Can retail WoW be saved?
Can retail WoW be saved?
By adding new skins, bikini edition
does jack taste good? i bought some other whisky but it taste like overly sweet garbage and i'm thinking i should've just settled that.
jim beam's better desu
cant be saved now, its too far down the shithole
vulpera and pandaren porn are the only nice things to come out in the past years
ok i'll try some of that.
Yes, especially for gnomes.
No, Jack is garbage whisky with good marketing and brand recognition.
It's fine for mixed drinks but I would never drink neat.
If you want a good bourbon go with Four Roses single Barrel.
If you like the spicyness of Rye try Lot40, or High West double Rye.
Scotch is a whole other game and we might be bringing in selection that's out of your price range.
Don't. It's got that same banana peel twang that JD does.
>drinking burger whisky
they have whiskey that taste like cheese burgers? holy fucking shit I've been missing out.
Exactly this.
I only ever shoot Jameson's at home and Crown Royale if my friends have it; am I missing out on anything?
But it shouldnt.
I tried Crown Royale but it was the Apple flavor and it tasted like syrupy garbage. which flavor of Royale Crown did you drink? did it taste any different from Apple?
No, no, no it’s dead. Blizzard has no idea what they are even doing anymore.
This is unironically a good thing. Having to grind up to level 120 is fucking retarded for a new player and just looks stupid.
Leveling hasn't mattered since Vanilla, Blizzard fucked WoW by only focusing on the endgame.
They should have never left level 60. Levels as a whole are a mistake for the mmo genre
what's the difference? I only drink scottish
Blizzard can’t be trusted for this. They will fuck it up.
I WANT to fuck THAT panda
They already fucked up with BfA leveling
post more. That slut on the right is hot
I'm really surprised activision let them do this. They probably make so much money off of boosts.
t. Ion "Raiding only" Hazzikostas
This, give us absolutely everything at the beginning so we don't need to bother with doing anything.
I don't agree with the raiding-only mindset but if you're still playing BfA and not raiding then what the fuck are you doing? It's the only worthwhile content the game has left.
Have you ever had a char grilled burger with a shot of burger whiskey? Fucking delicious.
No, because they adopted practices that their playerbase grew too used to. stripping the playerbase away from these would only hurt them sales-wise and acti-blizz doesnt want that it is common knowledge that they always aim for the maximum profit ever since TBC.
And improving WoW would mean taking away said practices and ease of access because they are actually detrimental to the role playing game aspect.
It worked well for Guild Wars. Get to max level in the tutorial area and have the rest of your progression come from the main story campaign.
But skinner box design doesn't allow for this.
American whisky is all vanilla flavoured trash, only for me it's Scotch
post li li
Best system is
>hit max level first week
>rest of the game is gear and unique quest skill dependent
The only two ways leveling can be any more fucked than it is right now is with another skill purge, or another Cataclysm-tier revamp taking a steaming shit on continuity.
>for me it's Scotch
I bet you drink Johnnie Walker you fucking pleb
absolute dogshit
The only thing I can thank to whiskey is that it made me introduce to the world of rums.
>playing BfA
Bourbon would like a word with you.
The most recent bottles I've bought are Ardbeg Uigeadail and Laphroaig Lore.
fuck off pandafurries.
I want to fuck that line
post more panda loli
post her big furry ass. post big furry asses in general.
No, once classic is donezo they're gonna do a timeskip and make wow 2 on their new engine.
So like, next year's blizzcon probably.
It could if the developers were at all interesting in listening to the community instead of forcing extremely unpopular gameplay changes for no other reason than; "We thought of it, so it must be good!"
Fucked up itemization that everyone, including the developers, knew wasn't going to work? Well, they kept it in regardless, and it didn't work.
Removing master looter to appeal to the ultra-casual and fickle crowd who'll drop their sub their sub to go play whatever's just out and can't handle being told that overall contribution to a raid team matters? Yep, that also made it to live, despite half the casual audience and the entire dedicated audience saying it would just needlessly fuck with their raids not to have that feature.
Regulating how much you're allowed to play a game that you're paying for? Yep, Daddy Blizzard is going to tell you how often you can pull that boss, because even if you're a 32 year old father of 2 who just wants to enjoy a game with his mates three nights a week, you need Blizzard looking over your shoulder.
Remember when people complained at the announcement of WoD that increased focus on the player as a superhero rather than focusing on the characters that have driven the story forwards would kill any semblance of this being an MMORPG? Yep, congratulations on being the literal God of this universe - along with millions of other kids. Because EVERYONE'S special! :'D
If they're not going to listen when the entire community calls them out on their mistakes, they're not going to be able to fix the game.
so basically its better to ditch everything and rebuild it from scratch, which obviously cannot be done with the current dev team.
I love Li Li!
She's hot
There is some speculation that a lvl squish is coming in the next expansion, and the hope is that Blizzard will take the opportunity to fundamentally restructure the game.
All good talent jumped ship from this game and they're just releasing content so junkies will keep buying it up. They've completely butchered or removed skills just so they don't have to pay attention to them.
post li li butt
Why do we need any kind of progression? That's boring useless grinding.
>pedophile furries
Is there a more disgusting combination?
yeah you lmao
LMFAO!!! GOTTY!!!!!!!!!
post li li
I'm too far into line theory to not find this hot.
rip off her shirt
They just need to remove the reputation block from the new races.
by saved I assume you mean "make it a game that long-time fans approve of". that's a lost cause, they would basically need to rebuild the game from the ground up at this point
what's going to happen instead is that Classic will be a petty big success, and will solve the problem of trying to appease both old school players and nu-wow players. both games will exist independently of each other and everyone will be reasonably happy.
ever hear the legend of the gordian knot?
and fix the class lockout for some of the races. If Void Elves are literally just Blood Elves that got corrupted by the void waaaay after the Arthas story, then why the fuck can't some of the former DK Blood Elves be part of the group that left the Belves to study the void with Magister Umbric? Or how about Paladins? And don't get started on that 'uhh the void doesn't like death/light' bullshit because if priests can magically switch from being a holy priest of light to being a priest of evil and the old gods then I see no reason why they can somehow make it work. It's retarded that the allied races can only play a small amount of classes.
What are some good ciders? I like shit that tastes sweet like fruit.
No limitations on transmogs, more customization options, butt sliders. Hell I'd buy a fucking texture pack if it would get them off their lazy asses to do something. Panda women for life
Because the Void Elves weren't part of any class before they became Void Elves.
LiLi what are you doing at least spring for buffalo trace
>and the hope is that Blizzard will take the opportunity to fundamentally restructure the game
the false hopes and delusions of cuck paypiggies everyone
Buffalo Trace is overrated and overpriced, especially for being made artificially scarce.
here's your billion dollar game bro
It's like $25. How poor are you?
You realize that it'll probably, in the end, be the same amount of xp needed either way right? What's the difference?
The fuck
It's overpriced because it's barely better than fucking Benchmark
Grapes-based Brandy. Cognac.
Player DK have a canon storyline that begins before Umbric began his studies, that's why. Belf paladins would have 0 interest in studying the void as they're all too busy studying the light, there are really so many logistical problems with void elf paladins that you're retarded for even mentioning it.
He said no.
Whats gunna happen when Classic is more popular than regular WoW?