Have you found your Terra-like planet yet, Yea Forums?
Space Engine 0.990
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0.990 has released? Nice!
also what was the biggest star you've found in 0.998?
>tidal locked
so close yet so far
Somehow blue-Terra is very hard is to find in 0.990 compared to 0.980.
Get it before the sale ends, user store.steampowered.com
>Life: Terrestrial
>74°C mean temperature
It probably all chills by the water.
74°C is quite comfy, user, if you already played SE, i think you wouldn't be surprised by it. Also, temperature and pressure at high attitude is low enough for Earth life forms.
74°C is unfortunately way above where most organosynthesis friendly polymers start to unravel
can't see life going much further than very hardy insects
>74°C is quite comfy
>american education
Thats Fahrenheit you dumbfuck
We haven't left the Earth yet to know forsure, also life in different planet will not be the same as in our planet...
Whats the benefit of buying it on steam?
I do not give a fuck about your weak excuses
70°C is not comfy
That's like living in a sauna
The new version is only on Steam.
and what's so good about the new version?
just so we're absolutely sure on this
Silicon based terrestrial life does not work for a very simple reason: SiO2 is a solid, not gaseous like CO2
everything else on that list is not capable of supporting even eukaryote equivalent life, let alone multicellular
and while many hypothetical scenarios may occur unfortunately laws of nature are universal, and the bonding energy of carbon molecules is one of the most well researched fields of chemistry
there's simply no way for the highly complex proteins required for multicellular life to exist at such elevated temperatures
Then welcome to hell, user, this time with a nice H2O atmosphere...
come on man - spaceengine.org
besides, new versions will be only coming out on steam.
>a bunch of stability improvements
wow it's fucking nothing.
>number of moons: 7
There's going to be interesting wave fuckery there
>Atmo pressure: 30atm
>Teemp: 172C
What kind of pressure cooker shit is this?
Are you incapable of reading?
probably just a bunch of captured asteroids
most moons orbiting terrestrial planets will be phobos tier disappointing
Yes. Tell me the good stuff because I am retarded.
Just watch some streams in youtube, it's mainly updated graphics
For some reason I find much more ice planets with exotic life than earth-likes with carbon life.
Yes, me too. And where the fuck are titan planets in 0.990? They are very interesting in the old 0.980 version
This one is quite cool. And most of the moons are just asteroids. I think small planets aren't big enough to have many big moons
Fucking retard
Celestia is free, runs on windows and linux, and is more educational and interesting. Without Celestia there would be no Space Engine
>Orbital Period: 31.5 days
The fuck is an H2O "atmosphere"? Is it just nothing but steam?
If it is so good, then post some pictures.
I think Titan-likes called aquaria with hydrosphere, or something.
No, it just means the main component of it is water steam, not all of it. Just like the Earth atmosphere is roughly 70% nitrogen, not all of it is nitrogen
>Without Celestia there would be no Space Engine
In what ways?
Fuck i really need to buy this game. I am still rocking a gtx 950m so im kinda curious how shit it will run
meanwhile heres a planet from last version
nice. Now i can enjoy this game at 20 fps instead of 30
Hurricane heaven
I need to warn you that I have to buy a 1660 just for SE
Why was I born into an era with no space ships?
Since when is rusbro charging for SE? I thought he was only going to do that if he started making it into an actual game rather than an astronomical curiosity simulator.
this is one of the games where i dont mind shitty fps. The amazing sights are worth it
Russian took the open source Celestia code, modified it and monetised it in Space Engine. I have no problem with this. It's just Celestia never got the credit it deserves.
Also has Space Engine got VR headset support yet. I wanna take acid and explore the universe
Can't find anything related to that. Sauce me up, user.
Smart fags explain: how can a planet be that fucking hot while maintaining Earth-like features? IRL Space, we haven't found a single Earth planet, just ones we think could possible be Earth-like, while there are 1 trillion other plaents out there they are AIDs in a orbit. Gassy as fuck planets left and right.
