Super Mario Royale

Hurry up and enjoy the game before the zoomers and Nintendo ruins it.

Attached: 1558168824757.png (79x70, 678)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's lonely at the top of 3-4

Attached: lonely.jpg (434x395, 10K)

You and me both

Attached: w34.png (989x875, 21K)

Get on my level, earthbound plebs

Attached: new.png (1677x563, 187K)

>+700 players in
>still 5 people doing it to the end
zoomers were a mistake.

>game starts with 99 on 3-1
>only 10 make it to 3-2

Attached: rip.png (413x373, 3K)

who here /ruffryder/
ride till we die

Attached: onward.png (802x432, 14K)

Attached: hold up.png (1200x800, 54K)

this shit's pretty adicting

Attached: world1btw.png (925x609, 14K)

>forsen plays for 10 minutes gets first
>I played for 5 hours and still havent got a podium

Attached: forsen.png (1285x330, 191K)

Dont tell the noobs how to get the star in the lobby

>it's down
alright which one of you did this

luck out into 3-1 and just play slow. Everyone dies before 3-3

>those two marios teaming up to defeat Bowser
>they both made it to the end
Surprisingly wholesome

Attached: 2019-06-16 (6).png (1360x768, 22K)


First time coming first, feels good

Well done to Sneed and Geosonic

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-16 at 19.49.45.png (2560x1600, 208K)

OC an user made from last thread.
>decide to google it out of curiosity
>he has a fucking Wikipedia article
We're fucked.

Attached: 1560710633486.png (856x504, 34K)

This is good tidings for MM2 multiplayer.
Having other people with you is surprisingly comfy and fun when you can't crash into each other.

feels good

Attached: fuck forsen.png (872x375, 8K)

It's still pretty easy to get through 1-4 in top 3 since the majority are still shit

can't wait for 4-1 and 8-1 to be implemented

Just sent Nintendo an email about this game
I suggest you all do the same to fuck everyone else over

Attached: 1552840137988.jpg (337x613, 25K)

Just name yourself "nigger" and pray he sees you to ban his stream

now that's just sad

Attached: poor guy.png (1357x605, 21K)

thank fren

Bowser dies for everyone if he's fireballed by someone?

snitches get stitches

No, just for the guy who fireballed him

Anons come on now...

Attached: really now.jpg (1918x857, 190K)


let’s t do more OC bros

Already did that, unfortunately once I beat Bowser some other fags already beat me to it.


Attached: 1534983860240.gif (405x414, 181K)

>70 people die in 5 seconds.


lmao zoomers are fucking shit

>finally get the star
>go on a rampage from left to right

Attached: 1543004822576.jpg (347x384, 13K)

Do one for east/west block nigga gang wars

>implying they aren't behind this

Gotta hype that Mario Maker II

Are you doing your part to combat the streamer menace?

Attached: fuckstreamers.png (290x277, 3K)

>Game lags like crazy no matter what I do
>Wait a good 20 seconds before going in
>Eventually catch up to the crowd & back to 5 FPS
God please get better at Mario people

to the jackass standing at the spawnpoint of the cloud area in 2-1, fuck you

yeah fuck you for that

lmao zoomers can't even get past world 2

Attached: ayy.png (744x346, 6K)

Forsen doesn't understand starniggers and he's trying WAY too hard to win lol

>be firechad
>grab any additional mushrooms even though I don't need them
>never shoot piranha plants and especially not hammer bros
>break any blocks that would make things faster for the manlets

that's me :)

its only difficult because it runs like shit and controls like shit

I'm doing my part to promote the underage streamer menace, does that count?

Attached: winrar.png (1178x924, 18K)


Attached: 1552721415634.gif (240x240, 26K)

Love you guy!

Attached: 5cde8307e9f08a5fde7ae176-1334-667.jpg (977x667, 307K)


Attached: 1539928272279-0.jpg (207x225, 13K)

>6 starniggers at the same time

Attached: 1480015796070.gif (317x237, 1.06M)


Attached: 1527901691613.gif (200x348, 380K)

>everytime I see the lobby 50 more people join

server crash soon I bet

Thank you infernoplus

>yesterday was using my usb SNES controller and everything was fine
>today all the inputs are jacked up
what the hell


Attached: 1550358871423.gif (200x155, 2.91M)

I wish you could see how many people are still alive after you get to the end.

>they all go up the vine
There's like six times the players today.

Attached: -L_6YWfuf2p8s1etDopL.png (600x450, 23K)

PC Gamer wrote an article on this, so expect an influx of players due to publicity. Also, expect a C&D soon, due to publicity.

It was fun while it lasted.

