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Other urls found in this thread:


Why though?

Kys nigger tranny sick fuck.

they also said there replacing it with your upbringing, where you choose at least NOMAD, STREET KID and CORPO

Jeez i wonder what happened

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what did it mean by this?


>gameplay demo has literally WORK IN PROGRESS - EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE plastered all over
>waaaaaah they changed something

no, that was already in the game dumbass. This is simply a cut feature

because surprise surprise the Alpha demo is not a final product and they are obviously gonna change stuff towards release, in this case

thank god its no longer an rpg!

Why are you typing in all caps, why are you so mad, the game looks great.

its listed as an rpg everywhere user

define RPG with 3 criteria that are, combined, exclusive to RPGs.

releasing the gameplay demo to the public was a mistake

i dont recal it being shown in the alpha demo user, nonetheless if ypu jump to around 04:00 in ops vid he litteraly explains they replaced that with upbringings

4 30 sorry

No, it wasn't. I have youtube open and i am watching the gameplay reveal so why do you lie on the internet? Are you retarded?

You dont even know how this childhood hero worked, for all we know it will be the same like now with street kid,nomad and corp options. You just image something in your head plus they never even talked much abt hero options or hyped it

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1. Room decoration
2. Redpillness and sticking it to the SJWs
3. Scantily clad anime girls

There are none of these things in Cyberpunk therefore no RPG

Nah, they're just being mega faggots through their advertising. They presented it as an RPG where you have be multiple different characters. Now as the game comes closer to release, they are showing their hand and revealing that the game is just going to be some gay linear gang story.

The Demo was only a year ago, and at that point they would have know shit like childhood idols wouldn't be real, because they would have certainly already had Keanu as a major part of the story at that point.


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Where did you find this image?

CDPR has always peeled back things they say would be in their games. The Witcher 2 was gutted in half, for christ's sake. NO one should be surprised the shit they said they were doing 3-4 years ago is going to appear in the game. Why are you children always falling for the exact same shit with every single company?

>removing stuff will be all the "changes" until release

I wanna punch this bitch in her stupid mouth

corpos are superior

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user they've litteraly done nothing wrong, it looks like an RPG and its listed as an RPG everywhere, they talk about it in all there interviews as an RPG.

If an RPG had no central story, it would not be a very entertaining RPG. You need a plot to progress and have events unfold arounf for christs sake

what are you suggesting user

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so? they call witcher 3 an rpg and it's not

I haven't seen any advertisements. but isn't that most rpg games? you go through the main story but have some choices here and there. and all sort of optional nonsense.

>we are showing you a work in progress verson of the ga-

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>CDPR has always peeled back things they say would be in their games.
There is an asterisk the size of the fucking moon next to every single statement a creative makes regarding an unreleased product that leads to NOTHING IS FINAL, NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS GUARANTEED - EVERYTHING CAN CHANGE AT ANY MOMENT FOR ANY REASON. Witcher 2 had a stealth mechanic, Witcher 3 was supposed to allow you to target a monsters weak points in slowmo, had several meermaid themed quests and Geralt wasn't supposed to have a home.

I've never met a suit that wasnt a broken human being unable to think for themself or empathise with others. i don't get the appeal.

Thank you CDPR, for making incels cry even more.

>expecting a deep RPG from Cyberclown 2077
Enjoy your standard cinematic play-and-forget experience.

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i really HOPE this game flop hard

Whats your favourite RPG fellow cyberbros? mine is borderands 2.

it is you faggot.
>pic related
its also listed as an RPG on there official website user.

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>i don't get the appeal
what but you get to be a broken human being void of empathy that's the best part

it will do fine, I mean its clearly not going to be an rpg see but faggots like the cumslurpers in this thread will buy it regardless.

Thank you CDPR, for making trannies cry even more.

>transgender and gender fluid character options

this semen slurping game isn't for me

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>we removed character creation options from the game because it was a work in progress :)

i guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of character customization in this game is going to be attached to a real money cash shop and you dumb faggots will lap it up like the onions-pigs that you are.

they are bending to their will you drone

She's a pretty good designer and she provides a valid explanation for her designs, im glad she bounced back from her cancer

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I'm excited for this rpg to sell well and silence the shit posting for at least a day until people find some other new thing to complain about

Not an official channel and the website is managed by a different team then the social media one.

o fuck

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SEETHE harder fagget

No where in that picture do they specifically use the word rpg. What are you getting at your fucking retard.

All I care about is that this game lets me roleplay as Reileen Kawahara from Altered Carbon, detailing her rise from Yakuza enforcer to an underworld kingpin, ruling the city from behind the scenes from her airship.

Also going by what I've heard, the gameplay is supposed to be like John Wick, which sounds exciting.

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>Most tranny friendly company making trannies cry
Those are tears of joy user

Meh, who cares. It wouldn’t have really added anything anyways.

>role playing game isn't RPG

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didnt you already get your answer in last nights threads that your dream does not exist in this game you mentally ill fucktard?

this is why developers should never share work in progress

Whatever helps you dilate at night tranny

>Social media team is handled by a different one than the official website
that goes both ways user, its entirely possible some yank suit figured RPG doesn't sound as nice and changed the description for greater market appeal.

I will take a website listing and storelisting over a facebook listing any day

underrated post

What the show did to the book's story is unforgiveable

GWENT is riddled with it.

It's a fun perspective to roleplay, I could never be like that irl but it's fun to do corporate dickhead in ttrpg

yeah? so what roles can you play in witcher 3?

