Everything we did.
Everything we gave.
What was it all for?
>guys you have to form a line!
>Get in line or I'll report you!
i'm gonna make a duskwight elezen and there's nothing you can do about it
>RNG is flavor, bad RNG means that good RNG feels better. I understand nobody enjoys tremendously bad RNG but there is some variance that creates enjoyability.
There's a time and place for it and raid dps buffs is not that. Again I'll keep going back to this, imagine if you cast Helios and it just decides to do nothing 1 out of 10 times and this was the time where you really needed to heal people and the raid wipes.
Nothing you could have done to avoid or prevent it, you just wipe, because of luck.
That isn't acceptable.
Reminder none of this would have happened if you'd never formed the Crystal Braves
enjoy atrocious animations
the player-imposed "queue" for the solo duty quest at the beginning of stormblood.
Why does the pirate class use greataxes instead of pistols and swords?
Rhauban EX, people were furious whenever someone tried to skip the "queue" and just spammed the instance until it worked.
I'm so excited to see Arbert again, even if it's just echo flashbacks. I actually really liked him.
>yunxia is basically china
>the people living there are japanese
how did SE get away with this imperialist fantasy?
It was impossible to see who was "skipping" the queue anyway. There were so many players that half or more always got culled from view.
Guys, I'm worried. Now that Mr. Happy has been (unjustly) kicked from his static, how will he get a group to run and figure out the fights so he can bring us the guide?
Reposting because this is important.
The lore reason is that axes can be used to hook onto and scale the sides of ships and to smash shit apart. But there was a Musketeer class planned that never made it in. Rostnsthal in the MCH questline still uses it and he dual wields a hatchet and a matchlock pistol.
>Everything that threatens to destroy the world after 2.0 happened solely because Alphinaud and WoL tried to start a free company
This thread was posted first
Where that we haven't been do you most want to see? Hard mode: no Garlemald.
i want to farm rathalos extreme but nobody fucking wants to in my FC. its annoying.
How the fuck can we stop him, lorebros? The lorelets are laughing at us. My lore books are worthless now.
Do most statics figure out the mechanics on their own or do they just follow a mrbrappy guide as soon as it comes out?
Is Yoshi teasing us with this because our equip is going to be obsolete hours after launch again?
i don't get it
That's what scares me as well. We should have an accesory primal, but the weapon primal should be the badass lightsent warrior, not some kawaii uguu uwu fairy desu.
Mr. Happy got kicked for bad DPS. Just watch MTQ, she is actually good at the game and isn't a cuck.
I want to pet Tataru!
I want to hug Lyse!
I want to put a baby in Alisaie's womb!
This game isn't very difficult.
Every mount will be able to fly, and thus swim, in 5.0. The elbst's lore says that the webbing on its feet was clipped so it can't swim.
He can do it in the same way MTQ does it.
Just have a team of other players figure out the content so he can make guides based on their recordings.
Innocence isn't a primal you nerd
Invite him to your static, that way you can get net famous and teach the rest of us how to play the game!
i'm gonna enjoy fucking your mother
She is equally as terrible. The time I tried watching her she was talking bout how she loved ast changes, but leveling ast in POTD and asking chat what the cards do.
They usually follow so e sort of guide. Some mechanics aren't that intuitive so your carefully scheduled group of eight will be spending that many more hours in tedium and confusion wiping and figuring out why
Primal or not, it's the level 77 trial.
Seems very inefficient to draw your world maps with clouds on them.
>Not wanting Fey style weapons
What a massive faggot you are, holy shit.
Thavnair, Sharlayan, New world.
My static usually does blind program for the first two fights of a raid tier, but then text guides are almost always available within the first few days, so we grab those to streamline things.
This almost always ends up with us having weird, non-pug friendly strats though.
-Old Sharlyan for lore
-Meracydia for Miqo'te homeland
-That place covered by shorud in this map that seems to have a colossal person/thing carrying a spear
>she is actually good at the game
Jesus man. You're just as bad as the mr.happy fanboys. Don't you have any shame?
Ironheart was a visionary and realized he could sell map DLC to adventurers
>The Paladin section of the lorebook has lore on Flash
>Getting removed in 5.0
Go shove the Elfin Bow up your ass you little twink.
That was never the case with AST cards, although I still agree with you, making them completely rng isn't very good
Here's a video of the line on Ultros. Now imagine it on Balmung.
People were pitching absolute fits in shout and some autist actually e-yelled at me for bringing a mob over when everyone is at aggro level. Mobs were just following everyone running past.
He started a free company, we just had to help him advertise it, and keep the goobers from dying
Post your ultimate clear
>he wants Fey style weapons
So they could've added better bad RNG protection or ways to burn cards in a manner that created buffs people wanted. Again just going the complete opposite direction is not enjoyable either.
We didn't have a line on Balmung. We just did FATEs, leveled gatherers and crafters and leveled sam and red mage in potd
Are squadrons worth working on at all?
>That was never the case with AST cards
It certainly could have been in some fights, I already gave the example of breaking Omega's shield. Huge difference doing with and without buffs. Doesn't just affect the AST either, the whole raid needs to adjust to you failing to get the right combo at the right time.
>friend of mine has been gone for a month with moving and IRl shit
>comes back to get instantly jailed in-game
>mod says they're getting temp banned due to "offense"
>won't disclose the information
>friend is in the EU so he's using their GDPR law to fuck over SE support
People talk about not needing to communicate in MMO's these days because they don't "need" to. That's wrong. People don't talk in MMO's because they're AFRAID they might "offend" someone and get banned. And let's face it, most people won't go through all the legal bullshit to fight a ban. This shit is exactly why i never speak a word to anyone in-game. Although let's be real here, soon enough you'll get banned for emoting lol overwatch
you fuck outta here I'm getting that fairy-themed white mage cane and there's nothing you can do about it
Pre-empted you already, Dragoon is harder than Ninja because of animation locks and Elusive Jump not letting you teleport anywhere. Now for all the rest of them: Samurai is harder than Ninja because of the amount of optimization separating a good Samurai from a bad one, compared to a Ninja being functional even if his trick attack doesn't hit anybody else's burst-windows. Monk is harder than Ninja because of having to constantly hit positionals that aren't just the boss's sphincter, especially if you're an autist and do the TK rotation (Armor Crush is something you do once or twice every once in a while, nowhere near the frequency of Monk's flank attacks).
