Has this board gotten more zoomer over time?
I remember back in 2015, people born in 98-99 used to be universally hated here. But now they're universally beloved and the majority of the site.
Has this board gotten more zoomer over time?
I remember back in 2015, people born in 98-99 used to be universally hated here. But now they're universally beloved and the majority of the site.
What the fuck does this have to do with video games you stupid ape
You mean the demographics of a websites changes over time and the people who posted here fifteen fucking years ago and now aren't the same?
No way
I remember when people would be mocked and called underage for stating their first console was a PS1. We're now at a point where people who started with PS360 are old enough to post here.
i'm here since 2007
fuck off newfag retard koomer
>back in 2015
Fuck off newfag
2012 here. What does that make me?
Who cares
We all die one day anyways
if you have to ask you're a newfag
Guess what, in 2030, most of this board will have been born in the late 2000s/early 2010s
This is how time works.
The best games released in the 90's, AoE 2 and HoMM 3 both came out in 99 and they are the most boomercore game you will find discussed on Yea Forums
Ok but I'm not talking about those games, I'm talking about people born in those years. People born in 98-99 would be too young to actually remember playing 98-99 games.
>Fortnite will be classic vidya in ten years
Fuck, end the world now.
Why don't trash threads like this get pruned, but the ones with anime tits and actual game discussion get trashed instantly?
We used to predict MW2 nostalgia threads, and here they are
hurr durr le whirrrrrrrr boomerdoomerzoomerkoomerpoomerloomerqoomerxoomercoomervoomer
yeah, but fortnite will be WORSE, way fucking worse.
I remember Yea Forums shilled fortnite for the first few months, then started hating it after it became popular and kids did the floss dance
To be fair Fortnite was a different game before they introduced Royale garbage into it.
zoomer isnt an age
>he thinks this site will exist in 2030
Oh sweet summer child
and also, the original mode STILL isn't fucking free and i want to play THAT more than fucking BR.
>wow people grow older IMAGINE MY SHOCK
neck yourself you stupid ape
id guess most people come here in high school and newfags don't understand how to behave so the loudest users are completely changed out every 4 years
I bet it will
>wow people post frogs IMAGINE MY SHOCK
People born in 98-99 were hated in 2015 because they were underage.
Now they're adults who are already going to college. It's almost as if people hate kids in general!
user, those people back then moved on and the new blood took their place.
It's time for you to move on, too.
Woah dude its like...we get older or something WOOOOAOAAAAHHHHH
Stupid bitch
years ago anons were posting fat anime asses, anons today are still posting fat anime asses
the demographics of Yea Forums might change as people grow older, but as long as people post delicious thighs and asses it will all be okay
People will complain about whatever word they've come up with, but something that unites us all is anime asses and cute girls.
Wow it’s like people age
What about Zoomers?
good question
91 kid here from slovakia (slovakia is behind on technology a lot)
I remember playing those weird atari games. I actually enjoyed them even though I had no idea wtf was happening I just liked pressing buttons.
Considering the majority of posters on this site have always been around the same age, yes, the site is obviously more "zoomer", the internet as a whole is just as affected as Yea Forums by generation shifts.
It's actually really annoying though.
The Internet was best when the main demographics were Gen Xers and people born in the 80s.
You know, 90s/2000s Internet.
newfag. im 2011 and im a newfag
Yes, you are. Kill yourself newfag.
thank you user
Die you fucking cancer
and leave my backlog unfinished? sorry to disappoint but no
Where do I go if I’m old and have no friends or gf?
All newfags deserve death
then chop chop get to it user
>faggots on Yea Forums are nostalgic for cod and minecraft now