>better than valkrie profile
>better thn odins sphere
>better than Indivisible
are you ready for goty 2019?
Super Neptunia RPG
Who the fuck is Neptune?
I'd rather replay the original version of nep 1 than this shit.
It honestly looks rather bland the last time I looked into it
>better thn odins sphere
stopped reading there
>side scrolling rpg
I just don't know if I can commit.
>better than valkrie profile
stopped reading there
this and those fucking Atelier almost killed off jrpgs. fuck off
With all the neckbeards supporting this trash why do JRPGs look like shit that took 5 months to make.
stopped reading there
Did they almost kill the genre, or did they keep it alive while every other dev team gave up on it?
Atelier is good though, and been around for far longer than Neptunia.
>better than odin sphere
not even fucking close.
and odin sphere isn't even that good.
reminder that even neptunia "fans" don't consider this game good and OP is just shitposting
it's a bottom of the barrel buggy mess made by some canadians
No, the shitfest that is fabula nova crystalis almost killed jrpgs; atelier went ftom a niche series to suddenly carrying the weight of saving it
>better than odin sphere
It’s not nor will any IF game be better than Vanillaware’s worst game let alone its best game
it's not even a IF game though, it was made in Canada (it's still shit)
Literally none of those things are true. The game came out last year and we already know it sucks. Have sex, nepshitter.
>when the new games are so broken you have to wait months for patches to play them
Looks like a generic mobile game.
That legitimately makes it worse
I wouldn't know about that, I'm always a few games behind given of how many there are and by the time I play it, I pirate it with all patches and DLC, and very much enjoy it
neptunia in smash?
Looks like a mobile game that got hastily ported to consoles mid production.