How did we get to this point
How did we get to this point
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I need to find myself a cute chubby guy like this in his twenties.
what event
where is this
what the fuck is even happening
Dreamhack 2019...
lmao wtf
Is he trying to do the work it having s seizure?
This is what happen when people stop bullying retards when they still in school
Ah yeah, the autismo swedes strike again. Good thing the even't isn't in Finland
>trips and falls
>immediately tries to play it off as he wanted to break dance
Whites are pathetic.
Whites are cute
t. submissive brown
>wh*te ppl
You are like little baby
God damn thats based
I agree
t. Dominant brown
i thought he didnt trip, but got an epileptic zeisure.
It started when Trump won.
The average nigger IQ is 80. Now that is pathetic.
The worst thing about the floss is that dead stare and cringey, autistic grin they all have while doing it
Looks intentional fall actually he starts to fall forward before he even clips his foot.
This guy must be absolutely hung downstairs to do that in public, on stage, with all those cameras watching and livestreaming to millions.
looks like a fun time, maybe try to get that stick out of your ass OP
How does he not hurt his testes while flopping around?
Is it because they already shrivelled up and died due to lack of testosterone?
too much estrogen in our water too much faggot and tranny shit in our media.
Whats wrong with nordic males
he looks like he fucks dogs
so, 70% of Yea Forums?
He said in his 20s, not literally 13.
>See guy do retarded thing
>"Man I bet his dick is huge haha"
shit man, you are right, Guess I was projecting.
>This is what happen when people stop bullying retards when they still in school
Unironically this.
Since the dawn of man bullying has served a very real and necessary purpose, simply put it's the most efficient way of driving the undesirables, degenerates and weak genetic material out of society, either shunning them entirely, leaving them to starve to death or outright killing them.
We've upset that natural order and now we're paying the price.
But user, the idea of gay retards is hot. Imagine some gay retard with no social awareness acting a complete fool in public, and then coming home to you and destroying you with his massive cock.
>literally has a spaz attack on the floor
BASED love that dude
Guy just doesn't give a shit, does what he wants, walks it off. Pure retard energy.
holy fuck...
>AntiDab 2 - electric dabbening.webm
where is part 1?
>you will never spaz out on stage in front of millions of viewers
Fuck, it looks so liberating
imagine now this is average Yea Forumsisitor
>Mortal Kombat players.
okay retard but what about the people who are actually okay but can't integrate properly with others because they weren't socialized properly by their parents as kids so now they're shit or quiet or something like that.
do those deserve ridicule as well? can you find good any reason as to why, if yes, at all too?
I could never live it down. If that was me I would fucking kill myself afterwards. The embarrassment would consume me.
> How did we get to this point
We never left this point.
Kill yourself faggot
I guarantee you that someone thought "he's cute" unironically.
No one is innocent
I blame aliens.
You deserve extra bullying until you integrate.
I'm sorry your parents were retarded and didn't teach you about life. If you have a proper functioning brain you should be able to learn quick enough, otherwise you are a literal potato retard.
lmao edgy faggot
>do those deserve ridicule as well?
Yes. It's up to them to make up for it.
I will after you fuck me. That way we don't have to die virgins.
based and truthpilled
yeah because if it was it would expose finland for being autism place #1
Just end humanity now
They aren't actually okay, they're the undesirables he mentioned.
In some countries in Africa, it's in the 60s, with one or two countries in the 50s! Considering an average White IQ of ~100, ~99.6% of all White people are more intelligent than that. Wow, they sure don't teach you that in school!
>I pre-ordered CyberPunk2077 because of the Fortnite guy cameo
>time for me to dance!
I didn't intend to fap today.....
>How did we get to this point
Twenty years of "Never be ashamed of who you are honey!". You should be ashamed, very ashamed.
>Do my shitty dance
>No one applauses
>Oh shit
>This is the only move I had
>Pulse is racing as anxiety sets in
>Suddenly super aware that every light in the building is shining directly at me
>is it hot in here?
>Collapse on the ground and start convulsing
>Audience doesn't rush to help
>They think my seizure is part of the dance
>Bash my head on the ground repeatedly and die
That would have been the best timeline
If you like fat people you're just as mentally ill as tranny lovers if not more.
His features are clearly Alpinid, fag.
I said chubby, not obese.
extremely redpilled
I always punch a lone zoomer on the street every chance I get, you should too
"Chubby" means fat. Obese means morbidly fat.
