Is this game any good?
Is this game any good?
Maybe if you like warhammer/generic fantasy. Campaign is braindead map painting and battles largely suck despite all the various units/factions.
It's in the top half of Total War games if you like Total War games, and probably one of the top three if you're into WHF, or fantasy in general
Is the Empire still undercooked in the game? They're the most badass faction so I'd like them to fucking fix it. Also what's the deal with Warhammer 3? A bunch of Chaos factions?
I hope its AoS. I know I know, AoS but still I would fucking love to see the stupid underwater Elves fighting ghosts.
Campaign mechanics are simplified enough that it's probably the most retard-proof out of the TW games. Realized just how fucking small the battle maps are after playing Three Kingdoms, the sieges are embarrassing. Unit variety is great though because of what's afforded to them by the setting, shame about the rest of the game though.
for me personally it was boring as shit. and this is coming from someone that loves warhammer
vermintide 2 is far more fun. and they need to add orcs and chaos daemons as enemy factions
They're still the most neglected faction along with Beastmen. Install SFO or another overhaul until CA gets around to updating them, if ever.
>Also what's the deal with Warhammer 3? A bunch of Chaos factions?
We don't know yet and WH3 will definitely be the most difficult of the trilogy to make. I sympathize with them here
>a bunch of half baked non-factions with little lore
>no good guys
>mortal empires optimization is only gonna get worse
It's either gonna be great or a trainwreck.
you're probably just a brainlet who hates strategy games
this game is catered to brainlets though. they stripped out all of the interesting features from older total wars
It is the best TW game by a mile when it comes to interesting faction differentiation and unit diversity.
Battles are different from the rest of the series in that it comes down to killing rather than routing most of the time.
It is pretty barebones in terms of overall campaign mechanics. Decisions around settlements and diplomacy are significantly simpler than in any other TW, but I also think most TW campaigns are simpler than historyfags like to pretend.
I'm of the mind that the faction unique mechanics make up for the other campaign shortcomings and that the battles are simply different, not better or worse.
If you want a big dumb toybox for making Warhammer shit kill other Warhammer shit go for it. Know that ME is great but people are not exaggerating about turn times.
>Campaign is braindead map painting and battles largely suck despite all the various units/factions.
damn, you basically described the entire total war series
like what? the only thing that the game is lacking is night battles and actual siege battles. the rest of it is still the same shit
To anyone wanting some more of the good old world, i just sunk 100 in in this backlog of mine. A lil jank but its like 3d more hardcore darkest dungeon. The only shame is that it doesn't have mod support, curtesy of games Workshop.
P.S.they are making 40k version of this called Necromunda.
Forgot pic.
Things like soldier actually being recruited form the population, weapons and armor upgrade, interesting campaign events. Medeival 2 had the best recruitment system. Theres nothing like crusades or anything in the game, you just get quests to take a city. There is absolutely no character in the game. All you do is make the money generation building and spam units.
It is so easy to make warhammer interesting with armies painters and unique units but they refused to do anything. You should be able to customize equipment loadouts for empire soldiers for example
>recruited form the population, weapons and armor upgrade, interesting campaign events.
flavor stuff that has no real impact on the game overall, population increases automatically and only decreases with sanitation and armor/weapon upgrading is completely optional stuff that not even the AI uses
>Medeival 2 had the best recruitment system.
nah, it was only good if you played Stainless Steel
>Theres nothing like crusades or anything in the game, you just get quests to take a city.
there doesn't have to be, the only real events that take place in the warhammer world are chaos invasions, waaaghs and the occasional beastmen attack. all of this is represented in the game, although not to their fullest potential.
>All you do is make the money generation building and spam units.
like literally every other TW game
I get nostalgiafagging for M2 and Rome I, I really do, but there really isn't that much missing from them in the later games and WH is no exception. I agree that not having an army painter in a WH game is fucking stupid but this is CA we're talking about
They say the have big plans for The Empire update. But its CA I wouldnt hold my breath.
They should just make 3 an overhaul. I don't want more factions.
You are wrong about everything. I have more hours in warhammer than any other total war and I can admit the older game had much more interesting and flavourful campaigns.
it would be for the best honestly, though I do like chorfs
okay? I have played M2 since it came out in 2006 and have played literally dozens of mods in the game and hundreds of campaigns and even I can acknowledge its faults. does it have more flavor that fits the setting better? hell yeah. do those things need to be brought into the new games to make them better? hell no. what you really want is just medieval 2 but with modern graphics and a different setting. I can't give you modern graphics but I can recommend Beginning of the End Times for M2 if you want the WH experience with the mecahnics of M2.
