Xenoblade thread
Which one is your favorite?
Xenoblade thread
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X has my favorite exploration and sidequests, 2 my favorite gameplay and soundtrack and 1 my favorite characters and story.
Honestly I love them all, but if I HAD to pick a favorite, judging by playtime it'd had to be X.
Can't wait to see what comes next though.
X is the one I got the most time out of, although the first twenty hours were a slog. Once the mechanics "clicked" it was super fun and I eventually 100%d it before starting a new file with a new character, although I never finished that one. I still go back to my original file every so often to make new builds.
Xenoblade 2 was okay, but the exploration mechanics didn't gel due to the field skill stuff, so I pretty much just finished the story and dropped it. Never got round to Torna, but I've heard it's not great.
Got to the heart area of Xenoblade 1 and dropped it due to a frustrating boss fight then I sold my 3DS. Found the battle mechanics to be dull, although playing as Melia made it more interesting. Hated the Monado foresight mechanic.
The original. It had a neat story, the setting was creative as fuck and the characterstyle was pretty unique, even though it was more or less unintended.
2 was pretty polished but the anime artstyle looks ugly as fuck and all that waifufag pandering killed all immersion because it was so fucking obvious. At least Torna fixed most of it and on top of that the gameplay was pretty much the best of the franchise.
>1 > Torna > X >> 2
I loved 1. I like X. I hate 2. I haven't played Torna. For what it's worth I love Gears and Saga too.
X, closely followed by 1. 2 was a blight upon thte series. It’s basically a glorified eroge.
X > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
Now that monolith has expanded it's studios how will the staff affect the game, will we getting a game with world more similar to x, will Takahashi take a more similar approach to blade 2 due to its new found success, maybe we get a combination of the two and get traditional stories with open world or are we gonna get fucked by zelda again?
1. Say otherwise and be branded as a massive faggot.
I beat the first one yesterday, what a game, a solid 10/10 for me, but the ending... Klaus? I'm playing the second one, I'm in the 5th chapter I think, at some point, someone say something about how Jin saw the end of the world or something, are the two games connected? I didn't play X so I assume that it also is connected, but please don't tell me spoilers just a little
1 is kino. Best characters, best story, most balanced combat and gameplay. All around solid.
X is close to kino. Best exploration, best sidequests, best customization. Glaring flaws in story, music and characters but made up for by other aspects.
2 is... okay I guess? Combat is fun and I like how colourful the game looks.
*Ahem* Fuck Ursula, fuck merc missions and fuck moe shit *dabs*
>I assume that is also connected
We literraly don't know because Takahashi is a goddamn hack, and thats why i love him
>X will never be on switch
>massive power gap
All of them.
It doesn't matter because i think the next blade game will be the best, with the old team back and mre experience than ever i think xenokino will reach a new high
Good dammit, X looks amazing, but I don't want to buy a Wii U just for one game
Xenosaga 3 > Xenogears > Xenoblade X > Xenoblade 2 > Xenosaga 1 > Xenoblade 1 > Torna > Xenosaga 2
Xenosaga 1 was boring, Xenoblade 1 was generic
Torna and Xenosaga 2 are the only Xenos I'd consider bad though.
All very comfy. Hoping for X2
Then buy it for 2.
2 and 1 are nearly equal in my eyes (though not in the same aspects), but I prefer 2 a little more. It's simply held my attention for a lot longer than 1 did.
I've enjoyed X more than anything on the Switch. Wii U is the true kino console.
Don't mind me, just the best battle theme in the Xenoblade series
X > 2 > 1
X because it's the only one I've played.
I like 1 and 2 about the same. Port X to the fucking switch and I'll give you my opinion on it.
Do it now.
>Gears fans used to hate SAGA
>Gears and SAGA fans used to hate Blade
>Blade 1 fans hated X
>Blade 1 fans hate 2 now
Such is the Xeno franchise.
There's also W101
I never hated X or 2.