I have never dabed and never will
>okay retard but what about the people who are actually okay but can't integrate properly with others because they weren't socialized properly
No such thing as being "socialized properly", if you're put in a social situation and are a complete fuck up then there's something inherently wrong with you on a basic, fundamental level. Your brain isn't processing people, relationships, interactions or social hierarchy's correctly at all. You simply don't know where you belong in it all. Bully's fix that. They integrate you into society, they literally put you in your place, force you to learn and figure out what drives people and how to navigate relationships for your own benefit and survival.
>Twenty years of "Never be ashamed of who you are honey!"
This. The public school system, educational TV, and their message of unconditional "self-esteem" and trophies for everyone have destroyed a generation, and possibly the very future of their society if they expect these people to run a civilization one day.
"Chubby" means no bigger than the guy in the OP webm. Fat and obese are bigger than that.
The guy in the webm is fat. You're mentally ill.
>no bigger than the guy in the OP webm
That guy is fat you retard
Sounds like projection
Those were some weak ass fucking low energy poor form dabs, this faggot should be ashamed. What a disgrace
If you can see literal rolls of fat and bitch tits, he's fat you retard. Dude probably has wine aunt tier cellulite and he's a male in his fucking 20's as well.
You people are so fucking dumb and dramatic
Chubby is meant to refer people with round bellies that are healthy and can look attractive. This is nothing like gender dysphoria, and no one makes this type of stupid association.
civilization was a mistake. we should go back to being nomadic goat herders in groups no greater than 300
That guy is obese. It just might not seem like it because the west is so full of fat fucks it became normalized.
holy fuck all these triggered bully victims
>"Chubby" means no bigger than the guy in the OP webm. Fat and obese are bigger than that.
Are you fucking serious? He's probably literally obese by medical standards, most "chubby" and "fat" people are.
People really have no clue just how fucking fat we've become.
If he was ACTUALLY obese, there's no way he would've been able to do all that moving, let alone get up off the floor from it.
adapt or die faggot
if they're "normal" but socially awkward they learn to work around it or find some other way to be valuable. people have worth outside of being Chad or social butterfiles. play to your strengths.
bullying almost always stops after high school because it's a social teaching device for children, mostly by other children. the purpose of bullying isn't to kill people, it's to teach the boundaries of social acceptability so they don't grow up autistic. when people grow up they naturally explore those boundaries. if it's done right it bullying will somewhat simulate how the adult world will treat them, kind of like good parenting
none of this is advocating for unrestricted bullying, I just think bullying is a crazily overexaggerated problem today
Adapt or die
Worked for me
Disgusting twigs.
get over yourself faggot
this is why you'll always be a beta
Forgot it was dreamhack this week end, time to watch some CS
I don't know, man. That looked like a dab committed to me. I get what he's trying to do but he flew to close to the sun.
> undesirables, degenerates and weak genetic material
So basically Yea Forums? Don't act like you wouldn't be purged.
He's obese, not morbidly obese.
And that some black guy thought "you arwight whiteboi"
Come on, there’s a difference between that 800 pound whale that needs the fire department to get out of bed and a 400 pound sloth that still manages to walk around. Also, you’re in denial about being fat.
Imagine the smell
Zoomer genocide when?
he is the epitome of nietzchean ubermensch. while last men slave retards like speak of submitting to the collective and becoming a functional drone in service to its masters out of fear of standing out, these fatties don't give a flying fuck. they tell them to go fuck themselves and embrace true freedom to act as retarded and cringy as they want, triggering them bullies like feminists on pms.
Fucking this. Retards now feel like they can walk around and be retards as they please instead of ruling themselves to basic social norms, explaining all those whiny zoomers nowadays. God, just a single punch is enough to put those guys in place.
Scandinavians were a mistake
He's obese.
You really need to go and look up what is medically considered obese, it isn't just reserved for jabba the hutts.
the absolute state of amerifatts
I would kill myself if there was video of me doing that.
Now THIS is based and the redpilled
You should kill yourself for doing that regardless of whether there's a video or not.
And this is samefag.
>why yes, i preordered cyberpunk, how could you tell?
this guy is unironically being himself and he's having a fun time. who cares if its kinda of cringy (it kind of isn't because he's genuinely having a good time and is displaying a sense of confidence in his lack of grace). he is enjoying his life.
why do seeing people have a good time bother you so?
When he fell, I thought he was having an impact-induced seizure and everyone was just watching.
I guess it was some kind of autistic dance maneuver.
>this guy is unironically being himself
>by aping what he thinks is popular and therefore will make him popular
He's not being himself at all, in fact he's obviously terrified of being himself, or worse still, he's come to the realisation that there is nothing of substance to his person at all.
