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Other urls found in this thread:


Absolutely nobody:
LIterally nobody:

damn bruh this nigga out of cap battle royale style

daily reminder that tiers are for queers

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this bait is overused now


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Wojak was a mistake

fpbp, leaving the thread now.

>not styling on people as k. rool and ridley
k. rool's reverse dunk is one of the most satisfying moves in the game

>hating on Ridley and K.Rool

Go fuck yourself

Get your face book shit out of here.

based and heavypilled

Attached: the deedster.jpg (300x282, 25K)

wojak has lost all of it's charm

Ridley is fun as hell and K. rool is the moon buster.
I for one, cant wait to style on fags with bird bash.

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t. garbage player who will never win a local

>yeah I like playing football with my buds in the park, it's fun to chuck bombs as hard as you can
this is how retarded you sound

well said, I hate faggots who go out of their way to belch "WHY DO YOU PLAY LOW TIERS?"

Attached: Kirby.png (308x428, 25K)

Sorry, you'll always be garbage.

Who cares, I'm not autistic. I enjoy bodying my friends instead of being a sweaty tryhard.

RIP op and his assblasted responses to you for killing him

>unironically caring about tier lists in a party game

Make up your fucking mind. Either gameplay matters, in which case every single rosterfag thread should be pruned on sight, or the roster matters, in which case every gameplay thread should be moved to the general in /vg/.

Or better yet, just make a fucking containment board for smashfags.

You think anyone actually still plays ultimate? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

posting wojaks should be grounds for immediate chemical castration. it's really just a formalization of what's already happened, anyway.

>smelly tournament fags

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>Who cares, I'm not autistic
No, just a trash player.

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Only post of reason here

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>Or better yet, just make a fucking containment board for smashfags.


Submit feedback for a board suggestion, either a Smash board or a Nintendo board. The more people complain, the more Hiro will be inclined to act.

based and fpbppilled

>how DARE you play this party game casually
yeah nah go fuck yourself bud

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Do not feed the trolls

>s-stop persecuting me! i-i don't care if i'm bad at the game, i'm happy j-just beating my friends! t-trust me i win!
Worthless idiot.

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Reminder that wojak niggers want nothing good from this board but to spread their advertiser friendly memes

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>spilt up Yea Forums into even more boards

fuck off. 4 splits is already stupid enough. Do you want this place to become reddit with a million super specific boards?

You are a complete moron. If we had it your way, threads here would get archived within 2 minutes.

You Nintendies shit up Yea Forums harder than WWE fags did Yea Forums. This is precisely what containment boards are for, as much as it pains you to be excluded.

which one are you Yea Forums?

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honest to god I say we change all boards to text boards
fuck wojack
fuck pepe
fuck you boring faggots

>hmm I hate wojak and pepe which website should I go to
>Yea Forums? perfect

List your alternatives

Keep these coming, they're great. What we need is some barneyfag-level autist to spam these on every wojak thread until they're banned on sight.

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Enjoy being the 3rd best player in a party game in Clarke County, Wyoming. Pathetic.

not but we all saw everyone flood the site in 2016, but now that /pol/ is the doormat instead of Yea Forums everyone just latched on to wojack and pepe. All that kekistani faggotry leaked onto every single board and now every single image needs to be an edit of either that fucking frog or wojack and it's the stupidest shit in the world

smash board when


It wasn't always like this you insufferable twit. I shouldn't leave, stupid 2016 election immigrants like you should be the ones to fuck off.

Make your own dank memes then to take over oh wait...the left cant meme!

Better than you'll ever be, you're worthless trash.

epic pwnage

Irony has ruined everything

How many vaginas in your life have you seen, total?

>has to resort to copying the masses on Yea Forums for comebacks
Look, you're trash and always will be. Swallow your pride, accept it and move on.

Answer the question instead of seething and spamming "you're trash."

Why does that matter, we're talking about smash.

I've had more sex than you'll ever get in your life, not that saying it on an anonymous imageboard means anything.

The point is, you're a garbage player, and it clearly pains you.

How is that revelant?

Because if you value ability at a party game above all else in life (even though I'm probably better than him) then you must be a smelly, fat virgin.

>then you must be a smelly, fat virgin.
Like you?

