Why on earth aren't you hype?
Why on earth aren't you hype?
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inb4 retailfags shit up the thread
oh wait, there aren't any left
but I am
why would I be?
Because ill be bored in a month when I have all content on farm
I'm Gnot a Gnoblin
I'm Gnot a Gnorgen
I'm a Gnome!
And you've been ... GNOMED!
maybe because its a poopsock game for the 1%
do you really want to raid for years for a chance to get one purple item? if the answer is "no" then move on.
>tfw my original crew is all coming back
except for that one guy who died...
Because I can play it for free. Also, cash shop soon
Chad reporting in
but i am
>Based humans
>Based as fuck dwarves
>Semi based night elves
Always roll horde.
t. third-worlder or child
Not enough time to play nowadays and the two people I used to play with the most moved in a time zone with a 3 hour difference
Don't forget paladin faggotry.
Trying to form a group for anything on alliance is way more annoying because of """ret""" or """prot""" paladins feeling entitled to having a spot, and throwing a tantrum when you tell them no.
Boy oh boy I can’t wait to buy a level boost and avoid all the bullshit. Thanks Blizzard
I'm not paying 15 a month and rewarding blizzard for an old ass game. And their modern game sucks
because I'm doing my degree and have no time for the long ass lvling anymore :'c
I've been playing on a p. server and I just realized how grindy it is, how fickle your average player interaction is, and how much of a pain in the dick world PvP is.
>Can't afford $15 a month
You must be at least 18 years old to post on Yea Forums, Pablo.
Why pay for a subscription when I can just donate to my favorite streamer?
>literal moms and grandmas used to be able to casually level to 60 in 2005
>you can't
imagine being this casual
>women who spend all day at home had time to level in a game
>being hype for a game that was solved over a decade ago
The adventure and discovery is gone. Let it rest.
>being worse at a game than a woman
Its one of the rare cases where you think you want something, but really you're fucking retarded.
I realized I wanted to play it for free, so I did.
>neckbeards cleared and chronicled everything in 2006
>can't enjoy the game anymore
By your logic, every game is unplayable a week after it comes out.
I cooled off a bit, and the layering seems to have gotten a bit more aggressive in recent builds.
Classic is ruined already.
The game was built with design philosophies that aren't commonplace in modern MMOs.
A lot of people are blinded by nostalgia to the faults of the game, but if you don't think there are redeeming factors for most people you're pretty dumb.
>thinking lack of time means lack of skill
getting to 60 requires no skill, just time, of which bored housewives and old ladies have plenty.
Are there any streamers who tell people to fuck off with their "gifts" and carry offers? Any at all?
>reckbombs you
Heh, nothing personnel.....kid.....
I am?
the smelly man depicted in that pic won't accept gold until he gets his epic mount
Would you, if you were a streamer?
Won’t even require time. That’ll be $60 please!
layering and the retarded obsession the community has with streamers has killed my hype for this game. i'll just keep playing private servers and pray they don't get C&D'd by actiblizz.
at $1 per level, which would likely take you 4 hours a level on average after level 10, that's actually great value.
>not accepting gold until getting epic mount
What is he trying to prove here exactly? The gold grind for an epic mount is nowhere near as insane as the gold grind for consumables, enchants, and gear from prebis to tier 3.
because it sucks that we live in such a time where even in trying to avoid streamer culture I have to get directly involved it in to find out exactly where not to be in order to avoid them at all costs
that and layering is unrionically going to destroy the game in the first phase; have fun with every other person having tidal charm haha
If they’re outside of US legal jurisdiction Blizzard can do fuckall, same as it ever was.
>30x "home" threads daily on Yea Forums before open beta
>open beta starts
>it's a streamer shitfest ruined by zoomers
>suddenly one, maybe two "home" threads daily
I guess everyone lost interest.
I can see this being a selling point and it makes me sad
pandering to streamers that never played classic and will get carried on every single piece of the game is the worst kind of advertising shitzzard could come up with
They moved to /vg/ and I’ve made it my civic duty to trash any marketing that leaks its way back to here
they're relegated to /vg/ now. mods delete classic threads if there's too many of them. only 1-2 allowed at a time now.
>based orcs
>mommy sylvanas
>based tauren
>based as fuck trolls
always roll horde
They also don’t like it when you point out that it’s still Activision Blizzard behind the development, as in, they don’t like it when you point out that it’s almost a guarantee that things currently in retail will be implemented to classic to make a quick buck
Nixxiom. Pretty much the personification of all the GOING HOMErs on Yea Forums. But, he’s a small time streamer.
