>will have shit combat like the witcher 3
>waste budget on celebrity
>transgenderism and sjw shit
>doesn't even portray cyberpunk properly
>no gameplay trailer just cgi shit
why are everyone so excited for this?
you are the reason why videogames are dying
Will have shit combat like the witcher 3
name an rpg with good combat
is good gamepaly unrealistic expectation?
CDPR are hacks in terms of designing gameplay
Dragon's Dogma, any turn based rpg is also better than hybrid of action and rpg made by incompetent developer
>"How do you do fellow kids"
monster hunter
>Yea Forums says deus ex and gothic 2 are the best rpgs ever made
>both have shit combat
>normies say skyrim and witcher 3 are the best rpgs ever made
>both have shit combat
>monster hunter
based retardbro
>deus ex
>shit combat
whatever you say tranny
>monster hunter
Nigger clearly theres no point in even talking to you about role playing games
fucking buzzwording newfags
>monster hunter
it's slightly less rpg than cyberpunk
the witcher 3
>no custom personalization
>stats are important
>only one type of quest: hunt
>shitty combat
>only one weapon
>no choices
monster hunter
>character customization
>weapon upgrade are imporatant
>different tipes of quests
>good combat
>many weapons
>no choices
not rpg
We've had 1 gameplay demo shown to the public and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, it was exactly what i would expect from a first person rpg.
The witcher series and its combat is too simple at its worst. I've seen far worse combat and Its a huge meme perpetiated by people that didn't even play the games.
posting pictures of yourself on Yea Forums is not a good idea, someone could dox you
>will have shit combat like the witcher 3
Witcher 3 is a third person melee combat game, CP2077 is an FPS RPG, not comparable
>waste budget on celebrity
Not if he's a core component of the game
>transgenderism and sjw shit
>doesn't even portray cyberpunk properly
Something tells me you dont understand the cyperpunk genre. Corporations own everything and bodymodding is a part of everyday life. its meant to be complete degeneracy and its meant to be a disgusting existence. Thats the fucking point.
>no gameplay trailer just cgi shit
Aside from like, multiple gameplay trailers and footage of gameplay
Jesus man are you okay?
how do you get up in the morning without forgeting to pump your heart?
Get help.
I wonder if Kojima just hired a bunch of shitposters like OP after the Keanu reveal
holy fuck i thought i was going nuts
why would someone do this? I need help trying to emphasize with this mentality cos it seems insane to me.
CDPRdrones on suicide watch
seethe more kiddo lmao
witcher 3 combat also looked good on gameplays but turned to be complete shit
its most likely the same guy that shits on every new release that Yea Forums likes in an attempt to start flamewars
>game, CP2077 is an FPS RPG, not comparable
the alpha gameplay looked messy and shit
with a terrible HUD
look how clean is the outer world
>Not if he's a core component of the game
explain how a celebrity is important at all in a videogame
>Something tells me you dont understand the cyperpunk genre.Corporations own everything and bodymodding is a part of everyday life. its meant to be complete degeneracy and its meant to be a disgusting existence. Thats the fucking point.
>Aside from like, multiple gameplay trailers and footage of gameplay
just ONE alpha gameplay and some second of E3 trailer
this is the mental state of our new Yea Forumsriends
Some people are shitstirrers. Some take the dislike autism (the extreme /pol/ite, the super/anti-weeb, someone actually obsessed about their waifus) much further.
Then you got realize there's the opposite too with shiteaters. That's not even including the company shills using approved social accounts and computers for viral marketing and communications. SWTOR and Borderlands are good examples of each one.
The gameplay videos have been out for ages you retard.
Also, I'm sure some random schmuck like you is an authority when it comes to portraying cyberpunk.
>tranny issues portrayed in a world filled with augments and body modifications is somehow weird
The dystopian future is supposed to be degenerate and it was this way in the source material too.
You hate this game only because you want to hate it
have sex
gain height
take a shower
hit the weights
get a clue
preorder cyberpunk 2077
>if i make generic enough statements ill be sure to win this argument
in that near 50 min demo
was "bad" or unacceptable for a modern game?
>I am more interested in shitposting than talking.
>explain how a celebrity is important at all in a videogame
because he's literally a main character called "Johnny Silverhand" who has a direct main link to your character.
>game lets degenerates turn themselves into a dog or shark
>removing your dick however crosses the line for body augmentation
ok faggot
>there are only political reasons to buy this trash
finally Yea Forums show his true face
It would be a cool addition if one of the optics does nothing but minimap and ammo count
Hud customization -
Someone has to play Johnny silverhand. Why not Keanu cause almost no one has beef with him ?
Silverhand casting
New gameplay looks polished over the previous e3 gameplay - smooth textures, shadows and stuff. Gunplay nad vehicle handling I can't promise but hopefully they'll be fixed over the development period.
I genuinely hope we have more than 1 apartment to buy and show off our arsenal
MH is more RPG than any CDPR game.
Why is that not Zero Ultra
Not an argument, CuckDPR drones.
Gender shit makes complete sense given the setting
>the matrix
should i tell him
mods should filter your kin
the matrix trilogy? you mean the most redpilled cinema of all time?
i'm talking seriously you fucker, whole witcher 3 gameplay was shit, not only combat
yeah it's redpilled alright
>Nazis crying about gender representation
It's just a coincidence transsexuals invented the redpill, it doesn't mean anything.
yeah estrogen also more commonly comes in blue pills, so what? dig deeper
>monster hunter
>good combat
clearly better and well balanced than in this shit cucker
westcuck shill
estrogen pills were red in the nineties, when the matrix was made. estradiol (the blue ones) didn't become common until the 2000s.
it's not like it's the only bit of trans imagery or coding in the film either.
