Chad af

Chad af

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Take your twitter screencap and shove it. Fpbp, based

is this kek or cringe?

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he's an alt-right asshole

>Fpbp, based

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Based as fuck.

check out the twitter replies twitter trannies are mad af cause he didn't credit the artist lol

Not even mine, here's context

more like BASED and REDPILLED! btfo

Elon has good taste in vidya 10/10 our guy.


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lmao elon was playing 4D chess. he obviously like the artist and wanted them to get exposure but didnt want to shill it so he used the streisand effect to its fullest and got all the twitter trannies riled up to find the original artist and drum up all the attention. mission accomplished.

>first part of twitter bio
>I'M GAY!!!"

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
What made them so neurotic?

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not like reverse image searching isn't a thing but why would musk think this is a good idea? all this shit about a rich 50-something year old tech mogul that keeps posting about anime is really cringey and seems forced.

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>that jewish nose
Glad he didn't credit the trash artist

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wasnt this retard supposed to get us to mars

he's a sperg that sacrificed his free time in his youth to work hard and find success, let him have a little fun now that he's rich

because he can

I like Elon but he has very poor taste in fictional characters.

Maybe because he likes that shit?


Gotta retain that relevance somehow.

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I wasn't aware being born into money was sacrificing youth

>all this shit about a rich 50-something year old tech mogul that keeps posting about anime is really cringey and seems forced.

Is it? It was only a matter of time before someone Yea Forums-style got rich and started making spaceships. We already have a rich Yea Forumsirgin too after all and rich people don't have to listen bullshit from anybody else so yeah I believe it.

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Elon commissioned an artist, you cant search it.

Yeah he he totally became rich because he "worked hard" lmao

He'll probably add 2b voice in Tesla next week, dude is 100% weeb

Based, fuck artists and their "intellectual property"(lol)

videogames dont exist to appease your dick

go back to pedo era please

It was bound to happen, believe it or not but most people aren't SJW pc friendly tards. It's only the media pushing that pc shit and the rich keep their spergs in their circles. There will be more and more rich weebs as times flows.

You should see the pictures of him before he started paypal, prime /jp/-poster material.

>you must stop liking anime at X age
Yea Forums is just going to keep bumping that age up until we're dead.

Yes calling kagerou a catgirl very jaypee

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