The recent complaints about layering and sharding seemed REALLY bad.
So what, monobrow? Didn’tcha hear we’re all going home!?
They're supposed to disable it after a while when the server populations spread out and stabilize. Whether or not you trust them to follow through on that is up to you.
If you've played on chinkdale you'll know how insanely crowded the starting zones get. Takes like an hour to kill 5 wolves because there's a dozen people camping every mob spawn.
undead mage
yay nay ?
due to dynamic respawns the level 1-10 zones actually aren't too bad on northdale. there's metric fucktons of people but mobs respawn nearly as fast as they're killed. the actual cancer is the 10-20 zones. barrens is fucking unplayable horde-side because there are entire groups of people sitting at every single spawn location for every single quest because there's literally nowhere else to quest that efficiently covers those level ranges. and redridge and duskwood are near unplayable alliance-side because level 60 horde gankers have taken up permanent residence there.
because asmongold
yay in raids, pvp and endgame
nay in anything else, enjoy dying all the time and spending more time drinking than fighting mobs
because I'm not a brainlet who can't tell what's good game design and what's nostalgia goggles?
not to mention all the zoomer/streamer bullshit
can I get a first grader introduction to this bearded character? Is he worth watching?
Old, boring and tedious ugly game. What to be hyped for? Buying ammo? Farming shards? Spamming frostbolt for 10 minutes in molten core watching 39 other idiots spamming one button or going afk to reduce aggro? What is to be excited about?
unironically this
And sodapoppin basically announcing Classic is being brought for streamers and others shouldn't play or they will get blacklisted is just nail in the coffin.
He is typical neckbeard idiot streamer shit. Nothing to watch.
I wish they'd release future server names so the streamers could all pick one to congregate on so everyone else can avoid their bullshit.
cute succ
Because it was garbage the first time it came out.
Streamers aren't going to affect 99.9% of the people who will be playing Classic, and the 0.1% that are affected are people who are gonna go out of their way to join their guilds or purposefully harass them for their 2 minutes of fame.
But I am, OP
Hyped to not give Activision/Blizzard any of my mopey.
game is all figured out
every rotation
every instance
it's not like doing a new xpac for the first day.
>the hype for the game died down before it even came out
Can't bring my belf waifu
What happened to all the shill threads btw? There used to be like 5 classic threads up at all time, but a bit after the beta the shills stopped making new threads.
Hype already died, classic is doa.
It's mostly e3, I think. Classic threads aren't fast enough to stick through nakamura/banjo/pokemon spam.
it's a twitch streamer game (aka cancer)
These threads infuriate me. We have huge threads every day, dumbass, stop asking why people aren't hype, because they clearly are. Fuck you.
>90% of the posts are people talking shit about the game and saying they're not hyped
>"n-no we are hyped!"
>t. seething classicfag on the edge of bursting into tears seeing his favorite game dead on arrival
Because I'm not interested in nostalgiapandering garbage.
Couple of reasons. I stopped supporting AcitBlizz 5 years ago and never looked back. The new community of streamers, nostalgiafags, and teens will make an already dated game that more unbearable. Plus layering and the fact that its a clear gimmick meant to earn some momentary coin and not be sustainable.
I was going to buy it until I found out about asmongold and sodapoppin.
No thanks.
They completely fucked up by releasing in August
>except for that one guy who died...
Warlock or Shaman?
>Get ready for a classic summer!
>releases at the end of august
what did they mean by this?
well do you want to be a healer or a ranged DPS, you fucking numpty?
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
Blizzard: *remakes the best MMO of all time and singlehandedly revitalizes the genre*
go back to tumblr
>literally get 8 days to go hard before uni starts up again
>have an internship right after
Thanks, Blizzard!
This is not funny not even ironically
I don't support NuBlizz, and I don't have the time to invest into WoW like when I was a teen and in college.
streamers are a non issue but layering is honestly shit. 1.12 av is shit. Hunters are fucking broken atm which is why almost no one wanted to play them in the AV weekend. Also leeway is way over the top for melee and not working for some spells.
>classic comes out the day after uni starts for me
There goes my plans of playing two weeks straight.....
There are literal dads and wageslaves raiding naxx with me in my private server guild, and private servers are supposed to be harder than classic.