Summoner is harder because of optimization and cast-times and having an at least dim awareness that you should be keeping your pet on Obey. Black Mage is harder because of the sheer commitment involved to its cast-bars and positioning. Red Mage is easier than Ninja because you don't have to commit to a single thing.
Bard is harder than Ninja or about as easy depending on if RNG likes you. Machinist is harder than Ninja because of the autistic lining up of procs and oGCDs for the best possible Wildfire.
Ninja's not hard dude, other people are what make Ninja hard because you're bending over to support them because that's the Trick slave life.
Not really. The only real benefit is a pointless GC rank and a handful of exercise emotes.
Obviously there's tons of areas in Ilsabard that could be explored without needing to dive into the heartland of Garlemald. Other than that, Meracydia. Also what the fuck goes on in Aerslaent, does that place have any lore attached to it?
o/ salut
level 3 FC buffs but with no FC requirement
>Also what the fuck goes on in Aerslaent, does that place have any lore attached to it?
I'm pretty sure it's where the sea wolf Roes are from.
>I-I'm just an innocent player h-honest!
I bet your friend dropped several niggerbombs not even thinking anything about it and got reported for it.
>People don't talk in MMO's because they're AFRAID they might "offend" someone
Yep, I stopped communicating in the game altogether when that rule revision came out a few months ago.
>Although let's be real here, soon enough you'll get banned for emoting
You already can. The same week that rule revision happened some guy on Balmung got a warning for /petting some stuck up whore who reported him.
Set up a party-finder and pray. Blue Mage parties still fill pretty quickly here on Crystal, setting up a Rath EX party ought to go smoothly.
Old Sharlayan and Aerslaent (and Thavnair) for nerdy boat adventures with the twins and a bunch of rowdy Roe sailors. Meracydia to tame the black heart of the jungle. I daresay it's the Eorzean's Burden to bring culture to these savages. And then finally the New World to tame the savage peoples of an entirely new continent.
I just want to go on a crazy, religious pilgrimage with the Scions, and tame these wild peoples with the voice of god.
>repeating the same rotation is hard because uhhh it's hard
opinion discarded, twicefold because of your retarded Yea Forums meme reaction image
Aerslaent is the Roegadyn homeland.
>Also what the fuck goes on in Aerslaent, does that place have any lore attached to it?
The Roegadyn homeland. The founders of Limsa came from there fleeing a tyrant king. That's about all we know though.
>Full fairy themed SCH glams
No, they didn't. That was fake.
Literally went and did FATEs and job quests, and some entrepreneurs that made it far enough ferried people across the gap so they could do FATEs in the higher leveled half of the map.
>Yep, I stopped communicating in the game altogether when that rule revision came out a few months ago.
I haven't gone that far because I generally don't say offensive things anyway but over the past few years I have adopted the habit of avoiding pronouns altogether. Since people are touchy about gender I just stick to proper nouns exclusively.
>call people retarded nigger faggots in public chat
>cry about it when you get slapped on the wrist by GMs
why are 4channelers so dumb?
>Meracydia to tame the black heart of the jungle
Isn't Meracydia mostly wasteland like Australia?
>associate tells me their friend was banned over something stupid
>admits they were being racist
It's almost as though the entire game populace isn't Yea Forums
>Doing anima quest line
>Have everything gathered and done up until terpander
>Game is forcing me to run 3 heavenward dungeons (hard)
>Cant solo it as a bard
>Need people to run it with me
>Hour long queues for each dungeon
Just fuck my shit up.
People who haven't personally interacted with you might buy that, Sophia. But I know what a rotten, stuck-up cunt you are.
Did this actually happen?
Trick is literally the only thing hard about Ninja and that's only if your group cares about lining up windows.
I will never understand how can fanboys be so fucking delusional. Mr happy has an ultimate clear too, but hold on a second, you just implied he is not good at the game. Now you're asking for ultimate clear to prove skill because people shat on MTQ. What is this called? Oh that's right, hypocrisy. The juice in which fanboys run on.
We fall
Yeah, it was a jungle in the Allagan era but Bahamut and the war turned it into the Australian outback.
Imagine being both bad at the game and also not having any friends.
Yelling the nigger word in a public space is still a novelty to most of the internet
there's nothing hard about it. 60 seconds pass, you trick attack
We tumble
All of the places. Also new world
Will YoshiP kill off Urianger as an act of revenge?
Is it possible to solo Coils of Bahamut? I just want to see this shit but literally no one is queueing for them.
Up to T9, yes.
>Guardian turns to shoot it's rockets at you
pssh, nuthing personel meatbag
start up a PF for a 'Coil Cutscene run' and do it unsynced
you'll get a few people easily, as people are stockpiling tomes
Underagefags are the worst.
Does this mean that GEO will be possible since they change lore so much?
I feel like the Scions have too many characters that can be summarized with "the smart guy/girl", I hope that they can differentiate Urianger's personality a little more.
dont let his dreams be dreams
he just has to put his mind to it and embrace the aether or whatever
To be fair, these big companies take it too far in the opposite direction. Twitch recently started banning people for using the word Naga in public.
Explain the crafting changes to me like the dumbass I am.
GEO is already possible. Only lorelets think otherwise.
Same way they get away with revisionist history
>a group of scholars from a highly academic society
you shouldn't be surprised that they're all smart, and that they all speak with the same accent and vernacular
you have to be 18 to post here
Ok, and why is this a big deal all of a sudden? Almost every mount can fly right now anyway
I think we should be more concerned with shit like flying behemoths and coeurls.
