How old is too old for video games?
How old is too old for video games?
never really
but if you are dude in your late 20s doing OHHH MUH GAWD AHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEE vids to character reveals your wife is fucking other men for sure.
>sitting that close to the TV
No wonder he's wearing glasses.
at 13 you should be applying for an internship
When you reach puberty, that's when you should be out having sex as god has intended.
>b-but they're not mentally ready yet!!
Maybe because they sit inside on their asses playing video games all day after school living in lala land.
I had kids, two wives and a job where I do nothing for 100 k a year I’ll be playing games to escape grim reality till I’m in a retirement home
Why would age matter?Would you call a 40-year-old man playing AOE too old for it?
It's a hobby.
I'm 31 and still play games designed for children. Like Mario and gears of war.
I know CEO’s who play with fucking model trains all day there’s no “noble” hobby even stuff like golf is a short walk where you hit a ball every 20 mins
outside germanic cultures, having a children's hobby as a man is considered abnormal
its a different world, one where your hobby can make MORE FUCKING MONEY THAN ACTUAL WORK SO FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!!
Seeign as what society nowadays views as normal I'd rather be abnormal.
I'm 25 and feel too old for them
If you have a gf, or have had non paid sex with more than 4 women, you can never be too old to play vidya.
If you haven't, then 20 is too old to be playing vidya.
>you should be out having sex as god has intended.
Is this bait?
Video Games weren't originally aimed at children, it's just what programmers made for themselves and eachother to enjoy
When you no longer have the reflexes or memory to play. So as low as 30 if your one of the unlucky bastards who get’s Alzheimer’s that young, to your 100’s if your particularly healthy and find a game easy enough to play.
It's a bit awkward now but it'll probably become more normal as time goes on. I think in general though it's more that you shouldn't be outwardly obsessed with video games as you get older. And I don't know if society will ever look fondly on 40-year olds playing something like Persona.
If you can fit your career, excericise, and social life in while being able to balance vidya, there is no limit. Eventually, you must lower the priority of video games in your life
literally what?
God I love being German. Can't speak the language though.
A video game is not a hobby, it's a toy. A hobby is something that takes effort, that makes you healthier, more socia that gives you new meaningful experiences. A hobby is related to your real life. Video games are fun, but are just time wasters, just a way to shorten your conscious life but making days shorter.
The best times to play games are before you finish college and after your retire, between those times you should be working and focusing on hobbies that improve character, work, and your family.
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
How does collecting stamps make you healthier?
The whole thing is stupid but if you're already baiting, at least try to make some sense, this is so retarded that even trying to be angry at it is impossible.
This. 15 weeks.
Depends on what games you play.Wii fit could theoretically make you healthier and it takes effort.Multiplayer games are as social as it can get but people choose not to be.You could play historical games,puzzle games,or VNs and get something useful out of it.Even the army has an use for it and with VR it'll get even crazier.
You could collect old pins and call that a hobby but what profound effect would it have on your life?Where's the meaningful experience except for the one you attribute to?
t. John Hobby, inventor of the word hobby
There is no age limit. As far as you are paying for all your expenses by having a job, you can do whatever you want with your free time.
>17 and too old for books what the fuck are you smoking you absolute fucking madman
No games no movies no books no music what the fuck am i supposed to do when my body breaks down, stare out the window?
Fucking old man yells at cloud looking ass faggot
have sex
I work at a tech store
Nothing is sadder than seeing some loser 28 year old coming in to pick up digital toys made for children
It's like, bro, how are you not married and deep in your career at this point??
Acquire the method of procreation where the male inserts his penis into the female's vagina.
>hobby is something that takes effort, that makes you healthier
Playing video games can increase your reflexes and problem-solving, while also learning about new experiences that the developers want to share with you.
How exactly are they useless?
I'm 32 and I still play videogames. I sneak in alot of time to play when the kids are at school and my wife is at her bfs place.
>deep in your career
>works in a tech store
ha, 99% of fucks are working basic ass jobs man.
no one has a CAREER unless you are making at LEAST 100k or more a year.
The same thing that every adult does
complain about politics. And nothing else. Ever.
also this
>a hobby makes you healthier
What the fuck? Your definition is bullshit.
I'm more concerned with the weird angle. Sit in front of the TV, not to the side.
What if he picks it up for his children?
tell him to order that shit online like a normal person
she's at her boyfriends house?
Nothing is sadder than seeing some loser 23 year work at retail. It's like, bro, how are you not married and deep in your career at this point??
why do you care so much about how other people live their lives? you sound like a failed normalfag.
if you believe in an arbitrary age limit for anything youre a legitimate retard
My grandfather was a WWII pilot and was still playing flight sims in his late 70s.
He only stopped when he developed dementia.
Probably around 100 with the current medical treatment available.
>deep in my career
>want to pick up some fun casual games to relax a bit after a hard week of work
>faggot game store employee judges me while he has a shit job and a shit life
>God I love being German. Can't speak the language though.
Think he meant mentally healthier as in socializing with other people or traveling and striving to improve.
What job?
>Not an american. I'm in the UK, my grandparents moved after the war and just didn't bother teaching.
based american poster
So drawing isn't a hobby? It doesn't make you a better person
you must be angry then, they robbed you of a useful skill that would have taken minimal effort from them/your parents as you were growing up
You're using meme arrows wrong
It makes you better at drawing
Low IQ bait, faggot.
lol of course it's not. Just go to /ic/. A bunch of mental cases full of depression and wishing for a human contact. A hobby is something that you do with others. Drawing by yourself is not a hobby.
the second you turn 77 you need to start arranging to sell your collection on eBay before the year is out
The ideal age to have kids is actually late 20's. At least for women, who will be physically developed enough to have relatively minimal complications during pregnancy/childbirth, boys can knock up a female as soon as they can realistically be expected to get into one
so youre probably only half german at best? or are you saying both your fathers and mothers parents are from germany?
dumb amerimutt, you're not german
>A hobby is something that you do with others
I'd like you to find a place where this is the crux of the definition
Hey look you just can't take words and redefine them like that, okay?
not that guy but a yank could technically be ethnically german just not culturally german
gaming is a hobby only if you build aesthetic rigs like pic-related. you invest time into building them, customizing them to your liking, meticulously deciding which hardware parts to use and searching for deals, and ultimately gain pride in that fact that you've created something functional in which you gain endless entertainment from.
hence why i never understood people who own or build bland, colorless, PCs void of any personality, character, or emotion. if you just wanted a generic toy to play video games on, you could've just bought a console for way less than the average budget PC, which would've performed no better than the current generation of consoles.