>nobody meme
the game is figured out. how many goblin engineers do you remember in vanila? guess how many you'll see in classic
Nixxiom is based and our guy
>stand around clicking the same things for hours
>no sense of reward because the progression is easy
>people ERPing in every town
>combat is boring as shit
>most likely to end up completing brain-dead quests for hours
mmorpgs are cool in theory but i could never understand how anyone could play them for long, let alone invest money into them
Why are you retards actually give Activison (The same company that killed the game) money to do it all over again.
You are all acting like a beaten wife.
because they are at least 5 years late
Yeah, but I enjoyed the way beat me before.
can i get some ResidentSleepers in the chat
dead game
>that is what my favorite streamer said
i would watch him if he wasn't so damn cringy
>people actually think they will have the entire game on farm within a month
>these same people wont even be 60 after a month
It's not a open beta
Because a company doing something I want is a good thing. The beaten wife here is blizzactivision.
I feel like 13% is a bit high and 52% is low balling it. First war, Second War, and TFT were all due to orcs.
>tfw 106+ PTO hours at the ready
>Will have even more by the time we get to Aug
>he stars uni
Fucking zoomers. And this is that glorious classic community we were told about.
I mean if you pretend "you think you do, but you don't" never happened sure
I already played Vanilla, what reasons would I have to be hyped for Classic?
cdew turned down gold gifts for his mount and is actually good at the game
Why does this image exist, why do you even have it saved on your hard drive?
Same. Got to level 60. I don't want to do that again.
I just realized why I find Classicfags so pathetic. They remind me of Melee players, except their decade+ year old game has a skill ceiling that's separated from its skill floor unlike wow
>Why on earth aren't you hype?
Boring, unfinished classes, time > skill, everything is tedious and grindy, BiS takes forever, PvP is actually dumber than retail.
except he accepted gold for his level 40 mount.
I wish you guys well. I really do. I know this mmo drought has been bad for all us but this ain't gonna shake out like you want it to. Its going to have a cash shop and probably character services too. Not to mention its been datamined all to shit. This is blizzard we are talking about here. Their ability to fuck things up is the stuff of legends at this point.
>BiS takes forever
how is this a negative, holy shit
Fuck retail and fuck classic. They should just make another xpac that made all legacy content playable in some form or another, and then make WoW 1,5 in the titan engine.
Make PvE like Classic, and PvP like MoP. M+ can stay but only for currency farming etc, no items. Islands are a great idea, except make them Diablo-esque dungeons that are hard as fuck, have no map, and require people to CC and dodge mechanics like every mob pack is a raid boss. Also tit/ass/thigh/stomach definition sliders and physics.
I just saved gaming, am i the next TotalBiscuit?
>Its going to have a cash shop and probably character services too.
not even actiblizzard is capable of this, no way
>Also tit/ass/thigh/stomach definition sliders and physics.
no, you're a huge faggot, unironically have sex
Because there's something better to play.
Enjoy classic though. I had a lot of fun with it back in the day.
Why would I be? The upcoming shitstorm of AutoChess will give me literally more play hours than the classic ever will. 300-400 hours and you're done, already creating mage twinks for wpvp retardation.
If I've never played vanilla I probably would be a bit more hyped, but still. It's a shit game with no content and the nochangefags ruined the only chance in history of fixing the shit that was wrong with vanilla
Because you end up doing the same boring raid over and over, casting frostbolt over and over and over. Week after week, month after month. And after AQ comes out you'll be grinding gold unless you're a AH jew.
Too much time, zero skill. At least give people the option to choose something like challenge/hard modes to increase drops instead of just expecting them to farm AQ for six months, and then some more for their alt DKP.
I love FF14 because it's comfy and has catgirls, the PvE is breddy gud too. But the PvP stinks. WoW past Cata is literally the only MMO that has good PvP, despite all it's failings it is unmatched.
>play one of two classes with a one button rotation
>complain about one button rotation
maybe don't?
This is some impressive bait
>I love FF14 because it's comfy and has catgirls
you and all the other weebs who only care about graphics and housing
at least XIV is fun for a couple hours on tuesday I guess
I already played this game and don't wanna relive being an antisocial weirdo who played WoW all day
A two button rotation isn't much better, neither is casting the same spell at 4 different ranks to not run out of mana
redditors: "Nobody:"
Everyone else: fuck off reddit
I never actually got a mage past BWL, but that's not the point. The point is that ANY rotation in vanilla is boring, and that after 6 months of grinding a raid, no matter how good it could have been, it would still suck. The game is fucking tedious and values times spent over skill in nearly all regards. It's farmville for people that can run better gfx than osrs.