At the end of the day, still better not to be shit at the game like you are bro.

I don't need to see a vagina to know you're fucking trash.

Who do you main?


Cool, glad Ultimate gave you a character you enjoy.

kys already, tierwhore

>”Tiers are for queers”
>Posts and Plays faggot bara characters

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Why would I tell you? So you can project your own insecurities onto me?

You're the one stupid enough to play Ridley and K.Rool, and take pride in "beating" your friends (doubt.jpg). You've exposed your stupidity and the fact that you're a terrible player, go drown in your own misery.

Remember when wojak was scarcely used?
Remember when people actually made good oc for bants, and not just copypasting the same fucking image?

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Their (and Incin's) down smash is so satisfying when you hit it

t. loser who just got elite with Wolf

this whole thread reeks of summer

if you don't like it stick to plebbit

The better you are at competitive Smash, the worse of a person you are. Smash is a Party Game, so said by the Word of God. Those who play it as a competitive fighter are thus heretics who deserve torture and execution.

Even worse, these "competitives" don't even play the game at its full. They act like they're masters of the game but they're so shit at adapting that they can't play unless there aren't any items or stage hazards to bring an added challenge/chaos to the battle. If you don't play Random Character, Random Stage, Hazards On, All Items, you're a fucking pussy and everything you boast about in terms of competitive skill is immediately invalid.

You sound buttblasted. I don't even main K. Rool or Ridley (though I'll probably play a shitload of Banjo, great character) I just enjoy most most characters in the game because I'm not a sweaty loser who memorizes frame data. I'd still body the shit out of you, by the way.

You're even worse than wojakposters, twitterposter.

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unironically go back to basedddit with your 2010 tiktok memes

first post worst post fucking summerfag


>The better you are at competitive Smash, the worse of a person you are
Hahaha, ouch, you're saying I'm a "bad person" now. Yeah you really hurt my feelings there, idiot.

Stop letting it bother you so much and accept you're shit at the game. This post is an embarrassing attempt to rationalize your low skill level.

u mad?

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not sure if ironic or summerfag

I'm seeing this post more often lately on several boards and other sites. Genuine thanks for restoring a tiny bit of hope. Maybe we'll be okay.

>though I'll probably play a shitload of Banjo, great character

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worst thread on Yea Forums. good thing all the wojakfaggots are being contained here

>terrible online
>terrible meta
>not even a fightan
>memetard fanbase
It's like the JoJo of vidya.

>Those who play it as a competitive fighter are thus heretics who deserve torture and execution.
The people who post stuff like this are always the bad players who struggle.

You tell me to go to fucking reddit yet little do you realize, wojakposting and frogposting is for faggots who came here in 2016 after /pol/ infected every board with their shit memes, which they now regret popularizing. Im almost positive you all are in watered down Yea Forums subculture fb groups, in which you take the shitty wojaks you save from there, only to come onto Yea Forums and post them, thinking you can pretend to be an oldfag, only to be called out as a cringy newfag.

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Damn, I got owned.

sounds like you are just ass blasted about getting your anus annihilated by someone better than you

nobody cares boomer

thanks croc

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The person you're replying to is someone separate who you've been arguing with elsewhere, that was my first post here. I know I'm shit at the game, and I'm ok with that because I don't play for challenge or for skill, I play for fun,. And that's all that matters, because I have fun and happiness.

You, meanwhile, don't even count as a human being since you treat such a game so seriously, and you probably are too cowardly to even play it to its full extent. Look at your life. Why are you letting it revolve around a casual game that you're treating seriously? I suggest killing yourself, it's for the better, for both yourself and society in general.

I ain't reading all that shit kekekek

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The real red pill is realizing that /pol/ took over Yea Forums in 2013 after wrestling control away from Yea Forums, 2013 is the start of non stop SJW threads and twitter faggotry

the only response OP is worth.

>I know I'm shit at the game, and I'm ok with that

Attached: g8l.jpg (353x393, 34K)

Wait a minute is this vagina?

No, we're the casuals who play for fun rather than seriousness, and like playing with all Items and stage hazards and with Random Character, not having tryhards scream at us to play with none of the fun stuff on so they can make it all about skill.

