Post your favorite fathers in gaming and share your vydia experiences with your dad
Happy Father's Day Yea Forums
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Reminds me of some guy who posted "Deep bowel dad farts" the other day.
Either way, I'm sure this thread will go down well.
user why would post things that you know are gonna make people sad?
Here's some father-son bonding.
I don't have a daddo...
but happy Father's Day to everyone!
We talking about Vidya dads?
Well, couldn't go without saying Globox was always a charming character!
he didn't do anything wrong
Pretty based choices
goofy Bracer dad is best dad
The only thing he did wrong was not raising Ciri to be his daughterwife.
My father never liked video games and was unsupportive of my gaming hobby
Are you winning son?
This game is sad
That's a lot of Bulmas
Father's Day is racist against blacks you fucking bigot
Then maybe one day you can be the father you always wanted for your kids, user
post games with tremendous dad x daughter relationships
Here's two of them about to have a serious discussion on subject of one's father and the other's son.
my dad's telling me to finish Dragon Warrior already
Witcher 3
Silent Hill 1
Bioshock 2
I wanna post a picture of me and my dad when he took me to the circus years ago. We played Third Strike together for almost an hour in the little arcade section they had
But everyone is just gonna say "nigger" or "wow he actually stayed", so it's not worth it.
Best dad is right here!
That is another reason to love you old man, user
Of course I love him.
My dad taught me to read by having me fumble my way through tomb raider walkthroughs, he called me his Tomb Reader. I love him, but on days like today I struggle with resentment. My mom died when I was 12 and he started dating 6 months later, he would go out all the time either leaving me and my autistic sister with a sitter until I was old enough to do it. He led a teenage social life all through my highschool up until my sister passed away. Whenever I was miserable or lonely or missing my mom or on the verge of self harm, he wasn't there. I once confided in some close class mates I trusted how horrible I felt and how I just wanted to be with my mom and would die to do it. It eventually filtered back to him, he gave me a Stern talk and that was it. It culminates when he had a heart attack and I didn't come when I heard about it. My feelings came out, feelings from the extended family came out and we all cried.
We've made peace with it, but thinking on it still hurts, I know he was hurting too, but his son needed a father, but he wasn't there, and I retaliated in the same way.
Bioshock 2 is literally "Dad" the game.
I never had a dad, that's why im a neet.
It was through no fault of my own that i was not raised properly and taught how to be a man. My mother never had any partner throughout my life past the age of 4 either. I'm a miserable failure and it's all because i was raised entirely by a single mother.
>Let's get em Patrick
>You got it Spongebob
You probably should have joined your mom and sis bro. Make him your tomb reader. That'll show him.
Did it way better then the shitshow Infinite was.
Missed opportunities, now I'm all about fitness and self-improvement so I actually get seratonin from time to time
This is my life but slightly better. Please dont let yourself fall into darkness. Its never too late to make yourself into a man.
I fucking told you so OP you faggot kike!
Were you and your mom living on top of some mountain, completely isolated from every other man in the world? A male role-model doesn't have to be just the guy screwing your mother.
my 3 year old didn't buy me a ps2 with silent hill 2 for father's day, so now I'm drinking at 10am to cope.
It really is. Loved it
Do stepfathers count?
No. There was just never a male role model in my life at any point.
Sure, some may call them cucks but taking care of someone else is one of the most important part of fatherhood
what a cuck
It depends on the circumstances. We dont see good stepfathers in the media or the news very often. This is the one single occasion I wish /pol/ would stop posting nigger child to slut wife shit. Because I think it demeans when honest men try to do an honest deed. I mean the coalburner toll earner meme is real and should be shamed but even then it can butterfly effect to unintended consquences. And this is coming from someone who had an emotionally abusive stepfather.
Ruining this thread right now, bitches
My father died last year. He wasn't into vidya but sometimes came into my room and watched. I could talk with him about stuff he didn't knew/understood but still listened.
my dad died in 2015, I never got to play diablo 2 with him directly because we had to take turns on the same computer, but we both played. RIP
No Cost Too Great...
