1998, some kiddy game is made with a bear and a bird in a backpack. people played it as a kid and liked it...

>1998, some kiddy game is made with a bear and a bird in a backpack. people played it as a kid and liked it, because you were a retarded kid.
>people grew up, actually started making good games instead of googly eyed trash and it was all for the better.
>some fat fuck make a video on youtube about the fucking kiddy game.
>now every 30 something pretends to like this retarded berenstain bears shit and get it into another kiddy game.
>will probably make a follow-up game to this and no one will like it because its a kiddy game with a damn bear in pants.

Summed up the phenomena thats been happening on this board for the last week.

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Stay mad, Stevie.

I've only played Kazooie, but god is it fucking bad. Controls, performance, level design, even the lol so quirky noises that the NPCs make are so fucking obnoxious. Music is based, though. I'm not annoyed about him being in Smash, but I wish people would recognize that it's really not a great game.

Because you're playing a game for babies when you're an adult. You should be ashamed of yourself for even doing that.

The fact you didn't know about Banjo-Kazooie or the N&B shitstorm until JonTron made a video about them doesn't mean no one else did.
>Why do people like what I don't?


Imagine being a stevefag and being this delusional.

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or maybe banjo kaoozie is actually good

did you consider that?

He's in, stevefag.

Cope, seethe, dilate and have sex.

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found the causal

Playing Kazooie for the first time right now. It's great. Great controls, great music, great level design.
Get fucked, anons.


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In retrospect, N&B was fun. Honestly it was such a fun game for lateral thinking,, making turn most bullshit vehicles for each challenge. But I never grew up with the originals so I didn't get mad about other parts of it

>Be incredibly autistic
>Love Minecraft and Youtubers, my only friends
>Be mad that your shitty character got in
Summed up the entirety of you

It wasn't a bad game

it was a bad banjo kazooie game

i hate zoomers

I would rather replay it than Tooie

Are you mentally retarded?

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I dont see the appeal

Its boring easy shallow crap

Banjo Kazooie was loads of fun but Tooie was boring as shit, chuckful of features nobody ever asked for and basically Backtracking : The Game.

Mario 64 is literally the only good 3D platformer.

This is one of the rare instances where OP is not a fag, only filthy furfags disagree with you.

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This has to be underage bait

I played banjo for the first time on an emulator 2 or 3 years ago and enjoyed it. The second game is ass though.

Based zoomer

Mario 64 is great, but this is one of the most stupid things I've ever read.
Play games other than just first-party Nintendo games.

You just summed up Nintendo's entire fanbase they've been making the same children games for over 30 years

Just check the filename

Guy probably has hate image folder of banjo.

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The announcement got me to replay BK. It's one of my favorite games and it's just as good as it always was. It's really easy now though because I'm an adult who's played a lot of videogames and it was in fact made for kids.

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Well, Banjokes, you won. You finally won, and got your character. You got your wish, but not the humble way others have done so. You didn’t politely wait and be relaxed like the rest of us. You spent the last several months throwing tantrums when your echo chambers had people merely poking some fun, and got vicious at fans of Minecraft, even children on Twitter.
You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve any of this. This is the equivalent of petting a rabid dog after it ate your grandma. It’s not right, and this is a game for children, the target audience of Minecraft. And you took that away from them.
Minecraft fans may have only showed up just for smash 4, but they were really excited for Steve. Do you know how many kids’ hearts were shattered because Minecraft wasn’t coming after all? A lot, and you’re all being greedy jerks, rubbing salt in the wound.
You may have gotten your characters, but at what cost? Just know that someone’s little brother is gonna cry himself to sleep at night knowing his dreams of playing as Steve in the biggest gaming crossover ever was all for nothing.

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These (or at least one of these posts) are obviously just the filthy OP trying to praise their own opinion. Plus, little to none of us Banjo fans are furries.
Admit it, steveposter.
You lost.

Zoomers just dont get it.

You do realize that all of you were actually being bullies, right?
We were never impolite.
Plus, some of us have been waiting for 20 YEARS.
Steveposters are the real tantrum-throwers. Not Banjo fans.

>little to none
>see banjo thread
>Oh hes big
>cute feet
>kazooie a Cute
>I want to be molested by her
All of you are degenerates.

Kazooie is great
Tooie is okay, it does a lot of things better but it makes some serious missteps
Nuts and Bolts is trash, although my opinion on it may be worse because I played it as part of the Rare Replay collection and I'm not sure if the original release ran at such a shitty framerate

>I didn't grow up with it
>Therefore no one else did and it's an absurdity to me that it got talked about when the game was acknowledged.

Absolutely pathetic.

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Imagine taking the time to write all this lol nigga I ain’t reading all that

I can guarantee you that a lot of those people making those "cute feet" posts aren't actual fans.

You call yourself Steve? And say you're a digger?

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Born in early 90s and i grew up with rare games. It was a huge part of nintendo during the 64 and it was about time nintendo paid respects to rare characters.
Tf? Controls in BK & BT were some of the best during those times. Arguably the best controls rare had for any of their games.

Yes, that's what OP said, most Banjo followers never played the game.

>says it’s a kiddy game.
>adult says it’s bad.

I find it hilarious at some point somebody wrote this shit without a hint of irony.

> in 1998, the codifying game in the genre of 3D platformers is made starring a bear with a bird in a backpack. People played it as kids and loved it, because it was good.
> People grew up, started to fall out of love with the genre because Banjo was a dead series and nobody else did it quite as well
> Now everyone loves Banjo, despite his untimely demise, and it got into Smash
> will probably make a follow-up game to this and everyone will love it unless they fuck it up.

Fixed it.

> stevefag
> complains that banjo's fans weren't humble or patient
I'm so glad I learned to laugh at this.

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zoom zoom

>Jon talks about how much he loves Banjo Kazooie all the fucking time, never shuts the fuck up about it
>Finally plays the game on a stream, proceeds to forget where literally everything is, doesn't know any of Banjo's moves besides the basics, and dies dozens of times

What the fuck is it with people who play video games for a living being so fucking bad at them?

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Steve can still be in the game, we have two more DLC characters left plus the very small possibility of more DLC packs
>inb4 Never Ever
I mean, people said that about Banjo and Kazooie too. Anything goes at this point.
t.Someone who has no strong opinion of Banjo or Minecraft and wants Leon and/or Doomguy instead.

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Fun fact: Gex sold more than Banjo

All banjofags wanted wa s their character in. At this point, they could care less if Steve is in or not, since they’ll be too busy using their most wanted

>There are no games for kids anymore
>There are no kids that play video games anymore
>I'm the only person in the universe

>It’s not right, and this is a game for children, the target audience of Minecraft.
It's pretty funny that people actually believe that because all DLC so far (and I am counting the previous game too) has been aimed to adults in one way or another.

Then why isnt Gex in? Oh thats right he's a boring character design with only 1 redeeming trait and that's spewing outdated pop culture references from 1980.

>"no kids games anymore"
>minecraft is the biggest game ever made and theres an entire console for kids.

I mean, why is it so hard to ask for a completely adult console where theres no kiddie titles cluttering up the shelves?

Not him but the 3D Gex games were actually good, I don't know why you got to be talking shit man.

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Where is my Banjo and Bayo Art? I thought that would increase drastically after his reveal