With Sebastian Stepien and Stanisław Święcicki gone, who tf is writing this game?

There may be a way to make it happen. I can't have the airship or a penthouse, but I could still make my rise in the criminal underworld. I can still make her half Japanese and half Slavic, and I can still make her fight with a katana and guns, using a ninja type fighting style It's still salvageable, it has to be. IT HAS TO BE.

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Gwent is F2P

It's a fucking free to play game.
Tomas Marchewka

If so, i hope there's atleast satisfactory incest in this, the show was a letdown in that regard was hoping the brother would join the sister, fuck eachother and kill the rest

>the falseflagging tranny continues
shitpost harder fagget all you do is bump cyberpunk 2077 threads

Furry expansion when?

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Yeah but Reileen is hot and cool and badass, her fight scenes rocked. This game should have great combat since Keanu Reeves is in it, he wouldn't be in a game with shit combat. He'd have them make it like John Wick.

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I don't know why anyone's surprised, that build looked like some fallout 4 shit from the start.

Are you the same weeb that posts pictures of that old yakuza bitch

rpg could stand for anything, you are just really grasping for straws to shit on the game

Gwent is free to play game handled by a C team.

It has several writers dumbass.

Marcin Blacha, who has been there forever, is the story director and there are several writers that he directs. Jakub Szamalek and Tomas Marchewka are listed as principal and lead writers respectively.

Whao it's like developers want to tell cohesive story that isn't effected by your lol so randumb choices.

Shill harder you polish nigger.

>mfw Reileen can make the final transition from human to goddess, by having surgery to give her elf ears, serpent eyes, a serpent tongue, and talons

Dark Eldar Reileen here we come!

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You play the role of geralt, an rpg can have a singular role to play dumbass

Why the fuck would you want to play as that dumb cunt?
her and that entire resistance subplot was the least interesting part of altered carbon

does anyone else feel like Night city feels more like some random city in Florida. Like Las Vegas and Hong Kong look more cyber punk

what old yakuza?

And within that role you make decisions that effect the story in several ways, so how is it not an RPG.

mike kind of suggested that the bozos (that killer clown gang) would be in the game, but i want a gaggle of animal retards walking around as well.

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you litteraly role play as geralt

her plot was fucking awesome, and she wasnt dumb, she was a criminal mastermind who singlegandedly managed to become a one woman illuminati and run shit behind the scenes. only person who bested her was her brother, who is also a huge badass

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whats the point of them adding gangs if you cant join them? They will just be enemies like in saints row or gta 5.

>they REPLACED a feature I knew nothing about it!

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money, and time
they can not write three scripts for three heroes for one game but actually it's three games, it's a good thing they downscaled it a bit, it usually leads to a more functional game

the bozos always creep me out knowing that what you are looking at is not a clown costume and they always go for the weak and the helpless

Why is Keanu suddenly a normalfag meme? He's always been based but as a meme he blew the fuck up like nothing before. Even with the John Wick 1/2 and Fortnite bump it wasn't anything like he's seen over the last month or two.

A CDPR Role-playing game is you taking on the role of a character and acting out a narrative set by the game. What you see is people comparing other RPGs that aren't this type and complaining that it isn't one based on that strict criteria.

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What's the point of adding bars if you can't work in them?
What's the point of adding stores if you can't be the stocker?
What's the point of adding corporations if you can't get your boss coffee and mop the floors?

so are you saying CoD is a RPG too?
RPG is an aesthetic and system.

Dark souls is more RPG than Witcher .

Dark Souls lets you express your character in the world with your cahracter builds and dungeon decisions. Witcher is more linear. Witcher is closer to rpg in CoD than it is to dark souls. Cyberpunk feels more CoD than rpg.

catgirls confirmed. happy I pre ordered.

That's always been a shit definition. Call of Duty is a role playing game.

>so are you saying CoD is a RPG too?
What decisions do you make in CoD? What exploration and dialogue choices do you make in CoD?

woah, what a retard

Why the fuck would you join some shitty gang when you can destroy them and make them your BITCH?

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how many gangs do you know that will accept some random dude they've never met into their fold in less than a year.

Call of duty doesn't let you customize your narrative decisions

how did this not blow up already?

>Dark souls is more RPG than Witcher .
Nope. Dark Souls is more of an action adventure slasher and less an RPG.

But you play the role of a US soldier fighting terrorists, ergo it is a role playing game.

because after the saw the reaction with keanu they felt like any other hire would be garbo in comparison. Which is bullshit, I want to be a fucking full blown corpo but I already knew I wouldn't be able to do that since I'm a forced solo mercerany who want's to suck keanu's cock

>RPG is an aesthetic and a system
nigger what the fuck are you talking about

She's been in every article talking about the dickgirl art, as far as the cancer shit, would be awkward to make press about that


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this guy is so passionate, he held all this info for so long the lid blew off

its still more of an RPG than witcher since you can express your character to the world more than you can in witcher. Wannna play the game as a naked peasant with a spear you can, wanna go a throwing spear build you can.

It has since whichever one had the avenged sevenfold concert.


every game is role playing game. some are more into roleplaying than others.

Keanu was a mistake

>inb4 d-d-d-d-doesn't count

>since you can express your character to the world
No you can't, you character is just a mute plot device.