This one fucked me up hard
My dad also wasn't into game but he liked to watch me play RE4, his favorite part was the sewers with the invisible novistadores because of the music and creepiness, good times
/pol/ give widows and stepfather who marry widows a pass though typically even in the coal threads
>burning the coal and keeping the niglet
>poor mate selection
>marrying a dude, having his kids, then divorcing him
>either poor mate selection or she's a gold digger or both
>Widow who's husband died
>Unexpected, not predictable, no one's fault
Hey Yea Forumsros I'm 26 and my mom just died a couple weeks ago. I have no other family because she left my dad when I was 5 and kind of ostracized me from both halves of my extended family. My dad kept contact for a few years after but I haven't heard from him years much less seen him.
So my question is do I call him and tell him his ex-wife died?
The last one is the only one ive seen evidence of.
Maybe you should to do some small talk first, maybe try to meet up eith him
>Having kids with a dude who abandons them
>I have seen no evidence of this being poor mate selection
what did nintendo mean by this
Is there anyone more based than Tomaru Sawagoe?
are player 2 the step dads?
>just there for support
Is it also terrible art day.
How are they getting blonde?
Terrible dad, but still overall a good person.
Playing this with my dad was the shit.
Not on fathers day you retard
No one's posted the best dad in gaming.
His vietnam-vet dad was even worse. He would've been a good dad if he wasn't so unlucky.
The widow you dumbass Barnacle Head! The last one on the fucking list!
What is this?
chapter 4 was really crappy but the intro is emotional kino
My dad a fag.
Pic related was a better dad.
[Spoiler]I had sex with my dad when I was 19. It was kind of a spurr of the moment type of thing, we just spontaneously fucked. For awhile we never spoke of it again, but ever since I came out as bi he and I have been abit more slightly intimate with eachother. He's what one would call a 'Bear'[/spoiler]
He deserved a better daughter.
What the fuck. Are you a girl at least.
My father died two years ago on Ash Wednesday. I just had a yardsale today, forgetting it was father's day. He got me into video games, I never asked- he was already knee deep in them. I still remember when we got the Pentium 286, 256 color display, Wing Commander and Commander Keen. Downloading the Command & Conquer demo on dial-up, took six hours to download 14 megabytes. I sold his old tackle box and the tackle we used together the last several decades for $30.
Walked back inside, lit a dried old cigar of his, and with a gleam in my eye opened my dresser drawer- 13 perfectly preserved boxes of Rapala tackle, and all of his fishing rods.
Thanks for the beer money, old man. The next 10,000 casts are for you.
How did it even come about? Did you drop something and bend over and he grabbed your ass or something? Like what the fuck.
the feels!
look at this son
he's so happy to spend time with his dad and uncle!
he's a moody boy
Did he do the right thing, Yea Forums?
>We played CTR and Descent growing up
>Remake and successor come out
>He has Parkinson now and can't really play anymore
Getting older blows
Eeeeeeeeh, I think we were just watching tv on the couch, some football shit or something, then he put his arm over my shoulder, stayed like that for abit, inched closer till I was laying my head on his chest, then it kind of went from there. It was a slow process.
So your dad initiated which implies he'd been wanting to fuck you for a long time...?
Me and my dad got a Dreamcast the day it came out. We played tons of games, when we got Sonic Adventure we had tons of fun. House of the Dead 2 was pretty scary for me at the time but my dad asked if I wanted to try it anyway. I manned up and played it, only got to Tower (we were playing multiplayer) but we ended up playing it very often and eventually beat the game. We played every Silent Hill as they came out up to 4, he did most of the work but we still had fun together. Thanks pops, love you.
When I was younger, my dad used to shave me, cut my nails, trim my pubes, pop pimples on my face and back, would smell my penis to make sure it smelled nice and to make sure I cleaned the smegma, would do the same for my armpits, and would sometimes shower with me. This went on until I was around 16 and he would beat me if I ever denied him. He also deeply resented me because I was shit at sports while he was a Chad in high school/college. I haven't spoken with him in 8 years.
I like The Last of Us because the character progression of Joel.
>player 2 the step dads?
more like cucks
>just there for support
That is a lot of dreamcasts
At least he was gentle, and very into cuddling
Jesus at least write something hot we can jerk off to if you're gonna make shit up
I can't remember the last time me or my dad said I love you to each other. Weird being bound to someone by blood that closely and feeling pretty much indifferent toward them. At least I think the feeling's mutual so no one's feelings are hurt here.