It was never about the quality of the games, it's that this new game is getting more attention than the one they like.
*blocks your path*
I personally loved all Blade games. I tried playing Gears but the platforming, button mash sewers and random encounters just killed my drive to actually play it. With gameplay this shit it'd have honestly been better off as an actual VN.
Please understand, the game was literally unfinished.
That's no excuse for having shit basic controls. That's something they should have figured out early in development.
It's the only one I've played to completion and got invested in.
I liked all the characters, every area was large and vibrant, and a great OST.
It even got a DLC game worth the money that explored the past.
Best post. Also Xenoblade 2 is several times based for having actual towns and crazy plot twist.
Xeno 1 and 2 were nice and all but X gave a real feeling of exploring an alien world, which 1 and 2 didn't and are more or less just a "fantasy" jrpg instead of pure science fiction.
So I kinda liked more X, overall.
Can't wait for X2. Which will never come.
>Can't wait for X2. Which will never come.
Unless something changes, it's coming eventually. There's no reason to be so negative.
X is my favourite overall by a large margin, contrary to popular belief I actually really enjoyed the story and characters. The world was incredible.
2 gave me feelings and emotions I haven't experienced in a JRPG since the fifth or sixth gen, probably the most soulful JRPG of the last 20 years.
I didn't care much for Xenoblade 1 except for the story-bits inside the Mechonis which were kino, especially with the climax with Egil and Zanza appearing and the cutscenes immediately after that. Shame Zanza turned out to be a mustache-twirling saturday morning cartoon villain.
>not *stands against your path*
One job
To me Gears is the closest thing we've gotten to Takahashi's original vision for the series. Every game since has essentially been trying to tell the story he told in Gears but in a different way.
The controls are perfectly fine for a 1998 game where platforming is not the focus. Tower of Babel is still shit but it's also a pretty short section of the game you only do once.
1 for characters and feels
X for gameplay and exploration
2 for world building and lore
All of them for the OST.
Didn't X bomb as far as we are talking about sales?
Xeno2 was much more succesful. Why shouldn't they just do another "Xeno 3" instead of X2?
Actually X did pretty good considering the Wii U was a failure. Also I'm pretty sure Takashi makes whatever he wants
>Didn't X bomb as far as we are talking about sales?
Why do people say this? Japan sales in the first week said it sold 90% of copies that were shipped to stores.
Because they want to make X2.
Already surpassed
Because Takahashi said he has no plans to just leave X on the massive cliffhanger that it had.
Is this a joke? That was easily the shittiest battle theme in 2.
Easily X, but it still has a lot of problems which, with the appropriate fixing could make it one of the greatest games of all times
Doesn't live up to the raw HYPE of Mechanical Rhythm, although I still like it.
Sorry user but it's a yikes from me.
X sold more than Xenoblade 1, 2 sold more than X. As long as they're on an upward spiral I don't see why Nintendo should refuse Monolith's next project, be it X2 or XC3.
True, but I'm almost sure that they gonna port it to switch first than X
>X sold more than Xenoblade 1
Do we know that for sure? I've always heard that it sold less for some reason.
>fighting regular mobs for xp/a quest
>suddenly this music starts playing instead because a fucktard in your party used an aoe move when a tyrant was patrolling nearby
>you wipe
Every time
Would you play a full blown X MMO on PC if they ever released it?
The Wii U flopped, they couldn't possibly have done better when the install base was so low. That being said, X still had a lot of problems particularly with the mute protag and butchered plot, and Japs bitched about it all the time after the game was released. Whenever X2 is released, I expect it be a lot different from the original.
After Rex i really hope we go back to a mute protag
But XC2 launched to a lower install base than XCX did.
Shulk was pretty good, we just need to go back to that instead of shotas and mute retards.
According to
Xenoblade 1 sold 82k copies, X sold 86k.
We know that as of March (before the vouchers deals), 2 had sold 1.73 millions.