So you can't choose to become a cop? no classes or path options? fucking dropped.

no user you are missing the point, the ROLE PLAYING GAME


Unironically this has hurt me the most from all the other stuff I read here. I thought I would actually be able to play an rpg

Where's the exploration and the stats that effect your gameplay style and dialogue choices?

Keanu means the game will have better combat. He'd help them choreograph how the fighting should look and feel when playing. This game is gonna look and feel like John Wick fight scenes.

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You can't fail events in Call of Duty. You can't change how events play out. You can't even customize your interactions with the world aside from shooting at enemies. You can't even choose your approach, just play how they want you to play. Quit shitposting.

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Whanna play as a naked witcher? Yes you can.
Whanna use clubs or bardiches? Yes you can.
Whanna have a comples story with many branching paths? Yes you can.
Whanna build your witcher for combat,magic or consumables? Yes you can.
Whanna go around in a massive world not being shoehorned into corridors? Yes you can.
Whanna have the choice to fuck sexy bitches? Yes you can.

store pages are the same, its their twitter bio for fuck sake

No, none of the games had that past Blops 2. Even then its minor at best

Can you - by any chance - shut the fuck up? People will buy this game and there is nothing you kotaku and resetera pedo fucks can do.

So Final Fantasy games are not role playing games by your logic

>express your character
are you that same retard spouting Monster Hunter is an RPG and the witcher is not because you can create a character in monster hunter?

Because the director is fucking shit and have no idea how to manage and ambitious project so they have been scaling back on features. It's nothing new.

The same applies to Final Fantasy, are those games not rpgs then?

>pay crippling amounts of money or die from cancer
god bless america

you want some idealistic not a videogame, you want a fucking life in a game - it's not possible
there is manhours in 5 thousand people team to create something like that, there is no budget for such a game, there is no manager who can create such a monster
>inb4 but this game
no, it's still not your retarded definition, it never was

good for her


>you HAVE to play Cyberpunk 2077 as a cyberpunk character
What the fuck were they thinking?

>pick female character
>give her a horse cock

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This. Anyone who played Witcher 3 knows what kind of game Cyberpunk is going to be.

it actually does not you fucking dumb ass nigger. You have no control over any of that shit its all just superficial nonsense

RPG = you can play as yourself inside of the world of the game. The main character is literally you.


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>Autistic virgins chimping out over customization depth akin to Saints Row
>ResetERA leftoids doxxing a CDPR employee and endlessly harassing them over a FUCKING TWEET
The difference sure is night and fucking day.

Attached: that feel when david productions won't pull their thumbs out of their asses and prove that diam (1280x720, 638K)

They are not the same type of RPG as what CDPR is making. JRPGs have always been seperated as such because they are built around stats and reaching higher numbers.

Heres your cyberpunk 2077 bro

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>coming to Yea Forums to do anything but shitpost
Fucking idiot

jrpgs are not western role playing games

>cyberpunk isnt a genre
You are literally the kind of retard that thinks main character name should be RPG if you want to play rpg game.

>no indication of what childhood hero did in 2018
>people assumed it was just dialog options
>remove it and actually replace it with something that adds dialog options

a game that i will be playing without my pants

Will the combat be as good as John Wick?

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>ESL exposes his shitpost and bad english

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are you even trying? shitpost harder fagget!

I'm super psyched that they got this guy to do art for the steel book.

is this the final fantasy remake?

Based retard

>What is Cyberpunk 2020?

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Suck my cock, nerd.


>they removed the ability to play as a different character than what we've already been shown
>the only choice you have is dialogue based

Wtf I wanted Yeezypunk

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why the fuck would I want to play a class that doesn't fight and makes other people fight instead?

I'm out of the loop, why does everyone suddenly hate this game now?

>they removed the ability to play as a different character than what we've already been shown

because it's popular

What the book did to literature is unforgivable

They're doing it to be contrarians. When I disliked the game these people loved it, now that I like it they hate it. Fuck them. I can't wait to destroy these fools in the multiplayer pvp mode CDPR is gonna add post release. Reileen is gonna dab on all these fools.

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You will be working with Keanu throughout the game, you can't choose a childhood hero anymore, it is defaulted to Johnny Silverhand. Watch the interview.
You can't choose to play as a corpo or a cop

>I'm out of the loop
you are the loop fagget now shitpost harder
there is also the custom class system and the character creation system

Because it is already popular.

Shitposters want attention for being contrarians and making mountains out of mole hills

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>Why would I want to play an RPG?
Don't worry you won't have to play a role playing game, it's going to be an action adventure

>You will be working with Keanu throughout the game, you can't choose a childhood hero anymore, it is defaulted to Johnny Silverhand. Watch the interview.
They never said childhood hero was choosing who was in your head retard.

Whether you work with or against Johnny is a choice you make over the course of the game.

Will Johnny help me become an illuminati crimelord that rules the city from the shadows?

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With every piece of new info this game is starting to sound more like a action game than rpg.

Cyberpunk is a person, he doesn't like decorating apartments

its to popular and mainstream now that keanu is on board

>character creation system
You know that just means you can pick a perk/skill when you level up ala skyrim/witcher right? you can't actually choose to be someone and role play it

Fucking based. Not giving in to manbabies and doing the story driven game they want to make.

>Cyberpunk is a person, he doesn't like decorating apartments
I agree Cyberpunk =/= Cyber-Interior Designer.

But you can decide your character's appearance. It's like Saints Row games are.

Entirely removing the ability to play as anyone other than "V the Cyber Punk" from a game that's supposedly a sequel to a PnP RPG that literally lets you do anything you can imagine is not what I'd call "scaling back on features".