>he is just enjoying himself bro
absolutely retarded reasoning
Go watch the Unicorn Store and realize how wrong you are.
>this guy is unironically being himself
That's why it's easy as fuck to find countless videos of retarded zoomers doing the exact same shit, right? Because they're just being themselves.
But the fatty rolling around on the ground is the very definition of a zoomer drone trying to fit in.
For fucks sake how hard is it for these kind of pathetic lazy fucks to eat like a mature person and work out at least 1 hour every couple of days?
It's just a retard dancing.
It's not like he's running the country.
Are you so thin skinned by a beta dancing you need to rationalize the situation?
Maybe you need to be bullied or possibly kill yourself.
Fucking this. Back then if people acted retarded of like a whore they were called out. Now you can't even mention that they are acting stupid or that would be bullying and ironically they would bully you over it.
If everybody enjoyed being top tier retarded I would fucking go postal.
Doing this kind of thing on a stage is totally fine, everyone is just there to have fun, but doing that kind of thing out in the real world is just asking for trouble.
>fat retard embarassing himself on stage
>"He's just having a good time :) He's enjoying life ;)"
I know you're probably baiting but some unironically believe this
daddy dont genocide me umu
Finally someone with some sense, speaking of sense we should put some into those zoomers.
i fucking knew it would be sam
Even 200 lbs can be considered obese if you are short enough. You can be medically considered to be morbidly obese at 300 lbs if 50% of your weight comes from body fat and you would like the guy on the OP
>Back then if people acted retarded or like a whore
>like a whore
Holy shit this so fucking much.
cringe general?
you forgot to attach homofaggot.jpg
>video of guy having fun and not caring who sees
>"uhhhhhh this is why we need bullying, to put a stop to this."
How's it feel being so anti-social that the idea of anyone else having fun throws you into seething anger?
That's just white people in general.
Can't dance.
Are you trying to do the work it having s stroke?
Because seeing extreme stupidity like that makes you feel second hand embarrassment and you want to stop it.
to me he looked like a robot that fell over and didn't know how to get up.
tell me where they hurt you
Alternatively, they could just post on Yea Forums.
>uppercase D
go back to resetera tranny
you can dilate with your fellow trannies there
these people havent had sex
Then stop seething little Timmy and tell me who hurt you
Just having fun, by itself, is not a justification for anything, retarded zoomer
Don't worry. All those muslims that immigrated will stone all those degenerates.
Oh there is bullying user. Degenerates bully the mentally sound all the time! In fact unlike your edgelord anti nerd shit you fatass resetera kike maybe we should just forgo the bullying and just accept the fact that ideological differences can only be solved with violence. It doesnt matter if your a nerdy antisocial fatass. It matters if your a child molesting fruit who squrts penis water on people during parades. It matters if cannibalize little infants right out the womb. It matters if you literally worship Satan.
But no no. Lets attack muh incels. Im so sick of you kike shills. I cant go to any board and discuss shit anymore.
I'll have a lot fun curb stomping the shit out of zoomers tomorrow.
That was an advanced seizure. I hope he's alright.
Absolutely seething.
What a fucking baby. WAHHH WAAHHH IM BEING OPPRESSED BY MEAN INTERNET PEOPLE . Stop being an incel loser and people will stop making fun of you
This person hasn't had sex
>you feel second hand embarrassment and you want to stop it.
Then you're no different than trannies and SJWs who want to change the world because someone hurt their feelings. Pathetic.
Get a load of this fag.
It's ok. He triggered it on purpose to pull of those slick dance moves.
Difference is I won't ruin his life over it and attack him and try to censor him.
You know you are obese when you wear sweatpants and tracksuits in public
t. fatass with experience being obese
nu-blizzard fans in a nutshell
about time someone said it
>Your behavior needs to stop because I'M experiencing second hand embarrassment (in other words I'm being triggered)
>I'm not trying to censor him
Based retard, go join the tranny brigade, you'll fit right in
This. Everything about modern society and (((those))) who drive it is about destruction of the natural order.
cat owners are mentally ill
The difference is you want them to shape up and get their shit together for their own good. The benefit is not having to see them act like retards.
SJW's just want you to conform to their ideology because of their own thin skin and if you don't they'll try to ruin you.
The only reason you're defending him is because you probably do this shit yourself.
If you want to seem like a radical centrist and saying I am just as bad as people who physically attack others so you can feel superior go right ahead dipshit.
