It's going to sell millions. It's going to win multiple awards. It's going to be awesome. Just like the Witcher 3...

It's going to sell millions. It's going to win multiple awards. It's going to be awesome. Just like the Witcher 3, it will go down in gaming history as one of the best RPG's of all time. AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU SAD, PATHETIC, INCELS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Attached: download.jpg (214x236, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread: Steady – Blouses

ok retard, back to fortnite

*Sips Drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


Attached: Sipping CDPdRones Tears.jpg (326x412, 24K)

Yeah I've already preordered it
Yea Forumsincels stay seething

>Supporting a game as if it was a sports team
The only incel here is you

Well Ima buy it, so yeah. I get to kill abos and trannies. Game of the year.


*boycotts game publicly on twitter*

hehh...nothin personnel, polacks

>have sex

Oh no Cyberbros, he got us

Attached: 1520985494052.jpg (640x601, 25K)

Halo Infinite
The Last of Us Part 2
Botw 2


Cyberpunk 2077 is turning out to be a linear and generic boring cyberpunk game. The game isn't even listed as an RPG anymore. All it's hype has come from the general attitude that the game was going to give the player options, when in reality your going to be forced to do this gang story.

Attached: chief heavy.webm (1920x1080, 670K)


I'll have fun with it, because I still enjoy videogames. Meanwhile, Yea Forums trannies will continue shouting into the void, perpetually angry, and never really knowing why.

>It's going to sell millions
Borrowing the Pokemon defense, I see.

Attached: 1560526142777.png (1166x666, 287K)

>I get to make a genderfluid character!
>What!? It's not blatant pandering for journalists....Cyberpunk is a dystopian world so it makes sense!

Attached: WOOOOOOW.gif (413x243, 51K)

How well did the last couple Halos do? I played 5, it was pretty shit :/

>tranny simulator 2077

nah, ill pass bro...

Attached: 1461741299150.jpg (685x365, 62K)

Dull reply.

You select male and female, natural and unnatural, and then it never really impacts anything. You're worked up over nothing.

As much as Yea Forums cries about reset trannies, you have a lot in common. Perpetually outraged at the slightest, often imagined transgressions. The admins here should look into adding little blue "verified" checks for you.

Attached: cyberpunk.png (2646x1280, 1.26M)

>calls other replies dull
A retard and a tranny freak


>It's going to sell millions. It's going to win multiple awards. It's going to be awesome. Just like the Witcher 3, it will go down in gaming history as one of the best RPG's of all time.
i already preordered on GOG so you might be right

>another autistic psy-op thread

The best part. All the haters are still gonna play it

I fucking told you niggas CDPR would go into full damage control after the reaction to those "assume my gender" tweets, and pozz the shit out of the game giving you tranny customization.

Attached: 1461973021723.jpg (800x604, 77K)

You dumb niggers think the future is going to be a gender binary, conservative christian utopia?

/pol/ tards are so fucking useless

Nice, can't wait to see all those wh*Te incel's tear

Attached: 1560701543163.jpg.png (1157x1078, 1007K)

Every single one of these people will play Cyberpunk 2077 the first week it comes out. The irony.

It’s going to be all anyone talks about and then like Skyrim and Witcher will be forgotten completely for the next trendy fotw action game with mildly impactful dialogue trees. Also


>best RPG's of all time
I think it will be good but not legendary

Skyrim and Witcher are still some of the most played games on PC. Keep coping, LOSER.

Trans people are mentally ill, and I'm not defending them, but Christ has this place run "tranny" into the ground. It's in every post. You like [x]? Fucking tranny. You like [y]? Go back, tranny!

How much more NPC does it get, than mindlessly posting the same thing ten thousand times?

> hurr check it out, imma call this one a tranny

based Skyrim and Witcher are still some of the most played games on PC. Keep coping, LOSER poster

I want a true dystopian cyperpunk game, with aesthetics to match. Non of this action-adventure bullshit we keep getting. I want a mystery game set in a dark, broken world where everything seems slightly unreal.

Attached: 1517886523761.png (1440x1080, 220K)

Go make it, incel.

Well no shit, that's objectively true, after a certain point these hypebeast games, as long as they hold to a certain level of quality, simply cannot fail, and regardless of what Yea Forums says it will, at the very least, be a good game.

But "IT'S GONNA BE SHIT, SHIIIIIIIIIT" is not really everyone's opinion, mostly the opinion of a bunch of very dedicated shitposters and contrarians all looking for the next TORtanic. Happens to every new release that garners this much attention, Cyberpunk is no exception. Just accept it and move on with your life.

>Just accept it
>giving in to the shitposters
>not pushing back until they are the ones who give up

>most played games on the platform where you have to wait four years to get old console exclusives
>not even played in base form but as foundations for mods
wow you really btfo me I am so defeated

>contrarians all looking for the next TORtanic
I hate this stupid accusation you niggers have.
>don't like Breath of the Wild's focus on open world
People aren't even allowed to dislike a game anymore because of this "you just want a TORtanic" shit.

"I want a mystery game set in a dark, broken world where everything seems slightly unreal."

you don't need a game for that these days, just go outside

Your mom's making it.

Attached: 1517884767264.gif (896x544, 92K)

Nobody is outraged, we just think it is stupid and gay pandering
Everyone knows they aren't going to depict trannies as something dystopian
Yeah, I hope it's good, but the more that comes out about the game, the more generic it seems.

As long as it has a bulge slider I'll be happy

Attached: cyberspunk.jpg (1188x1500, 251K)

really makes you think, gentle sir. take my upboat! and uh hehe keep on calling him drumpf ;-)

So it is FarCry in an urban environment?


It's an unwinnable battle. This sort of person has literally nothing else to do, but shitpost. They don't even play games anymore, just meme about them for (You)s.

Based tranny, alt-righters on suicide watch.

Attached: DILATE.png (1280x1280, 928K)

> Nobody is outraged, we just [describes outrage]

I hope you get a lot of retweets.

Youre absolutely right

Games journalists used to give all their awards to the newest console shooter until Yea Forums more or less singlehandedly shamed them into stopping. This board is the number one reason why Dark Souls and Witcher 3 are considered the games of the decade instead of some Activision tripe. So don't sleep on the ability of people with actual taste to decide what's considered good.

>it's going to suck a dick because cdpr are incompetent hacks while to comes to design a gameplay.

>It's an unwinnable battle

Attached: kirk.jpg (407x300, 82K)

I wish there was a better version of this pasta because a lot of that stuff is just dumb and whiny. Hurr it's not always night time and smog, it's 1st person only except not (since vehicles have 3rd person). It doesn't restrict you to classes, why can't I play every human ever, hobo prostitute simulator when? You can't access every building ever no matter how pointless they might be. Hurr muh libruls. Dialogue doesn't change anything except it literally does. Hurr not an RPG because retarded marketers decided to change a description. Hurr childhood heroes like it's some intentionally dumb Jagged Alliance 2 merc generator question. Hurr Keanu b list, what does he have to do with cyberpunk?