>I love being German. Can't speak the language though
Then you aren't German, dipshit. Your family probably lied their asses off during World War II.
6 months
oh ok. A HEALTHY hobby. See, drawing alone is not a healthy hobby. Playing video games is not a healthy hobby either.
Based. From age 18 on you should only wait until the time you die (because as we all know, suicide is blasphemy)
>Got Halo CE when I was teen.
>Show gramps how I murder everything in the 2nd level.
>"You playing some kind of Soldier there, pal?"
>"Kinda. It has coop, if you wanna try."
>gramps picks up controller 2, we restart the level. After carefully explaining console shooter controls to him, he asks what those difficulty settings stand for.
>"They make the game harder, but the enemies mostly just get tougher, not exactly smarter."
>Gramps insist after 5 minutes of arguing to lock in atleast heroic because everything below is for pansies.
>He dies quite a lot but seems to enjoy himself.
>Granny has to drag him away from the console because she wanted to go home and water the plants.
>Gramper leaves kind of sour.
>He dies a week later.
To this day I'm still not sure if he really enjoyed playing vidya or just wanted to do something different than lisyten to my grandma going on about her plants or both.
Guess I'll never know.
I'll probably learn it eventually. I'm 19, so I have a lot of time to learn. I am kinda salty about it though, but I guess they all had their reasons.
Correct, my other half is English though, so it's fine. Both are brother peoples.
My grandfather was a driver. thanks for your input though
What a shit opinion. A hobby is something you like to do without having an obligation (financial or otherwise) to do it. In fact, its something you like to do so much, that you even use up your free time for it. Doesn't matter, if its with people or alone or if you gain any substantial experience or advantage in life from it.
cool opinion zoomer
I'm 21 and studying law
There isn't any max age, anyone who says otherwise is a mouthbreather who doesn't like seeing others have fun.
>Sitting that close to the tv
>Sitting at that angle
PR People please...
>gaming is only a hobby if you want to rice out your rig with stupidass LEDs to show how much of an elite gaywad you are
How old is too old to watch movies and read books?
Better get used to that tech store work zoomie
So, things that don't actually make you healthier at all, or things that can also be caused by video games. Yes, it's bullshit, even if that's what he meant.
video games aren't more of a childrens hobby than sports are
actually name one hobby that's not for children and it'll be either autistic like programming or hedonistic like having sex
And I'm your professor, so if you don't want to fail another year, stop goofing off on a video game board and start learning.
Enjoy your nocareer in a saturated market fag
god look at the makeup she had to put on. that fucking skin difference icky nip.
Why is gaming so frowned-upon in todays society Yea Forums? Will it ever not be an instant turn-off for women?
Hf being replaced by chang and pajeet, just like the rest of us.
When your twitch reactions start slowing down fraction by fraction...
When games you normally would enjoy now fail to keep you motivated to play...
When you try to pull an all night gaming session on the weekend but fall asleep by 1 am...
You're too old for video games.
Is browsing Yea Forums a hobby?
Whatever you say
How old is too old for being a tranny?
>PhD in Math
>400k starting
>any job I want
playing the piano
hell that gets more acceptable the older you are. being good at the piano when you're young just comes across as pretentious
It has never been as accepted as it is nowdays,my man.And if VR turns out to be a success and cheap/accessible for the broader market gaming will be as accessible as movies are.
r u fucking serious? for women its is as early as possible, for man it does not matter that much.
There is never anything wrong with playing games at any age, there is a lot of value in them from children to elderly.
However, making a lifestyle about playing games is never a good thing no matter the age.
17 is the cut off age, if you haven't started HRT before age 16 don't even bother.
music is also a childrens hobby, it's just a bit more rare than moving your body or watching cartoons
Sure, man. Why are you still on Yea Forums then, stupid ass bitch?
If you're still playing shooters on a console past the age of 18 you're beyond help.
It's a Sunday you mongoloid
bideo gayms taught me English
I’m 37, married and a kid, and I play video games.
No, you want to have women dropping dead after the first child? is better to wait so she has many children
>deep in your career at this point??
thats rich coming from a store clerk
t. enlightened teenager
>tv gives bad eyesight myth
did you seriously believe in all the bullshit your mom/grandma told you so you would stop playing games
So? I'm sure you have lots of other, more productive things to do with your valuable free time then bragging on an anonymous board about a hobby you acivetly despise
Thanks, I'll enjoy the only high-paying career left where whites aren't fired to meet diversity quotas
Enjoy being replaced by a black chick who can't code for shit, though :)
*sitting close to
so you pedantic fucks don't distort my point
Lmao shove your life lessons up your ass all you have achieved in life is finishing high-school and getting a shitty job.
Try jerking off 5 times in a row......BITCH!
18 is still ok
20ish would be considered as you could be doing something better with your time
past 25 its embarrassing if you are still spending more than an hour per day playing games
past 30 you earn your manchild badge
age is a highly irrelevant number weight is the number we should all be more concerned with
>”tech store”
>probably GameStop
keep moving those goal posts
>a hobby you acivetly despise
>deleting reply
>24 years old, graduated and have a job
>still spend all my free time watching anime and playing video games and love it
At what age do I hit that "adult wall" where I stop having fun?
i fucking love that video everytime it gets posted it reminds me of being a child and having dreams
>wearing shoes inside.
fucking Americans.
