Stadia: ITT This Shit was Fucking Successful

I don't think any of us has thought about the long term side effects from this shit yet.

>Stadia releases
>It's manageable and overtime gets better
>Hardware Purist wont ever touch
>Zoomers and the kids behind them will move to Stadia
>All of Brazil will move to Stadia since 99% of them play games on toasters
>All normalfags will move to Stadia since they don't understand basic computer hardware
>boomers with kids will buy their children a Stadia
>Microsoft and SONY will more than likely release a mid generation stadia box of their own
>Tablet market is booming again since people are buying 4K Tablets specifically for Stadia for on the go 4K gaming
>Since people are now playing on Tablets or 4k Phones mobile gaming will grew
>Companies will start selling their product exclusively through the cloud as a means of anti piracy
>All DRM software is kill since there is no need for it
>Pirating games will become a memory of the past
>Hardware market will actual increase in sales rather than die down since people are spending more money on standard store floor hardware
>standard hardware pricing will increase overtime

If Stadia is successful it will be the end of our gaming era and that includes some zoomers too. We will literally be kicked out the gaming industry unless we adapt the new age.

Attached: google-stadia-logo-with-controller.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 54K)

You're implying normies give a fuck about Stadia

Bro it's Google. What normie doesn't know about Google? They own Youtube and Twitch too.

You and google have too much confidence on the internet.
The truth is that internet is sold like cocaine, the pure, stable, 100% bandwidth internet is expensive as fuck.
When you buy internet, it is dilluted with caching servers, with people not using the whole bandwidth the whole time, with shaping, invisible and visible data caps.
And something like Stadia is a 100% uncacheable content that use a shitton of bandwidth.

>Google owns Twitch

I forgot Amazon owns Twitch and Google was trying to buy it at one time. They'll just partner with twitchfags.

You are retarded, huemonkeys and normalfags play games like fortnite and league of legends
Stadia and streaming trash will fail

Stadia is DOA. If it can't handle VR, it can't handle pancake games.
The response times are demonstrably trash. Anyone claiming otherwise is trash at games.

An error you're making is that you're assuming that retarded zoomers are interested at all in AAA titles instead of just playing what ever garbage virtual casino comes next.

We all said the same thing about Mobile Games. How they aren't "real games" and then look what happened. The different here is that is a big fucking company with a lot of money. And when you've got a lot of money you got a lot of power to force people into buying your shit even if it's shit. see: EA's past 10 years of shit.

No one doubted that those would work.
We just got fucking disgusted at the inevitable future.

What happens if that virtual casino is only on stadia?

You must have forgotten all about google glasses and google+.
Google is just successful because they spent years building monopolies, but any new idea turns out to just be crud.

I would point out the example of Google+ to refute that view, but I doubt you even remember it ever existed.

Hi google shill. How much do they pay you to shill here?

have fun pushing stadia to all the USA areas with shit internet and getting cockblocked by time warner or comcast preventing better isps or service

>All of Brazil will move to Stadia since 99% of them play games on toasters
Nigger how?
I am in Brazil and I ask you: how would I move to Stadia if the servers will hardly be located in Brazil? Imagine the latency

If they let you link your game library to Steam then they could potentially have a market.
As it stands it's just another storefront that can charge whatever they like and you lose everything if it's shut down next year.

Unless the Stadia is extremely successful at launch, devs aren't going to port their games to it which will kill it quickly.


Stadia doesn't even need dedicated hardware, you're an idiot. Current boxes are already capable of streaming 4k at low cost, what's missing is bandwidth

Definitely doable, Shield already works that way.

Seriously question: have any of you ever streamed you games to another computer via stream? I've done it a few times and never had any problems. I even did this with counterstrke and had no problems killing scrubs. What's the difference between doing that and stadia?

Why would it be?
It's just cheaper to make it just run on the phone itself, given you can get away with garbage 2D graphics everytime.

This is streaming from a server in another part of the country through your internet. It will be slower than over a local network.

>what's the difference between streaming on my home network vs over the internet?
big brained question

EA can shit out shit and still be successful because they have a monopoly on life simulators. I fucking wish there were devs who would male life sims which are not just porn.

Did you did it over the internet?

>via stream

Shill post

You fags are forgetting the saving grace.

Google ALWAYS abandons products unless they're 100% successful. They will abandon this too in time leaving everyone high and dry

Every single google side project has been an absolute failure. When people see a google product they think “cheap garbage for emerging markets”.

Other people get around 35k to post here. But they are shitskins as well.

I legit hope this failed because if it's successful it would make me hate gaming even more than ever. But you fags said the same shit about Mobile gaming and I trusted you. Then all the companies I loved shutdown console divisions in the company just to open up a fucking Mobile Game division. This shit gives me PTSD.