Maybe for the little zoom zoom who never played an actual rpg and is easily blinded by somewhat pretty looking pictures so retards like you.

my god her legs are amazing

Baldur's Gate only allows you to play as the Bhaalspawn, is it suddenly not based on a PnP RPG?

If they actually dropped the "childhood hero" option it sounds like they're dropping every celebrity other then Keanu to save budget costs

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>Play Saint Row
No thanks, I wanted a modern RPG

Why is any of that shit a problem? Saints Row lets you do the exact same things.

>it sounds like they're dropping every celebrity other then Keanu to save budget costs
There were no other celibrities involved, why are you making shit up?

No one even cared about the childhood hero part for the past year until Keanu was revealead as Silverhand and speculations started running rampant that maybe there are 3 paths, but at that point it was already cut (if it was even implemented in some capacity in the first place)

Saints Row is an rpg, you play as the boss of the Saints, who you can fully customize to look and fight however you want.

Most likely wasn't. The game was already written by that point, people just started assuming shit,

Morgan Blackhand probably ain't even dead.

is Deus Ex not an rpg because you play as Denton?

We'll see about that

Then what was the "childhood hero" option for?
Either way they removed some character creation feature.

>that's supposedly a sequel to a PnP RPG
That's not what it is, retard. How retarded could one person possibly be?

>literally the only game that surpassed capeshit this e3

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>Saints Row is an RPG
At this point you are being retarded on purpose. There is no choice in Saints Row other than unlocking stuff as the story progresses. I don't want to play a plain action adventure

>Then what was the "childhood hero" option for?
An idea, which was scrapped. Jesus christ, WIP means exactly that.

What are you even talking about? Have you even opened the Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebook? I'm talking about lifepath you retard.

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Same could be said of all "RPGs".

You never played Saints Row the Third then, the ending requires you to make an important choice which affects how the story plays out as well as the final boss. Now what?

>Then what was the "childhood hero" option for?
Bonus skill points in the relevant field.

Because he's a Reddit celebrity

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Baldur's Gate is called Baldur's Gate. It's not called "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1998" Cyberpunk 2077 is called Cyberpunk 2077. A sequel to a game called Cyberpunk 2020. Calling this game Cyberpunk 2077 is like calling Super Mario Kart "Super Mario Brothers 4"

NO cyberchads we got too fucking cocky, this is awful

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This is by far the most retarded post I have ever seen.

newer version

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>Cyberpunk turns out to be shit
>Gets criticized on Yea Forumseddit

>Turns out to be good
>Gets praised on Yea Forumseddit

Attached: SadSpoonFeedNino.png (378x388, 42K)

>An idea, which was scrapped
When did I say it was anything but that?
Wut, how does having a childhood hero make you more relevant

>You never played Saints Row 3
I'm starting to believe this is going to be the last (You). I have played all Saints on release because I thought they were better than GTA. I stopped being a fan exactly after playing that very game. They ruined their GTA competitor potential and made shit games and ruined the IP.
Kinda, but you know this guy is retarded. There are some games that I consider true rpgs, like Fallout New Vegas. You can make choices that really affect your game given the limitations of technology. It's never going to be like playing D&D with friends but at least is trying

Can we just enjoy video games while giving criticism

imagine the cybersmell

stop posting this ugly whore

>Movie called Super 8
>first and only movie in the franchise
I'm with you, user. This misleading studio bullshit has got to end.

How exactly is a game with a bigger numeral supposed to not be a sequel to a game with a smaller numeral and identical title set in the same universe in a previous time?

Can't do it here. People treat company's like their friends and their beliefs. Try criticizing Zelda and see what I mean, though that's on the extreme end.

I don't get it. What's this animalistic stupidity supposed to accomplish?
>oh no, the game will contain an important character with a major role in the story!!
I don't get it, was there some expectation that whatever character this guy plays will have a minor role, and now you're pretending to be mad because it actually has a major role in the story? What is this retardation supposed to achieve otherwise? Every game with a story has major characters who play major roles.

Because you wanted to be like your hero so you spent time developing the relevant skills. Sorry if my post wasn't clear. I'm not usually talking with ESLs.

She isn't ugly, and you have shit taste. Go beat your tiny ass dick to some ugly fake ass kpop bitch.

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Are you retarded?
The expectation is that we would have options, they have removed such an option

There's also protagonist voice acting and full cutscenes. So you have no choice regarding the personality and way of talking of your character.

Zelda is shit and i am not doing this as an experiment i genuinely find the game garbage.
>Lands of Lore
>Betrayal at Krondor
Now those are good games.

she is literally monkey faced

even worse

You are not shitposting hard enough. This is extremely pathetic t b h.
>you get to choose your voice
>your personality depends on what you choose as your lifepath or the dialogue/action choices you make

She looks like a real life elf. Your kpop garbage look like dull eyed, fat faced, rodent bitches.

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>Zelda is shit
Genuinely curious. Why? I remember being blown away by wind waker on gamecube and enjoying somewhat the others. Idk how you can call them shit just like that

What do you mean, how? It literally isn't. As it turns out, most games have information released so you can find out about the game and don't need to rely solely on the title when making your determination.

That dweeb channel owner deleted the two Yea Forums comments from last night.