>he thinks six is much
At worst I have seen about a dozen midget plumbers get the 1-1 star at once

Attached: 1533733232366.png (481x498, 159K)

it’s over.

my niggas

Attached: 1538148362370.gif (540x576, 2.96M)

the new symbol of nazis

Attached: super_mario_star--i_13562333598101356232017092622.jpg (700x520, 49K)

dont talk about my wife outside of /wsg/

well shit, then kill as many as you can while it lasts

So Nintendo is going to C&D this now in a couple of hours. Now what do we do?

Attached: 1546174177871.jpg (280x280, 12K)

Which sucks because he apparently wrote everything from scratch and could just replace the graphics

We remember.

giana sisters battle royale

Attached: 1560616803928.gif (480x360, 552K)

migrate to Minecraft

scream at infernoplus to open source all of the code before that happens

Attached: 1551464776858.png (540x540, 421K)

Same thing we do every night. Cringe/based/have sex/dilate/etc post.

Everyone needs to download the source code.

>get to 3-4
>only 3 players left
Are you people even trying?

Attached: 1544593350636.png (416x398, 244K)

>only get too bads last night
>get on the board in my first game today
feels good man

Attached: 111.png (355x313, 4K)

We pray that they copy this somehow

These starniggas...

Attached: out.webm (1920x1080, 2.54M)

We win.

That's some kaizo shit

Literally Hitler.


why are you recording yourself playing this. Nobody cares.

There's already a plan if it does get C&D'd. Source dump maybe.

Even if he does then nobody would be able to host it again unless they changed the art so that it doesn't copy Nintendo's IP

So either way, whether he hosts it or someone else, the art needs changing so that it's not copying Nintendo's IP

>why are you recording yourself playing this. Nobody cares.

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

Attached: easy game.jpg (435x417, 31K)

we enjoy it while it lasts

Not that guy but they don't, recording yourself is fucking autistic

to the nigger who successfully stole my mushroom in 3-4, where are you I am waiting in first place?

Attached: DDiETMVXcAQyWw9.jpg large.jpg (846x900, 101K)

Attached: p1gnrgi7nsn21.png (731x540, 450K)

I wait for the slowbros

Attached: mario1.gif (1347x727, 51K)

How else are we gonna get ebin meme clips?

Attached: 1497224465200.jpg (399x462, 40K)

Oh, it's the retard from the last thread. I see now.

>censored name

Based party pooper

Is this game fun?

>censoring your name
Get off this board

>blocking your name

Attached: 1540728353318.png (620x640, 287K)


Attached: pg19.jpg (900x1974, 340K)

>all these people dying in world 2
You've just been warping to world 4 all these years, haven't you?

Attached: hhhehehe.jpg (500x333, 134K)


Attached: 2019-06-16_20-12-46.png (416x369, 7K)

Was this ever continued?

Love you for bringing this up, user.
TGT is timeless.

did he release the source code? cuz i dont think he did.

Attached: 23154234534.png (893x511, 8K)

Double epic

>d-d-don't want anybody to dox me based on a fucking name i came up with in a videogame!

Ended at like, chapter 21 but he released the script/plans for what would happen after
Catch up here on whenever it gets dumped on Yea Forums:

How to run?

Who the fuck was waiting at the flag with that star? You nearly killed me, good thing I had a mushroom.

no, it sucks.

what is this

Fuck you Forsen

Attached: Untitled.png (1170x783, 67K)


Attached: Get a Friend.jpg (647x740, 54K)

You can use symbols in the name instead of just normal letters.

Attached: got em.png (348x327, 5K)

damn world 3 just shreds zooms

super Mario 1 with 100 people

nope, the code is obfuscated and he has no plans to release it for free

>try to duck
>fall of a ledge


Attached: 1560708263659.png (1571x722, 17K)

I can't play this unfortunately
Idk how people are getting above 10 FPS

>lol seething literally cuck lol cope literally cuck cuck literally

Finally got Top 3 for the first time

Attached: hooray.png (565x497, 14K)

Don't spaz out on me user

Can all these fucking dumbass gaming websites stop reporting that this exists? They're practically screaming "HEY NINTENDO TAKE THIS DOWN"

how hard can it really be to code fucking mario 1

>streamers are playing this
its over

There's a Java server backend for fuck's sake, even if you save the JS you won't have the backend code

If it does get C&Ded then hopefully he will just change the art slightly so it's not copying Nintendo's IP, then he can release it again

Call it "Super Marco Royale" or some shit

any bajs?

Attached: forsen1.jpg (400x400, 82K)

But aren't we all autistic, user?

Attached: 1560018909441.jpg (643x640, 63K)

Gee, why don't you do it, then?

