Do you have a gaming head?
Do you have a gaming head?
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No but I give gamers head hehehehueahuahuahauahuehuaheauheuaheuaheuahueahauehuhaeauehuaehauehauehuaehauehuehauehau
I use speakers like an adult
spiders live in my ear
*like a third worlder
>posting the shoop
He's a real life brainlet wojak.
Heavy fucking headphones
this is a meme and doesn't happen, similar to how women taking lots of dick does not cause them to become loose
I'm going to give you lots of dick.
Deformed LoL player
tyler is a fucking goofball
i love him
please tell me that is a photoshop
Is that real
That can't be right
Yeah it's gotta be fake
What race is this creature?
Actual brainlet.
does going to gym make your muscles loose?
It's a shoop
this post will destroy incels
there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to. morality, demurity, chastity, virginity are all spooks. be smart and you won't get an std or unwanted pregnancy. there's literally no consequence. if you want a few extra years to slut around before getting a husband just keep in shape and take care of your skin. the majority of women are obese trash who age themselves 10+ years. a well kept 30 year old looks better than an absolute slob 22 year old. by the time he learns your real age he'll already be hooked and it won't matter. "ah baby you're perfect, god you're so hot and fuck so good, but this number on this piece of paper is too high so I'm afraid I have to leave you and be single, bitter, and miserably lonely for another 5 years, by which time i'll be fat and balding and no woman will want me." yeah, nah.
further. i've fucked tons of married men and their wives quite obviously don't know jack shit. you can cheat on your partner very easily. again, have safe sex, no stds or pregnancies, and there is no possible consequence.
men only know your "number" if you tell them.
reminder that if men were as desired as women, they'd be even bigger sluts than we are. anyone saying female promiscuity is "bad" is bitter grapes personified. if you COULD fuck, you would. the term is "incel" not "volcel." if incels could become chad tomorrow and fuck 1000 people they would in a heartbeat.
>m-muh roast
there's no difference taking one dick 200 times or 200 dicks one time, or even a dildo 200 times. either way, that's not how anything works, you retarded incel mongrels. my pussy is picture perfect.
thios is wrong but headphones make you bald so enjoy your hair falling out
looks like prison school.
I have a gamer penis and saggy balls
Bwc with a moist pink uncut tip
>_____ makes you ______
do not read it starts decent but has the worst ending in any media ever
>my pussy is picture perfect.
I'd like to see proof. Or rather, cunny or gtfo.
Lol I have never seen a schizo roastie ever, until today
Your pussy may be perfect but you sound like an absolute asshole, like god damn. Do you even have a personality, or do you just pop your pussy for attention?
So what happened, he abandoned his gf for Hana?
Thanks for being an obnoxious cunt, also retards like you are the least adult and a laughing stock in general
imagine caring this much about what others think
just fuck people if that's what you want, really nobody cares
stop being insecure
Its a demon
just look at all its seething
eating food makes you shit
I use speakers because headphones make my ears uncomfortable and hot. I have surround sound but no games really take advantage of it. All my friends think I'm crazy but I don't like having something strapped to my head 24/7. Headphones are for porn and nothing else.
pls be real
>tfw I actually have this
i-it's not from the headset overuse right? that just happens? r-right?
laugh all you want, but he's got a self diagnosed IQ of 146
He looks like a slav to me
I rather jerk off than fuck a roastie with a condom
how that fuck does your skull cave in from headphones?
how the fuck does your skull cave in from anything short of inborn defect or a sledgehammer?
>gamer head
>gamer mark on my wrist
>gamer posture
>gamer body odor
Yep, I'm no casual
He is American, he is an octoroon
Eh. I'd rather be a seething demon that a massive cunt.
No, I have an afro that I have to keep picking every time I take my headphones off though.
I think you just have bad genes, bro.
But you already have a massive cunt....
>barnacle heads
the point is where the coronal suture is, at the fontanelle. it's a point of weakness so any pronged pressure can cause a change, certainly as a teen. would need more than a headset i think, but who knows.
i use earbuds because i actually like to hear the the things i listen to
10 bucks, and i guarantee it's better than whatever it is you're using
Wait I'm confused. I'm the user that called the roastie with the "perfect pussy" an asshole.
kind of an open ending but, it is certain that he did not get together with his gf candidate. not even one storyline was properly finished
no thank you
no but he still has a indent and yes it does happen but it only happens when youre growing up from a child wearing a headset all day
Reminds me of Highschool of the Dead
Two idiots can't chose MC's endgame waifu. He should have just changed artist
I don't think skulls are supposed to do that
>my pussy is picture perfect.
words mean nothing around here
>whore enabling
almost sure this is a bait pasta itself
but people spout similar shit every day
of course by "people" i meant actual roasties and beta males
no wonder women are all trash nowadays since these vocal minority is what gets all the attention and brainwashes all possibly good women into becoming trash
truly a clown world
It happens from wearing a headset all the time when going through puberty
well if I live alone and don't live in an apartment I don't see the issue
Holy shit. Feed your cats.
fucking brainlet
Nope, but screen time does.