I'm currently playing X, it's fun but dear god I hope whoever designed the menus and UI was fired, they are an absolute clusterfuck. The fact that I can't properly pause the game (and the emulation) also fucking sucks.
And it didn't go much further than that. Less than 115K by the end of 2015.
>on PC
Lets be completely real, X would have been a lot better if it could actually load stuff and didn't have to pop in everything a few meters in front of you.
Japan only cares about the first week of sales.
>Shulk was pretty good
Fuck off smashfag
Have you forgotten it yet?
You're only looking at the first week of sales in Japan for each.
According to Wikipedia, by the end of the years they released, XB1 had sold 161k and X sold 114k.
i like them all differently :)
Name one thing objectively wrong with Shulk or go back to your containment zone, mouthbreather.
>Implying you have to like Smash to like Shulk
Not him, but what are you gonna do next? Flip shit and start calling people trannies too?
What kind of stupid reasoning is that? It's true jrpgs are front-loaded and basically only sell in their first 2-3 weeks, but they sure don't care about sold copies made after that launch window when it happens. XC2 still selling like it does thanks to good word of mouth is an exception, and one they surely care about.
They’re all good but X is a masterpiece that likely won’t be matched in the areas it excels in, at least not for a long time
Don’t bother, all you’re gonna get is
>M-Muh shonen is always bad
>M-Muh revenge arc that Shulk grew out of
>What kind of stupid reasoning is that?
Because for some reaosn in Japan, 85-90% of all copies sold in a game's lifetime are sold in the first week it's out. The Japanese have no "I'll wait until it's on sale", or "I'll wait until my next paycheck", you either buy it right there or not at all.
>overrides the absolute god tier region tracks
Why the fuck did they do this? It's one of the reasons I can't stand flight mode, particularly in Sylvalum.
>We need revenge
Shulk was a whiny faggot, so much so he literally got a skill tree for it.
Shulk growing out of his revenge arc isn't a bad idea at all, and it's what I expected from his character, but the way it was handled was pretty terrible.
>Mute protag
lol m8 Cross never shuts the fuck up
Like fucking clockwork.
If you hate X you hate video games.
Nigger no one cares Shulk got over his revenge.
Its him telling people especially someone whose father LITERALLY WAS JUST MURDERED to get over it.
Shulk was a giant faggot and before Smash added him we was railed on constantly.
Will we get any new xeno game now that monolith is stuck with BotW sequel?
the gears anniversary album does things to me
We already know that Division 1 is working on a new RPG, it just hasn't been announced yet.
X and 2 have some pretty great moments, but they also have some glaring flaws that prevent me from liking them as much. XC1 has overall the best package. It may not be as ambitious as the other two, but it is the most polished and has the least amount of notable flaws. So it's my favorite.
It does things to me in making me remember that THIS WAS ALL WE FUCKING GOT FOR THE ANNIVERSARY
>Tfw this will never come to pass
If only Xenogears wasn't being held hostage by Square.
it's not fair
1's biggest flaw was the cast, you could eliminate nearly every character from the party and the story wouldn't change at all, they also didn't really have much interaction with each other outside of heart to hearts which admittedly had a few really good ones but for the most part didn't give you much.
In Xenoblade 2's backstory, it's mentioned that Blades didn't originally have weapons, they just evolved to be like that over time.
What purpose did they serve (from a human point of view) before they got to that point? Just act as servants/companions?
Sex toys
I have much to say to your post specifically, but how could you not call it Kinoblade?
whats the best possible way to play x?
ive got the disk but you can hear it pushing the wiiu drive to the limit. you also need compatibility packs to reduce loading times.
full digital seems like the best bet but the game is TOO BIG for internal wiiu, meaning you need an external hd?
>could eliminate nearly every character from the party and the story wouldn't change at all
So Shulk stopping the mechons from taking over bionis and eventually killing Egil wouldn't happen and the bionis' entire population would just be killed off? The party killing the Telethia in Makna forest stopping it from killing off the Noppons wouldn't happen? Just to name a couple.