Professional LARP on Yea Forums's Yea Forums
Gaming is more frowned upon on Yea Forums than it is by actual society nowadays.
what a time to be alive
Never. Have fun not being an unlikable cynical prick unlike the rest of these nu/v/fags
At least we can all agree that only fagots use the words "gaming" and "gamer".
You're going to get square eyes!
What's wrong with the term gaming?
What would you call them?
Incel losers
It's not so much age but rather where you are in life. If you are 25+ and spend more than 5+ hours combined playing vidya, watching anime/TV, or browsing internet forums like Yea Forums, reddit, and so on and make less than 75k a year then you are wasting your time and I guarantee if we go through your life you are lacking in major aspects whether it be social, romantic, career, personal, or what have you. The only 2 kinds of people I've seen object to this are those with lives that the majority of people, even on this board, would not want or those who cope hard.
playing video games and losers who video game players
you're an idiot, that's the only garantee that can be made on the video game discussion board
I wonder what kind of shitty upbringing you have to have lived to develop such a spiteful mentality.
>not an argument
What exactly is spiteful about this? If you're making 75k or so, minimum, you've essentially made it in life and everything past that is a bonus. At that point you can just do whatever you want.
>you shouldn't enjoy nerdy hobbies unless you're making $75k/year
That's pretty dumb.
You can't be too old; but there has to be a point where it isn't your main thing.
He wasn't responding to one.
where do you think you are
On a board that hates video games.
you don't, the "adults" are seething wagies or plain retards
>I’ll be playing games to escape grim reality till I’m in a retirement home
Why stop there?
Given our current vidya obsessed generation, I expect retirement homes to be one giant lan party that doesn't stop until your heart does in the future.
>my entire human worth is decided by my salary
Keep chasing that carrot, wagie.
Kys boomers, you miserable old fucks. Can't wait till you die from heart disease.
can't wait
You're mad that this applies to you and I can tell because that is not what I said at all. If you're spending 5+ hours a week watching TV and doing nothing, shitposting on Yea Forums and doing nothing, playing video games and doing nothing at the age of 25 and making 40k at Joe Shmoe Inc then, like I said, I find it very hard to believe you are a well rounded person. Prove me wrong
>you must make this amount of money or your life is OBJECTIVELY shit!
>no, you are not pleased with where you are in life, I dictate that
>you don't own x? you don't deserve to breathe this air
This is what you sound like, an insufferable faggot.
Stop looking at other peoples lives through a microscope.
>and make less than 75k a year
Why would I need to make more than that, even with a family? I like living middle class. It lets me enjoy a little of both worlds.
You are either always too old or never too old.
less than 1/3 of the population of the united states makes 75k or more a year, what is your explaination for a significant majority of the population being unable to clear the bar for being allowed a passtime on which theyspend more than 5 hours on?
More and more normies are getting into videogames/anime because Media tell them to stop having children/your govt makes sure any shitty house is expensive and salaries are low. Why do you think people are getting dogs? We are not made to be modern and single. I play videogames just to fill this emptiness
Quite the contrary. I just want enough to be able to afford a nice house, car, and have left over for whatever I want.
>Prove me wrong
Prove yourself right first. You ad hominem isn't convincing either.
Adventure game 1-5
RPGs 5-13
Shooters 13-21
RTS 16-28
RPGs 25-28
Adventure games: 25-death
MMOs 5-13 apparently
I like video games.
No hobby is a problem in itself.
The problem is when you escape into hobbies or substances to avoid responsibilities or life problems.
Jesus I bet you think dudeweed is bad too
Let's say you're 40 and the only thing you care is video games. Would you trust or even respect the person?
>and doing nothing
The fact that you had to insert this repeatedly into your argument to make those hobbies seem illegitimate just shows you don't have an argument.
Laziness and stupidity. Seriously, get out of your room more. The amount of dumb fucking decisions people make is honestly absurd.
So you are a decently well rounded person happy with most major aspects of your life? No real depression or anxiety? No ">tfwnogf"?
If you are I'd honestly like to see how you got there. If not, cope harder, faggot
Yes? Why would you care? Are you really assblasted at the idea of a 40 year old who's main hobby is video games?
If they made it that far into life, they probably don't give a shit about what people like you think of them, anyways.
25. unironically
in 99% of cases careers are cope by people who figured that since they have to earn money somehow they might as well pretend like they would be kissing their boss's ass and working on plumbing hydrodynamics or managing clients, or they're just slaves to the status, like people who play games for high score (a retarded activity)
Never too old theres nothing else going on in the world worthwhile
Not how that works. Prove me wrong that you have a happy, fulfilled life and my position falls apart
Thanks to internet culture and marketing, gaming is now considered to be "in vogue" by most people in civilized society. As long as you are attractive and have a job that makes you seem rich or smart, then gaming is considered a cute hobby rather than a shameful, childish activity that only developmentally arrested adults indulge in.
In other words, nobody fucking cares except for your parents and the only reason they care is because you're a fucking loser.
That's literally how it works. You make the claim, you have the burden of backing it up. I don't have to prove shit to you.
I actually agree with that. Though I feel this is more for white collar jobs as opposed to blue collar.
What are labor laws
You seem to be coping harder than anyone here because people don't fit within your narrow minded stereotype. Seriously you post like an insufferable teenager.
You can go back to playing vidya when you have good education, learned 4 language, have a masters degree and a stable job.
never since game devs are over the age of 21
Part of a nanny state government that should be abolished, according to nu/v/'s lootbox threads.
I'm 30 and have amassed and ENORMOUS collection of video games. I feel compelled to complete the major ones, but my hope is that one day I might have kids and then I can just give them access to a huge library of games.
That'll help them forgive me for not stopping climate change.
> and the only thing you care is video games
Why would you go to such an extreme case?You can enjoy and care about multiple things at the same time.
Most people are sheep, they will pick up or be vocal about whatever hobby their peers and boss are into.
This is why you see less young people caring about sports as even the bosses are often aged out of it now.
Or I can do it with only the last one of those things.
About 99 and three fiddy years old
has to be pasta
This but ironically.