This. Thavnair is like this mystical Arabian Nights place we've been hearing about and getting all this exotic shit from for years yet it's otherwise shrouded in mystery.
they're adding Steady Hand 2 and the good Byregots Blessing to all crafters. There's also a really good ui change that gives you the exact number that progress or quality will increase
meanwhile ...
Gee I wonder what that word is being substituted for.
based tommy
There's nothing stopping them adding GEO with the current lore. They're not just "weeb conjurers/astrologians" like people say, there are similarities but they're distinct enough to be a separate job. The AST quests give barely any details on Geomancers in reality, so there's still tons of room to differentiate them.
she cute
I bought the starters edition 5 days ago and just reached lvl 30 BLM, any tips?
GEO is highly likely now because of how they've moved WHM away from elemental magic.
Well she technically isn't from Sharlayan like the others, she was just pretending to be.
People die in the story and if you don't want to know who they are you should probably leave and go play the game.
>People actually, unironically, in 100% seriousness want another fucking White Mage job
>When we could have something like Chemist instead
If you stay in ice all the time you never run out of mp.
your rotation is going to change significantly when you get fire 3 and blizzard 3, which is soon. when you get both, ask the NN or just any random black mage you see the proper way to proceed
who buys vendor dyes from mb?
>buy stack of 99
>relist what you don't need
of course, my brain is normal and not retarded so
I feel he is quite well defined. He is the "Researcher" of the group. Obviously to be part of the original "Circle of Knowing" you needed to be pretty fucking smart (Lyse not withstanding) but Urianger seems to keep himself to the shadows and does deep research where Y'shtola and Krile are more "Field" technicians. They like to get involved and make direct obervations rather than go pouring through books
I think its a reputation dye, I don't see it at the city vendors
undercutting wars sometime have them under vendor price, and i don't want to teleport
I haven't heard anything that wouldn't make chemist anything but white mage minus ogcds that would be wasted to "mix"
She grew up in Sharlayan from the age of 5. She's just an idiot. Reminder her illiterate older sister who was only there for a few years achieved Archon status and this retard couldn't do it when she grew up there.
don't use freeze or blizzard 2
You'll be using blizzard 3 into fire 3 to change elements
They're just catering to their increasingly childlike fanbase. People are stuck in a mentally stunted form and can't handle any "naughty" words or criticism. They actually have breakdowns over this. People in this very thread have that same mentality and consider it normal.
But isn't ice signifacntly weaker than fire?
I don't think the WoL's intelligence ever has any impact whatsoever. I mean, we got to sit at a war council with the greatest powers in the realms while we could be as dumb as a rock.
So I guess there's no room for them being anything but, sans Lyse who is indeed as dumb as a rock.
Calculator for quality/progress now built in, and they're trying to cut down on omnicrafting a bit by giving everyone Byregot's Blessing and Steady Hand 2. On top of that they're changing how HQ mats work a bit so there aren't autistic rotations guaranteeing a 100% HQ result from full normal-quality materials, it'll be more worthwhile to go pick up the HQ materials.
Soot black is crafted so people inflate the price to retarded levels, same thing with the pigments used to make them. I keep a bunch of pigments in my chocobo saddlebags to sidestep the jewing if I need crafted dyes.
So what do I do with materia VI now? Just transmute them and hope I get somthing that isn't a primary stat?
New mount gaijin, spend that money on amazon.
Probably the same people who buy the 12k wedding tights you can get from Ul'dah for 50k on the MB.
It was probably shitpost, change to ice when you run out of MP.
Speaks like a chuuni ass motherfucker
Not even ancient Allagans, or an oldie like Louisoix talk like him
But we have Chemist. It's just an ALChemist.
that "retard" liberated Ala Mhigo, something her sister and father couldn't
What do you think the sixth zone will be? I'm betting the light-scorched wastes
I would if I was Amerifat
People that refuse to aoe in dungeons should be classified as less than subhuman.
>another gun job
no thanks
Do you think we'll get Gaius trash-talk back now that he's on our side?
Sometimes the WoL is pretty sharp, like immediately recognizing Gaius. Other times he's dumb as a rock. It's whatever the writers want.
I don't think wastes would be that important not to spoil, they even showed it with Eden.
>tfw we will never hug Alisaie because of lalafell limitations
WoL does exactly that, and everything works out well for them
I just want one healer that males can play without looking like a complete homosexual.
Urianger is a shameless chuuni LARPer. You can't really fault him on it when he's put his LARPing skills to great use twice now.
>made Nael waste resources by sending her on a wild goose chase by pretending to be one of the Sixth Umbral Era Archons
>saved two worlds at once and fucked Shadownigger plans by pretending to be a Warrior of Darkness
>get cucked by the fees
If I do a simple:
/ac "x"
/ac "y"
etc. macro, does it prioritize the skill that I input first (in this case "x")?
We already have chemist you fag
Yes after the WoL cleared all the rocks from her path.
healing a is woman's job. they made that clear
But Scholar already exists.
>tfw MMOs have decided Melee Healers are just not allowed
It hurts. I miss my Warrior Priest/Bear Shaman.
Why do healers have to be shitty mages when they aren't healing, who asked for this?
Yes. Macros execute 1 line per frame.
Yes, it goes down the list in the exact order attempting to execute things.
>He waits for guides to clear content
>liberated Ala Mhigo
lmfao Lysefags need to be shot
Scholars literally have a pet fairy. They are gay af.
That's your hot faerie assistant
Sounds more like her sister was a genius
don't worry, it's not actually swimming, it's channeling aether to move its body through water
I always pet any girl cats at the end of any instance.
>uh my healer should also be able to be strong, high dps melee, and be able to heal an army at the same time and wear plate armor and have no spell fail chance
cleric fags need to go back to their broken games.
Fairies are the manliest companion choice.
deez nuts
*unzips dick*
that's one of the reasons why i like him urianger. too bad Y'shtola is getting so much attention so they have to make her powerful
They're your hot secretary and full-body handjob givers.