I wonder, what kind of absolute hardcore animal lives on a planet with 160atm pressure and 250°C greenhouse
>74°C is quite comfy
with sufficiently high pressure the vapor point of water is elevated
Fuck yeah Spess Engine
Here is the reason, bro. This is one of the best image images we could obtain for planets outside of solar system
Super Saiyan, kek
To be fair we know absolutely nothing about the geography of worlds in other star systems, we can only make educated guesses. "Possibly Earth-like" is the best we'll ever get unless we wait a few thousand years for some ship or probe to check it out and send back pics.
Super high intelligent aliens DO exist, they are beyond us
Charles's law?
>74°C is quite comfy, user
I want Tardigrades to leave this board.
Are you speaking of these interdemensional demons/grays or whatever /x/ called them?
is that even possible? Wouldnt that pretty much crush anything that isnt fucking minecraft bedrock?
Gimme good wallpapers
Life......... finds away.
what /x/? alien life and intelligent alien life do exist. They all have different technologies and the reason we might never meet with each-other.
Been thinking about buying this... What am I in for?
>interdemensional demons/grays or whatever /x/ called them
Fuck, now I'm morbidly curious. Does /x/ have a quick rundown documented anywhere?
Do you base that knowledge on abduction stories or what?
>Be kid
>Love Saturn
>Later in life you learn such a beautiful and unique planet is actually an ugly destructive monster and has no needs for human life or any living organismswhatsoever.
>A literal Fuck LIFE The Planet
This pisses me off. We will never find a planet that can sustain life and has cool rings because fucking super saiyan hurricane god speeds will kill us.
Also, what if Jupiter and Saturn are the other gas planet were actually designed to stop all human life from living the solar system? Like, there are some secret GOD death rays hidden under all that cloud. What if the ones who created us put that there?
Wasn't there speculation that rings on an earth like planet would not be much of an issue?
Stunning visuals, a 1:1 recreation of the universe and no real gameplay to speak of, save for a basic spaceship mode.
It's good shit, but you need a certain degree of autism to enjoy the endless sights.
I'm saying real aliens do exist but not these type of aliens, unless you present me with evidence that they do abduct us.
what always will be mind boggling to me about space is thinking about all the potential alien languages, cultures, plants, animals, technology, etc we will never find. Right now at this moment there is most likely some alien in some galaxy at other side of the universe wondering the same. Scary shit
Can't you just do some sci fi floating cities or some shit?
found this planet in the old version and im still fucking curious what the fuck its meant to be. Looks like someone spilled some fuckin paint
terras finally have aerial life now?
The earth has had rings before. As have most planets, but without something replenishing them, they go away.
The gas giants are always crushing their own moons to add to their rings .
Could you elaborate how you know this? I am curious that is all. The abduction stuff is mostly based on abduction reports, i recommend that channel on youtube on the matter:
while the stuff there is mostly for entertainment, the style of coverage is neutral and sketpical. Can only recommend
It's beautiful.
Why are you asking, they didn't use to?
Probably the best looking VR game on Steam.
I've always envisioned the same, that while I'm looking up at the sky asking myself these questions, at the very same moment, an alien being from a faraway world is doing the same. It kind of gives me comfort.
pretty sure only gas giants did. Never found a single terra with "aerial life"
That semimajor axis is correct, the thing is orbiting a white dwarf.
No i don't know how the planet could have survived up to that point.
I wonder who made this post
SE is looking great these days.
Wow this seems really cool. I'm gonna use it to create some textures.
I don't know nothing
Damn those are some mega impact craters.
>The gas giants are always crushing their own moons to add to their rings .
Imagine your mom being a vampire and everyday she has to suck a gallon of your blood
Me neither, still i am not going cryptic just for the lols
Why is the Steam version like 50GB?
Jupiter is based, it keeps the pesky asteroids away from the inner Solar System. And Saturn apparently didn't have rings for most of its history.