No, kid. It doesn't. You can enjoy playing vidya and watching anime and so on. But if it eats away at your life as much as I said, 99% of the time these are substitutes and coping mechanisms for a below average life. I have an enitre folder dedicated to Quake mods that my autism has fine tuned to my personal liking and in roughly 2 years I'll be making more than what I said in my original post. You seem to be having your own autism fit and think that I said you cannot enjoy those things whatsoever if you're below
by that extent, i should keep watching tv shows for toddlers. I mean, people over the age of 18 make them
Hell, i should keep sucking my mothers tits. She's an adult after all!
after 16, she can pop em untill dropping dead
after 10-16 popped spawns it does not even matter
but the later she will start popping the more shit can go wrong starting from late 20s-early 30s
Not him but that is how it works. You are the one that has to back up the claim
Post what you do for a living and how often you do what I said. You won't because you are mad that I'd be right
>d-dude if you don't fuck and breed all day you're a loser xD
Such stupid mentality
there's nothing wrong with playing video games into your late, late years. it's all a matter of how you treat them. they're just a hobby; they're not an identity or a career or a lifestyle. just play them and have fun
>Post your personal info or else you're mad that I'm right
That's not how it works.
>But if it eats away at your life as much as I said,
>+5 hours a week
Also you're literally having your own autism fit like a child because you were called out on your burden of proof and can't back up your own argument.
I think you've fundamentally misunderstood what the term "gaming" means, user.
You don't belong here
People literally do this in vidya though. They make friends and go to gaming related cons/competitions, which fulfills your criteria (in the most autistic way possible, but still).
I think it depends on the genre. I can see old people playing crpgs or rts games. I know some family friend whose 60 or so, and the only games hes plays are rts like age of empires 2.
>and in roughly 2 years I'll be making more than what I said in my original post
Why do you think anyone here cares? Get the fuck over yourself, sperglord.
My grandfather is from guatemala
Never really had much to do as a kid and sees video games(specifically classic titles that he plays thru emulators and now on the switch NES emulator) as a way of gaining something back from his childhood
Video games are art. Does anyone get too old to appreciate the Mona Lisa? Checkmate wagie
25, at least that's when i plan to start making games instead of playing them
oh you done it now.
we're apes. monkey-see, monkey-do isn't just a saying its what humans rely on rather than just being born pre-programmed with a full set of instincts
>That'll help them forgive me for not stopping climate change.
>drawing alone is not a healthy hobby
gonna be a yikes from me
you're a sociopath.
Never said it didn't.But videogames are mostly associated with introverted shut-ins and honestly that's not far from reality.
The guy could just fucking lie, anyway
They're just another. "You're not grown up/successful fi you don't live life according to my specific criteria poster" yeah. you shouldn't spend all your time on vidya but this kind of asshole won't be content unless you match their probably made up life 1:1.
He just showed you otherwise.
I don't think we have found out yet when you're too old to play games. I think we're just about to witness the first true generations of gamer-granddads.
It's like tattoos. There was a time where they weren't too common and you would never really think about meeting old people with tats back then.
I think when the SNES-PS1 Generation arrives at granddad age will we start to see widespread old gamers. I hope I will have enough energy and intelligence to be playing in the retirement home. Bonus points for spawncamping my grandchildren at graveyards.
Me and grandpa use to play mario kart 64 and he was in his sixties
Honestly depends on the game
>25 year old occasionally playing DnD on his laptop in-between making money at work and banging his girlfriend
Totally fine
>25 year old playing fucking weeb games on his bigass PC while wasting his life away
What proof do I have to give? That I'm living a happy life right now? That most people live a happy life in that situation (save for boot lickers)?
To use your image
>You: I don't fit into what you said
>Me: Ok, prove that you actually are happy in life with what you do
>You: You can't prove I don't have a shit life
I'm 24, an electrician making 60k soon to be more around 26, broke up with a gf and have had several relationships, plenty of friends, lift weights and dick with electrical stuff in the mean time. not even trying to be a big dick swinger but I'd say I'm happy where I am based off what I said. Now your turn
>inb4 REEE normie
You can fuck right back off to /r9k/ or r/thedonald
What other hobbies does Yea Forums have besides video games? I'm into archery and entomology.
>Prove to me you're happy in life by my own standards or else I win the argument
That's dumb user. You're dumb.
How exactly?The vast majority do not go or participate in cons/competitions.And that's the same for most activities/hobbies.You can't pretend that the representation of the "average gamer" is all lies.
>I'm 24, an electrician making 60k soon to be more around 26, broke up with a gf and have had several relationships, plenty of friends, lift weights and dick with electrical stuff in the mean time. not even trying to be a big dick swinger but I'd say I'm happy where I am based off what I said.
Again, why do you think anyone cares? Fuck off with your blogpost nonsense.
it usually starts when your metabolism begins losing its youthful vigor and your bad diet starts manifesting a lack of energy and feelings of being dissatisfaction that if you never get around to fixes, gets even worse when your day to day life becomes more stressful due to either growing responsibilities or external pressure to gain more responsibilities and results in mental illness
the "adult wall" is just undiagnosed high functioning depression and can be avoided by looking after your mind and body
13 for normal people
24 for handsome people
Lifting and movies in general.Want to learn the guitar in the near future.
If you aren't out chasing women by age 16 you're a lost cause and likely won't reproduce.
The average gamer isn't an introverted shut-in either. The vast majority of people who play video games are just average as fuck normalfags with social lives.
Video games are generally made by people between the ages of 25 and 50, so it makes sense the people who play the games fit into that bracket as well.
But the kind of video games you play change with age.
>implying there's an age limit for chads
Miniature painting and calisthenics, GM tabletops once a week with friends but like switching systems to try new things.
So everyone in the first world?
my uncle used to be my aunt and he didn't transition until well into his fifties. he's always joking about how he paid good money for his male pattern baldness
its an unhealthy coping mechanism
i'm going to make 100k/y by my 40s, i'm gonna have a wife and children
and i will be still playing games and watching anime in my free time
and there's nothing you can do about it
>Works at a tech store
>Judges others for not being married or "deep in your career"
Stop projecting user.