>not using a macro to auto-click Raubahn and taking a little nap
Haha fucking losers and their """""queue""""
finest piece of ass this side of Garlemald
This is the real man who liberated Ala Mhigo, not some double digit IQ blonde whore.
Where my Ilbros at?
Post more rare Ilberds.
Probably the only way you're ever gonna touch a pussy.
Dead, like him
>taking a little nap
>mfw getting in with 3 mins of clicking
become what you must
I own 3 cats so.
>mfw I can be a GNBchad soon
Right here bro, ready and waiting for the Dark Knight expansion.
Neither of the classes I mentioned were high dps or wore plate. I could say the Lotro Captain too which was a healer that was also melee, yet he did wear the equivalent of plate for that game.
Why do all healers need to be ranged casters? DNC could've fit as a melee healer without really having to imagine some wild scenario to do so.
And you can wear this while riding the robot frog. And be a ninja casting lava frog.
Last time I leveled Samurai first, this time Im doing it again with Dancer.
But if there's another fucking Raubahn shit im jumping ship to gatherers instead of waiting there like a fucking ape
>Not getting through the instance on the first try and then offering your 2-seater mount as a taxi service for millions of gil to smuggle other people to the other side of the canyon
Stormblood: Namazu/Otters
ShadBringers: Frogs/???
I remember folks that couldn't even fly yet would just stick their two seated through the wall, so folks could click them and jump off on the other side without having to move at all.
Nu Mou
>last night on crystal mateus
>erp auction where a bunch of cats and au-ra were auctioned off to the highest bidder for erp purposes
That funky black camel-chocobo is going to be a MSQ mount right?
Yeah, almost certainly. We know it's player-earnable at least because Yoshi had one in the Live letter.
Most likely, seems they're the First's answer to chocobos since they're Amano art chocobos
Yoshida said it was
Oh it's that mount I've used a combined 10 minutes over the years but it's black.
No. New mount...
What's gay about this?
>Amano art chocobos
Anyone got a pic of the robo frog mount from the live letter?
Yda got her Archon status with a specialty in hand-to-hand combat. It doesn't need to be in a strictly academic area. Thancred also got his in survival and information gathering. That makes it all the more embarrassing that Lyse couldn't manage to get one in ANYTHING.
>Absolutely critical to the plot and the ultimate conclusion to both 1.0 and 2.0
>Less than 10% of players have ever been able to play it, if counting players who started after HW the numbers are probably below 1%
Is there a solution?
Nice preview bro.
>Alph, I'm already a Shadowbringerâ„¢
Exclusivity user. Don't you like lording over peasants a year later with lines they can't join in on and mounts never on mog station?
You are in your servers top 300, right?
New world YEEHAW
Everyone can play it though. Casuals need to stop being shitters.
That was almost impossible though, it takes far too long to get to the other end of the Fringes
You'd have to beat Lakshimi too, which meant lvl 67+
Not really any solution besides enforcing it in the MSQ or tying event rewards to running it synced, and that'd be kinda painful with the lv. 50 kit of a lot of jobs since they're designed to be played at 70-80. Currently there's just a huge Bahamut-patterned roar just after 2.0's conclusion that even clues you in on it being a thing.
whats going to be the most chad class in Shadowniggers?
Coil roulette. Required for MSQ.
>b-but it's too hard
Brainlets will be filtered.
Ishgard... Home.
>>Less than 10% of players have ever been able to play it, if counting players who started after HW the numbers are probably below 1%
I'm sure way more people than that have cleared it due to unsyncing now. And their solution now is to make normal mode 8man pretty forgiving.
> paying extra fees
> not retarded
Yeah, but this one is black.
The only thing I want is more snow zones.
Big dick BLM, SAM, MCH trio.
I'd genuinely appreciate this because I still haven't seen it. Nobody is doing it anymore.
>Eorzea shaped vaguely like Africa
>Garleans consider Eorzeans filthy savages
really makes you think
Least it was 'till the Black Rose fucked everything up.
But 8 mans already are pretty forgiving
Remind people it even exists. Imagine how many people would ignore CT to this day if it wasn't encouraged by the devs via lodestone and announcements.
You can get the toy Alexander without the moogle shit easy but jump potion babbies don't even know what Alexander is.
Here's today's shoes.
>Nukes your home
Nothing personell, wol-kun
it's just funny hahah who cares. A natural elbst would have really long webbed extremeties but the mount version is clipped because I guess they didn't want to figure how to animate one flopping around on flippers
so leveling roulette + hunts/fates until 61 -> HoH until 70 fastest for dnc and gnb?
I know it's supposed to be a joke but doing more damage than the rest of the party combined happens regularly in roulettes.
>under the new ToS, telling someone to DPS when they're not healing or to change to tank stance is a banable offense
>the result is Yoshi removing healers DPS and tankstances all together
Man the expansion itself seems fun but I'll have to be sure to disable any and all chats.
>made Nael waste resources by sending her on a wild goose chase by pretending to be one of the Sixth Umbral Era Archons
I don't remember this
Thanks Y'shtola.
I told you to gas the fucking MHIGGERS, you imbecile grandson!
Is it possible to solo the coils of bahamut at 70? Was thinking about attempting a solo try later and taking in all of the story and lore.
I fucking hope so I spent 3 million gil on /shiver
Innocence is a Sin Eater but for the sake of gameplay justifications, he's a Primal (drops relevant themed gear, has an EX trial, gets a funny looking themed animal mount). The same things could be said about the 4 Symbols, since they're not primals either.
Some of them but not all.
Just put up a PF for first time bonus unsync'd
You DO use the best minion, don't you?
In 1.0 Urianger and Nael would spawn at aetheryte camps controlled by GMs. Urianger would come and quote prophecy claiming to be one of the ancient archons, and then when Nael spawned in she would demand the players give her information about Urianger. He was just fucking with her the entire time.
Yoshi never played this quest apparently.
We might get Eureka shit down the line like the moogle items. Because who honestly runs Diadem anymore?
Outside people who know how to be millionaires.