My concern wasn't that he was having fun, my concern was that he's failed to develop any semblance of self esteem or social skills as a result of being coddled and never having to overcome hardships like bullying, he's stagnated socially and mentally. My concern is he's literally been reduced to a gelatinous hivemind drone that reverts to infantile behavior in a bid to fit in.
Look at him and tell me he hasn't screamed like a toddler, most likely at his parents, as a response to not getting his own way in the last 12 months.
This entire post reminded me of Chris Chan
>reddit spacing
you know you guys dont need to reply to them
>it is about destruction of the natural order.
Good. Nature is Evil's another name.
Agent Smith was right in his monologue, his only mistake is not condemning all other lifeforms.
Life is C. R. A. P.
How would you know what reddit spacing is unless you go there?
>Yea Forumsirgins circlejerking to feel superior to some guy doing a dance
absolutely pathetic
you're confused. they're destroying natural order to replace it with their order, not to bring worldwide destruction and end all existence. it'll be the same as now, just even worse for all sentient creatures.
In some form we've been at this point for years
>natural order
isn't that an oxymoron?
because i saw a post in which an user expose that style of posting here as reddit posting and it got spammed for months?
>why yes, the stroke shuffle is my favorite dance how could you tell
have sex amiright?
This is clear projection.
>le everything is just chaos
Cringe atheist.
Good you clarified.
And how can you ascertain all this from a 30 second video clip?
Lmaoing at Yea Forums acting like they aren't the victims of bullying, or they are some sort of chad with perfect social skills. Fact is most of you are just like this guy in the clip, probably even worse because you're too insecure to show any emotion or have fun in public. Stay mad nerds.
>nerds do cringey and autistic shit
well colour me shocked, it's like you fags don't remember all the people doing the caramelldansen dance or making the cake is a lie references back in the day, it's always fucking been there, it's just now there's more exposure
Chaos or order, nature is torture. The very fact we don't think it is so is testament to the bubbles we live in as mammals, as humans and as firstworlders.
That guy is literally obese
Imagine writing this shit completely unironically
I was sent forth from the power,and I have come to those who reflect upon me,and I have been found among those who seek after me.Look upon me, you who reflect upon me,and you hearers, hear me.You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves.And do not banish me from your sight.And do not make your voice hate me, nor your hearing.Do not be ignorant of me anywhere or any time. Be on your guard!Do not be ignorant of me.
For I am the first and the last.I am the honored one and the scorned one.I am the whore and the holy one.I am the wife and the virgin.I am and the daughter.I am the members of my mother.I am the barren oneand many are her sons.I am she whose wedding is great,and I have not taken a husband.I am the midwife and she who does not bear.I am the solace of my labor pains.I am the bride and the bridegroom,and it is my husband who begot me.I am the mother of my fatherand the sister of my husbandand he is my offspring.I am the slave of him who prepared me.I am the ruler of my offspring.But he is the one who begot me before the time on a birthday.And he is my offspring in (due) time,and my power is from him.I am the staff of his power in his youth,and he is the rod of my old age.And whatever he wills happens to me.I am the silence that is incomprehensibleand the idea whose remembrance is frequent.I am the voice whose sound is manifoldand the word whose appearance is multiple.I am the utterance of my name.
Why, you who hate me, do you love me,and hate those who love me?You who deny me, confess me,and you who confess me, deny me.You who tell the truth about me, lie about me,and you who have lied about me, tell the truth about me.You who know me, be ignorant of me,and those who have not known me, let them know me.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.I am shame and boldness.I am shameless; I am ashamed.I am strength and I am fear.I am war and peace.Give heed to me.
imagine being this cynical about life. you're the types of people brutal bullying is meant to purge. the true upset in the balance is the fact people like you are given access to guns to commit mass shooting and then kill yourselves in retaliation. literal losers with nothing to lose or live because you've already chose to believe there's no redeemable qualities in existing or being alive.
at least the fatchad in OP's video has the enthusiasm, drive, and a general state of emotional wellbeing to potentially transform into a pussy slaying gigachad one day. people like you, on the other hand, have already decided upon the futility of your existence.
You can't defend this. Ironically or not. You can't. If you do you are part of the problem that must be purged.
>Give into literal terrorism
>terrorist's win and change you in the process
>good boy points for submitting to terrorists
Uh huh..
So what you're saying is that we live in a prison planet, and we need to break the conditioning so we can ascend to a higher dimension of existence?
How do you propose we get through the eternal gatekeepers?
We should also go back to eating stuff the natural way. no more testing if food is poisoned nor are we gonna use pesticides. Those who will die by parasites or disease will be the ones that are weak and needed to be thinned out anyways. The natural order would restore itself.