>best king
>best mommy
>best granny
>best waifus
>best voice acting
>best economy
>based darkshards
>based slavery
How can other races even compete?
Fuck you, Rome 1 is GOAT
>the only real events that take place in the warhammer world are chaos invasions, waaaghs and the occasional beastmen attack
Shame Lokhir is shit. His part of the map is so fun. I'm bored of starting up in Fantasy Canada and fighting nothing but rats and other Druchii for the first sixty turns.
Shit campaign gameplay, especially boring with the long turn times in motal empires
Okay-ish battlefield gameplay, its the same shit as older Total War titles except theres more animations and particle effects involved
I'd prefer if it was singleplayer, had mod support and was still developed instead of Necromunda since I don't like gang wars as setting. This game is also fucking dead so it being focused on multi while it was niche product with no marketing was risky and ultimately retarded decision. If it was made with singleplayer in mind I could legit see it growing to be popular over time when Xcom crowd starts looking for something similar, more hardcore but still new. But dead multiplayer game will remain dead.
Also I have never seen more cancerous way to deploy units in any strategy game.
Malekith should start on northern Ulthuan as an invasion force while mother and granma fight over Naggaroth as his vassals.
It's good fun but very easy. I prefer earlier Total War gameplay so I just play the Warhammer mod for Medieval 2. I like it more desu but War2 has its moments.
I recently started an everqueen vortex campaign and it's actually a pretty fun clusterfuck, you basically never get to keep Ulthuan all elf because Noctilus constantly invades the western side, saltspite does the same to the east and Norscans constantly raid the North and whenever things start to feel ok a blood voyage gets spawned. Plus the ai vs ai resolve changes means the High Elf factions actually push out invaders instead of full stacks dying to half stacks because of the great power bonus.
>You can recruit all units(from best to worst) anywhere inside your territory with no limit for them.
>no real impact on the game overall
Imagine being this wrong.
What’s badass about the empire in fantasy? They seem like just regular humans outgunned by all the crazy powerful other factions. It’s not like 40k where they’re super powerful.
Yeah, I've never understood indie devs doing both mp and sp. They often leave a faulty game. Look at battlefleet gothic. It has same issues because it was designed for mp and sp at the same time.
Deployment is cancer because it was designed for console controller in mind.
>Also what's the deal with Warhammer 3?
They are badass because they spent centuries fending off the worst monsters the world could throw at them with halberds.
Is SFO Grimhammer actually good for lore fans? Or should I keep my custom mods set with all the autistic reskins and shit that I believe makes it more loreful?
>putting words in my mouth
>Staring down a screeching skeletal dragon, an eight foot tall murder machine holding an axe bigger than you are, or a chaos daemon the size of a small building hurtling towards you and standing your ground holding nothing but a sharp metal stick, a lifetime of faith, and balls as big as grapefruits... and winning
How does that not qualify as badass?
He was worried people would cheat in a single player game with mod support.
Nah games workshop said no go because it will change the cosmetics the devs mentioned that in a post.
>tfw you auto resolve most battles to avoid loading screens
It was annoying that he would even wiggle stuff around to break cheat engine presets when it was still being updated.
LegendofTotalWar here. Warhammer 2 is the best Total War game made. Avoid Three Kingdoms.
>>You can recruit all units(from best to worst) anywhere inside your territory
Imagine being this wrong.
Yes, but they really need to update the first game factions. Greenskins should be the next for an update, then Empire with all the politicking and varied stuff they have. They also need the Gold Order and they will have the complete College of Magic.
>Also what's the deal with Warhammer 3? A bunch of Chaos factions?
Daemons, Ogres, Chorfs and Cathay.
That's not your opinion and you know it fag. Make some more BOTET campaign videos.
Is the latests DLC cracked already?
Thats kinda the appeal tho. It's not about how strong they are, it is about how weak they are and how they compensate for their weakness with magic, guns and tanks.
I really love the vibe that the empire gives with their blend of imperial aesthetics, honourable feudal knights, ww1 style artillery and tanks all facing off against existential threaths.