That Bobby tattoo is pretty kino

avatarfaggotry is an offense you mentally ill freak
that monkey faced whore has nothing to do with Cyberpunk 2077

leaked its a rags to riches story about getting an immortality chip and selling it and you gotta get revenge on the people who screwed you.

Its not an RPG. You can't express not to get the chip, you can't express not to become rich you can't express not to help the gangs to get the chip.

The story is not engaging, the combat is some kiddy shit meant for 7 year olds, the graphics are meh and the main protagonist makes me want to puke.

I've been on topic the entire time, you're the one bitching about offtopic shit, you fucking pussy. Only one with a monkey face is you, you fucking troglodyte looking ass throwback.

I wanted fallout new Vegas, instead we’re getting farcry: blood dragon on steroids

I doubt you think it's shit, maybe it didn't click with you

It isn't but it should be. And since it isn't, it should be called something different. You don't just make an entirely different game and then call "the same, but 2"

Then I suppose I will have fun playing as my Romanian immigrant character with a thick gypsy accent. Oh wait, V is American because fuck you.

They replaced it with lifepaths which is actually much better than the childhood heroes, because it actually affect your dialogues and the interactions with characters in the game.

A video game is not a tabletop role playing game and you're legitimately retarded if you think they'd be remotely the same. There has literally never existed a crpg that has ever approached a fraction of what is allowed in pen and paper. Virtually every single crpg ever made assigns you a specific character with a specific background and a specific objective with few caveats afforded.

Fucking cancer, literally The Bitcher 3 all over again, just a shitty GTA V clone.

>You can't fail events in Call of Duty. You can't change how events play out.
You actually can in one of those Black Ops games, 2 I think? You make story choices which affect further missions and the ending, and I think you choose the loadout for the mission.

>I doubt you think it's shit, maybe it didn't click with you
What's the difference? From my perspective the game is shit.
All amerifats are immigrants unless we count the natives that got slaughtered. So you'll get your chance to roleplay as anything you like since amerifats are not a real thing.

The Witcher is not an RPG. You can't express not to be a witcher. You can't express not to look for Ciri.
New Vegas is not an RPG. You can't express not to go after Benny. You can't express not to get involved in the conflict.

I cant be a bird in New Vegas either, your reddit idea of an rpg is bonedry fucking retarded

It's impossible to reproduce a P&P experience in a video game because you can do anything in a P&P game; you can summon and destroy entire cities at a whim with just a few words, you can bring up thousands of characters whenever they're needed. You can allow or stop anything from happening because it's all a mix of imagination by GM and the players with a set of rules to decide how things turn out.

Are you telling me that Baldur's Gate is not an RPG since you can not be Baal's spawn? Are you telling me that Planespae:Torment is not an RPG since you can choose to be anything else other than the nameless one? Do you want me to continue?

That's my point. I was pointing out how absurd his claim was.

The Natives are immigrants too; they migrated to the Americas via the Siberian landbridge in the mesolithic.

You could get a lot closer than "Deus Ex but in the Cyberpunk universe". It's not that hard to have a central story that many different character archetypes end up getting involved with. A cop, a doctor and V the Cyber Punk all could have something in common that is the focal point of the story. But we can only play as V The Cyber Punk.

The Witcher was mistake, shitty as GTA clone praised by people who never played actual rpgs. CDPR doesn't want to take risks so they just delivering the same all over again.

>What's the difference between not liking something and something being shit
High IQ question right there

The game is more of a RPG than any previous CDPR game, and doesnt matter how they market the game, the features and mechanics they are implementing speak for themselves.

>In the demo, we've seen the character level and the "street cred" stat. What is it about and how to increase it?
>In general, the character development works like this - we have levels which give us access to "points"; we can assign those points to strength, intelligence, etc. Those are the traits that increase our "abilities/perks limit". The second part are the abilities - using heavy weapons, melee weapons, hacking, etc. Those can be advanced through particular activities, for example the more you shoot, the more skill assigned to that weapon type increases. Street cred is earned through completing missions (the way you complete them is the factor as well) and it gives you access to new missions. But the fame has its cost, so there are situations in which you would rather remain anonymous, but if you have high street cred, the people recognize you.

Plus the game has
>heavy character customization, u can customize look, gender,clothing
>u can customize your character with augumentations; nervous system, chest, hands, legs,
>u can customize you weapons; silencer etc.. depending on weapon you use
>you have much more freedom in gameplay than in Witcher 3; u can play as fast strenght focused solo, u can play as fast agility focused solo, u can play as hacker, u can play as engineer, u can stealth the entire games without killing anyone, different spect will unlock you different paths of the game
>branching storyline
>Choices & Consequences

An action game with garbage combat?

Morrowind is not an rpg because I can't choose to not be the Nerevarine.

>BOTW caused all this asshurt
>The Witcher 3 caused all this asshurt
>BOTW 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 coming out
Yea Forumsirgins are going to have their asses wrekt.

Attached: happy angel nichijou (1).gif (600x455, 489K)

There is no difference. It is all a matter of perspective.
t.138 IQ

Well yeah i was kind of expecting that, they've never done anything genuinely innovative, creative or in depth with the mechanics of their games.
It's obviously because of the commercial constraints of triple A gaming.
They gutted 7/10 of the classes, reduced them to perks and ditch the options of being natural or getting cyber-psychosis because they don't know how to implement and market those ideas to execs and the general public.

At least blood dragon was cool, so a roided blood dragon with no drm will be great.

Attached: CP2020 samurai.jpg (600x600, 216K)

Ffs, I wanted Morgan Blackhand, not that faggot. Better be able to delete him from your head.

