What is it about Source games that made them so good?
What is it about Source games that made them so good?
Uncle Gabe's secret herbs and spices.
dedicated servers
server lists
server mods
game mods
multiplayer centric
too bad valve gutted everything with tf2 style killcams and matchmaking
the engine
Not the main thing, but I love the boxy buildings and clean lines on everything.
>nice clean graphics
>runs like a dream
I don't even like counterstrike or play it, but I have so much respect for this in an age of blurry shiny clay-like post processed dogshit
Quake related engine. Every game is litterally a Half Life 2 mod.
Chad physics engine. Impeccable netcode. Perfect movement system. Brush based maps just like the good old Quake days. Shots are precise as fuck.
I think this right here is where I'm at too, and also the textures they used. Still to this day, Gmod is more attractive in my eye than any other shooter.
all of this
this is what's missing from multiplayer games today