Sadly this is no more, thanks to age of shitmar
Actually Ogres would be the closest to being good guys. Now we need to know who would be the human faction for the 3rd game. Cathay or Kislev? The former has an advantage when it comes to geography. Kislev...we could justify them being in the 3rd game via cutting out the country and making glued to the 3rd game map the same way as Empire Total War did when you pan from the old continent to India. Also we could justify them being there to reclaim the ancient Gospodar lands.
>He was worried people would cheat in a single player game with mod support.
It was annoying that he would even wiggle stuff around to break cheat engine presets when it was still being updated.
Who is this "he"? Some dev? GW employee?
fuck yeah it's good
>no Kislev
>he actually thinks DLCA will include that much factions in the base game
>Forgetting Nippon
I still think they can go and add Kislev at one point
Kislev is on TWW1 map, глyпый aнoн.
>that much factions in the base game
don't hold your breath, sweetie. You'll get 3 tops, maybe even 2.
Both previous games had 4 factions on start. Why would this one be any different?
Because this time they can't reskin any of the factions like they did with the last couple of games.
>they can't reskin any of the factions
>reuse some assets from 3K for Cathay
>already have Chaos Dwarfs models in previous games
it's the best warhammer game ever made you literal fucking faggot
>it's the best warhammer game ever made
Not really a high bar.
It's not Geheimnisnacht
damn how much of a neanderthal do you need to be to think overhauling campaign mechanics in a battle focused game is more interesting than adding factions like deamons and ogres
What was reskinned in the previous game?
Yea shits good. It’s the only modern game that scartches my RTS itch. You need an SSD though otherwise don’t bother.
Non-trash siege battles goes a long way to make the game more enjoyable. Especially considering how fond of siege the game is.
We should frankly get both new races and an overhaul in the third game. I loved TWW and TWW2, but frankly I'm sick of the game even with mods, and it mostly comes down to how boring and repetitive the Siege Battles are.
Also some factions like the Empire still need to be brought up to stuff, like how the Vampire Counts were.
but they lost
They could do so much more with the mechanics it’s basically RTS meets HoMM at this point.
I thought Legend hated Warhammer
Not canon
Siege battles are easy to fix, but judging by 3K CA has no intention to fix them.
I like that I can play as a faction of paladins and fight demons, not enough games actually do that.
You can't, since there are no daemons now.
I haven't followed 3K at all, is it the same cookie cutter warhammer sieges? With only one defensive building in the towers?
Shit, just copy and paste M2 siege maps with Warhammer Architecture, it's not like the existing WH Siege Maps don't already have a ton of gorgeous stuff in the background you can never go to.
>Install SFO
Unironically kill yourself
>I haven't followed 3K at all, is it the same cookie cutter warhammer sieges?
They haven't fixed infantry climbing walls and destroying gates with no equipment.
>just copy and paste M2 siege maps with Warhammer Architecture
Nah, it wasn't good either.
i hate age of smegma and the end times as much as the next fa/tg/uy but it is canon
Faith, Steel, & Gunpowder
Monster, Magic, Cosmic Horror and shit
one of my top games of the decade
I like End Times.
It's better than what we got.
We could ask for Shogun 2 sieges but Warhammer Scale, but that's apparently beyond this small indie company.
Stick with your custom mod set. I really don't understand the SFO shills.
Some of the stuff it adds is nice. I especially like how it makes the Empire more powerful, and makes Slaan Mage Priests the bullshit strong casters they should be.
But it does more things wrong than it does right. It tries to overcome the simplistic nature of buildings in the game by adding addition province effects, but all it really accomplishes is making you rush green buildings everywhere except your designated recruitment provinces. The option to untax a region for a growth boost I basically pointless, since you'll never do it in the early game when it actually matters.
In terms of battle, I can see how it might appeal to some, but I personally can't stand it. All chaff infantry get more models per unit. All elite infantry get less, but amazingly padded stats. Monsters usually get their unit sizes reduced a bit, but can demolish anything short of designated anti large specialists. Lords and heroes are mostly buffed a bit, but the Regen cap is removed and for some reason he made Bret lords get a regeneration ability. Improving magic damage was reasonable in 1 but in 2 it's pointless and you can legitimately wipe out half an enemy army with casting alone. Finally there's the 10-15 man "heroic unit"s, which everyone bitched about because they could solo half an army. They're a little bit better but still reek of being a pointless add-on.
SFO tries to make everything "epic" and last longer. It will certainly last longer as you watch your elite infantry or monsters, depending on the faction, kill hundreds no matter how you play it. I've tried SFO three times at different points and would definitely not recommend, unless you liked what you heard here.