Never have I seen a dumber post on this website

Attached: brainlet5.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

>people make it through all 4 levels but die on bowser

Attached: d534e47ddd47e7981e2a441510e72ea8.jpg (235x236, 10K)

Just because I don't have the specific knowledge to do it doesn't mean it's not simple. It's the first fucking game ever made.

thats what i thought.

this game is gonna die probably tomorrow, and if he doesnt release the source and data needed BEFORE that, he never will.

this game needs to survive and even evolve.


>Twitch shitter

Attached: 1551344234062.jpg (720x720, 45K)

>Finally got Top 3 for the first time
more like bad tim

ayy i beat 3-4 it's easy when your black

Attached: easy.jpg (1918x962, 165K)

says the nigger that numbers his brainlet pictures.

This is balls. The only way to win is to spam jump and spacebar and hope for the best, or wait until there are 30 players so it goes to a playable framerate.

Too easy

Attached: 1540304892441.png (425x386, 6K)


Attached: 1532919376820.jpg (600x598, 16K)

>fall behind the pack in world 2
>player count falls to single digits while I'm in 2-2
Can you retards really not dodge the fish?

>he doesn't number his brainlet pictures for easy access
Not surprising from a fucking brainlet.

Attached: brainlet4.jpg (550x543, 30K)

Inspect element, save the .js file.

There's a new mustache man in town.

Attached: final ultimate blitzkrieg.png (781x416, 29K)

Attached: 71a.png (667x661, 83K)

>16 hours later
>/v still cant get through world 2

Attached: Screenshot (79).png (1920x1080, 103K)

is there no running?

False. It's about skill. If you've got the skill to execute properly then you'll stand a good chance of winning. As for frame rate, I have no issues. Check your connection, or make sure you're not running on a potato.

What's your username Yea Forumsros?

Attached: GAS.png (675x415, 9K)

Attached: Forsen.png (286x251, 6K)

>enter 3-2 first
>send a turtle back
>3 guys die
>take the star and have a comfy run to the end

Attached: 1450656551370.jpg (608x407, 127K)


Shift key on pc, triangle on ds4

the three marios on the victory podiums should dab every time another player comes and falls to the lava

I killed so many people

>doesn't understand what backend code is

Attached: brainlet11.jpg (645x729, 77K)

It feels kind of hollow when you're literally the only one left alive

Attached: luigiisalive.png (355x361, 3K)

pretty based


also for you

Attached: Capture.png (380x459, 5K)

Shift key.

>streams anime
>uses jewgle chrome

>i killed so many people
but did you win?

Shinobu best girl

Attached: number 8.png (383x374, 5K)

Mine is "HALO 4&5 WERE GREAT", I've come 2nd once and 1st once

How do you 100% this game?

no but I found my new calling

Attached: Finally.png (327x346, 4K)

>hit a block while big
>a mushroom comes out
what the FUCK

thanks, this is pretty fun yet also pretty hard. I like it a lot

Sonic the Hedgehog

does anyone else have trouble connecting, or did i actually get banned?

get out, zoomer.

Except if the game isn't moving it's a lot harder. I might as well play the original mario blindfolded. The only people who win are those who wait for people to die or spend thousands of dollars a PC to run a browser game.


Attached: ss (2019-06-16 at 04.26.44).png (1360x768, 23K)

Guess you gotta entertain yourself somehow when you're that bad.

post one with your name uncensored then reply

Attached: mario2.gif (478x587, 33K)

tl;dr: I have a toaster that can't even run a fucking browser game

Attached: 1500996399815.jpg (540x540, 155K)

t. seething manlet that keeps dying to starchads

I guess some people are just running ahead of the levels with stars on waiting to kill people. I still ran past the guy and got #1, but he killed everyone else so it wasn't that interesting.

Whatever makes you feel better about beating super mario, a game 4 year olds regularly complete.

reminder that the fence is actually the head of a giant mech suit

I'm using an ultrabook from 2015 with a dual core (hyper threaded) i5, it's hardly very powerful, and it works fine

I would have thought most computers should be able to run this, even on an i3. I guess if you have one of Intel's weaker mobile chips like the M series or whatever they are then maybe it won't run so great, I dunno, I'm just guessing

this one is from a few rounds ago. I stopped taking screenshots.

Attached: also_niggers.png (817x853, 11K)

Attached: ss (2019-06-16 at 05.28.27).png (1360x768, 22K)

I thought Yea Forums was bad but these forsen zoomers can't even complete level 2

>world 3 is still a russian roulette where a lagshell can kill you right at the beginning even with a reduced player count


Accurate name.

Why the fuck are you so afraid of people knowing your fucking game name when everybody on that server can read it at the end? Why not just use a name that doesn't identify you you fucking idiot?

are you retarded?

