So are we going to have to wait until e3 2020 to even see this game?
So are we going to have to wait until e3 2020 to even see this game?
Beth are circling the toilet.
2020 will be the year of Starfield.
TES VI? You can wait 'till 2023...
What this user said
More like 2024.
2021 is going to be starfield with 2020 being a starfield teaser
Don't forget that even when it finally releases, you'll have to wait another year or so for there to be mods to put the game in a playable state.
why would they tease a fucking game half a decade before release? not to mention has to be added in
this is just completely unnecessary blueballing in my eyes
Todd said ten years.
Todd said it should be played for 10 years
10 at least
Hah. Space game is coming first, they probably haven't even started coding the next TES game.
>hey probably haven't even started coding the next TES game
game was in pre-production since F4 launch
inb4 Starfield is shit, either as a game, as a setting, or both
>In space, there are no ladders
Just play ESO lol
Game was in pre since Morrowind, half the guts of the last 3 TES games have been the same, why do people think this on will be any different? They're just going to saturate it with Ultra high res textures that still look like 512 textures somehow, shadows with jagged edges, infinite bloom, and magical effects that make everything they touch look like plastic toys.
The next game will be called Ebon Hammer.
Screen cap this.
He said he's skipping the next gen of consoles when it comes to TES.
I'm too fucking jaded to defend anything made by this studio, but I've actually seen them use photogrammetry for models, which automatically leaves anything they've made so far in the fucking dust in terms of visual fidelity.
Yes, in 5 years this is probably going to be industry standard, but it's glimmer of hope for BGS finally catching up with the rest for the first time since forever.
Imagine being this delusional. Go back to playing elder scrolls: blade, you fucking minecraft player
anyone else done with Bethesda?
No. They’re going to reopen this years e3 next week just to display this game
The thing you retards gotta understand is:
Don't get your hopes up for fuck's sake!
You'll buy their next game.
>buying video games
Imagine being this guy
>lying on the internet
keep hoping you faggot
Todd himself in the interview before E3 straight up said up.
also kys
2023 will be Starfield 76, the multiplayer game nobody wants.
what the fuck are you even trying to achieve here?
they literally show the game being developed in the last 2 minutes of ther 25th TES anniversary video
go fucking watch it and stop pretending to drop truth bombs when you're just fucking ignorant
I'm not "done" with them in that I still get excited for their next game, and will probably buy TES6 and Starfield unless they're total disaster zones.
However, waiting over a decade between TES games was something I really don't appreciate, and it's indicative of messed up priorities at Bethesda right now. Their marketing and PR team is absolute garbage and Pete Hines should be fired. They are pushing their fan base very close to resentment for a myriad of things from Skyrim's unplayability on PS3 to the recent Fallout disasters. If Starfield is bad, they're in serious trouble because the kids who bought Skyrim in 2011 will be grown ups with lives when TES6 drops around 2023, and all the intervening games between will have been bad. They will have effectively not produced a single quality product for an entire console generation, and that can't be good for retaining a fan base, especially an aging one.
>Pete Hines should be fired
*into the sun
Sounds cool, but knowing them they probably saved the photos as jpegs to save space.
Mainstream TES is dead. Long live Tamriel Rebuilt.
I just want to say that i fucking hate morrowind.
I just don't understand why people like it so much.
It's absolute unfun, shit combat, HORRIBLE enemy variety, enemies that lock on from a mile away (cliffracers anyone?)
It's just a giant fucking wasteland filled with fucking rocks and hills, god why is this game so ugly.
Maybe except Vivec, that city is pretty darn cool
The NPCs are soulless abominations, they LITERALLY DO NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. they have no "daily activites", and that bothers me so fucking much.
The same NPC could be standing in the same goddamn place for the entire day, and DO NOTHING.
Same with the npcs that walk outside, they are just fucking walking in circles, no interaction between them or shit like that.
Let's talk about the city Vivec, it's a cool city, I'll admit that, but again it's ruined by the godawful npcs, why couldn't they add npcs outside, maybe the npcs could have their market stand, maybe we could see tons of npcs roaming, talking to each others or buying stuff at the stands, maybe we could witness merchants with special stilttraders roaming around the water areas, or with boats....
>inb4 zoomer
Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 NOTR are and will always be 100 times better than Morrowind, FACT.
its an old game. its hard to appreciate outdated games out of their historical context
>The NPCs are soulless abominations, they LITERALLY DO NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. they have no "daily activites", and that bothers me so fucking much.
>The same NPC could be standing in the same goddamn place for the entire day, and DO NOTHING.
That just means you can squat in their houses and redecorate however you want.
nah you will see starfield next year and maybe TES6 will make an appearance in 2021 with a cinematic trailer or something but no release date
>Spaceship is just a hat on your character's head.
That was this gen you retard
a cinematic trailer is not a game
keep seething faggot
not an argument