This any good?
This any good?
Not really no
Half of the game is fighting against it's terrible netcode, bugs, and horrible optimization.
pretty much this, gamestutters really ruin gunfights sometimes. It's alright If you can live with it's flaws but even bigger of a problem seems to be that if you don't start playing when they reset progress on accounts because of a patch, you're just gonna have a terrible time playing against fully kitted guys in general who know the maps in and out.
>Shitters who wanted a milsim but suck so went back to tactically entering helicopters on their rp arma server
No more freeplay so no
>No more freeplay
>Shill cannot take that his game is handled so shittily by a terrible company, thus makes the game horrible
i think he means that its no longer viable to play to just get kills or have fun, you have to do quests in order to have a fair chance against other players, and the quests are more like achievements and tedious as fuck
>Fuck man if it wasnt for the net code and my cerebral palsy and the net code I would kick us just like in my single players jrpgs
>But mostly the net code XD
Keep making excuses for using Unity for a shitty tactical survival shooter where the only thing you do is GRIND for fun.
The netcode is fucking horrible no matter how you swing it retard. There is a difference between "wanting a milsim" and "wanting a functional game" you smoothbrained dipshit.
Not him but the game is shit, you can pretty much go on twitch and find a streamer with a game breaking bug in less than 10 minutes, and don't forget cheaters and that 235th time you shot someone in the head 3 times with a 7.62 round
The game sucks 95% of the time, the learning curve in the beginning is one of the most difficult ones out there, but when its good, you really enjoy it until you run into a squad of maxed out players. I recommend the game if you enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the game itself. Truly the souls of shooters
No, it's twitch streamer bait game #104702839, it's network is about as good as the dayZ standalone and the gameplay/balance is fucking terrible since only turbo autists get to play with the guns they want.
I don't care about "muh casual" if to get an m4 I have to grind for hours I'm playing something else, I have a fucking job and I don't plan to take another one just to have nice loot in some random ass Russian shooter.
Dogshit communist made game by vodka fueled autists, on top of all the bugs and optimization issues the game is also full of hackers and the devs don't give a shit. They are also too Jewish to implement a 3rd party anti hacking algorithm in their shit game, stating that their anti hacking algorithm does the job even though the rest of the game is complete buggy dogshit.
yeah its pretty good. It's gotten loadsa content and whereas recently i've gotten to level 30 and dropped the game cause theres nothing to do I'm now level 40 and Im' just getting to endgame.
Most people saying its shit are hyperautistic armchair generals who think the game is a simulator or people who don't n the game parroting memes
may have been true back in early alpha but now its really solid.
It's early access, get it on a sale. don't fall for more expensive packages since it's not pay to win you don't gain anything.
>defending russian jank that's essentially nothing more than a cash grab
>for f r e e
Hey guys botw2 is coming out. Finally a game on par with your overwhelming intellect.
>Finally I can feel badass again am I right Yea Forums is this based!
>flea market
unless they fixed netcode, hell no. Even with 20ms ping it was normal to have 0.5 - 1 sec delays during gunfights
>how much it is?
roughly 10 times more than normal for MP fps
This game is the Russian 'Star Citizen.' It will never be finished. Developers spend more time posting on reddit than fixing bugs. The exact same issues of networking, horrible optimization in which the latest in PC hardware still suffers framerate drops down into single digits, backend connection errors, repetitive quest/item systems, absolutely no concept of balance either with weaponry or how maps are designed. They utilized a shitload of previous assets from another failed game they did for the first year and a half-- the maps 'Factory' and 'Customs' are ripped entirely from a different game. They sell 2 editions- the Standard, which cuts your inventory space by 66% and intentionally gimps your looting ability, or a $140 'edge of darkness' edition they promised to stop selling once the game left Alpha (nearly 2 years ago) but continue to sell because Tarkov players with a sunk-cost fallacy convince their friends to buy the $140 edition, too.
Avoid this game at all costs. It's barely playable. They release a new map maybe once a year, and they have a minimum of 5 maps left to do before the game can be released. They've run through so many beta updates they cycled through .1-.9 and are back at .1 again.
Doesn't it feel lonely, to be the ONLY one that likes this piece of shit game? The ONLY one defending it while everyone is saying it's terrible?
Get fucked, my dude. The game is shit. If you spent $200 on it, I get why you're in denial.
it is jank but its not really a cash grab seeing how the effort they puit into it puts many games to shame.
If it was cashgrab it'd be some sorta dota, ubishit open world style game, battle royale or indie pixel shit.
You clearly are full of shit.
if you want a game that sorta milsim with weapon customizability and some loot and shoot mechanics it's great.
the stuttering can be helped by disabling hyperthreading on most systems. its buggy with some questionable netcode but I like it, just start with the cheapest version of the game to see if you like it.
What the flying fuck are you talking about here ? I bet the anons you answered play strictly on PC
>nice 200$ for my stash, crates and 3 fully kitted gun right ?! TOTALLY WORTH IT !
>The kind of guy who unironically uses the npc meme
>Ha we all think you're wrong believe us!