Cheap polish assholes just didn't want to do 3x the work.

its never confirmed or not if you are the Nerevarine and its never confirmed or denied that there was multiple nerevarine before you. Lore wise There mostly likely was thousands of Nerevarines and the Morrowind one was not the actual one.

>You could get a lot closer
No, you literally couldn't. All you're suggesting is alternate linear options. No video game is capable of reproducing the table top experience. You would think after decades of crpg releases, you would understand this. Instead you're choosing to bitch about a game that's doing literally the same thing every other crpg in history has done.

Witcher 3 was fantastic, and CP 2077 looks nothing like GTA.

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Umm Ultima proves you can recreate a PnP experience.

You succeed, therefore you are the Nerevarine. That's how it works.

>They gutted 7/10 of the classes
>t. has no knowledge of the P&P game

read this: Why people dont read about the game their speak? You dont know anything about it, yet you speak?

>implying your secondary ass even knew who Morgan Blackhand was before someone told you

Reminder that Skyrim is more of an rpg than anything CDPR has EVER made and Cyberwitcher will be no exception.

Good to know it’s not an rpg anymore, but an “open world adventure game” they’re just catering towards normalfags now

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Well Witcher 3 was also praised by RPGCodex, and this is by far the community with the best and most knowledge people about Role Playing Games, so you underage fag can fuck off and play ur shit adventure bethesda games.

Did you just call John Wick a faggot? Fuck you, I hope you accidentally step on his dog, bitch.

>dale and bill on her cheeks

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It's exactly as linear as any other crpg.

Wrong Skyrim is adventure game, its not RPG. Bethesda last good RPG is Morrowind.

You've proved nothing, now shut up or give a fucking source.

gonna be a full corpo slut

>Shitty action game with Batman vision and button mashing, spam magic desig
Never trusth polish scum.



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Can I get more of these?

But Skyrim is not a RPG, its sim focused on exploration, without role playing mechanics, nothing.

My older brother played the p&p shit a lot so I absorbed some of it as well, mainly from reading his books.

Why do white folks like making this face

Nice lies faggot.

Comparing Witcher 3 to other AAA RPG's, its like Witcher 3 is gold in sea of shit.

no i'm keeping the rest for myself

Rpgcodex are neckbeard hipster contrarian losers with no taste that just praise anything that isn't made by muh evil bethesda or Bioware.

Fuck that pussy John Dick and his gay little dog.

Aww dude. They fit so nicely as phone papes. Don't be like that.

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Chances are I'm older than you, punk.

Witcher 3 is garbage, fuck off. Just another GTA V but for nerds.

not really, something being shit and you disliking it are not mutually exclusive
you can like shitty games and dislike good games, and yet maintain the notions separate
not being able to differentiate between the two is really a low IQ matter, if you think about it

And yet you are nowhere near as intelligent.

And you don't know how to fucking read and understand English properly, foreigner.

Attached: queen markle.jpg (1200x939, 140K)

They have actual taste and knowledge, and in depth discussion about Role Playing Games u underage retard with shit taste, bethesda didnt made single RPG since Morrowind, bioware is dead.

ESL please go. Everything you wrote in your green text sounds like a glorified dues ex, not an RPG.

Go to Cyberpunk's official twitter.

Considering how much they're shilling them, I hope mantis blades aren't required, they're too flashy. I'd prefer a extendable shield aug on my arm desu.

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You are just wrong and you have shit taste, and imagine being this delusional comparing fantasy game with sword and magic with slavic folklork to GTA V, fucking kek.


>phone poster
>calling someone a punk in a cyberpunk 2077 thread
is this real life?

This 100%, expect a roided farcry: blood dragon.

so, what actually does a gallbladder do in terms of the pissing process

>dude the game was just completely overhauled in the last year
Absolute trash

Original Deus Ex is the pinnacle of Role Playing Games.

Increase WHAT for WHO exactly? It's borderline punishable by death if you even disagree in public with one of these mentally ill creatures because somehow you're Hitler if you do. What the fuck more do they want? Why do they insists on forcing their way into everything when they are less than a minority on this planet?

It's because of this shit that you see more shootings than ever before. This sort of illogical garbage breaks the mind, god damn.

You're right, GTAV is a far superior experience to TW3. TW3 and Cyberpunk combined won't sell half the copies of GTAV and they won't come close to a best-of-generation 97% Metacritic score either.

it wasnt overhauled at all.

you didn't mention anything about customization of narrative choice in your definition. you said acting out a narrative set by the game which would make almost every game in existence an rpg.

>Actual taste
>Praise a game that can be beaten by a brainless person and has even more limited rpg options than Skyrim because "muh cdpr is redpilled"

go back to school

>removing one thing and adding another means the entire thing was reworked

OK Retard

why did you reply to me if you didn't know the answer

GTA V is generic game, with simple story, generic gameplay, 0 variety, shooting shooting shooting. Witcher 3 at least had branching storyline, dialogues, interesting themes, some hard choices. GTA V is overrated polished turd.

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>a game that can be beaten by a brainless person
That's literally every RPG. Role Playing Games are about the easiest you can possibly get. Virtually every other genre offers greater challenge.

i can recommend you a really good chiropractor to fix that shoulder you just popped.

We’re getting HR, not the original. Which is fine because HR is a decent game and CP2077 will be also.

A good one that contrarian faggots on Yea Forums will not stop whining about for years?

