Play Quake 2
Play Quake 2
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Series really went downhill after the first game
I do sometimes. Actually kinda of amazing that you can still find a server for Quake 2 of all things in a world where multiplayer games can permanently die after a few months. That's the advantage of dedicated servers.
playing Unreal right now for the first time
interesting how different these 2 games are
I spent hundreds of hours playing deathmatch on tastyspleen's servers. I've had enough.
I've played the base game, the expansion packs and Quake 4 too many times to count. Fucking adore the Strogg timeline.
The intro will always be the beyond god tier.
Would kill if they'd make a new modern strogg game a good sequel to 4. But Quake fags will always scream for more Quake 1 esque stuff while normies screech out for more Doom.
I don't mind, but I think it's a shame.
no, you want one more round and you know it
I would bet you anything the reason Quake 2 keeps popping up is because of that 1 Zoomer, Boomer, and Doomer image in a house where the Doomer has a poster of Quake 2 and "le nobody gets me" Doomers wanna feel special. I fucking guarantee this plays a part as to why Quake 2 popped up outta nowhere again
>because of that 1 Zoomer, Boomer, and Doomer image in a house where the Doomer has a poster of Quake 2 and "le nobody gets me" Doomers wanna feel special.
I have no idea what you're trying to say
Alright, but it will be Action Quake 2.
Mostly its the Quake 2 RTX version that came out. Also 1 and 3 have been talked to death.
Well, there's your problem. Should have been playing CTF!
CTF didn't get as many people. DM1 on tastyspleen would frequently hit the 16 person max over the weekends.
the original version had a halo 3 poster on the wall
nobody actually loved quake 2, quake 1 is the superior game
I thought that as well but the game had been popping up more and more even before that
Does this game get more hate nowadays? I get it isn't as good as the first, but it's still pretty good, great soundtrack too.
>Pros: takes down enemies like flies
>Cons: eats ammo like popcorn
What am I?
>>>Quake will only ever be either Unreal Tournament multiplayer arena trash or Marine/Strogg shit until the end of time
I want a modern Quake with an updated take on the originals theme. Marrin/stogg a shit.
I played the first Quake and that counts because Quake 2 is Quake 2 but the original Quake is Quake too.
The only bad thing is the bland singleplayer. Other than that it doesn't get much hate, it's just that Quake 1 and 3 are eldritch god tier.
Chaingun and Hyperblaster.
I can't just yet, I want to beat Quake 1 first
Can't find the last secret in E4M5
only "bad" part about singleplayer was that combat wasn't 90% circlestrafing, so you had to either kill fast or use cover.
I understand where complain gets from, I just don't argee with it. It's like complaining that you have to move around constantly in Serious Sam, and can't just SSG while strafing projectiles like you did in Doom 2.
Quake 2 sucks
For me it was the leveldesign tbqh.
Oh there's a remake? Thanks for letting me know I'm gona play me some quake
I hope you have a 500+ bucks graphics card. If yes then have fun.
Well I'm convinced, let me find my old disk.
I am
not a remake, just tech demo for raytracing based on Quake 2. Has some nice effects, but makes Quake 2 lag on gtx2060 lol
digency greets you
played action quake 2 last night
great game