Don't get me wrong, I agree with some of the valid concerns on there, but a lot of that stuff is nitpicky. Nothing against wanting CP 2077 to be a cyberpunk sandbox, but it was never going to be Mount & Blade with cyborgs.

Attached: 1557467263856.png (700x900, 11K)

But trannies are going to get triggered by the game too when they play it.
>over-mutilating your body leads to cyber psychosis
>black gangs
>anarchy isn't actually a safe haven and paradise contrary to their beliefs
>in-game corpos exploit their fetishes and lifestyle for profit

Wait it does not have a day/night cycle? Did i miss something

sauce on that bullshit amigo

I really can’t even begin to figure out how to reply to this level of retarded

>black hair instead of rainbow

What is this, a Medieval life simulator?

Source on what, Call of Duty games winning awards from IGN? Look it up lmao.

Probably they are lefties trying to change people minds to destroy the game, but you are right it'll be great

Attached: 1560116090646.jpg (511x671, 33K)

I'm sure Yea Forums is a big part of your life, but don't accord it some kind of importance in the real world. Nobody has ever been shamed into change by Yea Forums, that's absurd.

Other than a dozen or so lost souls that waste their lives here, nobody on Earth knows any of this is happening, or cares.

it does, he just shitposting

they aren't going to get triggered since they don't play video games also you are responding to a falseflagging tranny
consider suicide faggot CDPR will destroy you and you will be buttblasted for years like you are with The Witcher 3

Fighting back and trying to argue logically and objectively is foolish against shitposters. They'll find something else to shit on and scream louder to drown you out. If it wasn't "NO CUSTOMIZATION OH NO NO NO NO" it'd be something else. It fucking WAS something else literally two days ago, nobody could shut the fuck up about trannies in the game.

The only reason shit like this gets talked about and spammed to hell and back with the same arguments, the same images, the same insults, is because it gets a rise out of people and guarantees a response. You literally have to BTFO of shitposters with hard physical evidence that cannot be shunted off or just starve them of attention. There is no "push back" because there is no battle.

Legitimate criticism isn't shitposting, but it does get drowned out by shitposting. You're allowed to dislike a game or dislike aspects of it, but you also have to recognize you share a forum with literal baboons that would just as soon hurl feces directly into your face to make you pay attention to them as they would attempt to have a civilized discussion of game design/mechanics. It just requires extra effort to have a decent discussion, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

Attached: 1521782082016.png (610x914, 603K)

>vehicles have third person
this doesn’t justify first person shit
>not an RPG because marketing team
no it’s not an RPG because it’s a first person action game
>dialogue changes things
[citation needed]
>complaining about entire game being fundamentally different than what people are saying they’re hyped for

that this board had anything to do with it


I really am looking forward to exploring and experiencing night city when the game comes out

might actually be my most anticipated part of the game, even more-so than the game-play or story, cause just getting to experience a full made and proper cyberpunk city with CDPR's attention to detail and world building, is going to be a superb treat

getting to see the people live in it, exploring the different districts/neighborhoods, the architecture, the neon, the megastructures, technology, ambience, sound, music and soooo much more... and all this in an open-world first person RPG setting is just kreygasm to me

How to identify the reddit and resetera shilling tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though his a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>will say he hates trannies just to blend in
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts

I'm not angry about it, I just think it's dumb pandering.

Though maybe I should be angry, because when blatant pandering is introduced to any medium, it gives validity to said group which is being pandered to. And we all know that trannies deserve absolutely zero validity. I know it might be hard for your pea brain to keep up, but just try to understand.

At this point i dont understand the shitposting. CDPR did a decent job with the Witcher series and even tough the combat was okish to tedious each time, i dont see any downside to this game exisiting.

>anyone that disagrees with edgy echo chamber is a shill

Attached: download.jpg (128x128, 3K)

It's sold millions. It's won multiple awards. It was awesome. Just like its predecessor, it will go down in gaming history as one of the best RPG's of all time. AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU SAD, PATHETIC, INCELS CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Attached: good, you opened this message. this isn't asari military command.jpg (900x900, 440K)


Attached: 1559241044099.gif (1280x714, 1.09M)

I'd like to remind people filters exist
use them, if you see same zero information post twice, just filter it and you wont see it the third time
Enjoy this newfound knowledge

It was popular, and I can't express my self image of being better than "the masses" if I'm just agreeing with them, so I need to hate it.

You seem to be operating under the assumption that video game criticism is "the real world". It sort of is, but it's also something that is clearly influenced by popular internet opinion, which is clearly influenced by Yea Forums. You would have to be pretty new not to realize that this board was boosting Souls games back when normies were still gushing over Modern Warfare.

Second image looks better

I'm not sure what a source on that would look like. Try being less new.

If you filter retarded shit on Yea Forums, there's nothing left.

>facebook frog

thanks for proving him right
now go dilate

>Legitimate criticism isn't shitposting
Shtipost harder fagget.

>the post cdpr shills don't want you to see

>makes claim
>someone asks for proof
>can't provide any so just gets ultra defensive

Ugh, I don't get it bros. Why are people so mad at this game here?

How could they do this to based CDPR who have never lied even once to us? It's not like EA where the developers are bad.

Shut the fuck up

dumb tranny

Thanks for the assist. I don't have any Gold to give so sorry but I'd totally give it to you if I did!

>this doesn’t justify first person shit
I'd like the third person option as well, but they talked about how it's designed around 1st person. At the end of the day plenty of good games are 1st person only so I'm not gonna bitch about it too much.

>no it’s not an RPG because it’s a first person action game
I honestly don't mind calling it an action game, hopefully the combat won't be as floaty as people are saying. But since you have branching paths and multiple endings and character progression why not call it an RPG, even if it's just an action RPG?

>dialogue changes things
>[citation needed]
Didn't they constantly talk about how they want dialogue options to radically change the outcome, including background related options? I always found background dialogue options to be terribly pointless (haha you are of similar background as me, have a beer! +1 beer added to inventory)

>complaining about entire game being fundamentally different than what people are saying they’re hyped for
People are hyped for a lot of things and want the game to be a lot of different things. It's mostly about projecting your desires onto the game. As much as I want CP to be this great cyberpunk sandbox, it's the "you can do anything!" situation all over again.