If you're an asian, there's no limit, if you aren't the limit is zero.
This thread seems to be more of that than anything else.
>don't care about other people
>don't care about money
>don't care about keeping fit
What else is there to do besides browsing the internet and eating
Video games today aren't what they were 15 years ago. Much more mainstream, nowadays, to play video games
why would I reproduce? my genes are shit and it would be evil of me to inflict them on someone else for my own vanity
When your young you should be out banging young women before they get ugly and bitter not wasting it on the computer. When your old and more settled into life and just waiting to die then you browse the internet and play video games all day, kiddo.
that's self-pitying beta male talk. chad isn't thinking about this shit when he goes and accidentally knocks up a dozen women.
>your young
yeah dude, you're a real old man at 24. time to settle down with your old man slippers.
That's about the age most people ITT said you're too old for playing vidya so tell them.
This. You also have to learn how to do a firm handshake at 3 years old.
In your DREAMS hahahahhaha
make shit for yourself
decorate your living space so that no matter what your eyes fall on you like what you see
figure out exactly how you'd like to die, then fake your death by those causes, drop 1000ug of LSD and completely reinvent your personality, then start a new life somewhere else
I don't think there's an age where you need to stop playing altogether but after college your time playing them should be DRASTICALLY reduced.
I don't feel too old for video games, but I really feel too old for Yea Forums these days.
this. VG's are fine as long as you don't turn it into your identity. This goes for literally anything you do. Like, the people that make their identity harry potter for example.
Considering the average male lifespan in the US is about 78 years, by 24 you're almost 1/3rd of the way there
just because you accepted your life as a loser doesn't mean everybody wants to be a loser too lad
i'm working on fixing mine already
>a third of the way there
Nobody but actual children considers someone in their mid-20s to be old, don't be a retard.
Imagine being a boomer and thinking other generations get the privileges you did and then shitting on them for not living up to your expectations even though your generation caused the loss of those privileges.
And when you're seven you're halfway to puberty
Zoom zoom, kid.
you are meant to fuck girls by the age of 15.
Nothing personal, kiddo
What do people do during the day if not useless hobbies?
I work about 10 hours a day most days, then after working out and taking care of the house and etc. I still have several hours a day of free time.
I really don't understand what most people do with their time all day.
Haven't seen this posted in a while. Nice trips.
>It's another neurotic Yea Forumsirgins projecting their insecurities and pretentions thread.
Just do whatever the fuck you want so long as you're not wasting your life away. Jesus christ. Who gives a shit? You fucks are like women sometimes I swear. Care way too much about what others think.
im 35
Smoking weed then watching TV and playing with their phone for hours at time doing nothing before complaining about not having enough time and the overwhelming stress of life.
Most hobbies do not cause depression. Video games do.
Making money and banging their girlfriends, the only two acceptable activities according to nu/v/.
if you're old enough to shitpost here, you're too old for video games. Have sex, user.
Whenever you physically can't play them anymore.
How 'deep in your career' do you have to be to not even have free time to spend enjoying some games?
No they don't.
You can play video games all you want AS LONG as is does not consume your free time.
Meaning, learn some life skills, fag. Become a man.
>if you're old enough to shitpost here, you're too old for video games.
Wouldn't you also be too old to be posting epic meme shit on Yea Forums, if you're too old for video games?
Shut up boomer.
what chad does is none of my business. I'm not getting my balls plugged back in for anybody
It's fun to make fun of people that play video games. Why do you think there's so much shitposting here?
>AS LONG as is does not consume your free time.
This site eats up way more of my time these days than video games do.
Theres nothing wrong filling time you would spend consuming other bullshit like TV or reading fiction with playing vidya.
Id argue vidya is even better for you than TV since atleast it requires your brain to work a little bit
Because you faggots hate video games. And not just in the "that video game sucks" way either.
Triggered little useless fucker?
Video games are not video games this generation, sorry kiddo. Also video games are for little kids. Making fun of manchildren like you is far more engaging that actually playing video games.
Too bad you'll never know the feel of being 40 and having 10 random sluts you fucked in your 20s demand money for the unwanted kids you gave them user. Must suck being you.
Aren't you too young to interrupt gown ups when they talk? Go play video games, user.
So this is childhood in America........
>he actually contributes to society
>inb4 REEE normie
Somehow I'm not surprised people correctly identified you as a normalfag. Your post is typical normalfag cope that would fit right in on reedit.
>she's at her boyfriends house?
No man, her best friends. Yeah he's a guy but they've been friends since high school.
in my country we're killing at age 13 i'd give anything to be american
I just think that if someone would be considered "too old for video games", then they would also be too old for this site.
Thanks for proving me right. Literally the reason Yea Forums can't have nice things anymore.
Actually, I started at 10 sand then gave up because I started too late
A hobby is an activity you do on some regular basis, normally frequent but not always frequent or periodic. Typically a hobby is done with no outside incentive other than ones personal pleasure.
>not being paid to develop your skills and making more than enough to enjoy spending your free time on recreational activities
Should've stayed in school.
well, it's nice for us, hahaha. not so nice for you incels.
you can even still be a """"gamer"""", as long you don't tlak about those 24/7 and don't say everywhere "OH I'M A GAMER"
i know i will play vidyas for the rest of my life, and vidyas are still very important to me, but i don't talk a lot about those beside from time with friends/my brother. most of my conversations are about other things.
If you need to ask this question, it's too late for you.
>stop calling us that
t. incel
Dangit, Bobby!
this post brought to you be Gang Weed.
>s-shut up incel!
t. roastie
>please stop calling us that
t. incel
>s-shut up incel!
t. roastie
have sex
>i'm getting mad now
t. incel
Finally somebody smart enough to see through the facade of these 'anti-gamers'
I'm sorry you're mad, maybe one day you'll get over it.