>didn't really have much interaction with each other outside of heart to hearts
Except for the huge list of quotes that occurred after battles?
>held hostage
Takahashi knew what he was doing when he left the company that held 100% of the rights to the game he made.
I unironcally thought Fei would be the last DLC blade
>So Shulk stopping the mechons from taking over bionis and eventually killing Egil wouldn't happen and the bionis' entire population would just be killed off? The party killing the Telethia in Makna forest stopping it from killing off the Noppons wouldn't happen? Just to name a couple
No he means that the plot still works if Shulk is the only party member for 90% of the game.
Based mature xenolover.
2 > X > 1
But i like them all.
The party still supports him. Reyn is a bro who encourages him in Tephra Cave and throughout the game, Fiora is his whole reason for going on his journey for half the game, Dunban teaches him and holds him back from making hasty decisions, Melia allows him access into the High Entia areas.
Haven't gotten around to X yet because on release I had a tiny TV and literally the UI was too small to read in the game. Now have a huge glorious 4k tv and can't be asked to get out my wii u. Anyway...
Yeah two had some cringe and anime schlock in the beginning but most of that fell away toward the end. Music was absolutely kino in both, and while both had incredible visual design, the fidelity of 1 killed me inb4 HD texture pack on Dolphin. I didn't like the game enough to play through it twice
And I think 2 just plays better over all and I had more fun exploring Titans than anything in 1
does cemu have full compatibility with xenoblade x? i have an old build around to test botw
1 > X > 2 Overall
I love 2's combat though.
What the other user said you could cut nearly everyone from the party and not much would change.
Reyn is just there to give you a party member at the start of the game and have Shulk stop being whiny about his powers in the very first cave. Hell Dunban even steals his chance to give Shulk pep talks at the end of the game.
Sharla has an introductory arc but completely drops off until the last 30 minutes of the game when they lazily just toss out her fiancee again. Shes probably the most offensive since after Prison Island it would have made more sense to tell Shulk to fuck off and leave the party.
Melia sort of has an arc and things to do in the plot but they are almost all tied to her city and she could really just be made an NPC without much changing though removing her is the biggest stretch.
Rikki despite being fun could be completely removed from the game with nothing changing at all.
Realistiacally the entire game could have been just Shulk and Dunban from the start, Melia joining you at Prison island and Fiora at the end with nothing changing.
Yeah you need an external hd to play X. I have no idea why the filesize is so big when the game only runs in 720p.
I mean I could apply the same logic to X and 2, and almost any JRPG for that matter.
Zeke does pretty much nothing other than opening up the way to Tantal, Morag does nothing and is literally only in the party because Niall tells her to be, Nia is just there because she happened to be in the Torna group at the start but got separated and decides to join you before having a change of heart and falling in love with Rex. You could everyone other than Rex and Pyra and the story would be the same.
You could cut*
>you could cut nearly everyone from the party and not much would change
That's absolutely retarded.
Yes user and its a complaint there too.
Morag is only in the party as a babysitter in X2.
Quina is just in FF9 to give you a 4th party member and Amarant is just there because Zidane punked him once.
In case you didn't notice people bitch about them when talking about those games too. Ideally you have a cast where all the characters have arcs and motivations as well as interact with more than the MC in the party.
X = 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
She's not even that in 2 but okay. If anything she's just a sort of spy for Niall to follow what the group is doing.
Love’m all.
But Nia is best girl of all games.
Similar to wolves and humans naturally working together and eventually becoming companions is how I imagined it just stupid and fiction
Yup, I'm playing it right now. Don't bother with the 60fps hack unless you have a 8700k or 9700k, it's not dynamic so you either maintain solid 60 frames at all times or there'll be slowdowns.