Attached: 1557304066017.gif (498x437, 1.52M)

coping that hard is not a good thing

kill yourself you shitposting piece of faggot shit
yeah the exploration will be great but i personally am also excited for the story, i loved the stories and the quests in TW3 and i am not even that big on fantasy on the other hand i love sci-fi so my excitement is only rising

>no customizing

Attached: kek.jpg (201x192, 9K)

>edgy echo chamber
Then where do you fit in? Not-so-edgy echo chamber? Lol

Why shitpost in this way user? Even as a falseflag it's baiting nobody.

See, why can't the game be surreal like your gif? Why does it have to be a Shenzhen GTA? Make something more creative.

Attached: 18f9a52.gif (1280x800, 195K)

You know the detractors are winning when you start to see posts like this.

>it's baiting nobody.
it baited you.

Attached: kekmouth.jpg (345x343, 79K)

>t. libtard


>FaCeBoOk FrOG
You're a fucking retard kys stupid nigger, Pepe is and will always be a Yea Forums staple

Yes, and not a dime spent on it.

Attached: 1559677189390.png (976x658, 272K)

Now that we've confirmed that RPGs are bad and based CDPR made the right decision turning 2077 into an action game, let's turn our attention to its real competition and try evaluating it as an action game. Do you think it'll be a better action game than Batman: Arkham City? Doom? Bloodborne? MGSV? God of War? Breath of the Wild?

How are they winning? The game looks great and everyone loves it.

>>FaCeBoOk FrOG

maybe twitter will suite you better

>replying to something means you've been baited.

That's a pretty low standard for bait. You should imo hope at least to get people annoyed.

> tired ass reddit memes

Has a gamingcirclejerk / resetera brigade ever been more obvious?


It's ok user. We know that you are a poorfag. Maybe if you had friends someone would've gifted you a preorder by now.

oh no

Attached: 1560692168008.png (720x992, 598K)

>>FaCeBoOk FrOG
Twitter is here

> post retarded shit
> "hey, what's with all these retards lately?"
> got em !!

>setting is a dystopian future full of degenerates
Bring them to Jesus

Attached: CAP111[1].jpg (720x576, 31K)

>pre-ordering at all
>spending cash on uselss shit
>calling me a poorfag
Keep seething, Ranjit.

Attached: 1559679374778.png (1673x2160, 1.26M)

Sit on a roadspike and twist you braindead troglodyte, nobody gives a fuck about you or your snarky gatekeeping bullshit

Every time I see this image I'm amazed at how they removed all that detail. It genuinely feels like making the rest of the assets to finish Novigrad would have been faster.


maybe the devs will start listening to you if you sperg some more
oh wait, they won't

>Arkham City
About the same but maybe slightly worse as at least the sandbox was fun in the beginning
>God of War
>Breath of the Wild

>snarky gatekeeping

Based Patchy dabbing on shills like this man typing between his tears Here we see the Twitter immigrant who thinks that the way to fit into Yea Forums is to make every post as vulgar as possible

oh he mad

Attached: 1555636176129.jpg (1080x1185, 146K)


I don't have a Twitter and I guarantee I've been on here longer than you have newfag

The "real game" part of the gif doesn't even look like the real game, lmao.

It has finally happened. Yea Forums is unironically dumber than reddit.

>Implying you aren't a newfag desperately trying to fit in
Again, kys

Don't get buttblasted poorboy. Maybe the game will be optimized well enough for you to run it on your 10 year old laptop.
Johnny Mnemonic is such an underrated movie. Also there was a gang or a faction like that in cyberpunk 2020 if i remember correctly.

> I've wasted more of my life shouting into the void than you
> therefore I'm right

pathetic t b h

Oh he very mad

Attached: 1559490855112.jpg (859x960, 224K)

only thing based ITT.

Attached: 1560132702388.png (603x716, 114K)

>STILL fucking seething that daytime exists

indeed he is

Attached: 1556192386165.png (476x476, 142K)

>n-no you

Attached: cdpr shills on suicide watch.jpg (1260x216, 43K)

>Why yes I preorder games from companies that I like because I want to support them, how could you tell?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

>Why yes I preorder games from companies that I like because I want to support them, how could you tell?

Attached: 1560692416760.webm (720x405, 2.61M)

You accuse me of being a Twitter immigrant, then you make fun of me for not being one and being a loser who's wasted over a decade in this shit hole. You wanna move those goalposts any further champ or just call it a day? You can't even keep your insults straight you blithering idiot

the no buying appartment thing really sucks. for me that was the last thing I needed to hear before dropping the game. first they cast meme actors and then they cater to trannies with the character creator. now they are cutting already announced features.

also they haven’t showed a single good looking female companion yet. the game isn’t made for straight men anymore so fuck cdpr and fuck this shit game

>companies that I like because I want to support them

super paint skill fagget now shitpost harder
based and cyberpilled

you can thank the no crunch movement for that




Attached: 1555855868594.png (785x1000, 254K)

That was me not him and I didn't present an accusation I presented a fact, I have zero doubts about it

>FaCeBoOk FrOG

Based and redpilled

based dolph lundgren preacher man returning trannies to the flock of the LORD

Attached: lundgren_dolph1[1].jpg (820x522, 26K)

>transparent "just give money to CDPR please" shilling
So this is what Cyberpunk threads have come to

>projecting this hard

Attached: 1560137196825.jpg (458x10000, 959K)

have sex

Yeah no u basically, it's obvious you are trying way too hard to fit in and it's sad. My advice would be to lurk moar instead of spouting off buzzwords that you learned your first week here, might help you fit in better

I didn't accuse you of being a twitter immigrant lol, there are multiple people who think you're a loser

Imagine thinking you are superior to someone else on 4channel, sad

Please refer to

im generally looking forward to cyberpunk 2077 but what the fuck is that box art? its just about the most boring and ugly box art ive seen in fucking years. holy shit, even just a plain fuckin picture of neon night city would have been infinitely cooler

Move out of Mom's house and decorate a real apartment.

seethe harder fagget shitposter
i bet that there will be a character based on the cyberpsycho preacher

This is some off the charts projection, unbelievable stuff right here

Ever since game sales went digital, box art has fallen off a cliff.

>I don't have an argument so I'll pull the projection card
Come back when you have something of substance to say retard

Zoomer lord coming through.

Attached: 1560147281829.png (730x485, 163K)

What sort of autistic loser gives a shit about an apartment in a video game? Go play sims if you care that much you fucking weirdo. Player housing has always sucked as a concept.

Attached: 1560225396017.jpg (1648x654, 370K)

I wish this place wasn't so loose with the R word.

Typical Yea Forums retards hating everything. I bet you fucking faggots will praise this game after 16th april. Have sex incels.