Uncheck all the free HD DLC packs.
Source that image user, google is giving me generic garbage.
Coordinate plz
It's Star Citizen.
>everything cool always comes back to star shitizen
Being a scifi and vidya fan is suffering.
>new update
>VR support
holy shit
What a nice little cold terra. Has sea animals and doesn't afraid of anything. I wonder what it's orbiting.
I guess it's fixed now.
*Scam citizen
Did they ever fix the amd driver issue?
Oh no.
when will SE be able to worlds like pic related?
so.. what do you do...... in this "game"?
Are the HD texture packs worth installing for VR?
is that a supernova? How is that sun even still a sun?
look around
>comfy Spess Engine thread
This takes me back to like 2012. Good times.
Oh dear.
The HD packs are only for the solar system. They look good enough, but you don't really need them.
fuuck that's beautiful
Just bought it buddies
I'll return with a few screenshots
Not enough water. Also looks like planet got heavily bombarded in the past
Assuming both planets wouldn't collide between themselves, how would the rings end up?
a) a ring for each planet
b) an 8 shaped ring
c) an ellipsoid ring encompassing both planets
d) nothing, gravity would fuck the rings
>is that a supernova?
Not exactly.
Either C or D
atmospheric pressure in the ocean increases by 1 for every 10m
in the Challenger Deep the pressure is 1100 atm and living organisms have been found there
the dark forest ensures that we will never make it out of our own solar system before being vaporized.
SW Sextanis variable to be exact.
what exactly is a "ferria" planet?
Did they make changes to how LOD works on planet surfaces now? I've not been able to find terrain to replicate detail such as the image here or how I was able to in previous versions.
Could be from "ferus", which is sometimes used in sci fi to refer to "rough" planets. Not sure.
Vladimir reworked a lot of the tech behind planet surface generation.
eve online spaceship mods when
behold EGGSUN
this game is unbelievable now
Spinny boy.
I ain't paying for an update when all the other many many many updates have been free
is there a way to show the rotational axis of a planet? there's something funky going on with one I'm observing right now
0.980 loved tidal locked planets with superstorms, 0.990 loves vertical rings.
why is this thread on Yea Forums when it is software? take it to /g/ or something
>buy game
>still need to put $60 to export skyboxes
i want to fuck nebula
You can enable it in the "filter objects" area of the settings.
Be careful with your control+G, you don't want to end up facing a galaxy's or a globular cluster's black hole out of the blue.
Alright, I'll bite. Sell me on this game.
I watched 5 minutes of """""""""""""""""""""gameplay"""""""""""""""".
How you tards don't get bored """""""""""""""""playing""""""""""""""" it is beyond me.
Read the thread and try the older, free version on the game's website.
what's there to sell. it's free thing where you can watch planets, stars and shit. it's cool and all but not really a game per say.
You get to fly though space and look at stuff while experiencing an existential crisis
this planet has some hardcore volcanism
A volcano 20km high with an open, active caldera 15km wide
and there's hundreds of these monsters all over the planet
and yes it has life
Life is resilient.
Fuck earth.
>and yes it has life
Dwarfs probably. That vulcanism is their doing, they tried to have too much fun
Rivers of lava. Good lord, how horrifying.
planet also has no oceans what so ever
also interesting is that it has 3 separate moons capable of causing a full eclipse
What's that PRO DLC all about?
>La luz extinguido
What a lonesome little planet.
For commercial usage as planetarium software. Very high fish-eye mode resolution (for projector usage, i think)
Dios mio...
El ogros de las estrellas...
>not really a game
hello newfriend
If 2003 is new, then yes...
>74°C is quite comfy
you would literally die
>tfw fossil pc
Absolutely stunning.
Imagine how volumetric accretion disks will look like.
>oh hey i wonder how clusters are held together let's zoom i-
at least i learned something
>planet with a greenhouse effect of 1000°C
mother of god
venues 20-./0-- elcecttriick boogaloo
>that rotational period
It's only a theory so far. Intermediate class black holes are very elusive.
