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it's amazing how easy it is to get Yea Forums to seethe
this board has the second highest concentration of racists and sexists outside of /pol/

I thoroughly enjoyed this interactive gaming moment as it really drove home how i as a straight white male have no power.

I want her to step on me.

>why yes, my cock is named 'the artifact'

Fucking Snoy

I'm fine with women beating men but only if they have to resort to hitting them in the balls to win.

>Fucking Snoy
How do you pronounce Snoy exactly?
Wouldn't Soiny be better?

It's not hard to pronounce. It's snow, but with a y instead of a w.

What are you gonna do about it dick lips?

if black women are so strong and independent, why do they have 10 kids each and overpopulate third world countries?

Third most, Yea Forums is higher.

I got hit in the balls once, didnt feel a thing.
But I did lock their foot between my thighs and they fell down hard

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that's nothing
I was watching
last night and the 5'4 140lbs empowared blaq wom*n beat up 5 6'2 tall huge guys like it was nothing

its just a still, but the look on his face is "how fast can i get her pants down?"

>he didn't pick "it's not yours"

Sad but true. I once thought it was ironic shit posting but I am not sure anymore

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What is this expression trying to convey?

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I know right? YIIIKEEEESSSS!!!!

Oh well. Let's go back to resetera I suppose.

the pleasure of cumming

Yea Forums has always been the opposite of /r9k/, instead of succumbing and lamenting their weakness they parade around spouting shit and claiming superiority. both have been driven to their extremes in the last few years.

the only difference is that Yea Forums has its actual subject matter fucked beyond recovery because of it whereas /r9k/ doesnt have set subject matter

Do what you must, I have already won.

Nah, Yea Forums is way more woke than /pol/. /pol/ is full of Christcucks.

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Well Yea Forums was called Yea Forums 2.0 back in the day.

Please post the original image I can’t fucking find it anywhere and it’s hilarious

I know nothing of this game but I find the followup fight with him and some other guy instantly flooring her with a chokeslam or something hilarious. Im sure someone has it.

>yeah THAT can happen

god i wish that was me

I just finished lost legacy and im actually quite relieved and surprised that naughty dog didnt have nadine and chloe lezzing off at the end.

me on the left

Now someone post the webm of the two guys rushing her simultaneously and slamming her ass down on the ground.

atleast 75% of Yea Forums is underaged so it makes sense they would overreact to meaningless shit

And it's one of the easiest boards to get into. Doesn't that tell you something? People know.

clearly arousal

your body might miss something

I check every week, still there as of yesterday

>I married some generic blonde normie instead of a fine piece of chocolate like her

>caring for suspension of disbelief is sexist
it helps no one to be reductive


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she looks sweaty :9

It's a series where you shoot down an entire temple of ancient monkey people.
Did you suspend your belief then?

Literally just google feminists vs man

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