Based and truthpilled
>white people
>leftists/liberal cuck
why am I not surprised
he looks so strained and uncomfortable it's a pain to watch, that spazzing out to save face at the end only made it 1 billion times worse
Cut off your dick, dilate, peruse a hedonistic lifestyle that benefits no one but yourself and destroys all around you.
>conform or die
Sad how Yea Forums of all places is now spouting this. Just goes to show how kiked this entire site is.
Why have you hated me in your counsels?For I shall be silent among those who are silent,and I shall appear and speak,
Why then have you hated me, you Greeks?Because I am a barbarian among the barbarians?For I am the wisdom of the Greeksand the knowledge of the barbarians.I am the judgement of the Greeks and of the barbarians.I am the one whose image is great in Egyptand the one who has no image among the barbarians.I am the one who has been hated everywhereand who has been loved everywhere.I am the one whom they call Life,and you have called Death.I am the one whom they call Law,and you have called Lawlessness.I am the one whom you have pursued,and I am the one whom you have seized.I am the one whom you have scattered,and you have gathered me together.I am the one before whom you have been ashamed,and you have been shameless to me.I am she who does not keep festival,and I am she whose festivals are many.
I, I am godless,and I am the one whose God is great.I am the one whom you have reflected upon,and you have scorned me.I am unlearned,and they learn from me.I am the one that you have despised,and you reflect upon me.I am the one whom you have hidden from,and you appear to me.But whenever you hide yourselves,I myself will appear.For whenever you appear,I myself will hide from you.
>resetera tranny is still having a go at it
Get off Yea Forums and go get some exercise you fat fuck.
Or we just like to make fun of people on the internet much in the same vain as you criticizing us.
fatchads rise up
>being this delusional
sheltered faggot you are not an anime villain lmao
wow what cool guy!. I bet he smashed some 10/10 pussy after that
This, as someone who went to conventions on a regular basis back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, OP’s webm is literally nothing new
And we have always shit on nerds caught doing autistic shit on video.
>Adidas sweatpants
Why do autists, manchildren and minorities wear this outfit? What do they have in common?
In contrast, Nike clothes are worn by dudebros.
Breeding is hedonism, after all you can't create someone for their own benefit. It's either parents benefiting, society benefiting, or a careless accident akin to drunk driving.
>society benefiting
Then it's not hedonistic dumbass.
At least we know now that he'll never copulate yet alone marry. :)
He does that stupid fish thing for a full 15 seconds
you know nothing about hedonism. you probably can't even name four classic philosophers of hedonism without looking it up, let alone what their brand of hedonism was about
someone please commit a war crime
i agree but people in this thread seem to think this a new phenomenon caused by recent changes in our society, spergs have existed since the dawn of mankind and will continue to exist until we fade away
>making fun of some fat nerd acting like a goob means you must be a school shooter who believes there's no redeemable qualities in existing or being alive
That's an awful lot of projection my dude.
2/3 of the worlds gonna die user.
Very soon in the next 1-5 years all but 1/3 will be alive.
>I-it was my fault that th-they kept attacking me!
You're no better than the women who blame themselves for being beat over forgetting to make more ice.
Rule of the jungle, baby
>you know nothing about hedonism.
I know the definition of the word and i'm capable of thinking about what I type, before I type it, unlike you.
Who is that guy anyway? Any one got any info?
What do you mean?
What actually happens:
>Get bullied
>Shoot bullies
>"How could this happen :( these students dindu nuffin. These shooters need to be bullied to stop this."
Besides, where is the line drawn between weak genetics and strong genetics? People with bad eyesight could be considered to have weak genetics which would endanger their survival back when we were cavemen. However, these days those people can just wear eyeglasses and function normally in society just as well as anybody else. This means their "weak" genetic is not a weakness in modern society and is therefore effectively not a weak gene anymore.
Those who propagate survival of the fittest in modern society have no clue about what impact genetics would have in such a world.
its scripted cringe, fully intended to be made fun of by people who don't realize its scripted. its a marketing tactic derived from the modern marketing philosophy of cultivating and manipulating a brand image rather than traditional advertising tactics of "buy our product, its good". Now its "Like out company, we're your friend" and coupon card sincerity
>You're no better than the women who blame themselves for being beat over forgetting to make more ice.
Literally wouldn't happen if those women had learned to stand up for themselves as children.
>these days
not even these days, vision correction lenses have existed for centuries
Man up and make your way be the norm. If your strong enough you will succeed. Nothing will change with
>muh kikes
How weak are you?