Leveling is so god damn boring I want to level MCH but I just can't take it
There's a dedicated discord for Eureka, and they're laughing at the moogle tome plebs as it takes a lockout or two to get the pegasus mount.
easy pass for me. but fat chocobo was popular at one point. guess it makes sense its a eulmore chocobo
>get in dungeon
>turn on tank stance
>never say a word
>still get comms
All the time, yes.
Shit I meant Diadem.
is pre order worth it?
Here's your raid comp for the next two years bro.
why is everyone talking about tank stance suddenly
is it wrong to leave it on all the time?
Think about Eureka a year or 2 later though. Dedicated discord now but it wont last.
You'll still need to omnicraft. What this is doing is giving the two crafts that couldn't fit all the "required" cross-class shit into their 10 slots(since they had fewer native important abilities than the others) the means to do so.
bros I kind of want the mogstation flying carpet mount, talk me out of giving Yoshi P microtransaction money
I'm not very smart but I never understood the autism on clipping GCDs when in a realistic setting there's going to be lots of moments where you can't attack anyways when doing mechanics, and BLM literally breaths by clipping
>being part of a Discord dedicated to Diadem
That's no laughing matter. I feel sorry for those people.
Sorry, I missed your post.
>2 healers in a party
In the current game absolutely. In two weeks, only if it results in boss spin.
Turn it on to get aggro at the start of a fight.
Turn it off for more damage when aggro is secure since it imposes a damage penalty.
For the average player not really.
Tanks and Healers both had an easy mode of play and a "complex" mode of play.
Tank easy mode is just leaving the stance on or only dropping it if you are OT in a large group encounter. Complex mode is actually weaving stances to maximize DPS and trusting healers to catch you if you want to squeeze more damage in.
Healer easy mode is just healing and focusing on healthbars. Complex mode was using oGCDs to primarily heal and DPS as much as you can.
Tanks just lost their DPS stance so now you have Tank Stance or No Stance meaning your ability to do damage is simplified.
Healers got kneecapped because fuck you apparently.
So if intentionally leaving or disconnecting is a banable offence now, what's the point of the 30 minute wait timer if you leave? Why not just auto-ban me for having comcast?
You turn tank stance on when main tanking. off when you're not. That's pretty much it. There were other differences before, but with Shadowbringers the only difference between having tanking stance on and off is that you generate more emnity with it on, that's it.
Apparently Yoshi has said something about making Eureka vastly more accessible in ShB, for those who didn't do it in SB... But it's vague as fuck for the time being.
>not meta
>when it has the most numbers out of them all and has extremely powerful new Devotion
SMN will be in every world first, their players literally don't know how to not be at the top for even a single patch.
>Ilsabard was invaded and pillaged by Xalea
really makes you think
How do you plan on building lb in a nonstandard party comp when they are removing gain from critical healing?
No amount of nerfing will be enough unless it becomes fully soloable
for a while now people wanted Elbst to fly and swim. people would point to lore and say nope
On my server, there was no line at all. It was a free for all.
>with those potencies
Nah bro.
>MCH not in the cuckshed
Guys, he doesn't know
The DPS you gain from taking a 5th DPS instead of a second healer FAR outstrips the DPS you gain from the faster LB buildup.
I've never bothered with modding in this game, but all these pixies are going to need bigger tits.
o shit waddup
>(drops relevant themed gear, has an EX trial, gets a funny looking themed animal mount)
Source: your ass
WARbro, I think it's time to stop posting...
it's more that you can't reliably hq without those two skills and grinding up carpenter and culinarian before you can basically do anything is a pain
crafting your own leveling gear without too much fuss is a lot more reasonable, high end crafting will stay mostly the same
still suggested to keep it off for offtanking since getting to top of the list is still stupidly easy. They even made Provoke retard proof for the people that thought it did more than make you match lead aggro + 1 point just in case.
>He hasn't seen the E3 build
Seethe more WARkek. Hope you enjoy your stay with SCH-kun.
Nagxia is like southeast Asia right? Thailand and shit?
Yeah, the stuff we've seen from there so far is Vietnamese.
How fucking dumb are you?
you got them bro? Im gonna main gnb
>I've never bothered with modding in this game
You're missing out.
I would never shit on the man's artistic capabilities, but god damn is everything he makes ugly. I don't want him anywhere near in-game art production, unless it was going to be for something surreal/grotesque like Scorn.
>not meta
You know that holmgang still exists?
>being part of a Discord
Wait Yshtola died and was resurrected? I don't remember this. When did that happen?
I've never seen someone be so wrong.
i don't care about feet where are the ASS SLIDERS
I think you may be retarded
Does anybody have a clear image of the fixed tooltips? All I know is the LB is called gunmetal soul.
Y'shtola got washed away in the lifestream when she used her spell thingy at the end of ARR. You get her back (nude) but she's blind and using an ability that lets her 'see' aether is ticking away at her life. We dont' yet know the implications of Urianger calling her Matoya.
No? She used an ancient, imperfect teleport spell to get her and Thancred away from Ul'dah, but because of that she got lost in the Lifestream and began dissolving so she lost her eyesight.
What is the most aesthetic tank duo?
It is still much too broad to say. Solo healing will cut out of the solo healer's dps aswell, and right now healers are about half of a dps. That doesn't even get into the lb being required/optimal (aoe).
You only really get banned for patterns of behavior, not a one-off instance unless you're getting reported by shit-tons of people in a short timeframe. GMs do take things case-by-case, typically when somebody complains about getting banned they're not telling you part of the story.
When you're all ready for Shadowbringers just in time for Bloodstained
she never died, she cast a teleport spell when they had to escape uldah and she got lost in transit
not like games back then could emulate his style
PLD/DRK light/darkness duo
pld and drk hand down
No but I remember some if it helps?
>Gnashing Fang CD reduced by 5
>Sonic Break CD doubled, overall potency including initial hit tweaked to be 1000
>Heart of Light reduced to 10% and changed to magic damage only (dark missionary nerf incoming)
And that's it for now.
No sliders, but there's a wide enough variation of size for anyone.
