Devs make games needlessly political

>Devs make games needlessly political.
>Criticize it.
>"stop making everything political, incel, have sex, /pol/, it's just a game, etc."

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Yeah, OP, I too really hated Deus Ex and Metal Gear Solid 3. Fucking politics, am I right, fellow gamers!?

You will never be a woman.


It's almost like there is a difference between a game about politics and adding female black nazis to a game for the sake of diversity.


You like one and not the other. That's the difference, sweetie.

Key word here is "needlessly"


Absolutely embarrassing.

Key word here is "subjective"

"I really don't like how Eidos is implying that the government would willingly kill its own citizens."
>yeah whatever Jew shill go back to worshiping kike dick
"I really don't like how Kojima has such a narrow view of Cold War politics and thinks the US government would willingly kill its soldiers."
>yeah whatever Jew shill go back to worshiping kike dick
"I really don't like how CDRed has such a narrow view of the US that it believes that the government is using identity politics to control the masses."

there are plenty of great games being made OP. stop wallowing in the sea of shit and start floating above the water. for every bit of energy you waste in the sea of political garbage, you could've enjoyed a great video game instead,

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Right wing SJWs who harass and attack developers just because they dont toe your political beliefs are just as bad as left wing SJWs.

This is a fact.

Genuine question. Are there actual leftists on Yea Forums or are they just people baiting/pretending to be retarded?

being against war and telling people to cut their dicks off are two quite different things

I'd say about 90% of it is bait.

Yea Forums is inherently leftist
We supported anti gamergate
We supported Obama
We support feminism and LGBT

It's only /pol/tards who come into Yea Forums since 2016 who shit things up with their garbage.

really FUCKING makes you think
Fuck trannies, fuck jannies, fuck grannies, fuck pansies and most of all fuck niggers

this but unironically.


>fuck grannies
Don't mind if I do

Too general OP.
Here's the correct statement you wanted to create after upping your IQ a few dozen points above dumb Western SJW and /pol/tard thresholds:
>Devs decide to insert politics
>Inserted politics isn't a result of investigating nuances and applying both negative and positive cause and effect to engage the player in critical thinking which subverts and challenges their preconceptions, stretched variably through multiple different takes on the same issue within the game intelligently designed to not appear copy pasted
>Inserted politics is instead the designer's political self-insert of biases and real politics which results in simple-minded and transparent narrative framing and pathetic intellectually disengaged propaganda
There you go OP.

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or having a black character, because that's politics

When did trannys become "politics"? Is this what happens when there hasn't been a war or recession in a while?

Trannyfaggots spend more time on Twitter having circlejerks and policing random people on the Internet autistically, than they do developing personal skills.
When you have nothing to show of yourself in terms of value to the world because you wasted it on Internet social engagement which leads to nowhere in reality, a good trick is to redefine that worthless addiction high on pointless narcissism and ego-feeding as "political engagement". Therefore, to trannyfaggots and other SJWs, being on Twitter is equivalent to being a Politician, and this cerebral retardation has now projected itself into gayming as well which will of course require crunch time to finish project because half the staff were busy being Twitter politicians instead of doing their jobs through responsible and conscientious scheduling.

Oh, so it's a boogeyman. Gotcha.

Sure, you could put it that way. If people didn't give them the time of day and criticized their writing and substance rather than identity, they wouldn't be the boogeymen people find them to be. Trannies who consciously avoid Twitter because they find it to be a mental retardant are in most cases fine people.

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Deplatforming pedophile shovelware isnt politics, that's more of a law enforcement issue.

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So you hate the best examples of tasteful politics? Idiot.

It's a style error, you know, to patronise people.