>i'm not an incel just stop
t. video game playing incel
naw, shitposting doesn't have an age limit and it gets better with age. Besides, 90% of this of this board doesn't actually play games.
You are actually silly though. That counter doesn't work when you're spouting "incel!" and "have sex!" like an ape on a video games board.
I wish there was a word to describe garbage people like this.
What you described is a modern epidemic, a disease that should be remedied or purged.
I wish the normies acknowledged there are people like this among them.
Of all the shitpost threads on Yea Forums right now this one is the worst
you're constantly hysterical. some sex will calm you down and stop you getting so emotional over silly things
>stop playing video games incel!
Why don't you just change your grim reality you pathetic fuck
During the day I earn my wagies.
During the late night/afternoon I watch movies, youtube videos, or watch anime.
Sometimes, like once a week, I play videogames for about 3 hours at best.
I'm not though. Spamming 'have sex' constantly at people seems more like cheap hysterics than anything else.
What film is this? Asking for a friend
Judging by the state of Yea Forums, it only gets worse with age.
Based german, Achmed Musathar, taking all he wants
>some sex will calm you down
sounds like some boring ass sex
Yea Forums has been garbage for years now. I barely even come here anymore. I'm only on Yea Forums right now because E3 just ended and I was feeling like catching up to videogames.
I probably won't be here next week and I will go back to better boards, which I only browse sporadically and casually, not autistically.
There is no age limit for video games. As long as you feel young at hear you can play games. But when you lose it.. Well.. You may as well be dead.
I couldn't have said it better myself. This board is a fucking joke.
apprenticeship not intern
shite site is for socializing
its almost no different than being on Twitter.
You can't compare wasting your life alone playing videogames to engaging with human beings and practicing insults with other people.
How old is too old for watching TV/Movies?
its the only home I've known and had
It's fun.
How old is too old for doing anything other than having sex and working?
>a-ass sex
what do you mean by this, user?
It's gone now. Time to let go.
I've been on Yea Forums since around the early 2010s, so these days I'm just here out of habit. I remember Yea Forums being an off-topic shithole even back when I started coming here, but I do think that Yea Forums was more fun back then.
If you don't calm down after ejaculating then you should seek a doctor, you probably have some blood issues, or you are a teenager no older than 17. Which one is it?
>Why yes, I play games till the age of 100 how could you tell?
>I've been on Yea Forums since around the early 2010s
You're a newfag then, don't talk to me again.
Fucking eternal summerfags.
If you need sex in order to cope emotionally then you are mentally stunted.
- Gunpla when I get the chance and find a kit worth buying
- Studying Persian Miniature paintings
- Writing short stories
- Playing guitar
- Drug use/abuse
- Hopefully gonna learn enough code to start work on a game
Das about it, mayne.
Definitely 18.
If you can get a work earlier than being 18 the better.
Self improvement is one hell of a drug.
Nope, it's 17.
>You're a newfag then
I know I am. I've probably been here for longer than most other people on Yea Forums though, considering everything that has happened since 2014.
I thought it was 15
He's less of a newfag than the majority of current day Yea Forums.
Better be mentally stunted than being an incel playing videogames.
Everyone has issues, some have more issues than others.
As soon as you accomplish your lifetime goals, videogames will only take a piece of your free time.
Nope, it's 14.
Underrated post
>Better be mentally stunted than being an incel playing videogames.
That's exactly what a mentally stunted incel would say.
You're fucking wrong its 12
You guys must live in some kind of bizzaro world. I think it's weirder now for people not to play video games.
an incel is someone that can't have sex
your whole premise is if you use having sex as a coping mechanic you would be mentally stunted
stop backpedalling and go back to school so you could learn some argumentative skills
How old is too old to do your favorite thing?
not based
It's called irony user. Only the retarded boomers take these threads seriously
Day born your first children
If your favorite thing is eating, having sex, sleeping, or for some god damn reason working. Then you're never too old for it.
If you have a real hobby, then when you're too old to do your thing.
If you have a fake hobby (aka: videogames) then when you reach puberty.
show me your ways Chad-sama
The right age to quit vidya is when you reach the age of being banished from civilized society to a deserted island.
Honestly 14. By that point your focus in life should be school and fucking Stacy.
Once you pass that age and still spend the majority of your life playing video games you will be an incel.
There is another chance along the way to reinvent yourself in university or your job after school, but after that its hopeless
Only a mentally stunted incel would think sex is a good mechanism for emotional coping
>stop backpedalling and go back to school so you could learn some argumentative skills
Did they teach you to screech "have sex" and call people incels whenever you're backed into a corner? Great "argumentative" skills you've got there.
This thread is ass.
What if playing videogames is your job and you own a house and have multiple sponsorships.
based, life after 18 is useless anyway if you dont have kids
There is no age, I'm 25 and I live with my GF and will be marrying soon. We play vydias everyday after work and weekends after sex. Videogames don't interfere with my professional or love life. They are a nice hobby and we both still get hyped about new games, but that's just it.
Not only that, unless your some infertile onions faggot, you can literally have a kid before you kick the bucket.
So it really is never late for a guy to have kids.
>Once you pass that age and still spend the majority of your life playing video games you will be an incel.
When you're young you should be out banging young women before they get ugly and bitter not wasting it on the computer. When you're old and more settled into life and just waiting to die then you browse the internet and play video games all day, kiddo.
>being this mad
Just say you're sorry and move on dude, be an honest say and say it with a straight face. Go ahead type it all out, type "I cant have sex"
You will feel better afterwards, trust me, I had an incel coworker once.
I don't think you have a GF.
Enjoy your hand.
you don't have a girlfriend
Schön wärs kollege wa?
>no argument
>u mad
Your education has failed you, along with your parents.
if you aren't banging women even when you're old then you are a late-incel.
At the very least you should apply as an actor to those grampa x young woman porn companies.
Who the FUCK sits at that kind of angle while playing by himself?
It's 11, try again retard
>no u!
Come on now. Type it all out.
Now THIS is a massive cope.
Idk anyone who doesnt start at the age of 7
If you're playing vidya past the age of 3, then you've already doomed yourself to a life of inceldom.