I guarentee more people like tarkov then what ever artsy shit indie game you play
stop responding to the redditor you fucking retard
>Spent 200 dollars
I bet you thought you would be some kind of badass like your favourite streamer lol
>doesn't realize i'm moking him
>If only I could downvote this post!
Also I'm not reddit I just forgot to post my smug anime face forgive me
>but when its good, you really enjoy it until you run into a squad of maxed out players.
That's where the fun begins, amigo.
>Also I'm not reddit I just forgot to post my smug anime face forgive me
>I'm just pretending guys ! look ! i'm just like you
You have to go back.
>Pay $50 for a very small stash and 2x2 container or $140 for 3x3 container and much bigger stash in a fucking loot simulator.
>Not a cash grab.
I know you have to justify your eod impulse buy somehow but I don't see how shilling this dogshit game for free helps.
>doesn't realize i'm moking him
>seems my internet win/loss ratio just went up XD
>special snowflake game with its own launcher
Just like yourself except i'm not retarded
Starsh size isn't an issue cause you can buy weapon and item crates form level 1 now and effectively increase your stash space.
Unless you're shit you're going to only keep 5 guns you are using and like 5 armors you are using max anyway.
Unless you're some sorta brainlet who keeps collecting shit they never use in which case you deserve to get ripped off.
And 3x3 container aint shit considering the game gives you a much bigger one by level 25 and a container dont matter unless you're some hatcheting shitter.
I get interners from doing this and it's a break from the jrpg circle jerks and nintendo shitfest.
>Licks window
Its actually horrible. There's so many invisible walls. It feels like trash. ontop of it everyone hacks so you wont be getting anywhere in the game. its a complete scam
actually a brainlet. your father must be disappointed
Ok lets see:
>immature, easy triggered Russian dev with a bunch of shady subsidiaries who use your personal data
>Swiss cheese for encryption/security, basically inviting everyone to remote access your shit
>literally pay to win packages
>messy netcode, de-syncing ect.
>shit load of different design flaws
If this were F2P I'd understand but they want actual money for this.
with steam refunds policy, no one competent at making money would release broken game there
it's a good thing when you think about it.
>those /vg/ arma fags who suck so bad that they keep having to lower operations difficulty or just plain switching ops because they cant even do it
I am embarrassed that I played with them for a few weeks years ago.
forgot to mention the insane amount of hackers cashing in on the flee market that are going unchecked by their comically bad in house anti-cheat
The game is shit. Loot is always in the same spot, so autists just learn the map and rush the good spots. A partially randomized map would be much better. The idea of the game is good, but right now it’s too metagey to live up to the idea
>I don't care about "muh casual" if to get an m4 I have to grind for hours I'm playing something else, I have a fucking job and I don't plan to take another one just to have nice loot in some random ass Russian shooter.
nigger literally just log into game and buy one lmao they're like 60 k and they're absolute shit guns.
yeah on paper it looks bad but it's honestly worth the price of the lowest package.
Also you're hilariously misinformed, you're like a faggot talking how vr is just a screen on your face with wiimote.
The most insane thing about eft is the amount of gold crown eod players running around. I don't even understand how fucking low iq you have to be to drop $140 on a garbage game for a bit of extra stash and container size.
You're right I never liked bing bing wahoo either. Your favourite nintendo games are too big brain for me
>you're hilariously misinformed
every single point he made is right, and your analogy is just as embarrassing as your delusional logic
>i dont like shitty russian cash grabs therefore i play nintendo
guarantee i have a higher survival rating and kd than you, but keep coping
If you’re into spergy “realistic” shooters go for it, it has all the boring walking around slowly and shooting people who don’t see you the rest of them have
Ignore all the autistic shitters in this thread OP. The tactical shooter community is chalk full of 15 year olds that want to larp as Seal Team Six but couldn't properly breach a plank door if their life depended on it. The game is hard as shit but it feels so amazing to come out on top in a situation stacked up against you.
The details of the guns as well as the interior locations is jizz worthy, but the actual hands-on gameplay loop is not very fun.
>quests are cancerous grindfests but required to progress with traders
>players who go in naked with a mosin make overall more money than players who go in fully kitted
>there is literally no incentive to ever team up with randoms because the PvE aspect is underdevelopped and has no good loot 90% of the time
>if you don't want to pvp you will need expensive rare drop keys to get any sorts of good loot
>or 100k-150k roubles for a one time use labs keycard
>what you can actually loot is generally unremarkable compared to what you can buy directly from traders, making looting not very exciting
>gamma containers for 120€+ russian tax is bullshit P2W garbage no matter how you slice it
>stash size is so limited that you always need to sell your extra weapons/junk and have to rebuy them when you need them until you can afford expensive containers
>modding is tedious but necessary
>some gun mods are objectively better than others but both cost the same price at the traders and unlock at the same time, rendering half of them useless
>so many small little mods that the "mods loot drop table" is bloated with useless default gas caps
>also, good luck remembering which mods are more expensive than other and worth looting
>the healing system is tedious and unfinished
>painkillers sharpen the screen and break twitch/youtube encoding, and players are always on painkillers after 1 or 2 fights
>drinks are useless unless you get popped in the stomach
>food is useless despite being animated super well
>optimization and stutters and netcode
>muh beta