>excitement and excrement over cyberdung

Attached: 1560231139035.png (683x617, 125K)

Ok nigger, I'll be careful to not use the R word

put a dickgirl in your screenshot
SJW's trannies seethe
announce one day later that you will add playable trannies to character creator

Be Kojima
Add a sexy goddess with huge tits and wearing fishnets to your game
SJW's and trannies seethe
Call them retarded on your Twitter and release the game as it is

Attached: Kojima.jpg (1075x795, 174K)

Attached: V just live with the pain.png (700x800, 356K)


Attached: CC4AA85A-8E71-4C07-B1C5-3F627FB76012.jpg (828x611, 140K)

The steel books tho.

Attached: D9A5lESXkAAPUMB.png (720x405, 547K)

This, even if you are a big shot corpo you should still live in a shithole neighborhood because fuck player houses.

>"there is no way W3 will live up to the hype!"
>comes out as one of the best if not THE best game of all time

>"thee is no way CP2077 will live up to the hype!"

Attached: lmao.jpg (640x559, 23K)

>Zoomer lord
thanks for outing youself as a zoomer if it wasn't for you zoomers spamming this fortnite shit i would've never even known about it

Attached: scanned.gif (500x270, 823K)

Attached: D9A5mm0WwAAVp0J.png (720x405, 619K)

Yea Forums lives in an alternate world where Witcher wasn't amazing, but Souls games were good

He is a nice guy, had a tough life and is the worst actor on the planet! Breathtaking!

Attached: 1496542364938.webm (1024x426, 2.9M)

Attached: D9A5n0JXUAA3nrC.png (720x405, 601K)

>there are sentient creatures (subhumans) ITT who think anything CDPR has created has rivaled or will rival the first three MGS games

I'm loving all the


>professional complainers are available to be paid in order to "consult" you on your own project
fuck her and anyone like her

what sort of autism do you have that you post this seemingly meaningless post every Cyberpunk thread?
also MGS 3 has literally none of those things and I consider it the GOAT so....

This is true, I preordered the game after finding out John Wick is in it

Attached: 003.jpg (2000x1333, 270K)

>>comes out as one of the best if not THE best game of all time

Attached: D9A5o_7WwAAUsPO.png (720x405, 654K)

>here's your super deluxe edition, bro

Attached: 1559942280078.jpg (1748x1131, 1.15M)

what kind of references or Easter eggs they are going to add to the game i hope they add Language violation from Demolition man in the nicer parts of town

Join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: IMG_4748.jpg (1006x1024, 84K)

I just hope the PC version is delayed by a year

i hope all the art is included in the digital version even if i don't get the steelbook i hoope i can print myself some posters

neither was good

You need to go back

this, I want those shills to go mad af

I wish I could upvote you twice for this.

Metal Gear was always a garbage series, for the kind of low functioning autist that likes anime

Yea those are really nice imo too, but its not their artist, they comissioned this from some instagram guy. Curious about their own concept arts tho, so far its been pretty neat too.

Bloodborne is a better game than Witcher 3 in every single manner from story to art style to gameplay to soundtrack

They absolutely will.

Attached: ENG_product-page-addons.png (624x472, 53K)

bring me a complete character editor with nice sliders and exotics

Attached: exotics.jpg (1695x1744, 660K)

>console babies are so desperate that they hope for PC to fail
still not buying it on console and i've already preordered on GOG

based zoomer

Attached: 1560148341555.png (1200x630, 163K)

When I was a kid, I had an N64, but no concept of quality. So I had Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero as the best game, but never played Mario, or Zelda.

So I can kind of relate to your taste here. In a few years, you'll grow up, and see things differently.


Attached: indeks.jpg (276x182, 10K)

what is funny about this, is that mentally ill /pol/tard with a single digit IQ, accidentally made box art better than CDPR, even though I believe he was trying to make what /pol/tards think constitute a joke...?

>that res
Are you posting from your Switch, zoomer? Waiting in awe of W3?

Attached: 1560140880731.jpg (677x677, 295K)

no but I would love GoG and Epic exclusive to expose the valve shills.

top kek, unironically this

19 people gave Bloodborne an award? For what?

Taste is dead.


>Wintermute Pizzeria on the battle royale tropical island
lmao at fags who thought this game wouldn't be for hardcore cyberpunks

Attached: CP2077.png (372x342, 283K)

I mean you can hide behind your excuses but if you've played both games it's pretty clear cut which is the better experience. You can try all you want but we both know that in your heart you know Bloodborne is the superior game. Unique aesthetic, amazing storyline, and unlike TW3 the combat is fun to play.

It says print quality posters but those could be the posters we've seen so far.

>for what
best PS4 exclusive.
it was in the running against bloodborne and bloodborne.

I enjoyed W3 combat. I don't enjoy Souls combat, it feels like you need to have autism and nothing else going on in life to enjoy it.

But you know, if you like shitty games, more power to you. We all have our Mortal Kombat Mythologies, this can be yours.

>Kojima won without even lifting a finger

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I still wouldn't give it the nod. Give GOTY to a madkatz accessory or something.

>t. man who wants a future where you can become a furfag.

>I enjoyed W3 combat
And with that your opinion can be thrown directly into a landfill hopefully along with the rest of you

this kills the shill

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It sounds like you played videogames when you were younger, don't like them anymore, but haven't realized it yet.

Not necessary, it includes elves, orks, or a meta human modifications and you don't need to be all the way with the animal ones

I just want an exotic gf, is that too much to ask in 2077?

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>I enjoyed W3 combat. I don't enjoy Souls combat

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no one in the entire world thinks bloodborne is better than W3. we get it, you have unreasonable hatred for witcher, but please try to vent it in a less embarassing way

This man wants a furry gf. Everyone make fun of him.

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Witcher feels fun. Souls feel try hard autist. Ninja Gaiden Black did everything Souls tries to do, but actually good, many years ago. From should rip it off.

But Witcher and Souls are two different games. The comparison only comes up because Yea Forums has a room temperature IQ, and thinks all gamefeel should converge on a single point. No wonder the industry left you idiots behind.

I have pre-ordered the collector's edition day 1 because CDPR have an excellet track record, have never made a bad game, and have a fantastic approach to the developer-consumer relationship.

And there is nothing you seething neckbeards can do about it :)

Attached: cdpr_logo.png (1281x801, 348K)

she have less fur than you, mammalet!

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Both are shit desu. In both you can spam dodge-roll to escape most of the shit.

>no one in the entire world thinks bloodborne is better than W3
I apologize but then everyone in the entire world is wrong. It is an objective fact that Bloodborne is better than Witcher 3. There is not one category in which Witcher 3 is better than Bloodborne.
Graphics? Bloodborne's unique art style obliterates TW3.
Soundtrack? Again, Bloodborne's unique darkly gothic soundtrack is way better than Witcher 3's generic fantasy music.
Gameplay? Absolutely not.
Story? The only place TW3 puts up a fight and it's still not close.