18. men do not play video games
>replies with no u
>gets mad when you get a no u right back at you
hmmm sweety that's not how it works
>hey mom, take a picture of me playing games!
>make sure you can get my entire profile!
I do. Actually she's playing Splatoon 2 right now.
You stop giving a fuck about "how old is to old for video games" when you don't have time for them after work, and you can only put in a few hours on the weekends.
you are incel before even born!
Men do not post on Yea Forums either, judging by this thread.
>tfw I've become a lazy NEET that just spends most of my time on Yea Forums and YouTube
>must sleep 6 hours MAXIMUM, 10pm to 4am every day
>you must IMMEDIATELY, get up and shower/shave/teeth/dressed (You are not allowed to think during only look forward)
>You may make yourself two slices of toast with unsalted butter and a cup of coffee
>You have to have your daily coffee, everyone loves their daily coffee, you need your coffee
>you may read the news, very briefly and you may not have an opinion about it
>you may drive your 30-55 minute commute through intense traffic while listening to the radio news, which tells you the traffic and the weather (Men should never look outside or at weather as that is for children)
>You work 6am to 4pm with an extra hour of overtime (((Off the clock))) for your Jewish boss
>You may not have ANY individual thoughts or actions while at work and if you do, your company owns them and you may be fired
>Only small talk allowed, you may not form connections
>The commute back, you may listen to the radio news which will tell you the afternoon traffic and weather
>You get home and your many children are on their devices, ignoring you (You do not need to greet them or give them attention as that is unmanly)
>Your wife gives you your only kiss of the day and slips you a bill for $2.98
>You eat your processed dinner with cheap onions ingredients and can ONLY small talk with the family
>You may, then, stare at the wall for an hour, but it must be white, colored walls are for fags
>You are too tired for sex by now, but besides, sex is gross and your wife tells you "You need to stop acting like a teenager"
>Close your eyes, repeat 6 days a week until you're 65 and your youth has left you.
>Don't worry, you can finally get your 401k and SSI! You're finally rich!
>No crying, no laughter, no friends ("I don't like your friends"), no pursuits ("but what about the kids?"), no hobbies ("aren't you too old for that?")
>after all, you are a TRUE alpha male
>tfw there is this fat, hideous pajeet nurse working at my hospital named Vidya
>she is as obnoxious as she is repulsive
What did God mean by this?
If you are "normal" then you are allowed to do it, if not then it's not okay.
Well, life isn't fair. Got to make it better for yourself no matter what everyone else thinks.
Have sex with her.
Smoke of any kind in your lungs is bad. Sitting next to a campfire you inhale huge amounts of smoke.
Honestly bros. I think you're always too old for videogames.
I'm a lone boy that played videogames as a living when I was young. Now I'm a wagecuck.
My coworkers are all late-boomers, almost millenials. I constantly hear about how they 3-11 year old children behave and what they do in life.
Honestly, my brothers, these kids are already more productive than me. I was raised by a single mom so maybe that's the problem.
Anyway, the thing is that 6 year old boy doesn't play videogames, he runs and loves athetlism. He is a really sweet kid and quite smart for his age. This kid when he grows up will become a chad. He doesn't play videogames.
One of the girls my coworkers have, is a 10 year old sweetheart that cooks cakes and shit. I can't even cook some spaghetti and I'm 28 years old.
Another kid is 4 years old and loves helping her mother cook, when I was 4 years old I was too busy playing Donkey Kong Country to help my mom cook.
All these kids are 10/10 productive members of society already while I was a failure.
So seriously my brothers, if you play videogames past the age 4, your life is fucked.
This thread reeks of underage and bloodied tampons.
Timestamp it retard. Also those shoulders look like a man.
>fake hobby
is this the newest buzzword for "stop enjoying things I don't enjoy, you should only enjoy what I enjoy"
you're so dumb you don't realize alpha males sleep 8 hours a day because they live healthy life styles.
you are so down the rabbit hole you don't even know what a healthy life style even looks like.
Yea Forums doesn't enjoy video games at all so yes.
>tfw too old for video games
>too stressed out about things I should be doing to feel relaxed while playing
>friends all too tired from work to stay up until 4am gaming anymore
who hurt you?
nothing wrong with vidya unless you are cringingly immature about it like a basedboys
why do you care what other people do with their lives? kys
Why did the boomers forsake us? Do they actually think this system is perfection? Are they that fucking insane?
I enjoy cooking more than vidya these days anyway.
I'm orderering a sous vide and cooking torch with my neck paycheck.
Need to get some good steaks though, not sure if I should go USDA Prime or get some Wagyu at Costco.
Still looking forward to Trials of Mana remake, I need to buy the collection but I hate digital only.
Japan got physical.
Because we live in a society and what the neighbor does is your business if you want to have a healthy neighborhood for your children.
If your grandfather was a kid during the NES era, how old does that make you?
If you don't have sex at the age of 2 you're doomed.
>Eceet Maorp
I don't get it
>radio excercises
pedos get reported and tipped to the FBI
bye faggot
Radio exercises.
its okay I'm 5
>seething wagies
Can confirm, I'm 28, have a live-in girlfriend and a 3-year-old, I'd love to have time for vidya but my job and other responsibilities don't allow for more than a couple of hours of gaming every week. I'm not complaining but I can tell you that my urge to play videogames hasn't gone down, it's just that I don't have time anymore.
>for your children.
It's weird to me seeing Yea Forums go on about having kids, because I remember when this board was "A rag-tag group of Yea Forumsirgins with 140 ping".
Whats with all these Larpers saying they have children and jobs?
>Losing virginity
8 years old MAX
>Driving license and first new car
16 is really pushing it
At least 2 by 19, at 30 you're a complete fucking loser if you don't have at least 5
18 and with childhood sweetheart
24 but only 21 is respectable
should be making 50k from 13-21, over 300k and ceo by 24 or you're a big loser virgin
10 inches minimum
3pl8 bench at 13, at least 5pl8 at 18, rest of life you should be competing for WR
>video games
If you have even touched a controller once then you're a loser
Death. Which is why I'm studying bioengineering so I can live forever in the body of a smug little girl.
