaves me with 0 options.

try the x series then. x beyond the frontier you might find a bit bare and monotonous, but the second and third games look more fleshed out.

full PDF: booksdescr.org/ads.php?md5=427C81EE44A24EE386A4D6C114088967

why is there always so many poorfags complaining?
Flight Simulator always been an expensive hobby.

>Almost no perspective error
That's not my google map. And I'm 100% certain that a lot of details have been added by human hands, like the ad on the side of the white building.

>also on consoles
it will be casual shit.

well at least it's actually helpful unlike the flight instructors and co-pilots fsx gives you..

>okay, rotate, pitch up 15 degrees, then nose down 10 degrees
>reach 7000 ft and climbing
>okay level off at 6000 ft

>adjust thrust to about 50 percent n1 to maintain 180 knots
>50 percent n1 maintains about 240 knots

VR is trash for this kind of stuff. AR is what this needs and it would be GODLY.

no man, haven't you heard, every aircraft function will be made interactive through hundreds of button combos.

MSFS is the *entire world*, so unless they designed this one area by hand just for the trailer, I doubt it.

they tend to add more detail in major cities though.

>aim at something with thumbstick
>press button to flick switch or bring up menu
Doesn't seem that hard to implement, though it'll make cold starts pretty slow

Basically Chris Roberts quit because of Microsoft.

Sequel to this when? Might sound stupid but this was one of my childhood games.

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ah shit, you're right. I remember Microsoft Flight.

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why is that stupid?

combat flight simulator 2 was one of my childhood games, it was great.

As of right now, I'd say Microsoft is vastly superior to Roberts when it comes to making good products and having ethical business practices.

Chris Roberts is the Kojima of Microsoft.

Well at least in star citizen the flight model is constantly being fucked with according and with community feedback.
Ships legit feel different in atmo vs space...but yeah its a scam, fucking 8 years.

>So unless they designed this one area by hand just for the trailer, I doubt it
You mean like literally every single other game that releases trailers with significantly more detail than the full game in order to lure idiots like you in? Seriously, how are you STILL falling for this.

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People including myself always ask why X or Y went away but the answer is actually quite simple. There are two factors that usually leds to the demise of a genre:

1.) the people who used to make these kind of games and at that time were in a position to make it possible and make it happen either retired, got a better job or just died.
2.)what this user said: . It just isn't feasable to make them from the point of view of the publisher because you need at least a mid-tier budget for the game not to look like it came out 20 years ago. COD sells, this most likely won't.
Times change and so do taste and priorities. All things eventually come to an end, hence why we don't have current disco music blasting through the radio.

Maybe I'm just paranoid about things being lost to time but here's screenshots of all the rewards for flight sim x too.


Attached: FSXRewards.png (1528x743, 523K)

Bullshit i listen to disco all the time.

Need to be light if you wanna fly.
Look at birds, their bones are hollow, just like that bony person's soul.

there's always il-2 BoS and dcs modules like the su33 where you don't have to press all the buttons to taxi and take off.

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Microsoft was the only one IN the flight sim genre since the beginning of time.

Yes, I too listen to oldies from the 50s ony my iPod from time to time.

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gib milkers

This seems like a very straight white male video game.
If you don't see how this is problematic, then we need to have a serious discussion about privilege Yea Forums

>a fucking yoke