My one? I hope that's what you're saying, I like those two Halo games, but people always whine about them, I think they're underrated.

Good shit bros.

Attached: Capture.png (369x388, 7K)


Attached: its a me mario.png (431x349, 5K)


Literally everyone but you posts caps of themselves in the top 3 without bothering to censor their IGN holy shit what's wrong with you?

Attached: 1497327525558.gif (512x807, 469K)

Never played a BR before this one and now I think I understand why they're so addictive

>tfw trying to go fast so I can get 1st
>die because I keep trying to go fast
>star niggas keep fucking me over

Why do I try so hard?

Attached: 1519104361515.gif (480x270, 1008K)

i just cant help but choke on the last level every time

We Based

Attached: 454654546.png (871x631, 12K)

It feels nice to help people get to the finish

Attached: 1551519328623.png (396x406, 6K)

choke on this instead

I'm literally shaking

Attached: Untitled 1.png (562x623, 4K)

>getting better and better at world 1
>More and more #1-3's
>still shit at world 2 and 3 and haven't finished them once

Attached: om7qh38rvoj21.png (720x489, 203K)

woo finally won a round! I had to censor it out a bit to protect myself but I was too proud not to post this!

Attached: 1st_place.png (979x649, 2K)

dont threaten me with a good time

You are me from few hours ago. Keep trying you'll get #1 at least once from all worlds in no time!

Attached: Gondola friend.png (1280x640, 419K)

>only my second game
>got first

Call me when super mario bros 2 gets a royale mode.

Attached: too easy.png (1459x610, 20K)

nevermind user you were right I went on my other computuer and it runs much better

Imagine winning money by playing videogames and not being good at them after years of playing everyday

based and troutpilled

Attached: 1539523905284.png (420x315, 80K)

Ask him to replace all assets with generic stuff right the fuck now to evad the c/d

Emojis work

Attached: it worked.png (235x87, 2K)


Attached: Capture.png (726x394, 8K)


alright fair play, you win this time
I got a start and culled like 20 niggers in 2-1 so I'm satisfied

Attached: based.png (1345x587, 21K)

What the fuck is a forsen?

me third


>not following big bros through the roof
>struggling with 1-2 at all

Attached: 1555818054378.gif (270x220, 24K)

I bet that streamer faggot hasn’t won even once


Attached: chad.png (1980x713, 52K)

I have nothing to prove.

Attached: Screenshot_34.png (1648x775, 30K)

I hate playing through world 3 since 90% of the time no one else even gets through the end


nvm, got my first world 2 win. only need to win world 3 now.

Attached: 2-4.png (1913x967, 86K)

My first victory!

Attached: victory.png (1915x942, 15K)

I've come 1st and 2nd once each, otherwise I keep fucking dying all the time

Maybe I'm trying to go too fast, maybe if I slow down a bit then everyone else will die?

>when someone throws a shell at you

Attached: 1508590910.png (382x381, 92K)

Attached: 2nd.png (1730x791, 32K)

>90% of top three players have Yea Forums references in their name
proof that Yea Forumsros are better at gaems than filfthy e-celeb drones

Attached: 1556744766866.jpg (811x754, 41K)

i think world 2 is the easiest

Attached: file.png (967x790, 23K)

Where's the link you autistic retards?

I did it

Attached: 112.png (313x316, 4K)


The great debate:

Go as fast as possible and die a lot?

Or go a little slower and hope everyone around you dies?

Attached: thinking emoji.png (256x256, 58K)

>It's the first fucking game ever made.

Attached: 1556516752599.jpg (500x325, 42K)

Google it stupid

Go as fast as possible, so you wont face starniggas and can get a power up

sorry for my bros who perished in the castle

Attached: file.png (846x785, 13K)

Attached: 1548381040789.png (300x307, 5K)

World 1 is all about speed,
world 2 and 3 is all about survival.

5-10 people will clear world 1 every time,
world 2 and 3 will have 1-2 people clearing it if any at all.

Fuck you :)

Attached: hi anon.png (335x333, 6K)

The latter.

>Go as fast as possible
World 1 and 2
>Hope everyone dies
World 3


>You can't crouch slide
Is it that hard to implement?

Attached: winrar.jpg (1920x946, 407K)

Where my roofbros at?

Slow is pretty certain to get you a spot in top 3 in worlds 2 and 3 but you'll likely end up in lava in world 1. If you wanna #1 you gotta learn to go fast in all the worlds though.

are you really so insecure you have to post a screenshot EVERY SINGLE TIME you place?

get fast as fuck in The first stage where every body dies then go playing safe until the end

Game's broken


Huh how about that

Attached: poorlilwhitegirl.jpg (778x499, 33K)

>throw the pow block when everyone is jumping over a pit

Attached: laughing simpsons.jpg (640x480, 48K)

who tf was the starguy at the flag pole killing people is he hacking?