I hope you didn't marry a normie, I work full time with a kid too but I get probably 3 hours of vidya a day on weekdays.
I generally spend one weekend out doing stuff with my family and the other playing games all day.
I have a good job though, I also get 4 weeks vacation and sick days and frequently use those to skip work for vidya.
Girlfriend is a bigtime weeb gamer, She's finally working on Persona 5.
learn something everyday, huh
Some of us were 18 in 2007 and we are literally too old right now to be single.
Also this whole schlock about how Yea Forums is a website for loser is some post-modernism bullshit.
10 years ago hikkimori fags didn't exist. You people are invaders of Yea Forums, not those "larpers"
Just read all the bitter replies to this post, holy shit. Good luck law user
Fucking Christ. I'm 27 years old, been in college for 10+ years, working for $15/hr at a hospital, 6 inch dick, and can't get laid to save my life.
What should you base your identity around then, if not the things that you love
>You literally never leave.
Holy fuck
>You may not not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Take me with you.
Reminder everyone here will soon have no jobs and be replaced by a robot.
>Was 18 in 2010
>Still in the same place and state now as I was back then
Those days are long over. Yea Forums has spent more time in it's incel shaming phase than it has in their virgin wizardry phase.
weeb girlfriends are based
I have one too, funniest lifestyle ever.
Heres my situation.
29 years old
Rarely ever play games. Maybe 4-5 games a year. Can go months without playing a game at all. BUT. When I do buy a game I like I sit down all day or all weekend and marathon through it doing basically nothing else with myself until I finish it. But then when I finish it I could go months before even playing another game at all. Is this bad?
>10 inches minimum.
Fucking dicklet
And that's a good thing.
Communism where robots do literally everything is the ideal, hard work is for niggers.
Shut the fuck up, normalfag.
No, get your own science
One of my friends married a normie and his life is Hell.
I couldn't imagine a worse fate, weeb girls are the way to go.
>just made the cut off
I'm gonna go play some games now guilt-free
>taking the bait
what a zoomer
sure it is
MH helped me get laid with a blonde qt, manly vidya like MH is good.
the most based post ever seen on Yea Forums
2/4 of that list completed. thanks Allah
This but without a shred of irony.
>not playing in front of your wife
Imagine trying to "fit" into society
Some of us don't need to try.
When you're so self conscious that you behave in line with societal expectations instead of doing what the fuck you want. Playing games, fucking, and having other hobbies aren't mutually exclusive.
How come I'm less successful than my two brothers even though I have two degrees and one of them didnt even go to college? And the other one has a bachelors degree in Physics
You're here, and they are not.
Easy to figure out why you are a failure and they aren't.
What are your brothers doing right now? Protip: They aren't wasting time here.
lmao prelaw are such bitches. PS assuming you make it which you wont have fun with the crushing realization 8 years down the line that you don't get your social life back once you're done with school, lawyers get no personal lives, and make shit pay for the amount of work they put in. But at least you get to have JD on your tombstone once you toil yourself to death
They aren't neets.
I'd say around 16 or so. You should be working full-time by then at least and devote less than an hour or two to games a week. Have a wife by 18 and house by 22 at least.
How do I get good job at 30 if all I have is Business degree. I work in recruitment but money is shit.
>How old is too old for video games?
1 planck
video games are entertainment for drooling retards with sub-140 iq
When are you impregnating her?
7 years old
we both know that anyone who payed any attention to the smash reveals in general except for the banjo one because it killed steveposting does not fucking play videogames.
I have a job though. But I make less money than both of them despite me being better educated.
what age?
correct answer
I first started posting here as a chubby 14 year old weeb. Now I’m 26 working at a fortune 25 with a Japanese gf and have bloomed into a Chad. If you haven’t progressed in 10 years don't blame it on Yea Forums, you have no one to blame but yourself.
This. Ideally, you should not even know that a person plays videogames as an adult, if they are posting pictures of their Nintendo face on facebook and have a room full of funko pops that is not the same as someone who plays a games but doesnt make it the defining thing about them.
All ages.
Frogposting on Yea Forums is high IQ entertainment only for patricians such as myself
The average medican income in the U.S. is 31k you retard. You're excluding like 80% of people at least in the U.S. as failures in your eyes
You didn't put enough points in LUK.
Reminder that women are at peak fertility at 18, still breedable until 25, but everything goes downhill from here and every year starting from 30 makes the chance of the child to be born with autism and other defects go up massively
Men on other hand don't have an expiration date and having children at 30 (if you have an active and normal life outside, lifeless and useless neets doesn't count) it better for the kid as you will have more experience to raise it as a good man, while having kids at 20 while you barely have any grasp of responsibility is just going to make the poor kid grow up like shit
Feels good knowing I earn more than the people here just by playing to my heart's content.
It's never too old. I'll be playing games at 75 while I have a cateter up my old wrinkly cock you double nigger
T-two wives? user-kun?
>quit my 40k/year job because middle management kept making my life worse
I'm not sure if I did the right thing, but right now I'm taking it easy.
Not that user, but using Yea Forums in your 20s/30s/whatever doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Maybe it’s because you currently view Yea Forums as a phase in your life and your life is currently unenjoyable? It’s just a website. I post during my car ride to and from work. Somehow I always find myself coming back to anonymity of the place when everything else is steeped in IDs that beg for points or upvotes or whatever.
This reads like a 15 year old posting and not even a troll. Adult life is hard and not everyone has the intelligence or luck with nepotism/connections to get a high paying job. Even techies mid career make under that sometimes.
Network administrators typing take a few years of experience to get to and the average for that is 69k. Tech pays higher than the average career. The vast, vast majority of people even with a ton of time invested into careers don't make it past the 75k mark.
I progressed academically though as I got two degrees but it didnt reflect on my career. I make less than my brother who never went to college at all.