2 so far, but I like them all and am excited for x2 or 3
any weird quirks? what about the gamepad screen stuff? ive had the game downloaded for quite awhile waiting for the day it'll work. slightly older hardware, i7700k 1080ti
Zeke represents Tantal, has ties to Amalthus, and is a Blade Eater.
Morag represents the interests of the people on a dying Titan, and ties to the Blade life cycle story through Brighid's connection to the Aegis War.
Tora and Poppi tie in to the artificial Blade plot, and are important to Rex's development as his proteges. And Poppi's worries about being dangerous mirror Mythra's.
Nia has a massively important character arc that she goes through that ties to the motivation of the villains and reflects the themes of the entire narrative.
Everyone has unique motivations and ties to the themes of the story in their own way. Now compare that to XC1. Mad that the Mechon killed Fiora? So is Shulk. Sad that a loved one was turned into a killing machine? So is Shulk? Betrayed by Dickson? So was Shulk. And Riki is there literally just because they told him to be. Shulk, Fiora and Melia are a solid part of the narrative, everyone else is just there for the banter.
Oh most definitely, shes watching you because Rex walks around with a super nuke but they sort of lazily tried to pull "their your friends you want to go with them" its incredibly lazy there too.
At least Zeke has his connections to Amalthus and the stuff with his kingdom as his introduction.
No bugs whatsoever, smooth ride so far. I have weaker hardware than you (i5 7500 and 1070) and been playing it at 3840x1620@30fps on build 1.15.7c (1.15.8 breaks the game) just fine. The gamepad screen can be used by pressing TAB, you only need it for fast travel though. Don't forget to enable the ''Brightness'' option in the graphic packs as the native bloom is cancerous.
>Morag represents the interests of the people on a dying Titan, and ties to the Blade life cycle story through Brighid's connection to the Aegis War.
Everybody in the game lives on a dying fucking Titan. What makes her so special?
>Tora and Poppi tie in to the artificial Blade plot, and are important to Rex's development as his proteges
You could apply this to any JRPG party member.
>X is important to the MC's development and acts as a protege
>Shulk, Fiora and Melia are a solid part of the narrative, everyone else is just there for the banter
Dunban literally fights in the war against the Mechon at the start, knows how to use the Monado before Shulk and therefore acts as a mentor and somewhat of a father figure for him and Reyn, is Fiora's brother so has his own additional reasons for wanting to save her, has his own arc with Dickson.
Sharla is there to find her husband and as a representative of Colony 6's hopes.
Reyn is there because he's also friends with Fiora and has known Dunban and Shulk his whole life so wants to help them.
damn, im really excited now
thanks for the info
It emulates well, it's a shame the CEMU devs haven't enabled dual/triple core recompiler for it (only BOTW has this option). It would make running it at 60fps much easier.
sharla was the best girl, x had the best world, 2 had the best story.
>Everybody in the game lives on a dying fucking Titan. What makes her so special?
Not him, and I find his argument kind of ridiculous, but Mor Ardain isn't really facing the same situation as the other Titans. IIRC it's already mentioned that it's getting old in the Torna DLC. XB2 is its final days, with the government actively preparing to get everyone off it before it finally goes down for good.
The other Titans are starting to show signs of old age (like harvests getting worse and such), but it's unlikely any of them would fall or even get near the same point Mor Ardain is at within the natural lifespans of any of the party members. None of them have to directly confront the reality of it like Morag does.
>used goods
>best anything
>shulk there because mechon bad
>reyn there because mechon bad
>dunban there because mechon bad
>sharla there because mechon bad
Surely you can understand the difference? Nobody is saying that they don't have the motivation to be with the party. They just don't really add anything to the narrative. What does Gadolt's plotline add that wasn't already dealt with in Fiora's plot? Imagine an XC2 where every party member joins because Pyra asks them to help her get to Elysium.
>Rex there because Elysium good
>Nia there because Elysium good
>Morag there because Elysium good
>Zeke there because Elysium good
I can oversimplify too.