Based and redpilled

imagine watching reaction videos, out of hate, to create collages to post, or otherwise and thinking anyone on the great would give a shit what you have to say.

How's your break btw?

Witcher 3 beats it in everything, especially graphics, music (witcher 3 has kino soundtrack), and story. Gameplay was they are not comparable, witcher 3 is open world.

This is what he does full time


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Bloodborne has better combat. But I will forever thinks soulsborne games are shit until they implement a map. I want fun boas fights not fucking running in circles for hours to get to the wrong place.

Where is your proof? I also have preordered on GOG and i have my proof with me.

Attached: proof.jpg (1091x323, 58K)

Fucking hell, r/gaming is out in full force today.
Btw, Poland is one of the most conservative and religious countries in the world, glad to see so many people ready to pour dozens of millions of dollars into it.

You can seethe all you want, you cannot stop the future.

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go back

Trannies are seething about this though not incels. Are trannies incels?

>future full of games centered around celebs
c-can't wait...


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Are traps gay? Maybe you have empirical experience so I'm asking you.

slavs have negro IQ so it isn't really surprising


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Car song from the trailer if anyone wants it Steady – Blouses

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Poles are Sarmatian, not Slavic.

That instrumental is fire.

This, but unironically.

Largely, yeah. Trannies and Yea Forums have a lot in common.

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Not even in the top 50 in amazon this game gonna flop

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We won, Yea Forums!

Nah, they're all poorfag NEETs who will pirate it and in the meantime salivate over every piece of information or gameplay video all while falseflagging at best or willingly participating in threads of games they dislike on their favorite website since 2016, Yea Forums.
See? Starting already.

What a chad.

Is that only god forgives movie?

>mentally ill /pol/tard
>muh boxart
Your criticism is noted and appreciated, tranny.

too old to die young, its a show but still pure refnkino

Its going to be boring crap praised by the journos and zoomers like RDR2

Yo! Samefag! Make sure to give me another (You) before you hit the cuckshed! Thanks, be seeing ya!

But he's a manlet.

we can mod it and make it less gay

These threads are reaching critical mass of shitposting and retardation.
Its become a self sustaining superstorm.
I anticipate than in one months time every single post in every cyberpunk game is going to be "seething" "dilate" or "tranny".

It really is impressive how absolutely terrible these are.
These are bar none the worst threads I have ever see in 12 years of using this site.

Except modding support won't be there on launch and we won't know for certain if it will come later on.

Yes with the kit that based CDPR will provide us like they did with Witcher 3 right


>not even top 50 a year from release
imagine that

you forgot to link you resetera profile, tranny

Yeah, exactly like that.

how the fuck did this amoeba iq faggot gain any traction whatsoever on the internet? he's geniuenly one of the dumbest fucks i have ever had the displeasure of listening to

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internet blood sports and thats it.

We should've listened, Drizzy.

Sorry. I meant 99.4% of the population.

swapping character models shouldn't be that hard

No, Resetera, we won't do your dirty work. You're gonna have to sit, and suck it up at the nigger animals.

wtf I hate Keanu now


>>it doesn't have to be at night
>>it doesn't need to have good box art

Try reddit, people will surely upvote that.

Reminder that at least one studio which is less popular than CDP does the same and worse yet Yea Forums doesn't bat an eye and calls them based.
These threads concentrate most shills of Yea Forums, mainly trannies, which try to criticize the game because the developer is not SJW enough and because it isn't, effectively playing two sides towards the same goal. SJW twitter overlords are rubbing their hands already

At this point they might as well sign an exclusivity deal with epic.

It's just a generic insult like "faggot" or "cuck"

>hurr fuck this arbitrary grading system, let me tell you what I give MGS3
have sex

I didn't like TW2 or 3, probably won't like 2077 either. The best games won't win awards since they're usually indie games every year

Cyberpunk then
>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
Cyberpunk now
>I want a purple sky and an anime waifu in a maid dress and she has neon lines on her skin because she's a cyborg also she has no clothes

sad truth

>and an anime waifu in a maid dress and she has neon lines on her skin because she's a cyborg
and you don't?

The whiplash of "Finally a AAA game that's sticking it to SJWs!" to "Why would I even think about touching this queer fantasy sim?!" is pretty goofy.

I love the exploration in those games so much that your opinion is making me mad over here

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I mean, yes, but not really in my cyberpunk (unless it's anime, but at that point who really gives a shit because they play fast and loose with everything)

TW3 is boring as fuck. I'd replay dark souls 2 before playing tw3 again. Series went to complete shit after the first game

if Yea Forums wanted to sabotage cyberpunk, just help push the hype to a point where the game can't deliver. then the release backlash will follow

already debunked, sorry.
>there is day/night cycle and weather system
>the city is big with 6 main district, each one of those has sub-districts and there are badlands outside of the city
>There are classess actually tied to the gameplay play styles you prefer, you has solo which you can branch and play as strong solo focused on strenght or fast solo focused on agility, you can play as netrunner, focus on hacking, you can play as techie focus on engineering, robots etc, You can also mix all of these.
>Many interiors are accessible, and you can explore them vertically, the idea is that where is content you can go there
>The cutomization options are actually good and deep; you can cutomize your looks, your gender, you can customize your backstory which affect dialogues choices, you can customize your body with cyberware, nervous system, chest, legs, hands, you also can change your clothing, you can customize your weapons; with silencer for example and other elements, depending on weapon.
>The C&C system and dialogue choices will be obviously great like in every their previous game, and the dialogue system seems to be even improved compared to their previous games, look at the first gameplay demo and you will see what im talking about.
>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
>The environment are partially destructible
>Graphics looks good. especially the crowds and the scale of the game
>75 % of the dev team are Poles, all the directing people are practially poles, and most of them were responsible for Witcher 3 or previous their games
>It is Role Playing games, you have C&C, dialogue options, backstory you can choose that affect dialogues, you has levels, skills, perks and attributes, heavy character customization, you can play the game differently, melee, guns, stealth, hacking, engineering

stay mad

>mainly trannies, which try to criticize the game because the developer is not SJW enough
I have seen twitter screenshots of hardcore leftists retards but I haven't seen a single unironic post saying the dev is no sjw enough.

based and piratepilled

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Post some links senpai

Being a manlet isn't just about being short. It's about being an insecure faggot about being short.

>t. manlet

Good, CDPR dont care about pirates, pirates help to market their games. It will sell anyway, dont worry about that.

And it’s going to be generic GTA shit.

it's /r/Yea Forums frog, baste Donaldbro!