The 3rd message of fatima
>talking to a buds kid
>kids a rough kid in highschool
>kid talked about how faggy kids are in school
>says the behaviour is pretty much encouraged
>said there was a group of guys in his class that would draw on whiskers, put on furry accessories and meow all the time
>any time anyone have them a hard time for it, they were punished
>forced to be around these furry kids and nothing was done about it
Fuck man, bullying weeded out the weird shit kids shouldn't do
>Implying 99% of black women who end up getting beat don't lash out and try to fight back
Ask a ghetto hoe about her last relationship the next time you get a chance. It's really REALLY funny.
Preach from that armchair brother. Just create your own reality dude, like what are you weak or something?
Hey transgenders and faggots dont believe in gender
You think your made up story applies to the all schools throughout the world that discourage bullying?
>wh*te """people"""
wh*te """"""people""""""
Didn't work on me, hell im ready to head back out there to purposely piss mu bullies off, then sue or use self defense measures if they retaliate.
>your made up story
You underestimate the stupidity of the mentally challenged.
pussy-ass bitch couldn't form up a gang and beat every peer there, then he should be bullied to conform with their shit dumb stupid-pussy ass bitch
>be bullied
>fight back
>both bully and me get expelled
there's no lower than frogposting so it doesn't really matter
Since the dawn of mammals, killing has served a real and necessary purpose. It's the most efficient way of removing the weak. School shooters, terrorists, serial killers and the likes are a part of the natural order. If anything the world needs more of them.
Bullying is a pussy way of trying to clean the house. And it's done by weaklings who cannot operate outside of groups. Humans aren't just supposed to be social animals but also solitary when it's necessary.
Anti-Christ ianity belongs there
See yourself there
It's blatantly deliberate, user, he literally weaves one leg directly into his other leg.
To be fair, she was probably pregnant/had a miscarriage and was exempt from PT standards for a whooping 15 months (9 month pregnancy plus 6 month recovery). She's never going to get the weight off and she'll be kicked out shortly after her exemption period ends.
I know, it's bullshit, I saw that shit a lot back when I was in.
>Learned self respect
You're unironically a better person for it.
How do you get that fat in a single year?
Meme "culture" got popular and it all went downhill from there. 2010 was a major tipping point in the general public embracing a somehow even lower bar than we ever thought possible.
>retarded shut in incels talking about "weak" people
the irony
Nah that fat bitch was actually a fresh recruit, reverse image search it, i'm sure you can find the article.
Get over yourselves
hell, yeah, fatty, move that thang. i'll support anything that gets my fellow man moving.
You think betas haven't lashed out on society before the invention of guns? Guns are not the problem, people are.
By far the most based thing to happen in gaming in years
Fuck off gay ass. Teenagers are on reddit
how fat do you guys think this obviously projecting retard is
Yeah those quoted were retarded shut ins talking about weak people indeed. Are you of those listed?
I've been coming to this shithole since 2006. If you don't think Yea Forums is infested with underage, you are seriously deluded.
Mad is pretty heavy so i'd say you're at least twice his size.
I don't know dude, bullying just made me retreat deeper into isolation and degeneration, it's why I'm on this deranged site.
>all the people insulting this post
The irony
You are weak, debate me irl 1v1, i would destroy your world.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Fight a weeb 1v1 without your groupies faggot, you would get steam rolled.
>I don't know dude, bullying just made me retreat deeper into isolation and degeneration, it's why I'm on this deranged site.
So you're saying it literally worked?
>it's the most efficient way of driving the undesirables, degenerates and weak genetic material out of society, either shunning them entirely, leaving them to starve to death or outright killing them.
And that's wrong because....
Do go into detail.
with some shitty reddit spacing and reddit tier "arguments"?
I disagree. The ones who were shunned will just form their own community.
>it's not like a retard is running the country.
user I....
*block your path*
I'm still part of society though, just a less well-functioning part.
Same here user
>Libshits bringing Trump into literally everything again
Absolutely based!
Drumpftards BTFO'd!
irl motherfucker
everyone here is a retarded shut in incel, if the world would be the survival of the fittest this board would be empty
you are the bottom feeders of society who are allowed to exist because society needs bottom feeders
Basically this After that the whole world becomes catholic
Why in 1-5 years?
okay let's meet on the blaha in 1 hour, I'm gonna slice up your gádzsó ass
>whole world becomes catholic
>fucking little boys becomes a national pastime
Wh*te people should just quietly go into the night
You got it
>imagine being under 40, yet sounding and thinking like a paraplegic, angry 80+.
american soldiers are always overweight and fat as shit. buncha fatasses.