On world 1 I agree

Yeah I think you're probably right

On the latter worlds yes, but world 1 probably not

Yeah true

Yeah probably true

t. hasn't won a single time

nice try

Attached: mario2..gif (280x303, 9K)

holy shit
imagine if throwable and static POW blocks were implemented
absolute fucking mayhem

nice projecting m8. After the first few times there's really no point in showing off my dumb Yea Forums meme name.


World 1-1: go as fast as possible and get the star. Then race to the end. The star is just so you can prevent yourself from getting starred.
Someone will open up the roof in 1-2 so you don't have to worry about being a bit slow.
World 2-1: go as fast as possible. Get the star if you must.
World 3-1: get the fire flower, kill the hammer bros and run.


Wow I won.

Attached: Mario.png (623x726, 11K)

agreed! make it 100 again inferno

>throw shy guys at players to kill them

not true! I love watching anons die to silly shit, like missing a jump or running right into a piranha plant

>getting starred
Make that killed

100 made it lag like a motherfucker at the start
I've had no issues with 75

The lobby starts up games fucking instantly now, your in the lobby for less than 5 seconds now.

I tried protecting all the mushroomlets with the power of fire, but those little rascals kept dying to pits.

Attached: flower.png (721x465, 10K)

Since Sega is lax with Sonic fangames, I'd love to see a Sonic 1 BR.
It'd be hilarious seeing the casuals eat shit on every zone after Green Hill.

Attached: cope.gif (171x222, 19K)


Attached: lel.png (3823x1907, 132K)

im happy now

Attached: 95692504173fffaf065552773d98964b.png (610x436, 7K)

>went from 100 players to 700
it's over bros

Attached: niggerddit.png (1012x251, 60K)

>Please don't sue me. Please.
Something tells me this won't hold up in court.

what if mario eat mushroom get high?

>tfw went through World 1-1 so many times that I outrun starniggers and am actually the one who activate the star block 90% of the time

Attached: 1542394088950.gif (142x169, 236K)

just imagine what starniggers look like irl

>after Green Hill
>implying they wouldn't continuously die on the very first pit on Green Hill

Nintendo's going to shut down this tomorrow early
Dev better release the source code tonight

The worst part is some retarded from Yea Forums spreaded it everywhere

Just keep putting nigger in your name and winning. Zoomers won't stay long

>on 2-3
>only 3 people are alive by that time
holy shit are people really this shit at mario??

Attached: zoomersgetout.png (733x327, 5K)


Attached: 4131.jpg (960x594, 31K)

>activate the star block and all the mushroom blocks when I'm ahead just to ensure chaos behind me
I love this feeling

Attached: 1560698705981.jpg (1473x1061, 280K)

World 3 is blessed.

oh god it's even worse now

Post those strategies, lads.
Just go fast. Reminder that real men let the starniggers be born behind them so you can experience the thrill of outrunning them. Follow big bros in 1-2 and by 1-3 you've won
Camp the second mushroom block, someone is bound to hit the block by bouncing off an enemy below. Everyone just waits for the first so it's too much of a gamble. Then speedrun, watch for starniggers going up to the clouds
Take it moderately slow to become a firebro
if you can beat 3-2 then you've basically ensured top 3.


Attached: 1556431577358.png (1915x929, 46K)

Where did you get this pic of me?

yeah what this guy said... 1-1 if you try to get the star you will die because everyone is already bunched up at that point.

Best strat is go a little fast to be safe and don't worry about slowing down a little to grab shroom/fire. This places you in top 5 every time because people suck and die before browser

Attached: gigachad boss.jpg (1080x1207, 98K)

I usually run ahead of all the star people, I don't hit the block, I just try and stay ahead of them

well it was good while it lasted bros, remember the good times, redditors and zooms fucked this

>not being maximum DPS and going fast in world 3
It works sometimes.

>have a close race with someone on world 1
>he dies to Bowser

>he's been playing for hours and still doesn't know how the safe hammer bros steup


>tfw this sorta reminds me of Ponytown before it got too popular

if anons wonder why the sekret club matters it's this reason, you can't have anything when shitheads ruin it all


Attached: file.png (808x415, 14K)

go fast
go fast
go fast

Attached: 1540737358941.jpg (440x478, 62K)

remember that the fire flower makes you firebro no matter what you are, just let basic bitches take the mushroom and camp the flower to become a firebro

>coming out of the shortcut pipe in 1-1
>suddenly start to hear the star powerup jingle getting louder by the second
>am unable to move because of the insane wait time for the pipe

Attached: 1552349495065.png (680x567, 475K)

Attached: The Tale of Fire Mario.gif (950x229, 372K)

>I usually run ahead of all the star people
So do I, but I've noticed that there's always someone who's going to hit the block so it might as well be me who sits next to it so I'm ready to take it.

