Finally got me a good gaming PC, what are the best FPShootans I should be playing?

Finally got me a good gaming PC, what are the best FPShootans I should be playing?

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Quake 3

the game that only good pcs can run..what's that game again?


arma 3?

Insurgency co op
The original not sandstorm

r6 siege

you got tricked OP. im sorry. there are no good PC games.

Doom (1993)

Quake 1

He's looking for an FPS, not a LARP simulator.

Arma 2 or 3 depending on what you are looking for. Not as much as good games but they both have good mod support for your game to become different scenario with just few clicks.
Good milsim fps is Squad
Good ww2 fps is Red orchestra 2

Yeah, Titanfall 2 is actually an excellent recommendation

Team Fortress 2

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pic unrelated
Quake Live

TF2 and TF2

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Depends on if you want the best shooters ever made, or just the best ones to flex your new GPU muscles
>Serious Sam HD
>Painkiller black edition
>Duke Nukem 3d (with eduke32)
>Doom (using any port)
>Doom 2016
>return to castle Wolfenstein

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Squad or the newest Insurgency if you want tacticool shooters

mass effect 2 is the best tactical shooter out there.

that pic gave me nostalgia

those anons are right but you are about 2 years late for both of them

no u gleh

Every Valve Source Engine game.