Hack your wii U, put the game on an SD card and use loadiine, you can also apply the jp voice/decensor patch before putting it in the sd
It runs in 720p because the WiiU isn't powerful enough to run it in 1080p, but the game still has a shitton of assets, voice clips, music, ...
I would understand that argument if Morag voiced opinions and concerns about wanting to find the Architect in the hopes of saving the Mor Ardain titan, but I don't remember her ever expressing that sentiment.
She just does as Niall tells her to and didn't even want to join the party but just did it because he wanted her to.
>but the game still has a shitton of assets, voice clips, music, ...
Yeah it's called compression motherfucker, do you devs know how to use it?
XB2 > XBX > XB1
XBX > XB2 > XB1
XB2 = XB1 > XBX
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>World design
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>World building
XB2 > XBX > XB1
>World Concept
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Characters (based on being enjoyable)
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Character Development
XB2 > XB1 > XBX
XB2 > XBX > XB1
>Character Design
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>Art Style
XB2 > XBX > XB1
XB2 > XB1 > XBX
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Best girl
Poppi > Melia > Celica
Are you retarded? Did you even read the post?
> Imagine an XC2 where every party member joins because Pyra asks them to help her get to Elysium.
I mean that would be more incentive for Zeke, Tora and Morag to be in the party than is actually given in the game
>Poppi > Melia > Celica
Niall tells her to join the party (and "follow your heart") because she wants to go, but would never let herself neglect what she sees as her duty to go chasing after a legend (even if the Aegis is guaranteeing that it's a legitimate solution).
He's telling her that he agrees with Rex, and she shouldn't feel bad for also wanting to follow that lead - that if Elysium can be a real solution to the world's problems, Mor Ardain playing a part in helping reach it is more important than having Morag sit around protecting Niall.
I dressed up my character to look like Doomguy (except giving him Aviator glasses instead of a helmet to see his expressions). Made it a bit more tolerable since he always comes across as the stoic, badass asshole.
if you compress assets then the cpu has to uncompress it everytime it loads something and that's not an option when the game is on WiiU and you need to use as much cpu power as you can
>more important than having Morag sit around protecting Niall
But is it really? It's not like Morag actually does anything in the game outside of combat and hunting Rex's party at the start, and even in combat Tora makes a better tank. Storywise it's just pointless for her to be there. May as well have sat on her ass with the shota kid.
I disabled 60 FPS since it made hitting the button events kinda stupid with only half the time to react.
X was stuck on a failed console and it was NOT well liked in Japan because fans were extremely confused when it had basically zero relation to XB1. Rumor has it that during early testing they started sensing that the game would not go over well which set XB2 on a course that was more similar to 1 to avoid killing their franchise with Nipjank, Xenosaga style.
I love nipjank but most people don't.
The menus have been shit in all Xenoblade games, shitty menus is a hallmark of Nipjank.
X2's biggest problem is the pacing honestly. The second you get your complete party and go to Genbu its clocks ticking no time to wind down and have any character interaction
>Oh fuck got to get to the bottom of Genbu or we all die clocks ticking
>Pyras kidnapped, if we dont go power up then save her shes gonna die
>Well we fell down to the surface and the parties separated
>Time to climb the world tree while everyone fucking dying due to Amalthus being a dick and the games over
It really needed to have a segment or two where you werent rushing to sit and have the party chat about dumb shit around a campfire or something.
but that ass though
X is so fucking bad i don't know what you cunts see in that game
My favorite of the Xeno- series.
Dropping a warship on the unsuspecting Id just isn't fair.
Yes, definitely. What, would you prefer having one less party member so Morag can go stand around as a NPC in Niall's throne room for the rest of the game?
>Well we fell down to the surface and the parties separated
The whole Morytha section felt like it was meant to be a lot bigger and actually switch between the different parts of the party, like the Fallen Arm part in XB1.