I don't even play multiplayer online, I play casual parties with friends with all Random, all items, and it's great fun regardless of who wins. I'm sorry you're unable to actually get happiness from the game and try to force that misery unto others.

this is what you get if you hate Banjo, a twitterfag as your first post

Attached: Banjo in Smash.png (500x542, 102K)

>thinking saying these things will keep you from being revealed as a newfag
No one fucking says kek anymore, especially after 2016 when /pol/ made it embarrassing. Boomer has only been made popular by kids discovering Yea Forums after seeing a funny meme on ifunny that was on Yea Forums.

>if I keep calling them newfags then they'll think I'm an oldfag and that would make my opinion more worthy

how to spot a newfag 101, real oldfags left Yea Forums long time ago

Actually, thats true.

good thread. fuck smash and fuck manchildren. how about be excited for a new Donkey Kong game with K Rool or be excited for a new Banjo Kazooie game.

Its not like you cant play 8 man crazy fests on shitty maps if you also like to play 1v1, if anything I cant get casuals to play those silly modes in ultimate because the particle effects make them lose track of their characters and the stage hazards/items are almost exclusively instant kill stuff that eats all their stocks in 5 seconds.

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Here lies Steevie, he never smashed.

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Your pic didn't age well at all

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Theres a new DK game? Im playing tropical freeze now and am fucking having a great time.

What's it like having an entire board living rent free in your head?

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>there are people on Yea Forums who's whole lives are the smash roster

Replying to baiting retards is the least effective way to get them to fuck off so please stop.


It's not his fault you're bad at the game.

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>K. Rool

holy shit get fucking good lmao.


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Go back to R3dd1t if you want this shit.

Are you really that bored to make something like this? Maybe the have sex guy is right. Have sex.

Fuck off fag, I was a Ridleyfag for years and he's basically the only character I play. I'm in elite with him

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Tier are nessecary, otherwise my friends call the king OP and won't let me play him.

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>doesn't recognise the Jiggy
>doesn't recognise the silhouette
>Who just jumped on Duck Hunt dog?
>shrieks like a child despite being in 30s


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At this point i just ignore any post that has a wojack in it. Whatever opinion your post brings to the table is invalidated by your rampant autism and shit work ethic. A wojack is not a replacement for real Original Content. I would rather an user spend 5 seconds in mspaint to make an I AM SILLY comic than look at another low effort liquify tool wojack that someone edited on one layer in a pirated cs6 copy.
It's all so tiresome.


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What even is onions? Doesn't exist in my country.

Stevie, Stevie, cope and seethie
Last chance to get in was E3
Won't be in with Cloud or Snake
All his fans have turned out fake
His invite got lost in the mail
A year of shitposting, what a fail
Now the Xbox rep draws near
A bird sat on the back of a bear
His face forgotten just like his name
Smash Bros Ultimate, what a game!

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can anyone post the video of banjo wandering into minecraft by accident and being assaulted by steve?

Okay, this is based.

basedbeans dont exist in your country?


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what about kys you fac*book summerfag scum?

/vg/ at least has a reason to exist
/vp/ came from fags complaining about pokemon generals (guess where those could have gone?)
/vr/ is a good board so I can't complain about them splitting but was also unnecessary

board splits are absolute last resorts and should not be done EVER unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. just because you are assmad about people who like one console or one game doesn't mean they need a separate board so you don't have to see them anymore. use filters and kill yourself while you are at it.

fucking based

Well, Banjokes, you won. You finally won, and got your character. You got your wish, but not the humble way others have done so. You didn’t politely wait and be relaxed like the rest of us. You spent the last several months throwing tantrums when your echo chambers had people merely poking some fun, and got vicious at fans of Minecraft, even children on Twitter.
You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve any of this. This is the equivalent of petting a rabid dog after it ate your grandma. It’s not right, and this is a game for children, the target audience of Minecraft. And you took that away from them.
Minecraft fans may have only showed up just for smash 4, but they were really excited for Steve. Do you know how many kids’ hearts were shattered because Minecraft wasn’t coming after all? A lot, and you’re all being greedy jerks, rubbing salt in the wound.
You may have gotten your characters, but at what cost? Just know that someone’s little brother is gonna cry himself to sleep at night knowing his dreams of playing as Steve in the biggest gaming crossover ever was all for nothing.