Just not for all outfits.
DRK/PLD for Dark/Light contrast
GNB/WAR for chaotic neutral rip and tear
He's excellent for ephemeral locations and general "themeing" but I agree I wouldn't let him near character and art design with a ten foot pole.
Yes. mini-daughteru follows me around.
the classic war/pld
>game describes minion black chocobo as the world's first ever black chocobo and that it may be able to fly
>get to Ishgard and find out all of their chocobos are black, and can fly
What a gyp
You forgot the No Mercy buff to 20%.
It's huge considering it'll line up perfectly with every other ammo combo, the 60 second dot, the other CDs, and trick attack :^)
>i don't care about feet
You are missing out.
I like some of his art but I don't think his style registers well for anything past FF6 due to them getting normal art by that point and we can more clearly tell what we're actually looking at in-game.
Off yourself, freak.
What went wrong?
I would think that Heart of Light being 15% was fine. It's okay for it to be better than Passage of Arms because PLD also has Divine Veil. It's a choice between one bigger cooldown, or two smaller cooldowns which you can stack. Nerfing it to 10% just means that PLD's mitigation is way better now.
They ever start cleaning up their DDS files so all the view ranges are cooked in, instead of it phasing from the mod up close to the normal texture the instant you walk a little distance away?
They can't just let us bring Death into dungeons. That would be way too powerful. :^)
I like ugly duckling.
You literally see 8 people facing against him in combat. Hes a trial. Trials in this game have ex versions. Ex version trials have dropped mounts each expansion. None of this is up for debate. How is this hard to grasp?
It will not line up with Sonic Break user. SKS reduces the CD of Sonic Break, and it is already an attractive stat to stack for GNB due to also lowering the CD on Gnashing Fang, generating more cartridges, providing more brutal shell mitigation, and TP being gone.
In fairness little to nothing is known of Ishgard until you're actually there since they haven't given a toss about the rest of Eorzea since the beginning of the Dragonsong War
Useless, we don't know the final potencies or CDs.
As far as I know it all works fine using the DX11 LoD
I think only the level named death instantly kill people also mega death
you're going to have to hold either the ammo combo or no mercy to line them up because of skillspeed
Ishgard only closed their gates 14 years ago bro.
Name 5.0's expansion with an S_____ B_____ naming scheme because we know it's going to happen again to piss off anyone who likes using acronyms.
>not every outfit
but what's the point the- aw fuck it let's see
Haha yeah man the Chrysalis totally has an EX version and drops mounts and gear! Just like the Steps of Faith and Final Steps of Faith right? You sure showed me!
We got fair warning their idea of BLU would be way too particular and weird to allow anywhere close to raids, nobody listened and now everybody pretends Square Enix shot their dog.
>Farming mobs for material
>Their spawn points are spread apart and spawn time is slow
End me
Was that the weird red ring of daggers animation that hit an enemy when he says something about ALL THAT I HAVE AND MORE
>no no gaijin bru mage too powerfur
>everything is important immune to every blu gimmick
>game will die before it ever gets oceanic ping servers
I hate you guy for enjoying this without added lag
Second Beginnings, the Cata equivalent for XIV.
Oh I knew full well, I'm not pretending I was cheated or anything. I just wish it was done differently.
This IS 5.0 you fucking idiot.
The skillspeed meme build died with the E3 changes. All skill speed will do now is cause buff disalignment like it does on Dragoon. And everything will stick revolve around Trick Attack despite Yoshi trying to minimize meme synergy meta comps.
having a 5% chance to get spells from extreme trials is fun xD
So Yoshida is just Tanaka now?
It's always metafags on Yea Forums with the worst opinion,
Honestly even if they added an Australian datacenter I'd probably still just play on NA so I can get queues for anything. There's probably like one server worth of aussies in this game, tops.
Hello hi. I have a question.
I don't understand The First and The Source. I feel like I've paid well enough attention but I don't understand how it exists alongside us and how exactly we are going to it.
I feel very lost in the story because of this.
I also know this is Zenos but did they ever explain how he did this or are we waiting for post Shadowbringers to finally have anything come from this?
Option 1: BLU is only BLU in name and overall thematics, but not mechanics. You get monster skills by leveling up and doing job quests every 2 levels
Option 2: We get BLU more traditionally (Learn spells from monsters) but it can't play with regular party compositions for balancing sake
We got option 2 and it's not even very good.
>not having a combat retainer
When the fuck are they just going to remove Moggle Mog from trials and make it a single player duty? On no planet should the wipe be triggered twice. Fuck this playerbase so much.
>game dying any time soon
you can cheese at least aurum vale, which makes the dungeon almost bearable if you got 3 friends
Can someone redpill me on NIN? I;m torn between that and DRG.
I'll look for you in the green dps section.
>I don't understand The First and The Source
When Hydaelyn ripped Zodiark away from her, it sundered the universe into the Source and 13 copies of the Source. We play on the Source, and the First is the copy that exists closest to ours.
Ascians can move between each dimension because they've separated their souls from their bodies and that makes them 'small' enough in a metaphysical sense to slip between the boundaries. The Warriors of Darkness did the same, and that's how the Scions' souls got called there.
>did they ever explain how he did this
That's one of the Echo abilities. The thing the Ascians use to possess people.
Just try it
That only counts for the modern settings Nomura was main artist for.
Almost every monster/boss design in FF XIV is in Amano's style and it translates just fine, just like it did for FF XI.
blah blah Hyadelyn cut Zodiark off of her titty and in doing so created 13 alternate universes from The Source (the world we're in) with a scaling level of affinity towards Light and Darkness (First is tipped most towards Light, Thirteenth is tipped most towards Darkness).
Crystal Tower has some sort of cross dimensional blah blah blah because the World of Darkness Alliance Raid literally takes place within the Thirteenth Shard, which was engulfed by darkness and the inhabitants twisted into what we call Voidsent.
fuck. how are you supposed to beat rathalos ex? it keeps doing that fireball bullshit and you eventually run out of mega potions
The game being heavily themed after XI but strictly adhering to an MMO holy-trinity was BLU's death-warrant as far as raiding-endgame relevancy.