It's frustrating that the most interesting part of XB2 (for me) is also when the pacing gets so fucking rushed.
Cool mechs, nice music, exploration and world design, battle system and cool mechs
No, I'd prefer a character who actually does something in regards to the plot, or at the very least has their own personal reason for wanting to reach the Architect beyond a very thin
>hurr my shota brother wants me to go because our titan is dying but I don't really want to
I'd rather have fucking Niall himself in the party than this shit.
>but I don't really want to
I just explained to you why this isn't the case. The scene where Niall tells her to go makes it abundantly clear that she wants to go, that's the whole point of it.
Even still there's no convincing reason as to why she in particular is in in the party.
I'm sure anybody in Mor Ardain would jump at the chance to go meet the architect. It would make much more sense if Niall went instead because it's his personal kingdom and people who are in danger. That's a reason that's personal to him because nobody else is the fucking ruler of Mor Ardain.
Niall isn't a combatant, the reason he gives Morag Aegaeon's core is because he's not cut out for fighting. Him going instead of Morag makes no sense at all.
I really wanted to like Chronicles but it just took 7ever to get the story line moving and I kept dropping it. Didn't have a Wii U so couldn't play X but it gets points for Mechs. Chronicles 2 almost made me drop it but I'm glad I didn't. Really picked up in the middle and the ending was pretty good.
If they released Chronicles and X for Switch, day one buy.
Then the writers could have just make it so he has some combat prowess. Hell he fights in Torna which is set before 2.
When did you drop the first Xenoblade? I thought the story got moving fairly quickly.
Niall and Hugo aren't the same person
Still they could easily have written him to be a fighter. It just doesn't make any sense to me why Morag exists in the party, nevermind Tora.
The Faced Mechon in the mines I believe? So far everything was "MECHON DID BAD LETS CHASE MECHON" and Shulk has literally zero personality. At least the chick had a reason to tag along as she was trying to find the kid.
That's understandable. The ether mines get pretty dull.
Is Chronicles able to be run on an emulator? I thought I heard the Wii Version needed a Wii Mote and Chuck to be used properly.
It emulates really well and doesn't use motion controls (IIRC it was actually sold with a classic controller when it was first localized), so you don't need to worry about needing an actual wiimote or anything like that.
Honestly, all dungeons in Xenoblade 1 are fairly dull. Especially the entirety of Mechonis. Makes me glad X only had one "dungeon" (the Ganglion base before the Lao fight), because those really aren't Monolith's forte (though I have to admit, the dungeons in 2 (Titan Battle Ship, World Tree) are a bit better (and shorter) than those of 1).
I wasn't a fan of the dungeons in 2 at all. The Old Factory and Spirit Crucible were actively miserable to navigate, and the Ancient Ship, Titan Battle Ship and World Tree were just boring.
thanks, it runs well
just need to figure out the shader cache thing so i get less stutter
Get the shader cache here:
I recommend using a 4k res graphic pack for better AA ingame, otherwise it looks like ass.
Dolphin is the emulator name right?
Is there a Wii U emulator? I've never been big on emulating.
Dolphin is the emulator you'll want to use if you're planning on emulating the first Xenoblade, Cemu is the Wii U emulator that's used for Xenoblade X.
Morag is the reason they were able to follow Torna to Morytha. Without her being able to charter a top of the line ship they wouldn't of been able to reach them fast enough.
Couldn't Niall just do that if he was in the party?
They're all great but for me its 2
Is the music still loud as hell? I remember having to modify the audio files when i tried playing a few years back
So why isn't Niall in the party instead of Morag?
Not really, it's normal now.
Why would he be? He isn't friends with them like Morag is.
I'd assume because he's the emperor and Morag is more experienced with fighting than he is.