Once they start the orgy lock all the exits and start a fire.
I'm in physical pain
oh there it is
>le only catholic priests fuck little boys meme
probably the biggest jew lie that was ever perpetuated. Not denying that catholic priests have not raped little boys, but do you really think more priests rape little boys than rich hollywood jews on a daily basis?
>mentally sound
>whitey goes away into the quiet night
>jews, libtards and their pets are left with over one billion soulless insectoid that will murder them for shits and giggles
I think it's time to put on that knightly helmet and do some cleaning there Ser faggot
sweet mother of jesus holy fucking shit I can't believe what did I just saw
rich hollywood jews have a steady supply of fame hungry young girls, while christian priests will have to do with the kids they're trusted with
France was given 100years to consecrate it's self back to christ, it didn't and was over run by revolutionists.
In 1925 god said nows the time to make russia catholic, if thats not done within 100 years, 2/3 of the world will die.
trumpbabbies chimping out when their double digit IQ rockstar gets rightfully laughed at.
>rightfully laughed at.
You brought him into the discussion with literally no context.
Based Alpha Buck ripping into Beta cucks
*does the warrior skull at you*
sounds good to me, asians are superior to whites in every aspect after all
the context was there wasn't a retard running the country. Trump is even more of a dumbass than bush was.
If Trump put himself up in my country he'd literally be laughed off the stage by everybody. Camera probably couldnt even keep a clear shot as it would shudder too much from the derisive laughter.
wouldn't mind another one if the other user keeps being a retard
>double digit IQ
He's a billionaire businessman and president of the most powerful country on earth. I don't user, i'd say that requires a pretty high IQ. His uncle was also a government scientist and his brother is on the board of directors of Zenimax.
Sounds to me like you're just jealous of his obvious superior genetics.
Lol, no. Shit like this is why Trump won.
Romes been infiltrated by freemasons, satanists, and jews, they rape little boys.
Global politicians rape eat torture kill childern everyday, then dump thier bodies in a mc Donald's burger
>implying christian priests aren't self-loathing homos on top of being pedophiles
They have plenty of vulnerable girls they could go after, but they choose the boys.
>He's a billionaire businessman and president of the most powerful country on earth.
With a double digit IQ.
Each country the leader it deserves!
I agree, Drumpf and Bush are complete retards. Glad that there are some high IQ individuals discussing on a higher plane than your typical Yea Forums retards we get on a daily basis. Good science to you, my friend.
He is indeed very intelligent. He mirrors the retardation of mutts and channels their energy into dying for Israel.
>taking advice on how to be more alpha from someone who sounds like a tranny
Forgive me, i mistakenly believed i may have been responding to an actual person and not a meme spouting drone only capable of speaking in diarrhea.
fucking retard
I wouldn't call Trump dumb but he suffers from the same boomer mentality as the people who elected him. He likes to think "well, nothing was ever handed to me, so why should I have to pay for anyone now that I've got mine" when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
t. bullied retards
Me and my chad bros never bullied anyone. It's always you faggots turning on eachother.
>people complaining about something they choose to be associated with
don't like the culture around video games nowadays? maybe just ignore it like a sane person would,maybe find a new hobby like a logical person would, or just stop endlessly bitching and dragging "it's society's fault" like a man would.
Let me know when you are able to form a coherent sentence with contents other than vapid memes your retarded hugbox taught you.
So what is happening in this video gaming thread.
Your country is a 200 year old imperialist meme that will collapse in on itself sometime in the next 60 years
Fucking everything mario fucking everything
>Yea Forums can't just shit on a sperg acting like a sperg like it used to without people getting offended and crying over it
What happened. We used to do a hell of a lot worse than this.
>being so insecure as to throw away your hobby because it has a bunch of retarded alt rightists saying dumb shit on an anonymous basket weaving forum.
Naah, nobody is that pathetic. I do keep my hobby a secret though. Wouldn't want my alpha male status tarnished with the stink of incels like you.
You're in luck, awkward fat morons are plentiful in the United States
>That is the room of the man calling you a tranny on the internet
you have to go back
true that, he has a very high EQ. As long as he doens't have to read things or think about primary school maths, he's doing fine.
average american has trigger discipline, that seems like the work of a larping european
you called?
Considering I've wasted my life here for well over a decade, I feel qualified to say we.
>chubby = cute
Are you ASKING to be hanged or what?
The context was that the retard dancing wasnt running the country you absolutely seething politicalfag
I said cute.
seriously kys faggot. been here 10 years, Yea Forums will always be a zoo for me. I'll never be one of the chimps.