You're factually retarded.
>Yea Forums anything but video games
>self diagnosed
>eat food
wtf I am shit now
That's nice.
I wore headphones throughout puberty and I don't have anything resembling that. That's stupid as fuck
What are some good over-ear headphones with a good mic? I fell for the bluetootth meme and wasted 500 dollarydoos already.
>bitter grapes
its sour grapes.
>miserably lonely for another 5 years, by which time i'll be fat and balding and no woman will want me.
Funnily enough men generally get better looking and more desired the older they get while women deteriorates fast as fuck after their 20s and potentially 30s if they're well kept.
Sounds like you're just jealous you're not a guy and your clock is running out.
>What are some good over-ear headphones with a good mic
No such thing
Buy a good pair of headphones and a good mic
Isn't there a term for that for women? The 30 year wall or some shit, where no one looks their way anymore.
>all those triggered (you)s
holy shit when did the internet become serious business
I'll never understand people that don't use a gaming headset. There's absolutely nothing wrong with headsets like the PC37X. Half these cunts using headphones are plugging them directly into their motherboard anyway.
>Buy headphones
>Need a desk mic
>Need an arm for the mic
>Need a cover over the mic
>Need an anti-vibration stand
>Cables fucking everywhere
All so you can listen to 128k audio in a fucking video game. Again, retarded.
He's a 6'5 green-eyed Aryan
Then what's a good mic bigboy?
such as? At least a good mic, I'm fine with my apple headphones, they're comfortable and the sound is fine.
High quality speakers are more expensive than high quality headphones, retard
No idea, but it's generally around their 30s that they realize they cannot compete with the younger generation and they kinda just let themselves go. Some hang on until their late 30s or early 40s when they really hit the biological wall.
headsets are uncomfortable and more expensive
If you already have a pair of headphones a mod mic is okay
This is a great mic especially for the price
You're a degenerate faggot, we get it
Now kys
Stop saying this, this is totally untrue. Does the op guy have a genetic disorder or something
thats because youre an american and already deformed
>Onboard motherboard audio is perfectly fine unless your motherboard is fucking 15 years old
>Mod mics exist
>You don't need an arm or a cover unless your buying some $200 Shure mic
>All gaming headsets sound like dogshit and are horribly overpriced
>Most videogame audio is well beyond 128K unless your games are from the year 2000
So literally just get a modmic or a cheap desktop mic instead
The issue with headsets is that cabling is inherently shit and fixing them is a pain in the ass as result, and you're paying way more for the same if not lower audio quality
He should get that bump checked by a doctor.
no wonder marketers post here.............
>BeyerDynamic DT 880Pro
>AntLion Audio ModMic 5
>He fell for the TrebleDynamic meme
Yes. I lost a bunch of hair in my headphone area. Thought it was male pattern baldness but then I stopped wearing them and so far no shedding for 3 years. Hair still thin on that part of the scalp. I only use earbuds and behind-head headphones now.
>mfw finally got good quality headphones and a DAC for flacs for the first time in my headset-wearing peasant life
You guys weren't kidding.
>the wall argument
tiresome. you can't meme me on that when milf porn is one of the most popular categories, dummy head. i'll simply become a cougar and pounce on a barely legal
How can we ever recover from this whore telling the absolute truth, incel bros
What's wrong with BeyerDynamic ?
by having sex
When's the have sex convention?
I'm not poor enough to share living space.
Way too much treble
>seriously i'm a girl guys
There's nothing we can do, her greedy pussy is going to take as many dicks as she wants and that's that!
Cougar is an exception to the rule which only reinforces it. Have fun running into the wall.
You mean apart from the shitty assemble/plastic quality and the various fracture/breaking points?
That's pretty much it. The Wall. Japanese called them Christmas Cakes.
Cakes a best
>*10 years later*
>WHY CAN'T I FIND ANY GOOD MEN????!!??!?!?!?!?!?!? REEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that Elliot Hulse's kid? What's wrong with his head?
well, plenty for you out there then
nice pasta
Imagine going online and pretending to be a woman
>w-women can't go online, t-that's impossible
have sex
okay, okay buddy. settle down. you only need to breathe, in, and out. now stop posting
>y-you're the one who is mad not me!!!
have sex
Everything is good in 2D
But imagine being such an incel you actually chase 3dpd lol
Imagine being so retarded you can't manage 2 cables
>my pussy is picture perfect.