X > 1 > 2
X has the better world, Skells and i just love that fucking soundtrack, 1 has the better story and characters by a mile, 2 has good gameplay but it can't make up for the rest.
where can I find 1.15.7c? Website only lists 15.8
1 > 2 > X
for me
thanks m8
But they easily could have just written around those things. Morag is a pointless character. Literally the only reasons I can think of for her being a party member is that they wanted another female driver and they wanted to appeal to the crowd who loves strict authoritative women.
God fucking dammit I need to be a pc chad right fucking now
X really blew me away when NPCs start dying in sidequests entirely based on your decisions. Really impressive, and made me seriously sweat whenever I was presented with a multiple-choice option.
Because he admitted himself he was a shit Driver after getting BTFO by Bana, and as Emperor of a dying nation on the verge of war, he isn't exactly free to roam around.
The game is fine on its own if you have a wiiu
My Wii U died, and playing undubbed really interests me.
I mean by that logic every character except Rex could have been written around and removed.
She's the strait-laced adult in a party of kids where the only other adult is a massive joker, and she provides a perspective from Mor Ardain and gives the characters a reason to get involved in the conflict between Uraya and Mor Ardain in chapter 5. Brighid's there to expand on the different ways Blades deal with the memory loss that's a part of their nature.
It's not that hard to get.
This game justified my Wii U purchase, 250 hours and I'm still not even 100%. That said, I'm thinking of starting over (it's been about a year since I last played, I wouldn't know how to play my character anymore), and I have the option of emulating it, so I'm going with that.
This may be a stupid question, but do online features work when emulating the game on a PC? Will Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero be available?
2's my favorite but X's sidequests and world coherence was great.
>pizza guy tells you he's worried about business
>recruit alien race that is literally addicted to pizza
>so addicted that the pizza place can't keep up
>pizza wife dies most likely due to fatigue and stress from the workload
>pizza guy builds pizza mech and goes on a Manon Massacre
One of my favourite parts of Xenoblade 2 was gradually picking up the connections to the first game. They’re connected but in a rather unexpected way.
If you mean X we just don’t know, but there are a few theories connecting it to the others. They’re just theories though and based off of a couple of stretch connections, because we know so little and X is so narratively incomplete.
you know any places online I can find XCX ?
yar har
1 is my favourite overall and i fucking love it to death, but i loved the exploration, content and side quests in X. i also really liked X's lore even if the writing was pretty weak, but i was fine with that since it's an exploration-focused game and that's what i enjoyed most about it. i'm not a huge fan of 2 and it left me pretty disappointed but there were some things i liked, soundtrack was still grand and i enjoyed nia and zeke, still yet to play torna
>but do online features work when emulating the game on a PC? Will Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero be available?
I don't really know since I'm not that far yet, but they might be available if you enable one of these options under the mods tab (pic related).
I’m still working through my first one but quite enjoying it.
If I’m still a fan by the end, which of the following should I move onto at the end?
>he hasn't played Gears
Play it now
If you like Xenoblade 1 and want more of it, but more anime and with a slower start, go for 2.
If you want something more focused on sidequests and open world exploration, with pilotable giant robots, go for X.
If you can handle PS1 jank and want a crazier, wider scope story (and pilotable giant robots), go for Gears.
2. Couldn't finish 1, never played X
Agreed but not sure how exploration or world design of 1 is better than 2.
not him, but though the world concept in 2 was amazing, the areas just end up feeling like small islands. it isn't as good at giving you a great sense of scale or making you feel like you're traveling across a giant creature like the first game did
and the exploration in the first couple of areas (gormott, uraya, kind of mor ardain but it's a bit small) was good, but after that they got kind of lame - leftheria's basically just two paths, tantal's lower area is just a bunch of big empty nothing, etc. pretty much all of xb1's areas were fantastic up to the fallen arm
Who thought that tit was a good idea to fuck over the story of X for some stupid ass online shit?
someone probably told them the Wii U was about to fold during development
That wasn't what changed for the sake of online, they just changed the MC from Yelv to Rook.
a mimeosome without an original body