Skyrim has 0 rpg elements, its adventure game for underage kids with 100 % focus on exploration, its sim game. Its absolute complete trash compared to Witcher 3.

I make this face all the time and i'm black

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Based. Rockstar dabs on this entire industry every single time they release a game.

Is that a real neanderthal? 3/10 would bang

>We’re getting HR, not the original
What's the difference?

no objective reason, other than its popular and this is where contrarians go. Last year it was bitching that daytime exists in an open world rpg, and its not just locked into the same time to fit the game better. Now likely the same people are bitching that an element of character creation was changed from a year ago to make there slightly less dialog variation and significantly more content.

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Well, I don't blame you for wanting to suck keanu's cock but celebrity worship won't get you far in life brah

go back to school retard i'm not gonna spoonfeed you

again, stop replying to me if you don't know the answer
I have no time for retards

it's getting further and further away from an rpg and closer and closer to gta 5 mod pack

Rather have exploration than games focused on shitty combat and cinematic experience, lmao. Fuck CDPR they don't have the balls to deliver an actual rpg. Typical Polish scum.

the studio is in poland...

The original is a masterpiece aside from the button layout, HR is just an above average game? Can you stop being a niggerhead?


Imagine being this retarded and existing

it excretes enzymes that help break down food in the intestines and probably some other immunowhatever things.

Replace "GTAV" with "RDR2" and nothing about this post would have to change to preserve the truth


>get cancer because of crunch
>cdpr pays to treat your cancer and saves your life to make you crunch more
>now you are an obedient crunch slave for lifetime
wow what a deal

Attached: cdpr_crunch.jpg (1080x5925, 2.63M)

Maybe CDPR will hire him

Deus ex actually looks more cyberpunk than this game. Cyberpunk looks like some random city in florida by the beach and not like Vegas or Hong kong.

>Daddy Issues tattoo

Rockstar are literally making one single game, with 0 depth in the storyline or gameplay. Gameplay is always mainstreamed turd. In GTAV u shooting and in RDR u shooting. At least i have some respect for RPG devs because making it requires some talent, in writing you need to have dialogues branching, the story structure changes, quest design, rpg mechanics and gameplay mechanics etc.. Rockstar is making the same shit since GTA 3.

Remember when we used to play video games?

t. a genuine retard
>The original is a masterpiece aside from the button layout
you can change your keybinds in the settings menu, the default keybinds mean nothing so why even mention them?

I always loved the cyber part
the fact that technology got so advanced that you'd see it on some fucking homeless junky that's piss poor was always fascinating

>nigger faggot

>get cancer because of crunch
That is not how cancer works.

Attached: 1552779399252.png (455x370, 25K)

>Substance Over Style
>Sharp as fuck suits
>Cars that's clearly style as fuck

That's bullshit. I'd rather wear a simple, well coordinated corpo ensemble than fucking wear 20 belts and a japanese theater mask to be "cool and hip".

>get cancer
>become cancer

Attached: poetry.gif (480x267, 1.94M)

why do you insist on replying to me if you don't know the answer?

RDR 2 got even dabbed by God of War 2, highly superior game.

This is a cancer where obesity is a risk factor. You pretty much don't have gallbladder problems unless you're fat as a whale.

Dilate. Would be more cheaper to hire a new guy. You would know of you paid your own bills faggot

thats a jrpg, and they are just on rails mmo lites. You can choose character builds but its not an rpg other than the framework its based on is similar to pen and paper games with turns, sci fi or fantasy settings, an emphasis on story, and character progression with level ups.

Spoken like a true wagecuck.

Well, night city is literally in California, maybe read about the setting first u fucking retard. The game is based on Cyberpunk 2020. Also, visuals dont make RPG's, RoboCop is better Cyberpunk movie than Blade Runner.

it's not a sequel, it's supplementary material to the overall lore

>Rockstar is making the same shit since GTA 3.
Clearly whatever they're doing is working. They're the James Cameron of video game developers whereas CDPR is more like the Joe/Anthony Russo of developers.

>common things that cause or accelerate cancer
>stress, being overworked, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, lack of movement and exercise
>crunch won't cause that

And I think the reason the game is coming out so soon, after years with little to no news, is because of the massive reduction in scope compared to their original vision. So we know the game will be less than it could've been, but on the other hand we will get to play it. That doesn't mean it's going to be shit. My feeling was always that if it's at least better than the new DX games, it's a guaranteed winner. That should not be hard to accomplish for CDPR.

Well, CDPR shipped so far three games, how many Rockstar? CDPR until few years ago was still small studio, the comparision is retarded.

>implying a corporation does something like this out of kind heart
You're a fucking naive and delusional moron. They calculated that it would be more expensive and bad PR if she died and family sued company for overworking her during crunch and inducing cancer. It was cheaper for them to finance treatment.

Does anyone else just hate this shitty open world action game meme genre and can't wait till normies stop liking it completely over Fortnite so devs have to start making actual rpgs and actual shooters again?

Of course, this post (like the line CDPR put through all released gameplay so far) goes ignored by Yea Forums. Typical.

>They're the James Cameron of video game developers
A guy who made some good shit 30 years ago and now waits eons in between releasing generic trash? Sounds accurate.

why are you asking anti-cdpr fags to dilate? trannies are pro-cdpr, not against


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That'll never happen, games are for kids.
Have sex.