..then post a picture of this 'perfect'
Wire tides, take me.
Mod mic is garbage but not for that reason alone. You seriously incapable of tying up 2 cables or just moving them to the side? How often do you have to get up for it in order to bother you.
Imagine being such a pseduoaudiophile you think having 2 cables getting tangles and knotted is acceptable.
No problem for more than a years right now. i cross my fingers
>proves in a single post that she's a dishonest, malicious and gross cunt, thereby completely proving incels right in their wariness of shit women
absolutely based and retardpilled
You're creating an issue for absolutely no reason. There's nothing wrong with gaming headsets.
Imagine actually tangling and knotting your cables by sitting down and playing videogames
Wanting your shit to last more than 6 months doesn't equal being an audiophile retard
Imagine being such a certifiable retard you can't manage 2 cables.
Do you make your nurse tie your shoes in the morning?
>Garbage audio quality
>Garbage build quality
>Overpriced as fuck
rent free
it doesn't change the shape of the skull, silly. it pushes down on the flesh of the skull
if you've ever worn glasses before or know anybody who does, you'll know they'll eventually get dents in the side of their head from it eventually
same principle applied here, just takes much longer to show its effects
the weird meat pouches on the side of tyler's head are a result of it getting pushed up from the earpads because he literally wears them for multiple hours a day
Imagine pretending this doesn't happen.
Sennheiser PC37X is objectively better than most "audiophile" £150 headphones easily.
Imagine creating a problem when a solution exists. Fucking moron.
Is this a new copy pasta?
>Imagine pretending this doesn't happen.
But it doesn't happen.
How do you tangle a thick ass cable from a pair of headphones? I couldn't tie my M50X cable in a knot if I wanted to. Are you doing flips and shit while playing?
>Sennheiser PC37X is objectively better than most "audiophile" £150 headphones easily.
Just simply untrue
>ut it doesn't happen.
It only doesn't happen if pretend it doesn't happen. Two cables next to each other with twist and knot. Especially something that gets taken off and on repeatedly like a headset
>Just simply untrue
I'm objectively correct. The PC37X is better that all "audiophile" headphones in the same price range.
There's no discussing this with pseudoaudiophiles, because they'll never admit they're wrong despite being proven 100% incorrect. They're go out of their way to make their lives harder for no discernable benefit. Pathetic.
>similar to how women taking lots of dick does not cause them to become loose
that's literally a meme propagated by roasties, it actually makes them loose as fuck
it's literally the only way to measure IQ, since you can't trust medics because they are race-biased
in his official IQ test he got 82, but when he self diagnosed he got 146
strange, isn't it? like somebody is trying to manipulate his IQ to make it look smaller than it is
Tyler's may be exaggerated, But Lacari's is real with proof.
You can't self-administer an intelligence test, that's just stupid. No way it is standardized either. Whatever results you get mean absolutely nothing.
user you may not be clinically retarded but you sure are autistic
you're both retards that have no anatomical knowledge whatsoever
first of all, beef curtains have nothing to do with the actual vaginal canal. those are mostly genetic and can develop as soon as puberty starts
Secondly, it's true that the vagina can become loose, but not only does this take multiple dickings with no opportunity for recovery, but they must also be larger than average dicks
vaginas are designed to stretch wide enough to pass a fucking baby and then heal back to normal later, but if you're shoving dragon dildoes up it every day, it's going to lose its grip for sure
There's facebook tests made by the people that allow you to know your true IQ
That's just the peanut head look some black people just have.
Where does the brain go?
>if you call retard a retard, that means you're triggered
>getting triggered by triggered (you)s
okay, take your pants off
IQ tests are averaged out and the actual value of of a quantitative IQ score changes over time. For example, if you took an IQ test 20 years ago and scored 80, and then took another one today and still scored 80, your IQ is actually higher than what it used to be, but has been redistributed based on the new curve so you don't perceive it that way. He could have just taken a very old test, which would be objectively easier than a more recent one.
This is also why people who think IQ tests mean anything outside of an academic quantifier are fucking retarded.
it is real, you're just too bluepilled to see that
Nobody is talking about the inside they are strictly referring to the labia minora
>Nobody is talking about the inside
that's the only place where loose becomes applicable, user
t. seething roastie
>you are both retarded, but let me agree with you
Keep looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to convince yourself of that when you're 40 and alone tranny
Saved for when the incels make another anime game thread.