Not in space engine of course.
Post it.
>defeat a bad guy
>bad guy is actually a good guy
that is so fucking cool
planet's looks are fairly unimpressive, pressure is so high it has no mountains to speak off so the surface is just complete flat surrounded by a green hue so thick you can't see either of it's 2 suns
just take the high ground
got it to work a bit better I guess?
Christ almighty.
did they finally add planets to hueg black holes?
>15 euros
Wasn't this free back in the day?
Did the guy who make the game says that if he get enough donation, he would quite his job and work on SE all day? And his donation wasn't even that big. I wonder if he ever reach his goal.
No, that's a picture from an old mod.
They still only have stars orbiting them, but it's not hard to find a planet somewhere close to take your creepy shots.
And you can still create your own systems if you want.
Still is. You can download it from its website for free.
The paid Steam version is the premium™ version with more stuff.
>find a galaxy at the very edge of where new galaxies stop being generated
>find a star system at the very edge of that galaxy
>go to one of the planets
>once a year, it has the darkest sky in the entire universe
>entirely black, as there is absolutely nothing out there to see, even at the highest exposure and magnitude limits
Support the devs
i see you
Pre 0.990 is free.
>planet's atmosphere is 25% highly combustible hydrocarbons by weight
>has volcanoes
yes...I'll be staying away from that place thank you very much
i don't feel so good
>la creatura
Is that a fucking testicle?
imagine living on such a world
Hello there, neutron star-kun.
my universe suddenly got kinda dim, what did I mess up?
At least you're not literally evaporating
guess what is dis
So what are the plans/goals for future updates on this, now that it has dropped onto Steam? Will it finally, at some point, be turned into an actual game?
get on our level
globular cluster render bug
A planemo and some really buggy clusters in the background.
Your V button changes your "photo mode". On Auto, among other things, galaxies seem to become much dimmer.
Anybody found some rogue planets?
what setting do you need for such high detailed lava graphics?
You can find them easily with the star browser
shame really
>quite comfy
basado ritardo
Damn, I thought it would be free on steam for a time.
This one has the barest of activity with it's volcanoes.
Imagine being a civilization stranded here, being forced to live next to those volcanoes for the oh so important heat and energy.
No home star to point your way, just the endless sky.
>tfw no life
It is quite close to it's sun, no?
Is the $18.74 worth it?
I've found more cold gas giants with life than terras
something is seriously wrong with the life algorithm
>carbonlets seething
I was running this on a shitty laptop back on 0.98. It was at a low framerate but still playable.
they're made out of carbon
did a search for 25LY, organic multicellular
Terrestrial: 7
Marine: 4
Airborne: 18
Subglacial: 75
that just seems wrong for multicellular life
Bedrock based life.
I would say yes.
It's one of those rare occasions where "proceduraly generated" actually works. You can get endless hours out of it, and it looks the part.
You also help Vlad & Co develop it further, but if you still feel that it's not worth it you can just download the free version to at least give the format a try. The only real difference with the paid version, for now, is that it has slightly worse visuals.
Or you can just pirate it
what's the hottest planet you've found without greenhouse buffs?
This one of those rare games that you gain nothing by pirating other than saving a few bucks. Its cheap and worth every cent and definitely deserves support. Only reason I can think of someone pirating it is so you don't give sheckles to nuSteam.
Anything a bit too close to it's star fits the bill.
I completely agree, but i was just listing everything that user could do.
Basically uncaps the resolution for screenshots/video recording. It gives you a license to create space skyboxes if you're a game developer or movie producer for example. You can get a super accurate constellation skybox at insane 32k resolution for example.
less glowy than I expected
I call shenanigans on this thing having life
Fuckin waterbears man.
Giant sandworms
I'm guessing the other side is pretty comfy
Also, Tidally locked, that temperature is probably the planetary average which includes a superheated light side, the dark side or the area around the terminator are probably at a much more livable temperature.
