Stop playing porn games. Better play a healthy game like Yugioh Duel Links
Stop playing porn games. Better play a healthy game like Yugioh Duel Links
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fuck off nerd
>mobile shit
Card games aren't even remotely interesting.
Honor is my anti drug.
>this is your brain on porn addiction
It's okay, it's a chads game anyways
Im shit at card games and my phone sucks
I'll reinstall if you hit me up with that fat sauce.
Why is the imagination so much better than straight nudity?
>I duel without drugs
I guess that explains why Kaiba always jobbed. He was into marijuana. Based Yugi
What went wrong?
Nobody uses either.
I found the gacha aspect of Duel Links boring. Just takes too long to get anywhere without forking up money.
I think I've seen this chick somewhere. Gimme dat sauce
She looks gross anyway
>stupid goy, play my pay to win gacha
I still own a Revovler dragon bruh
>Will send your ass to hell over a card game
>Marijuana is bad, though
I miss dunking it out with my frens, six samurais was top era.
You didn't check him out
Anyone else think that Kaiba was the cooler character when they watched this show or is that a supremely popular opinion? I was never the Yea Forums type.
You gonna give me sauce or what faggot?
Newfag idiot
Thats a guy, isnt it?
Everybody thinks Kaiba is the cooler character.
Atem is popular because he's the protagonist, but worldwide everyone has extremely positive opinions for Kaiba and Jou. Fujoshits prefer Bakura and Malik, but their taste is shit anyways. A niche part of Yea Forums prefers Isis because "brown mommy waifu".
>"Stop having sex. Eat shit instead!"
Wonderful advice, OP.
For me, it's Kaito
That isnt sauce retard
I would. but Duel Links is more expensive than the TCG. even if decks are eay more expensive to build in the vrains era.
not happening. I'm just wainting for vrains to end
I dont wanna be the king of games, i wanna fuck slutty women.
Use image search, you stupid Facebook nigger.
That trap is so ugly why is he used for these memes
>15$ deck in duel links
>400$ or more in TGC
Porn games are too much work for little pay off
Based retard
>One is real
>One is not
Heard it in the dub voice
I'm not the one too retarded to use basic internet functions, you digital vegetable
>healthy game
>Yugioh Duel Links
Dude, it's pure cancer
I can trade cards in the real life
I can sell cards in real life
I can see which store or person has the best prices on the same card
and building an good deck in duel links doesn't cost only ten dollars you faggot
Your imagination ignores all the flaws/imperfections you don't want
Red-Eyes is only ten dollars
I found sauce its ultraimagesearch
That isn't close to true for relinquished. It was used a lot and it is still used a lot until recently.
Imagine getting turned on by that yellow creature. Kys
The TCG has been cheaper than it ever has been in years. You could build a tier one deck for more or less $70 these days.
ultraviolet darling