Yes, he might be a fat German kid, otherwise he looks to have very american genes and a loose discipline towards ingesting sugars.
But would the fat dancing retard look less stupid to the rest of the world than basedboy Trump, you think? No really, think about it for a minute.
Look at this seething D&C kike. Who do you think you're fooling?
I'm cute, but I'm a little more than chubby, desu. Is 200 pounds flat good with you?
And I've wasted my life here for four years longer than you have faggot. But you're deluded if you come here thinking you're not one of the chimps. Especially if you're not only lurking. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
And if it doesn't happen, that prophecy of yours, what will you do then? Eat the dirt between the musleeem's toes?
Spot on, but you conveniently left out the part where bullying is the means by which people are able to reflect on themselves, those around them and learn to deal with conflict.
One child might stand up for himself and learn self respect and courage.
Another might find a way to manipulate the system to protect himself and punish the bully.
Another might form a social group for protection.
Kek. Post your face, guarantee you're a loser
And another might bring his fathers gun to school tomorrow and murder a dozen or so kids.
The truth is, it is the school shooters that act as societies antibiotics, and weeding out the unwanted ones.
The point is that nobody brought up your faggot political celebrities you obsess over.
It's not my fault that you're such a stupid, braindead nigger that you can't properly word your grievances with what he said without using "XD" ironically.
>this entire post
You're just talking about schoolyard shit, right?
Based school shooters setting us down the evolutionary path of being able to dodge bullets.
wtf I love dreamhack now
Nice ass.
i'd dunk my muzzle right into that starfish
Shame is an extremely effective method to elicit positive change. Fat people should be shamed. People with zero self-awareness should be shamed. They'll either better themselves or remove themselves. And if you're a particularly cruel shamer they'll remove you.
this user takes his shitposting very seriously. I respect that.
>5 future slaves obey their memetic programming, bend over and submit to the whim of their masters
>the man doesn't give in, just looks with contempt at the pathetic women
Actually they still bully them... it's just about skins now
Excuse me, why are threads about that Sarkeesan jew whore threatening cdpr deleted on sight because NOT VIDEO GAMES, but this shit is fine? Mods wtf
Is that from E3?
but that's how 2/3rd of the world will die. not from magical catastrophe, from a civil war, strife, anarchy and muslim/commie sperg outs.
And he is still right.
I can see that with obese retards, but can't you just tell someone with zero self awareness that they're acting autistic, plain and simple? That's usually what I did when I was younger, and it usually had positive results in a matter of time.
See you in 6 years doing nothing but shitposting while Abdul is raping every christfag left and right.
Dreamhack. Also see
Tfw looking at this guy and smiling the entire time.
Must be amazing to be this cheerful, I seriously look like I lost my emotions at birth compared to this guy.
Telling someone they're acting autistic sounds like shaming to me.
>steve, don't you dare go bananas
Not necessarily "you're autistic" or something. It's just easier to tell them they're awkward in public than to vaguely imply it and let them embarrass themselves. Isn't that worse than directly confronting it before anything worse happens?
>le imperialism is bad
retard. every single successful nation on earth was imperialist. only total failures weren't, and that's only because they weren't powerful enough to try. even communist ones like soviet union, both leninist and stalinist acted like empires. expansion and conquest are the cornerstones of a successful empire, your delicate marxist beliefs won't change the fact.
imperialism is needed for the world to advance, to colonize the disgusting, savage, anarchist apes and bring light and culture to them.
>literally thinks Yea Forums is one person
>I'm a chimp
>dont you know this meme bra?
>lurk moar
>yer a chimp like me! look at me covering myself with faeces!
It's time for you to quit Yea Forums, maybe get a gf or another hobby alltogether
yet I get so many (you's) just for mentioning trump's a fucking idiot.
guess the /pol/babbies have some kind of penis envy, kinda like muslims.
Was a teen when I came here in 08
There are definitely more teenagers coming here now than there were then
jesus christ
stay away from people and take some meds
Knowing they're going to embarrass themselves and not say anything will definitely hit them harder, but I actually think that would be better for them than implying they'll make a fool of themselves. Hard to say as it depends on the situation.
Society is usually pretty good at temping down unwanted behavior. It's just when people never leave their bubbles and circlejerks or problems become so prevalent that they compose a significant percentage of the population that it becomes a problem.
post more of these
If you're not going to try, why post?
Be that hero, be the example we need. And don't forget to livestream it etc.
go cut your jugular you faggot
Furry got 1/2 off.
that's the way you do it