We are two
>seeing the numbers of player halve a couple of seconds after unleashing the star

Attached: 1560277115172.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Attached: Forsen2.png (224x236, 4K)

Such a beautiful yet tragic tale

>that other tiny mario who started dancing

Attached: 1542960714237.jpg (305x346, 72K)

Despite only making up 25% of players, star and shell niggers are responsible for 50% of player deaths.

Being a firebro is chill as fuck
Helpan the little marios feels so good, I even try to hit mushroom blocks for them

The most tragic part is we don't know who this Fire Mario is. It could be a Yea Forums user, a reddit user, a streamer. And yet the story is still so sad remarkable isn't it?

>put my website as my name
>make top 3 for the sake of free advertising for my website
>absolutely nobody can make it to the end.

What was even the point anyway?

Attached: 1473190627772.jpg (520x390, 18K)

>world 3
>catch up to the guy in front way at the end
>he makes a last ditch effort to not get 2nd
>somehow manages to hit the axe and Bowser at the same time
>dies but still gets 1st
I'm not even mad.

Attached: nice.jpg (405x432, 32K)

>starnigger dies in a pit in 1-1
>another dude dies by falling between the floating platforms in 1-3
these moments are what make it worth it

>dance chad
definitely a Yea Forums user

blessed image

>get star
>instantly waste 30 guys
So this is what power feelsl ike.

>trying to get #1
>go too fast
>get killed by starfags or easy jumps due to chaos
>go too slow
>too bad

Can't play right now but want to try out
how many levels are there in total ?

In 1-1 is it faster to go through the pipe route or through the normal overworld?



normal, pipe is dangerous because a fast starnigger (me) will park his ass on it

worlds 1, 2 and 3, but it ends at each castle, it's random which world it is

>Get Star on 1-1
>Sit on top of the exit of the warp pipe

Attached: smug.png (212x212, 83K)

Only Worlds 1-3 right now.


Attached: ng.jpg (640x501, 100K)

How do you actually play
I keep getting """Journalist""" articles instead of a link or whatever.

big mario GANG [spoilers]also first time actually beating world 3[/spoilers]

Attached: bigboy.png (659x281, 7K)

>become a firebro and die at the same time
>stuck in limbo

Attached: firebro.png (1336x752, 44K)


Attached: sdafdsf.png (1202x825, 66K)

Only good shortcuts are:
1-2 ceiling if someone opened it, opening it yourself is slower
2-1 cloud if someone opens it, same reason

All the others are shit

lol just shelled three guys

get rekt faggots

sorry for killing you #2

I just wasted an entire crowd of people on 2-1 AMA

>someone opens 2-1
>get the star

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It reminds me of Transformice. All it really needs is somebody playing Galo Sengen on the youtube window.

It's literally unplayable. Like the lag is unbearably horrible.

good job faggots

Attached: the gang's all here.png (1345x585, 21K)

Works on my machine.
Every thread until C&D

try another browers

Attached: based.jpg (345x304, 10K)

>that fucking guy who ran in between 2 star niggers in the front and 1 in the back

Is there a more exhilarating feeling than getting to the flagpole first on the first level?

>All these small marios who think they need to jump over Bowser's Fireballs

Attached: 1531745306683.png (976x1080, 595K)

Try another internet bowser

This game doesn't really replicate well the physics of the original game.

Works for me, use Chrome, and don't use a potato

I saw you deer hitting bowser on purpose to lose the mushroom

Attached: file.png (565x395, 19K)

Jesus, that's a name I haven't heard in awhile. It was nice to play with Yea Forumsros but the Cafe being added was a fucking mistake.

Works on my machine.

Attached: royale.png (338x321, 6K)


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the vine shortcut in 2-1 is actually faster even if you have to open it yourself, if you hit the top of the vine you pretty much warp instantly

World 1 is just fucking luck. You have to be fast but not get fucked over by starniggers, but if you stay behind them you won't get top 3.

Attached: cunny chads asserting dominance.webm (1280x482, 2.93M)


Attached: 5 seconds before disaster.webm (192x266, 330K)

Pipe gang.

Attached: Dm1oqsSUcAAld05.jpg (640x760, 36K)

loli cunny waited for me...and I won without waiting for him...
i'm so sorry...


That was me faggot, fuck you.

>World 1
Go fast, run on the ceiling in the underground. be the first to stand on top of the mushroom block if you can then wait for someone to break it.