>unrealistic expectation
Back to resetera, cuckold
i hate trannies as much as the next guy but having them in this game given the context, is completely justifiable.
The real issue is the gameplay, specifically the combat. It's gonna be fucking dogshit, know why? Because it's trying to be like John Wick western garbage. I hate John Wick. I hate how John Wick looks. I hate how he fights. I hate his movies. I hate how normies jerk off over that trash. Oh the cinematography is so amazing! Oh the fight scenes are superb! Oh it's soooooooooo stylish! Fuck off, no it isn't. It's boring drab realism taking place at night in fucking nightclubs and dark city streets. It's not uniquely interesting to look at at all, it's basically Death Stranding without the Death or the Stranding, or vampire the masquerade without the vampire or a masquerade. Just some dude killing people in a fucking night club and city streets, but oh, oh, they wear suits! They wear suits, and barely say a word, and try to look badass and cool, and omg the club has red lights, and red lights, and orange lights, oh man, so stylish so stylish put that dickin my mouth joe, get it all in there, get it ALLLL IN THERE!
Fuck CDPR, fuck Mike Pondsmith, and most of all, fuck John Wick.
>im fucking plying
this is the biggest straw grasp ive seen yet
fuck it ill bite even though i know you buzzword fags aren't interested in discussion.
A Role Playing Gamds central experice revolves around the player character actively being able to influence the story and events around him. all games do this to some extent, but what sets a role playing game apart is theres far more emphasis on player choice. Whereas in most games (like your beloved monster hunter) this choice is limited to gameplay decisions like weapon use, an RPG often gives you multiple ways of completeing objectives from a story and gameplay perspective and these actions have consequences big and small. Geralt can actively influence the lives of characters and the world around him through his actions (the players choices) and that is what makes it an RPG. In Monster hunter, the only things you can change are superficial, stuff like appearance and weapons, the player has no control over events and the plot is more of an excuse for the gameplay than anything else.
The genre itself is still growing, and to say all your choices in the witcher dont change the plot isnt necessaryly wrong but its not right either. Unlike a tabletop rpg, were every creative action a player does can have an equally creative response and consequence from the dm controlled story, video game rpgs still have to follow a path of some sort. Its impossible for a developer to account for every single an action or a player might pursue, so they give them as many rational choices as they deem plausible within there budget and production time.
Matrix 1 had the switch character which was an obvious analogy but that screencap? Yeah.. no. THAT is grasping at straws.
I recommend checking the philosopher commentary for the movies feat. Ken Wilbur and Cornel West. Trannies will probably be disappointed but its pretty good. The other commentary track with critics shitting on the movie is also pretty funny, you can just switch between them back and forth. Wilbur and West love it but the critics just want simplified action.
>waste budget on keanu
>already paid itself back 10 fold in extra pre-orders
From what I have seen, the combat actually looks like a more polished version of modern Deus Ex.
It's perfect PR to get the normies to play it.
They are getting attacked by Sjws for the SJW shit so it's a win win.
Fucking embarrassing
That was about pillars of eternity but yeah very similar autism is happening here
>spergs only care about actors when cdpr does it
why do uou smoke meth dude?
>why yes
>I did preorder CP2077 based on the Fortnite guy cameo
>how could yo tell?
>I can not act the movie
ding dong diddly based
I believe they stopped calling it an rpg. Should have done that with the witcher as well seeing how it was just Geralt simulator
>neo who now?
But what if I post lying down?
You don't say?
Even the cg looked like ass.
DOS 1&2
How to identify the reddit and resetera tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though his a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>will say he hates trannies just to blend in
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts
This. Let me shoot demented trannies in game PLEASE.
Do not ever reply to mindless shills.
Reminder that if you are ever optimistic about anything you are a shill.
Weak bait and weak falseflag.
Spotted the seething tranny
>seething tranny
There's a difference between being optimistic and sucking dick.
>t. resetera tranny
>d-do I fit in yet guys?
>transgenderism and sjw shit
Is this game just trying to accurately portray a future dystopian California, or is it actually pozzed? Someone redpill me.
Ignore the shills and wait for it to come out and pirate it. Make your own judgement then.
Dilate, pedo.
Jesus Christ
so detroit become human is an RPG because your decisions matters even more than in witcher? By your definition it clearly is
Ahahahhaha. The most casual of crps.
Dark Souls 3
They did show us gameplay trailer though.
>this is your average CDPRtranny
>>>/resetera/ dumb and degenerate shill
>transgenderism and sjw shit
>doesn't even portray cyberpunk properly
Jesus christ my head hurts
">""custom personalization"" is what makes an RPG
I guess Honey Select is the best RPG ever made then
Nigger the viral marketing for Borderlands was PAID, this is some fucked up autist doing it se he can get (You)s because no one pays atenttion to him I guess.
Imagine wasting an hour of your life making that mess
>trannies trannies trannies
>trannies this trannies that
>X thing is based and redpilled and cool because I said so
>trannies trannies
>ironic memes over ironic memes, still outdated and tired
>I hate trannies but I follow 200 of them on twitter
>I talk about trannies every single day of my life
>I woke up and think about trannies
>I hate them trannies
>buy X product to make the trannies seethe
>cringe redpilled dilate discord yikes the cope absolute literally mentally based incels SEETHING have sex
>Im sick in the head but I pretend I'm just """trolling""" people