>don't care about pirates
>one of their devs went on KAT and begged them to buy their game

What links, if you want talk about video game u should have knowledge about what this game is about, and what features has?

you're here to debunk his claims senpai how about you go and actually do that by posting some sources


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Well it was normal dev, the CEO's Marcin Iwinski and Adam Kicinski doesnt give a single fuck about it. This game will be day one on GOG and piratebay, who cares? Definitely not them, like i said before the game will sell better than Witcher 3, a lot of better.

>already debunked, sorry.
that's not debunking, that's just what some rando posted yesterday tho
>there is (..)weather system
>the city (...)with 6 main district, each one of those has sub-districts and there are badlands outside of the city
this doesn't prove it's big, and where is the proof of badlands? and how big districts are

>There are classess
this idiot doesn't even know classes were removed

>The C&C system and dialogue choices will be obviously great (...)first gameplay demo and you will see what im talking about.
the game is being changed from the demo

>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example

proof? and again they are cutting stuff out of the game

>Graphics looks good. especially the crowds and the scale of the game

>It is Role Playing game

It's not anymore per CDPR description, it s' a "action adventure" game

Attached: 1526804867451.png (225x258, 111K)

multiple sources from interviews and other available information about the game.

And you come here just to state the obvious then? wow you must be one of 'em high IQ polish subhuman monkeys

/v hates this game, must be GotY.

Attached: 469.jpg (489x499, 27K)

fine go ahead and link them sources then senpai

>multiple sources from interviews and other available information about the game.
I see. You haven't kept up with the changes like pic related

Attached: ohnonononono.jpg (693x165, 17K)

Google it, all the informations all from available sources. Not my problem that you know nothing about the game and try to shitpost. It is Role Playing Game, check steam, check gog.
The game is more of a RPG than any previous CDPR game, and doesnt matter how they market the game, the features and mechanics they are implementing speak for themselves.

>In the demo, we've seen the character level and the "street cred" stat. What is it about and how to increase it?
>In general, the character development works like this - we have levels which give us access to "points"; we can assign those points to strength, intelligence, etc. Those are the traits that increase our "abilities/perks limit". The second part are the abilities - using heavy weapons, melee weapons, hacking, etc. Those can be advanced through particular activities, for example the more you shoot, the more skill assigned to that weapon type increases. Street cred is earned through completing missions (the way you complete them is the factor as well) and it gives you access to new missions. But the fame has its cost, so there are situations in which you would rather remain anonymous, but if you have high street cred, the people recognize you.

Plus the game has
>heavy character customization, u can customize look, gender,clothing
>u can customize your character with augumentations; nervous system, chest, hands, legs,
>u can customize you weapons; silencer etc.. depending on weapon you use
>you have much more freedom in gameplay than in Witcher 3; u can play as fast strenght focused solo, u can play as fast agility focused solo, u can play as hacker, u can play as engineer, u can stealth the entire games without killing anyone, different spect will unlock you different paths of the game
>branching storyline
>Choices & Consequences


based. let incels scream into the void.
they will never matter and they will never have sex

>>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
>proof? and again they are cutting stuff out of the game
One of the Tomaszkiewicz interviews. Not sure if it was the YongYea one or the one in polish.

>Google it
This isn't your twitter or facebook fren but here have a frog

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I know about this, they never promised customizable houses, so that isnt even a change. The only change is *maybe* that there wont be multiple houses.

I just wish V had a shittier, grungier apartment that didn't have multiple rooms. You should be living in a shitty studio with everything just a few feet apart.

>Google it
we *know* what they said over 7y in interviews dipshit

We're saying there's no PROOF of it and that they are REMOVING features every single day

It's not even a RPG anymore, see pic related:
They even removed childhood hero btw

ergo meaningless outdated PR with no proof whatsoever


>We're saying there's no PROOF of it and that they are REMOVING features every single day

>added nonlethal playthroughs
>they are removing features everyday

Okay retard.

think about the planet dumbass

Attached: 1535382525226.png (1500x1125, 743K)

imagine this seething over confirmed features, imagine being this ignorant and trying to talk about Cyberpunk without reading about the game. Check GOG, Check Steam; the game is RPG, they implemented tons of RPG mechanics, they implemented dialogues tree with Choice & Consequences. They didnt removed childhood hero, they replaced it with Lifepath, which wasnt in last DEMO.

The thought of customiseable apartments (which was never promised) never even crossed my mind. Wow, I can't put up a poster or play dressup with my flat. Game ruined huh.

And it's still going to suck, adding further proof that normalfags have no taste.

This is good point; so the stuff right now is:
They added:
>Non lethal playthroughs
>Lifepaths influencing dialogues and interaction with characters (Street Kid, Corpo, Nomad)
They removed:
>Childhood heroes (replaced with Lifepaths)
>Multiple Houses, which still couldbe in the game tied to storyline (progressing storyline will give you different houses for example)

So far its 50/50

>imagine this seething
do u even know what the word means?
u seem to be very low IQ and ESL

Why would I "seethe"?

>over confirmed features
the stuff they are cutting was CONFIRMED too brainlet

>imagine being this ignorant and trying to talk about Cyberpunk without reading about the game.
I know more than you

>Check GOG, Check Steam;
Okay? those aren't changed yet, see pic related:
>the game is RPG,
action adventure
>they implemented tons of RPG mechanics,
as much as Far Cry, or maybe less, is that an RPG?

> they implemented dialogues tree with Choice & Consequences.
oh wow! like
>try to blow dude

>They didnt removed childhood hero
they literally did
>they replaced it with Lifepath, which wasnt in last DEMO.
they removed childhood hero and everyone will get Keanu, and renamed "background" to "lifepath"

liar brainlet coping shill

>open world

aaand we've gone full circle

Lifepath actually is closer to the original game, so I'm absolutely fine with them replacing a single choice with potentially more options. And who's to say aspirations, hero, etc won't be in there?

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He didn't say it will be good, he said it will be popular.

They just shill whatever the particular environment is going to buy.
>Too SJW - Yea Forums
>Not SJW enough - Twitter
It isn't about making it SJW, but about trying to deter as many people as possible from buying the game. By pandering to SJWs, you're not going to increase sales, maybe you're going to get more favorable reviews from them or alienate anti-SJWs because you caved in AND the SJWs because jews are vengeful like that.

none of the shitposters have ever touched cyberpunk 2020 so don't expect them to know what you are talking about

Honestly why can't you nu-Yea Forums faggots tell these marketing threads?

When discussing any games on this fucking board at all gets dismissed as "marketing" we might as well delete this place now.

This is the exact style of marketing Ubisoft employs here. Just start a thread saying how much Yea Forums will hate game x because latest outrage and you queers can't help but take the bait.

lifepath was already in called differently
and whether u're fine or not with changes, there have been changes which shills are denying and only admit when forced to

>"I can't say any specific numbers right now, but currently the pre-order numbers are way higher than they ever were for The Witcher 3" said Marcin Iwinski, joint-CEO of CD Projekt

Wtf bros... I thought the game was going to flop due to their transphopic tweets...?