>you and all the other weebs who only care about graphics and housing
Just ignore the rest of my post and use it as an excuse to say whatever you wanted to say. You must be lonely.
Remember when everybody wanted housing in wow? Blizz gave them Garrisons instead, that was some monkey paw wish if I ever saw one
What class is more fun to play as? Warlock or Mage? Would be an Orc Warlock or a Troll mage there.
>ignore the rest of my post
that pve is pretty good? the only content that isn't made for drooling retards would be the raids, and like I said, XIV is fun for a couple hours on tuesday
unless you meant about how bad the pvp is, my bad glossing over that
Put on the dress and heal tranny
why would i play it again the game sucks nowadays
>You must be lonely.
Are you a girl, by chance? You sound like a girl
Do you want to farm soul shards for hours on end or stand around making water for everybody every time you enter a dungeon or raid? Neither? Yeah I thought so
fuck the crowd that wants housing honestly
nothing kills the world quite like putting everyone in and around their instanced houses
Streamers ruining the server is no different than ERP ruining the server back in the day. All you had to do was avoid the ERP server, just like you can avoid the streamer server.
Layering won't matter anyway.
Everyone is about to get monkey paw'd on classic WoW too. No matter how many times Blizzard beats up their players they just keep on going back like an abused girlfriend. Im sure this time is going to be different though guys.
Need a guild for classic wow?
Join Today!
>No Women
>No Trannies
anyone breaking these rules SHALL BE BANNED
>staysafe, what class should I play when Classic comes out?
>uhhhh you should buy a pack of string cheese and see how many you can fit in your mouth, take a picture, and post it on Yea Forums
staysafe is literally /ourguy/
Only in Goldshire, pls gibe gold
Lock kinda sucks dick until BWL phase, Mage is strong but requires more work to be good. Lock gets stupid powerful after AQ, but that's a long time, and a lot of consumables away.
i remember...
walking and walking and walking and walking.
It works in FFXIV because everybody wants to show off how slutty their catgirl is so they stand around in town and chat with each other. WoW players don't give a shit about that so they stayed inside their little hidey-hole
god using the world was so awful, it's so much better to sit in town and queue for everything
See you on shard 12 bros!
I mean you're right, but garrison was obviously a mistake too
That shit just shouldn't exist
>watching my friend play WoW 2006
>wow, nice walking simulator
>he stops playing a couple months later
>I become addicted for 12 years
Who is she? She is cute!
>wow classic the theme song
Not him but i actually prefer that. After a decade of questing i never want to leave the city again. Even wPvP gets boring when you're just trying to farm some shit and you get ganked for the 100th time.
I'd rather queue up with some dudes and do dungeons and pvp, you know you can even arena while leveling? Better content, i'd rather compete for dps meter, fight other players in BG/arena, than just killing boars, fetching magical elf dung for questgiver, or running from A->B because deep lore reason.
there's really nothing wrong wanting to sit around and queue for shit, but some people don't, and it's good that there are now multiple MMOs for people who want different things out of them
meanwhile people still feel the need to sperg out at people for playing other MMOs, it's fucking sad
I did it already years ago.
E-celeb streamer community cancer game.
Why in 2019 would I want to give Activision any money.
It's because they're all trying to justify their autism, and hope that their game will finally reach, or be restored to a status of previous glory.
GW had pretty decent questing, and i loved how big the worlds felt in SWG. But questing in regular MMO's is like taking a survey: "How gullible are you? Find out today!".
Oh yeah for sure, garrisons were the fucking worst and players are still suffering from their inclusion since Blizz won't give up on the mission table shit. I just find the difference in player mentality fascinating
Because I don't want to play with zoomers and streamers.
I never thought they were that bad, they were just boring and gimmicky. And i secretly loved filling it up with followers and stupid shit, felt good to have my little town.
You're still queueing for shit in classic, you just have to do it manually through the chat instead of having the game do it for you. The only real difference is that you won't spam the chat with "LF2M UBRS NEED KEY" any more
Pretty much this. They are not deserving of your money. Especially when they don't pay a cent of income tax for the billions they profit each year.