>Rockstar = James Cameron
>CDPR = Joss Whedon
>Fromsoft = Christopher Nolan
>Bioware = Rian Johnson
>Bungie = Steven Spielberg
>Bethesda = Zack Snyder

>the closest character to a protagonist carrying the lore from 2020 to red to 2077
>will also be a huge part of 2077
>and it's keanu fucking reeves

as far as acceptables changes go, I think they stepped up their game if anything.
>irrelevant background story alignment choices for rando chars, for the wopping amount of 3 alternatives
>johnny fucking silverhand

>Games are for kids
Maybe the ones you play.

Oh so you play mature games huh?

Good luck proving in court that gallblader cancer was related to her job

>you'll never live in a world where extremely hot guys are the norm

Attached: god damn it.webm (1726x720, 2.37M)

CDPR are more like the Benioff & Weiss of gaming. They'll do okay when they just autistically adapt someone else's better work but the second you bring original content into the mix (like a combat system) it's pure unskilled garbage.

I play games than require something more than a children in order to be enjoyed or beaten. Neither the witcher nor cyberpunk meet those requirements, both are just GTA V/Fortnite with a different skin.

I want to drink that Monster but Assault has been discontinued in my country.

>I play games than require something more than a children in order to be enjoyed or beaten
Games such as?

>cdpr: hey here's a quick mockup of character creation. nothing's final but at this point in time this is what we think we're aiming for.

God I hate summer.

Corpo = wagie
Nomad = incel doomer
Street kid = fortnite-dancing zoomer

Yea Forums will defend CDPR even if they outright say they cut content and made the game more linear.

Yea, but still it would be a court case and imagine all the bad PR and gaming "journalism" it would cause, even if they couldn't prove it. CDPR already gets a lot of shit for their crunch culture and overworking employees, one of them dying of cancer supposedly caused by crunching would just be a cherry on top. CDPR knew this and decided to mitigate risk by financing her treatment. If you had any idea how businesses operate you would know that.

The ideal faction is already canon fuck everything else

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oh yea, then why are all trannies sucking cdpr cock now for including them and are making this game about some kind of tranny representation and struggle?

Not him but are you searching for games which require more intelligence to beat than Witcher/Cyberpunk? Not hard to do. Soulsborne, any decent immersive sim or Metroidvania, even shooters like DOOM, Halo etc. with actually well made gunplay put CDPR's interactive movies to shame.

Keanu was a mistake
I wanted three of these hero hallucinations

Now we are stuck with one
Shit kills the replayability

holy shit is this real?

yes here is second page

Attached: gwQDZsK.png (693x896, 670K)

The last two digits of my post represent your IQ

This is from CPV3, which isn't canon anymore.

>I wanted three of these hero hallucinations
When was that EVER confirmed?

wow, so surprising

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show them, I only see trannies seething, pretty based of cdpr if you ask me

I see everyone seething. Only people excited for this game are paid shills.

Nice list but they are all trash compared to CDPR games.

That’s cool and all but I’d rather have different holographic mentors

>CDPR games
Sorry, good games have to have good gameplay.

So basically it’s an action game with RPG elements like AC odyssey or The Witcher rather than a proper WRPG.
Fuck this shit, I’ll just play Vampire 2 in March I guess

Said no one ever.


>King of the Hill tattoos


If I had the choice between background or childhood hero I think background would have the most potential, don't really see what the issue is here. Plus I'm absolutely positive that even before people knew Keanu was going to be Silverhand like 60-70% of players would have chosen him anyway with 25% going to Blackhand and 5% (if even that) going for the corporate dude.

Quake Live, Talos Principle, Arx Fatalis, Turok 2 are some of my favorites.

Considering it still has the same stat allocation that WRPGs do like the original Deus Ex, Vampires 1, CRPGs etc it seems fine.

She was a Mary Sue who existed solely to create a conflict of interest for Takeshi.

The actual investigation was more enjoyable than anything else in the show. Cyberpunk Noir is the best. Adding in some stupid "LOL WE FIGHT AND RESIST" subplot shit is just boring and tired.

you're telling me that OP is a lying faggot?

color me shocked.

That was never going to be on the table. They never mentioned anything like that until showing Silverhand out of nowhere, and people ran with the idea that the original Childhood Hero option TOTALLY MUST mean there are 2 other figures like that. 3 whole separate story campaigns, surely that is feasible in an open world game

Not him, but didn't they mention Gaga and Kanye at one point?

I was really hoping to have the old geriatric corporate jap as menter

I feel nothing but pity for you, my friend. I hope you eventually seek help for your obsession.

preempting criticism by saying it isnt ready yet is the ultimate shill technique.

>leveling up with skill choices.
>no role playing mechanics

Alright, I am legitimately convinced you're just retarded at this point.

This. Mantis blades are neat, but I'd much rather have some sort've sub-dermal ballistic gel shit.

>this is literally smoke and mirrors guys but still buy our game

>Telling the truth is shilling


What the fuck is this Monster meme
Fucking quit it with the viral advertising you pieces of shit

promotional material should always be taken at face value, otherwise whats the fucking point?

What is the face value interpretation of selecting a childhood hero during character creation and how has that interpretation changed with the knowledge that you now choose backgrounds instead?

Man Pawel is a cool dude, he's always so enthusiastic when talking about the game. I can't help but to smile as he explains stuff.

yellow guy is talking way too fast

Takeshi did nothing wrong


Damn shame that shit was hilarious.

Hahaha someone need to post this on the Cyberpunk subreddit.