Reminder that there's no transgender option in the character creatior but it is a story choice that gives you some unique dialogue, probably something about changing bodies in the past.

People are overreacting like crazy.

Attached: 1541019648301.jpg (2048x2732, 513K)

No one cares about Ubisoft games though.

>j-just shut up goy
>its nothing

>that ass

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I believe it has something to do with popularity and production values, to some degree. Lower profile studios can get a free pass, because they're not big enough to compete with anyone, while bigger productions can hijack a lot of consumers, so they get shilled against and shilled for. Just compare threads about CP2077 with threads about more niche games with similar devs.

lmao that shows nothing

No, it's not a story choice. It's just the ability to assign any voice and any body type to either gender.

This game marketing is god level. There is no universe in which this game can actually flop sales wise.

I'm confused. I thought Yea Forums loved this game like 2 months ago. What happened.


Why are people assuming tranny option would be a bad thing, it'll be a hot tranny not a twitter tranny

Incels? It's the SJW's that are against this game. They're already boycotting it.

Lies and Zoomer Reeves.

Trannies would be extinct in a world like Cyberpunk where anyone can be fully male or female, retard.

Attached: 1551691536563.jpg (563x751, 94K)

But they won. You can play as a tranny now.

I'm sure it'll be a solid game. But CDPR hasn't made a game I've enjoyed yet, so I'll pass until there's a complete edition on sale

>For example, we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman.
>Or nonbinary. The idea is to mix all of those up, to give them to the players, as they would like to build it. Same goes for the voice. We wanted to separate this out, so the players can choose it freely.

Yes. That is specifically what they have STATED.

>beards on women and makeup on men
woah this is crazy guys, asians have been doing this for decades already

Keanu Reeves is associated with Zoomers? Bill and Ted and the Matrix movies were before Zoomer's were old enough to understand movies.

>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
really? can someone sauce me up on this can't be true W3 had them it can't be worse than W3 SHIT

>posting this in every thread

Nobody associates him with those old flicks now. Are you living under a rock?

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CDPR keeps backtracking promises


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That's why I'm saying it's not a big deal. It's just more highly customizable characters. No one is going to comment on you being "trans" you'll just have whatever features you choose and people will call you by whichever pronoun your gender is, but your gender just won't lock you into any particular body types or options.

If you watch some of the old Witcher 3 dev talks, its the same really. Rinse and repeat. At least people are waking up to their little ponzi scheme.

Based and sovietpilled

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Not having your gender being chosen with body would be retarded. Trannies barely exist in cyberpunk anyway, just futa.

>people mad about trannies

I'd understand if this was a medieval fantasy like the Witcher, but this is fucking cyberpunk. Are people seriously delusional in thinking that setting wouldn't have trannies?

It's a lot of pages. I'll dump the rest.

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The burden of proof is on since he was the retard making them in the first place, retard

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We ARE cyberpunk

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You've seen the second page here

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What you people don’t realize is that the moment they put trannies in the game is the moment you can slaughter them.

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>Trannies barely exist in cyberpunk anyway
There's plenty of cyberpunk media with stories about characters getting new bodies of the opposite gender. But why does it matter if they just make all the character options not locked into gender? It's not as if stats are gender-dependent either. You're literally just complaining about being given more options.

There's no transition when you can just swap bodies.

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White gamer boys literally created cyberpunk as a genre, this dumb faggot.

Please list them because I don't really recall it being that big a deal aside from being inferred and such in some works on the side. Plus this again has nothing to do with modern political transsexualism.

wow how can someone being this wrong?

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lmao already proven check the thread
try harder

>Do you want to be a massive faggot?
>[ ]Yes
Apparently, some of people on Yea Forums find it that hard

reposting from the other thread

Attached: 4145145135.jpg (808x1705, 433K)

>Devs getting rid of superfluous meme features to strengthen the core game

Based. Day 1.

Contentcucks and Immersispergs stay out.

>want to be a woman so bad you cut your dick off
>desperately need a transgender option in the character creation instead of just picking female like you always wanted
Really makes me think

GitS:SAC has an episode about a woman who's obsessed with Saito and gets a body that's a copy of his and tries to kill him.
Altered Carbon has references to people using opposite-gendered sleeves.
I'm certain there are more but I'm working off the top of my head right now. You're right that it's usually portrayed as pretty common/casual and not a huge deal, but that also perfectly fits with being able to design your male or female character to look like whatever you want and people just not making a big deal out of it.

Name one

There are only two genders.

Yeah, I don't fucking get it, either. Transgenderism used to be about becoming the opposite gender completely, now it seems they want their own special class of genders for some stupid reason and form their identity around being trans rather than around just engaging in society as the opposite gender entirely.

what did he say anyway? the original thread is locked and i dont see anything other than replies

The box art is SHIT

Attached: maxmike.jpg (619x598, 89K)

this they didn't even try

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It’s coming to switch right?

Ask that in 5 years.

That's fine. I'm just arguing against people saying it's a reflection of transgender politics of the last decade or so (either as a 'this is for us' or 'this is shit') idea.

Also Altered Carbon is more classic SF not cyberpunk but I'll just leave it there.

>Everybody keeps talking about being Rockerboys or Corpos as if going from one extreme to the other
>Nobody talking about the nuances of being a Media or a Cop in a world like Cyberpunk

Which is sad since I didn't play the tabletop and I wanted to know how deep they go into these classes. Like, do Media actually protect the truth or are the just lapdogs of the Corps? Same thing for the cops, can you actually be Judge Dredd in the corrupt world of 2020?

Sorry zoom zoom, maybe after half a decade.

>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
ding ding! ASSBLASTED right wing incel detected.
the rest is just him nitpicking because of this

>can you actually be Judge Dredd in the corrupt world of 2020
This is what I wanted to know as well. Very disappointed.

By what metric does it not have good graphics?

By GTA V's.

Attached: 1559933659370.jpg (450x437, 87K)

Get woke go broke.


Do you not understand how a Pen and Paper RPG work? Your GM and the players create a story together and you can do anything.

You can do all of those things because the story is written by the GM and the GM has ultimate authority over what's allowed.

Never played on, but I know the basics. There are settings and rules, right? You can't just make a wizard that shoots squirrels out his fingers in Cyberpunk, I imagine you can't just make a character that goes against the settings and rules.

Simple, he's a tranny.


Attached: 1560677524367.png (659x268, 36K)

That would mean it gets cracked first week. And they say piracy is dead.

We're talking about CP2020 the tabletop RPG, fag.