Im going to play a mommy nelf hunter on a RP server and spent all my days helping lowbies with their quests and questions and no one can stop me!
(Im going to call male characters puppies and girl characters kittens and pet and hug them all)
if you can't understand there's a difference between building a group, heading out to the dungeon and progressing through it with the people you have since you can't just kick someone and have someone else queue in versus hitting queue, clearing it and leaving and never seeing those people again, I don't even know what to say to you
Not him, but after you've done that enough times, you just want to get to it and focus on doing it fast. Fags running off to get din din, disconnects, summoning stones, and people that are just dickheads or useless can end up ruining your group and wasting an hour of ym time. Fuck that. I don't mind dungeons being difficult, or at least rewarding speed/challenge. But waiting around for fucktards doesn't make the game better.
That's how mythic+ works in retail, nobody is praising that shit. Get a grip my man, loosen up those rose tinted goggles just a little bit
>beta comes out
>1 video since
nice thanks.
then don't play classic
mythic+ is farming timed dungeons which already enforces following meta comps, and the gear is shit unless you get serious titanforges
how can you even compare the two?
you have to let people be bad, assholes and otherwise waste of space so that the good people can stand out from the trash
I wasn't comparing the content dummy, just how you queue for it
he is never making it to 60, just making alts and roleplaying out of hype for the ideals of what wow was sold on originally
this is the most pathetic and unfunny """"meme"""" ever created by the normalfags
ah yes, I remember applying to group finder in classic and getting picked up because my spec, item level and raider.io score were sufficient
>then don't play classic
I'm not going to, but that wasn't really the point. Have fun playing OSRS with orcs. If i were a NEET i might join you, but the time investment is just too ridiculous.
Here is a better idea, if someone is trash you kick them and they're replaced with someone that isn't on /follow
Oh so you didn't play vanilla then, gotcha. People inspected you before the dungeon started and if you weren't good enough you were kicked. There were only 1 or 2 specs per class that were accepted as well, so the only thing you're missing is raiderio
From the bottom of my heart, I hope you die tonight.
If you step away and look at what an MMO leaves you with after you're finished then it's completely pointless. At least in a story based single player experience theres closure and an end. I always loved WoW and was hyped as fuck for classic, but then I thought about retail WoW and its all literally been a waste of time. Don't wanna repeat that again when there's so much other shit out there you can experience.
he's almost the same mongoloid as assmongold
you dont know who is trash and who is good if being bad or good doesnt affect anything
you're referring to private server autists
I played vanilla , never got turned down for groups, and by the time I was 30 I made a guild with friends and played with them
imagine that
I am
no one inspected anyone in vanilla because you could see what gear people used from their appearance
Why the fuck would I want to play a 15 year old game that I already played in high school.
I'll get hyped for new shit that's good. Not fossilized games from a Genre that always feels old even when current.
>I'll get hyped for new shit that's good.
same just as soon as it comes out
any day now
not nearly as sperged out
So you didn't run dungeons with randos then. Guess what, your guildmates don't check your raiderio score in retail either
the difference is everyone had a guild in vanilla, nobody makes friends with randoms in bfa because of how unsocial the game is
you are making the same message over and over again pretending to be a different person
it doesnt matter that its old, the point is there is no such game that offers what the old wow did so its not an old version of a game its an old game that doesnt exist anymore
imagine they brought back an old cola flavor, no one would say whats the point of drinking that, I already tasted it before right?
It affects time spent, the severity of their uselessness. Just because dungeons are easier now, doesn't mean they were hard before. The game is all about time, and i want to be able to votekick people that are too busy fapping and eating to do their job. I don't want to go to Org just to get a new idiot, and i don't want to travel all the way back, just to find out the healer has to go to bed.
Fuck that shit. Standing in town and waiting for queues is superior, all they have to do is make dungeons harder so you actually have to use your brain to do them.
ps: my last reply, captcha is sperging out(50 crosswalks etc)
Hello private server-kun, remember when gear had placeholder models? Of course you don't, you didn't play back then. T2 looked like level 40 vendor bought gear for quite a while. Inspecting happened all the time
cause I didn't like Vanilla. I would much rather they address issues in retail. or least do BC or WOTLK.
First post in this thread and I enjoyed Everquest more.
Now imagine that cola is 15 years past it's expiration date.
Debuff limit bug not fixed.
