my fucking normie of a friend is getting visibly upset over the fact that Banjo got picked over Steve for smash, he has resorted to hitting me whenever I fucking mention it. How pathetic do you have to be?
He hits me
just suck his dick
You have to be 18.
Establish dominance.
Have sex.
Fucking that desperate to roast stevefags that you have to make up child playground stories
>He hits me when I talk about smash!!!!
Sounds like autism to me.
Not normal at all.
>He wanted a minecraft character.
Yeah, genuine autism.
He wants the D, child.
I stream and I got this one dude always showing up. He hates banjo with a passion now. I hate zoomers. Can't even stream banjo without him getting visibly upset over it.
Who would've thought, Steve-Chads were the true alphas all along?
Have gay sex with him (no homo)
I always knew Banjofags were lil bitches. I'll deck you if you ever cross my path, faggot.
Based Stevechad establishing his dominance over a Banjoke
>waah waaah he hit me
stop being a queer, hit him back
Is this the gay friends thread?
And stay down cereal box banjonigger
>Banjie gets bullied by his autistic friend
Put his peepee in your butt.
Maybe he's the creator of that ugly steve model? Check the project folders on his PC
Stick your dick down his throat and say "Steve had no chance you fucking faggot" as his eyes tear up
That's kinda hot.