As soon as 8.2 releases, say goodbye to your wowrefugee friends.
It has a time and a place, and games can absolutely be built around his style, but merely inserting it(i.e., what SE does with his art) clashes horribly. What he does is something of a combination of light Surrealism and Rococo, and it's out of place just about anywhere not utterly devoted to it.
The Echo can be used to transcend your mortal coil and inhabit a new host body, it's shown off with that Sahagin Chieftan and is also what Ascians do since they also have the Echo, and what the Warriors of Darkness from the first do to visit the Source.
You can also seemingly do this but haven't had much reason to.
nin: fast gcd
drg: slow gcd
that is the main gameplay difference between them
The blue mage jihad strategy is pretty good at clearing up to bosses.
you wont get what you think you will if they do GEO
>Hydalin (The Source) Exists
>Zodiark shows up all in that bitch
>Hydalin yeets Zodiark out along with breaking off 13 reflections.
>The first, the closest to Hydalin gets flooded by light because of its proximity to Hydalin and distance from Zodiark (We've been to the 13th known as the World of Darkness/The Void)
Of course.
>both first trials from 2.0
Final Steps of Faith has an EX version you literal ape
>threads begged for option 2
>got it and threads kneejerked towards begging for option 1 post-release
Give PotD levels of EXP. Fixed.
12 days for early access
Hydaelyn and Zodiark used to be buttbuddy roommates. Eventually Hydaelyn got sick of Zodiark leaving the fridge open so she kicked him out into the crack addict housing project down the block.
When she did this her single apartment inexplicably turned into an apartment complex with 13 others just like it.
Zodiark's friends (Ascians) are mad at her for doing their friend dirty, so they are spilling milk in every apartment in the complex they can trying to get housing values depreciated so Hydaelyn has no choice but to let Zodiark back in. They have succeeded in getting 7 apartments foreclosed.
The 13th apartment has had the power shut off and there's nothing anyone can do about that anymore, but it isn't grounds for foreclosure.
The 1st apartment they got lazy with and just left the lights on. We are hydaelyn's pet dog and are going to that apartment to shut the lights off.
To figure out how we are going there, do the Crystal Tower questline.
Do you constantly like pressing buttons in an autistic flurry and fitting in as many presses within a single GCD? That's NIN. If you have shitty ping then people will suggest against it.
Get one other player and you can easily duo all of them. I just did it last week with a level 60 player.
You can also solo most of them, but you'll run into trouble on the higher floors, namely T8 and up. No reason not to just start soloing and get help when you need it though.
If you have more than 2 players, it becomes a faceroll. Avoid that.
two dark knights
Take them. Take them far away from us and never bring them back please
>literal BBC
what did yoshi mean by this
>Not smaller
I think I've found the most generic players in the entire game.
I challenge you fuckers to beat this.
Wow, stacks of 10 every 40 minutes. So innovative.
I tried NIN when I first started because I love RPG rogues and its animations look cool as fuck, but I was too much of a brainlet to keep up with all the shit it has to keep track of.
So the thirteenth shard is fucked (Voidsent) but it's not considered fucked in the sense of "returning to the source"?
I recall reading something about Igeyhorm fucking things up there, and not in a way good for the Ascians.
Because BWC came out 2 years ago
XIV seems to be fairly immune to the zoomer/streamer epidemic though.
WoW releasing 8.2 on the same day as XIV dropping 5.0 is the equivalent of you using sparklers to try and distract people from your neighbor's award winning fireworks display. Nobody cares bro.
>urianger VA actually getting work beyond fancy words in the waking sands
actually a pretty respectable replacement for Gideon Emery desu
Yeah, Igeyorhm taught the heroes there to trap primals in auracite and draw on their powers. But the primal energies leaked out and twisted the heroes. She won too hard and the Darkness flooded it and ate up the entire Lifestream. Without a Lifestream, it can't be rejoined into the Source. So she became Lahabrea's slave as penance.
Bought battlefield 1 for 5 bucks and it qualifies, so I get a free obese nigger chocobo too. Nice.
because the game is boring af to watch
So the trailer revealed that Zodiark and Hydaelyn are primals Does that mean we as the WoL are tempered?
Also I have lost most of my memory of ARR and HW but did they ever allude to Ascians being off worlders? I honestly can't remember. The closest I remember is one of them just hanging out on the Moon for no reason other than it made a cool cutscene.
>but it's not considered fucked in the sense of "returning to the source"?
It totally is, the Void is completely useless to either side since it can't be rejoined. It's essentially void of any useable aether. The same thing is happening to the First, but in the opposite alignment, it's getting bleached out of any useable aether.
yea and only the last boss is immune to halfing his life or setting hp to 1. cant remember the spell names atm
Correct. They need the shards to experience calamity level death events but not get completely fucked by light or dark. The void cannot be returned to the source as is. That dumb ascian bitch did her job too good and was punished for it by being made Lahabrea's slave.
And WoW isn't?
Shard 13 is the furthest from Hydaelyn, so it was naturally a lot more tilted towards darkness. Igayhorn gave its WoLs tainted aetherite that captured primal aether, but slowly corrupted them into primals themselves. Unukalhai is basically the protag from FF3, but he started his journey too late to kill the cloud of darkness and his whole world collapsed into the Void.
finna bap
Just because there was no E3 streamer reel doesn't mean they're not there.
Unfortunate there's not a lot of quality lore content creators.
You are extremely retarded.
Kek, good read
Catered to XI fags who wanted the class to be like XI. Now we have a literally useless class
Urianger used to be my least favorite scion because he was always in the background and didn't really do anything but after the galactic brain shit he pulled in 3.3 I loved him.
it must not be. look at the streamer audience sizes
>Does that mean we as the WoL are tempered?