The star is so close that in auto mode, the planet actually tends towards being invisible at times. Luminosity and reflection tweaking goes ape.
Imagine the smell.
I actually checked that, due to the immense atmosphere the temperature at the solar opposite is still 240°C
I have little fear of giant celestial bodies in open space. It's pretty dreadful and not comfy.
in some scifi book there were giant waterbears used as mining minions on random moon
what do the seas look like?
>giant celestial bodies
fucking kek'd
Damn that's really cool, is that moon in orbit inside the ring?
sure looks like it, cool as fuck
I literally couldn't find them, they have a maximum depth of 20m so it's not seas, just bunch of puddles of supercritical water
is there a way to generate light to explore the dark side of planets?
Next guess would be that it's kinda hollow, looking at it's gravity, mass and diameter?
You can enable ambient light in the options.
It definitely works for planemos, but i don't know if it works for standard planets.
move the wheel of time
underground rivers
Any Roche Worlds?
Show me more
talking about tidal locked worlds
that could be it, I literally could not find the water on that planet
Maybe some other user will have the balls to go to a SMBH and bring us some new pictures.
Much more stable, faster load times and VR support if you have a VR headset
I can't find any earth-like planets what so ever, only terrestrial life I find is on planets with high pressure H2O atmospheres
Try one of the moons in aldebaran 9, they had habitable plantes sinde the game exist for some reason.
>an actual No Man's Sky with all the hard shit already done
would be really nice.
I don´t understand the flying system.
No free edition?
>inb4 it still crashes after going arround for 20 minutes with any magnitude above 9
You need at least a basic knowledge of orbital mechanics to use it, kind of like Kerbal Space Program.
Doesn't the tutorial explain that shit?
yeah the warping is especially confusing
Why wont my mountains look like this???
the planets your looking at are flat.
ah nevermind regarding the tidal locked planet: the game doesn't handle surface temperature on tidal locked planets right, it shows the same temperature everywhere regardless of dark or light side
If they have an atmosphere convection from sun side to dark side would heat up the dark side.
Its a 3d model of the universe, boring for some, interesting for others.
It does model heat differences, but the number doesn't change when you move the camera. It's a mean temperature. You can get things like this.
I wonder if implementing "aging" is possible.
>Degenerate era for extra spooks
wtf space engine is for sale now? I'm not paying for this shit
just installed it and for some reason no textures show up for planets and moons, at least not in the Solar System. The Earth just looks like a giant spotlight and the Moon is a black sphere, am I missing something? Help a brother out plz Yea Forums
just the latest version, all other ones are still free
Give the crazy Russian astronomer enough money and he might implement that.
You're basically paying for a 2.0 version.
Stellar evolution seems to be a next test for the game, as actual live supernovae were tested but not yet implemented.
However, i don't see galactic evolution ever. The sheer calculations regarding the movement of trillions of stars will completely stomp any PC.
Press V to change through the different photo modes. What most likely happened to you, is that in "auto" mode where the game defaults to it can make things a bit too bright sometimes, or too dark.
Do not move the camera erratically in that mode, it kinda goes ape trying to automatically adjust exposure.
>not having a warehouse of servers to play space engine with
absolutely casual
will try that, thanks!
ok, so I did that and textures are still not there, Earth looks just like a featureless blue orb with no clouds or continents, just the auroras
>Atmo pressure
>9.98*10^5 atm
The fuck?
It's a gas giant. So the entire massive planet is gas. gas, and oh would you look at that, gas. Its core is very, very dense gas.
what are your graphic settings like?
Sorry but solar system doesn't work in space engine.
Just stumbled upon this planet
And frankly, this seems like a damn good candidate to colonize
anything I'm missing that would hurt the colonization?
the days are a bit long I guess?
currently playing on a laptop, game is set to low, which was the default setting when I first launched it.