Everybody had a guild, sure, but you didn't always run content with them. If they did there would be no LFG calls in chat. Same thing in retail, your friends might not be playing at the time so you have to pug
>tank leaves after Paladin steals his gear and group falls apart, wasting 2 hours of your life
people with t2 dont run 5mans, or with pugs and everyone knew how those t2 looked like because they had unique dyes
fuck off
In b4 some faggot zoomer brainlet chimes in: Layering is sharding. They just put you in instance layers with people from your own server instead of a server group.
And stop making endless wojak macros you dumb faggot redditor homo cunt.
Not everyone knew about the gear because so few people had it (at least on my server, maybe it was different on others). I ran multiple dire maul runs with T2 geared people since they helped their friends out with gear or the warlock mount quest. Inspecting was a thing, I saw multiple people get kicked because they didn't have trinkets or just a Luffa so they were deemed a waste of time to bring
Why would I play a game where I can get banned for ganking a streamer?
I'll stick with vanilla private servers, thank you.
>the magical time with a bunch of raid geared people running 5 mans to complete the 0.5 set that they wouldn't even actually use anyways
Strat45 was hell if you didn't get at least one player who completely overgeared the T0.5 set. Was a fun challenge though
layering makes farming retarded, just layer into another black lotus or vein
1.12 AV
no moonwalking
goldselling will be worse than pservers
the list goes on
>half the trees and talents useless for no other reason than it takes up a debuff slot rather than it was actually bad
>developers said it wasn't even intended to be there
Seems like Classic is dead on arrival. Shadowbringers threads go to 500 posts in an hour while this thread is almost dead at barely 200. Sucks to suck, eh classicfags?
Retail is awesome as shit. Classic is awesome as shit. You’re all awesome as shit. Keep up the good fight.
bros the trannies are laughing at us again
I've always enjoyed stupid shit in my MMORPGs like "Trigger effect on hit", either by buffing people, healing or whatever.
That's why I used to play DNC on FFXI all the fucking time.
Is there any class that works around that concept, at all?
Discount wannabe Assmongoloid
>is there anything more pathetic
enhance shaman revolves around weapon procs, kind of similar I think
look up windfury totem for an example
Shame nobody brings enhancement shamans anywhere because the spec is dogshit
that question can be asked so often on this site that Im not sure if it would even maintain its status as a question or if it would become its own language
in an optimal comp you'd bring one for nightfall, but literally nobody is going to bring an optimal comp to 40 man raids in vanilla because it doesn't matter given how fucking easy the raids are
shamans have weapon buffs and rogues have poisons they coat their weapons with that operate on those kind of mechanics. also there are a lot of melee weapons that have on-hit effects like that that don't trigger on spell casts, so if you like that kind of playstyle a melee class would probably be your best bet.
I thought hunters were better for that, maybe that's just for alliance though
yup, that's specifically for alliance
He doesn't mean on hit effects, DNC skills are closer to Judgement of Light for Paladins in retail. A skill that actually helps other people not just increases your own dps. Stuff like Nightfall (weapon), Shadow Weaving (Priest) or Windfury Totem (Shaman)
>call out culture
>the no-fun-allowed generation
>soibois, women, trannies and the sjw infestation
>mtx, games as a service, cash shop shit
Boomers who think they're "going home" are off their fucking rockers. You're all going to be banned for "toxic" behavior just for being male. And if you think girls destroying guilds and getting special treatment was bad back then...
tfw you can't join a guild called "Naga stole my Bike" any more because of whiny zoomers
because i remember the effect it had on 2 years of my life, i'm not going to repeat the same mistake. great game, awesome community, but I can't recommend it if you have poor time management skills.
>awesome community
It's been 15 years, the community is completely different now
but that's not Mcconnell.
>warrior has a talent that gives you a 5% chance on hit to get another autoattack as long as you're using a sword
>Ironfoe is a mace that has about a 2-3% chance to proc two extra weapon swings
>Thrash blade is a sword that has a chance to proc an extra weapon swing
>Hand of Justice is a trinket that gives you a 2% chance on every auto to get another auto
>windfury totem has a 20% chance per auto to give you two extra autos
i can believe it, seemed like everyone with a PC at least TRIED it in 2005. i remember all kinds of people were in my guild/server. all ages, whole families, couples, it was wild. it genuinely felt easy to just group up and chat with anyone.
Because I already did all the content 15 years ago
Read nigga, if he wanted random procs he'd play XIV DNC
fuck off, he is annoying as hell and says dude to much.