No, there's no indication of that. Ysayle had both the Echo and the Blessing of Light and took actions that were directly harmful to Hydaelyn. It may be that Hydaelyn contacts Echo-users /because/ she doesn't want to temper them.
>Also I have lost most of my memory of ARR and HW but did they ever allude to Ascians being off worlders?
Yeah, Nabriales mentions that Lahabrea and Elidibus were able to ignore the Blessing's protection because they were born on the Source, meaning the other Ascians are foreign.
I found Urianger to be pretty boring at first. Just generic thou hast speaketh ye olde english guy.
Now I'm looking forward to more of him.
>every biological female plays a femlala
wtf you guys told me it was only pedos and memesters
So how can the Ascians even succeed when Igeyohrm already fucked up so bad that they can't even salvage it?
They were on the moon because the moon is where Zodiark is sealed.
I like the recent theory that the Ascians are people who lived before the Source and Shards split apart.
Yeah, no followers at all...
how are those mutually exclusive?
They only need one more Rejoining to wake up Zodiark. It seems to conflict with Lahabrea and Elidibus's stated goal of bringing the single original world back, but we'll probably find out why that is in a few weeks.
whoops, wrong patch, I meant 3.4
the post you replied to implies that WoW is fun to watch and FFXIV isn't
whats his end game?
So I feel like I understand the story very well but one thing I never understood, how did Urianger join the warriors of darkness in the post heavensward story?
There might be enough aether left over that they can summon Zodiark, even if partially or whatever aftereffect not having enough aether from rejoinings will have. They're currently in panic-mode salvaging their plans, and the First falling to light would probably be the total death-knell for summoning Zodiark.
the absolute state of the classic community
Allegedly Zodiark just needs one more world to go to shit to wake up, but maybe we will go to the void and restore the lifestream there somehow later.
We theoretically were tempered but we would have gotten over it around the time of middy telling us to get our shit together without crystal mom wiping our assholes constantly.
It should also be noted they're LIKE primals, not exactly primals. This is gods using god-talk to explain shit to people who genuinly wont understand it no matter what. Its intentional ambiguity to shake your brain around too since the fuck telling us this is a fucking asshatian.
>I like the recent theory that the Ascians are people who lived before the Source and Shards split apart.
That conflicts with Lahabrea, Elidibus, and Emet-Selch being special because they were born on the Source.
By being a chuuni larper
To prevent another flood of darkness on the source.
That's because XIV took the trannies
Why does everyone look so alike? It's like hundreds of RMT bots in a spot.
Elidibus figured he could recruit Urianger by showing him the Gerun Oracles and was talking to him throughout Heavensward. Urianger went along with it because he figured out a way to save the First and fuck Elidibus at the same time.
Because he spoke to Elidibus in the post ARR cutscenes, remember? He rused them into thinking he would join their side.
Don't worry about it, goy
>will never get to do crystal tower since it requires a minimum of 3 people and I have no friends
Will we have mascot limited job in ShB?
Femanon here, can confirm that it's true. All of my cis friends play Lalas as well.
Every tranny I've met is a cat girl.
>namazu-keychain katana gunblade
user those literally are RMT bots
Urianger is always thinking 20 steps ahead, he's the big brain.
>i'm supposed to remember everything that happened in the post ARR 100 quests time
>Ishgardians talking on and on about purging heretic scum
>while I'm riding all over the place on Shiva's steed
Just queue for it
Sin Eater change is said to be permanant. Let's say for story reasons this is true and we wont find a cure later. The same happened with the Void since all its denizens used to be people.
The Void is eternally fucked. It's been thousands upon thousands of years in absolute chaotic darkness. There's no fixing that. It would have to be literally wiped clean and remade from 0.
queue times aren't even that long right now
to be forgotten after being formally recruited as a scion because his storyline is optional
There are 15 Ascian leaders. 3 of them come from the Source, while the rest each come from one of the shards each, where they're in charge of the affairs of that shard. The Source Ascians, being Lahabrea, Elidibus and Emet-Selch(Solus zos Galvus) are more powerful and rank above the others. The Ascian of the First, Mitron, is already dead, killed by the Warriors of Darkness, so we won't be running into him there.
Made for sex.
now matter how much hrt you take you will never be a woman
>doing hard content synched
look buds I'm a DRG im never doing the hard content when its current
It looks like Zodiark needs 1 of each elemental Calamities in order to Awakened. Bahamut's calamity was apperently dark, now Solus is trying to find a way to make the one in ShB become a light aspected calamity.
Losing the 13th is not ideal, but he'll still awaken and probably will rejoin the rest of the Shards by himself
I hope something happens with Alphinaud this expansion.
I enjoy the theory that he's a time displaced Elidibus, though chances are that won't happen.
Was that sex?
>implying there isn't a singular final bastion of people living in the Void who have survived purely off of raw strength alone
You know it my nig
>all those bird farming parties
>clear Warring Triad EX for mentorship
>get Sophic birb first try
no matter how much hrt they take you will be obsessed
>he's a time displaced Elidibus
What a dumb fucking theory. There is literally zero basis for that.
Sounds like a good way to cause an aether implosion worse than anything happening currently.
I would actually dig this.
If they're all Hrothgar.
They have a "please please please do this content that nobody wants to do anymore" event going on right now, you'll be able to queue for it in a pretty short amount of time.
>Bahamut's calamity was apperently dark
Bahamut's was Astral according to the lore book. The planned Black Rose Calamity would probably be considered Umbral even if it's fueled by Light, because Astral/Umbral = Active/Passive.
Ahhhh. Good times. Fucking with the people in the line was the best.
So rare you get to see an entire server sperg the fuck out.
It is, from Ixal quests.
>Gaius van Baelsar's son
what shit? you have a god damn 70 second long buff, that you can wait forever to refresh, and you just need to throw out trick attack every 60 seconds? I mean unless you are doing something serious you dont even need to pay attention to when you throw out trick attack. Thats it what else is there to "track"?
Pippin tappin dat nightly, mah dude
That cutscene is one of my favorites in the game.
Maybe but it sounds REAL fucking interesting.