My current setup is:
GPU - AMD Radeon 520 2GB GDDR5 (DirectX 12)
CPU - Intel Core i5-8250U
>rotation period
What star is it orbiting? That's important.
Try going to a planet outside the solar system and see if the procedural surface generation works. With your low settings, you will have to wait some time for it to load.
I'll never understand why laptop makers have the most retarded priorities with laptop specs.
eh not fully tidally locked, would get a bit warm during mid-day and cold during mid-night but nothing we couldn't overcome with current technology
went to Trappist-1, same thing
Now I want to watch The Wandering Earth.
Stable single orange dwarf, high metallicity, age of 6 billion years with a lifespan of 50 billion
0.6 solar mass
As others said, days are 54 earth days long.
Humans could adapt with selective shutters and lighting etc but few earth crop can survive 27 days of darkness.
I'll never understand it either, but it's the best I got with the money I had
nearly two months of daylight and it'd be "a bit warm"?
Well, how did it go? Your laptop is very underpowered tbqh.
Excellent. Red dwarfs have these stupid common flares which can completely sterilize planets every once in a while.
99% of people buying just want a facebook machine so they put any old shit in.
I would like a video game instead because chinks can't make movies and blew it with Wandering Earth
apart from the whole textures not loading/missing bullshit, framerate is stable. It's confusing the shit out of me because worked just fine
>It's confusing the shit out of me because worked just fine
Then you should know how the LOD and loading sliders work. Play around with these.
Author of books looks like respected in Yea Forums. I heard his books are censored in US. Did you read original?
I wonder if you could get by on crops with a growth season of 30 to 35 days given they would be receiving sunlight 100% of the time
Lol M87 black hole doesnt even have spaghettification as you enter it, the system is 14 lightyears large.
Just play around with it. I figured it out in less than a day
It's a big boy.
Having looked it up, there are a number of shitty crops that can grow in about a month. Mostly stuff like Spinach and Radishes, but it works.
Worst case scenario we just have some lighting fuckery indoors for the heartier stuff.
At lot of plants do require night for their cycle of photosynthesis and respiration to work correctly. They will avoid respiring too much in the day to save water etc.
You'd have to pick the right plants or just go full GMO on a 30 days growth cycle.
Or more likely as a civilization advanced enough to colonize another planet like that it would be trivial to set up grow farms with controlled environments partially subterranean
nice, planet right in the midst of it's carboniferous period
Megaferns and megafauna?
Space Engine just makes me want a new Sim Earth. For some reason among the hundreds of sim games being released no one will do a copycat Sim Earth
Neutron star distorting the light from our big boy.
bros whats the best laptop for the new space engine I should get? some of these screenshots are out of this world
What's the current state of KSP? Just curious. Did they add some interesting features?
>best laptop
Damn, Powehi looks like THAT?
Trees and ferns, trees and ferns everywhere
planet is also near-perfect for habitation with one major fatal flaw
1.1g gravity, 0.9atm pressure 25% oxygen by volume
17h day, 180h year
large metallic core, decent sized moon for atmospheric stabilization
and damn atmosphere is 50% water by volume, so close
Lol no. The general died years back now.
and they're also officially banned from EGG
I know the story of most cursed general in /vg/. Even mods delete /kspg/ out of existence. But it's not game fault desu.
since when
game is heavily mismanaged, nothing new gets added aside from occasionally taking a mod and turning it into an update to assure the community they still do things
please just answer the question
or at least give me a PC rec
Found a shark
after the original kspg imploded because of rampant circlejerking and some idiot spamming beastiality/pokemon porn, all the degenerates that were still there flocked to EGG and spammed the everloving shit out of it until mods cast them out of the board forever
i got an alienware 10 years ago that still runs it okay but i dont think they exist anymore
͡* ͜ ͡*
Pirated hard based on this thread.
nice fucking filename Květoslav
Some things can never die
a true meme machine. i would never buy one again but i don't regret it at all