>World 2
Go fast, go on the cloud if its available.

>World 3
Go slower, let everyone die to the hammer bros or bowser

Attached: reddit nigger.png (407x374, 5K)

Attached: hell has arrived.webm (1274x360, 2.49M)

>mfw pipes lag so pipefags have a few seconds to see how fucked they are before dying

Attached: 1557833233900.png (413x405, 216K)

I got killed by this nigga

FINALLY, sorry dancing big bro from before

Attached: BASED.png (1360x631, 15K)

Quick. Where do I get it before Nintendo shuts it down?

Loli cunny's always got your back

Attached: You are under arrest.webm (1280x578, 954K)

>controller support
>uses the analog stick and doesn't read the dpad
why would you configure it like that? otherwise this is really cool. It would be perfect if i could use the dpad and if I could set it to Y run B jump.

you're in the wrong neighborhood

Attached: 123.png (1980x822, 56K)

Stop falling for the same tricks loser.


Attached: mario-royale1.png (403x333, 4K)

>1-2 ceiling if someone opened it, opening it yourself is slower
It's really not imo, if your good enough oppening it takes no more than 2 seconds, if you don't take that shortcut there are a lot of ennemies that'll slow you down


>let two of them slip


Attached: 1542392262701.jpg (318x313, 11K)

You can bind the d-pad to the arrow keys, Y to shift and B to space using antimicro. (It's like joy2key but not shit)
It's not ideal, but it works.

>that starman



Vines and pipes are now off limits


Attached: TOP 3.png (1920x1080, 190K)

post yfw star music gets louder

Attached: 1540421398367.jpg (640x640, 36K)

too easy this is like my 15th time winning

Attached: scumgang.jpg (467x472, 16K)

I heard that shit even on some pits

Attached: 1533779303492.jpg (871x805, 234K)

>We will never get Cheeto Man vs Shadow
>We will never get Mario vs Troll King 2

fuck fish
and fuck niggers!

>start hearing star music
>and then multiple others as well

Attached: everythingwillbefire.jpg (1280x960, 221K)

>when you try to hide but they always find you

Attached: b29.png (600x713, 371K)


39 players vaporized in the blink of an eye, and the Mushroom Kingdom just stood there and watched.

Attached: unlimited power.webm (1280x482, 2.77M)

i cant take it anymore

Attached: ecb757cd.jpg (430x240, 15K)

>came in 2nd
if you say so, bud

The second pipe is the only place you have to slow down in 2-1 if you're in the lead and can bounce on the goombas, don't even need to stop if you do it well.
Vine is definitely faster if someone right behind opens it for you, but it's probably about the same or slower going for it yourself.

Attached: 1530695698403.png (1530x480, 23K)

>startunes get louder
>panic and lose my rythm, causing me to die
>turns out no one was approaching me it was just the glitched tunes playing likely because someone with star power fell in a pit

Attached: stay positive.jpg (640x640, 27K)

>Big “”””bro”””” unleashes the star in 1-2 and kills everyone


Attached: 16sittinginheaven.png (1440x1078, 1.44M)

I'll never hear the Star music the same ever again after this. Joy replaced with PTSD

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We need scoreboards, including kills.

Attached: 1542393346697.jpg (1680x1050, 166K)

Not playing until they fix the jump input issue where it auto jumps.


Attached: Fire is nobody's friend.jpg (486x280, 102K)

The goombas in this game have the hitbox of a truck. We can't take chances.


Total massacre


>they try to jump over
my sides

Battle royale nerd, get dunked on.

DON'T DO IT user

>falls into a pit
People become dumb with power

Have never experienced this.
Did someone jump into the block you were standing on?

why is there no invul frames when grabbing a mushroom/fire flower. fucking goombas have killed me when im in the middle of transforming

he means hold down the jump button

hex you are a bitch ass nigga

if the big bro that died because I bounced on that red koopa in 2-2 and fucked up his jump is here

Attached: lonely at the top.png (1349x587, 20K)

Because you don't know how to conjugate to be.

>someone with a star parks his ass on top of the pipe exit in 1-1
>20 people pop out and die instantly

that's right, but the bonus area actually has a shorter walking distance, which more than makes up time over a perfect normal path

hallo fellow nazi, heil hitler n such

Attached: 1543651429487.png (429x375, 7K)

>add world 4 and 5 (but not any of the water levels)
>add palette swaps for mario
>randomize the level order
This game has potential to become very based

Guys can we stop using racist names, it's really not funny.

had a good fight with a bro until 3-4 took it too fast at the beginning good race

Attached: sorry.png (1914x925, 18K)

Haha hey snigger

Attached: snap.png (487x376, 7K)


A Mario sacrificed his life to secure victory for the others

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Attached: smartandslutty.jpg (426x884, 97K)

thanks, that's a good idea, although once you suggested it i realized i could do it through steam so i didn't have to download that.

im allready cleaning the trash, user.