Source on the already announced features being cut? Can't find any. I keep reading people talking about this and I want to show a friend the source.

Were you under the impression cyberpunk 2077 was a tabletop rpg?

>CDPR game
Are you stupid, son?

Attached: GOG-logo.jpg (850x447, 68K)

what is his name? i bet there's a bunch of lewd fanart by now

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.


>galaxy download only
Calling it now.

dumb and delusional tranny

That would go against their premise of Galaxy being optional. Regardless, the game files will have no DRM and will be freely copied just like EVERY GOG game.

/pol/ is retarded
Resetera discord trannies are equally retarded
I want both sides to fuck off and die.

thanks, unfortunately there's no lewds of him yet wtf

>natural and unnatural

Stop posting this. Yes retard, I've seen you post this here at least 3 other times. It's embarrassing.

user don't be rude, you'll make Pondsmith upset with your shitposting.

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It's not just one person. It's a whole group of people who are basically /trannypol/ and think they're fighting some kind of moral war for the hearts and minds of Yea Forums by spreading this weird and bad attempt at propaganda.

The rules and setting can be twisted. Your Night City doesn't have to be my Night City and your players will likely imagine something different. And there are fan made supplements and such for that sort of thing too as well as Fantasy/Paranoia/etc crossover modules.

I hate trannies more than nazis because trannies legitimately are causing people to get arrested and free speech to be suppressed in my country while nazis just larp online.


Hell you might not even play in Night City. Make up your own city, use an existing one, use the sourcebooks, or don't. It's all up to you. That's the power of a tabletop rpg, you can do what you want.

>it's another tranny psyop post

He was ironic. He hates this shithole as any other.

>t. tranny

SEETHING falseflagger getting called out. You'll never be a women.

you've been called out long ago dumb resetera tranny shill:

>fighting some kind of moral war
Discord trannies aren't here for that. They're weeding out the loneliest anons they can who fap to trannies, getting them to wear a dress or stick a dildo up their ass if they want entry to the "discord full of traps waiting for your cock" and take a picture and send it to them.
At which point they blackmail you saying they will send your pics to your friends and family unless you start taking HRT.
These people literally need executed.

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Oh yeah, you just reminded me this piece of shit is fucking first person.

Yeah, fuck this game.

I don't get this webm. Why is nobody reacting to the gundshots?

Because the movie is dogshit.

>Calling someone a tranny means your from resetera now
Go back dumb nigger.

Because they have silencers and it's fun.

Go back to resetera dumb tranny.

Are you telling me all the writers, the actors, the persons on set and the director think this is how guns work? Put a silencer on it and suddenly they're down to 5db?

How is this shitty scene Keanu's fault? It's retarded to begin with.


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It's true he's a bad actor, though.

>"n-no u"

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What about the actual guns and the walls getting blasted off? Them even having that fight inside a crowd at that distance straight up doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

him being in it doesn't matter, he's still bad and that part of the movie was dumb af

>it's fun

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cringe and yikespilled

my point was bia criteria of what makes a good game is completely off basis based on my personal taste since appearantly tonnes of games I love should be shit. Including my favourite game of all time, which is widely accepted as a great game by different swathes of the community. suggesting his pasta is dumb as fuck. though maybe that user can go write for IGN and let me know if it has too much water or not.

This. A toast to CDPR my friends!

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>actually taking that seriously

so glad I'm not a literal faggot/homosexual. Gonna enjoy the fuck out of this game

>FaCeBoOk FrOG

Threads like these remind me why I only come to this shithole for Pathologic threads.

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>how to spot the gg newfag who got lost and ended up on the wrong board
>this entire post
>doesn't discuss vidya
>muhhh trannies.

>Trannies on suicide watch

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I feel like there are less and less games we can actually talk about here. Can't even post about fucking shenmue now.

fuck trannies

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i remember all the threads shitting on witcher 3. it's still one of the best rpgs to date.

not everything is perfect but you don't need to be bipolar in your opinions on everything

Its just a some bread lost its way there, bro.

So this... is the power of discord trannies... woah...

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>witcher 3

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>it will go down in gaming history as one of the best RPG's of all time.
I just wish the gameplay will be above average. That has always been the sore point of their games

>Altered Carbon is more classic SF not cyberpunk
It focuses on class disparity, technology and unfettered capitalism's role in creating that disparity, and how consciousness transferring affects perceptions of identity and the self. It's certainly cyberpunk.


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You facebook frog posting shills are hopeless.

I wonder how sustainable CDPR's development cycle is. Going all in on one uber AAA title for release every five years.

Just seems like one Spirit Within-esque failure could fuck them hard.

I feel like Yea Forums judges games solely on the complexity of combat mechanics and based on popularity. A moviegame is fine if it is obscure. but a CRPG is bad if it is popular since neither dark souls nor DMC combat is not the focus.

>witcher 3
I bet you think JRPGs are rpgs too.

>balder's gate

lol, no. you don't even know what an rpg is

witcher 3 hasn't even "gone down in gaming history as one of the best RPG's (sic) of all time"


Be honest with me lads, do I stand a chance

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>the game uses RTX

Tranny shit in Cyberpunk is something I'm fine with. As long as it fits the overall setting there's nothing wrong with it. Of course you'd have all sorts of sexual degeneracy in a setting where people can augment their bodies with technology.

That's the point as long as it's not forced it's fine.

Attached: Cyberpunk2077_Beautiful_and_deadly_RGB.0.jpg (1200x800, 77K)

fucking normies

>that I like

It's not cyberpunk and you should read more cyberpunk.

>games on console
>1060 most popular GPU on the market (weaker than a 980)

If you're going for 1080p, I wouldn't be worried

there was no "one of" necessary.

Should be fine for mid details 1080p. Remember this shit is still coming out on the PS4 so it's not going to be that much more hardware demanding than Witcher 3.

>using Jewvidia gimmicks
I bet you used hairworks in Witcher 3

>Straight up telling the haters to fuck off
Unconditionally based and redpilled Mike Pondsmith.

I hope we can meet this chick in game and ask what's the purpose of her mouth cyberware. What does it do?

No it shouldn't be there at all and cyberpunk should be about pure christian values.

Fuck that shit hairworks off unironically looks better.

Hairworks just gives Geralt flying spaghetti hair. RTX is also a fucking meme.

I bet you think battletech is an rpg lol

1060 is very slightly better.

So this... is the power of resetera trannies... woah...

witcher 3 was latched onto for graphics fagging despite having downgraded graphcs in the first place
no on will ever discuss it in 15 years because unremarkable

You're forgetting the first episode of GITs they were able to kidnap the politician becuase he liked to switch bodies with female prostitutes so he could get fucked by his aids. I don't know if he was a closet tranny but he liked to be a women and get fucked by dudes.