Attached: Screenshot (74).png (1920x1080, 109K)

too bad

>that one koopa shell in the mushroom level that perfectly ricochets off the mushrooms to kill absolutely everybody

How many wins you got so far, bros?
I got 13

Attached: 1541199645461.gif (800x706, 247K)

>tfw my toaster can't handle this

quarter of a frame every 2 sec lmao

Ay that's me in second place.

my bros

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Attached: manlet uprising.webm (1280x508, 956K)

It'd be funny if the first two names were Sneed and nigger

>all these streaming faggots complaining about nigger names
get fucked

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fucking finally after an 1 30 mins i got top 3

How the fuck do you beat the Goomba Staircase?

>all these zoomers ITT who can't get to the end even at a slow pace
There's a reason people hate nu-Yea Forums

Attached: 4cd.jpg (680x697, 34K)

My computer is shit, this game works so bad in it...

Attached: 1473587868280.jpg (500x387, 42K)

I used to break the ceiling getting there first and that was often more help to others than to myself. I figured out the jumps for a quick bottom route and I've found more success with it since many people wait for the ceiling to open as well.

Steam is malware, replace it with piracy.

>jumping to the bottom platforms

Attached: 1542507103043.jpg (413x570, 47K)

>Get the star
>Run off the edge and die

I have bad timing.

Attached: Bf9gRU_CQAIWFJH.jpg (598x341, 19K)

which ones?

You mean ?


Attached: outskilled.png (5000x2571, 124K)

>died to the goomba in 1-1 again

Based brainlets

>muh retro shit games
lmaoing at you boomers kill yourselves
mario was never a good game

>tfw 10+ kills with one star just by sprinting

Attached: 1553472854115.jpg (480x499, 21K)


I think I'm too old for video games, playing it for 5 minutes seeing all theses marios already tires my eyes

No streamer is complaining because they can't reach the end to even see the names.

>open up the top of 1-2 for everyone to go on

commit neckrope.

Seething zoom zoom

>t. seething sonicfag


literally onions

tell that to 40 dead marios I got in storage after picking up a star


>hear the star music
>no longer hear the star music
>see the vine
>see people climbing the vine
>see the player count drop extremely fast
haha nice

>always forget about the first piranha plant on 2-1
>it's killed me more then anything else in world 2


>That teabagging starnigger on the 2-1 cloud section
Fuck you buddy even worse than the pipe farmers on 1-1

Attached: ∑ario.png (297x170, 11K)

lol u mad because u bad

>no combat besides muh bing bing

he'll yeah

Attached: battle royale.png (569x696, 12K)

They would have died anyway, only 1-2 people actually finish world 2 and 3 every round. And the people who can't outrun a starfaggot won't win anyway.

>press jump

>unga bunga grug has to hit things
>grug no like spatial coordination, grug like club smashing

What's the running key?

git gud


Hold Shift on keyboard, or triangle I believe on controller.


>only one attack
>its BING BING jump
baaased gaaang!!
>no weapons because nintendo is a onions company

That's not even how the game works you fucking autist. Come back when you've played more than 5 video games.

>75 at the beginning of 2-1
>9 at the beginning of 2-2
>wait at the 1st place finish line until the music fades out
>someone else finally makes it and dies to Bowser
This is fun.

Attached: 1436641526120.gif (250x250, 993K)

>have the worst ever Bowser cycle
>fag runs right past and snags your victory royale
it's not fair bros

Stop shilling this garbage already.

>those star niggers standing on the shortcut pipe every single time
I hope your entire family dies

every time I try to make this fucking joke no one even ends in third place much less fourth
also #2 if you're here then I'll be honest with you I did not even know you could go above the ceiling in that part

Attached: it never fucking works.png (1354x582, 19K)

based starbros

Attached: 1560641221387.png (1571x1089, 753K)

>no weapons
yikes man, I know your baiting but you could try harder dude

To the assclown who tried to kill me with that shell fuck you.

>That's not even how the game *presses jump to win* works you fucking *BING BING* *beats final boss with one jump* autist

well done, everybody

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1440x747, 145K)

fuck you nigger

bye Anons it was fun

fucking shit game you have to be a hacker or using ai to actually beat world 3

me in 3rd

magic isnt a weapon retard this is kiddie shit

fuck yeah
Get good son, just got first place on world 3.

Attached: meirl.png (426x424, 4K)


>needing guns in your game
fucking zoomers
