Mana Thread

Switchchads report in. Are you playing a Mana game?

Attached: 29-FFA_8_29.png (320x288, 4K)

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fuck which game is that I remember playing that as a kid.

How was I supposed to know what to do here?

don't you do a figure 8 around those trees to open a dungeon or something?

Sword of Mana?

Final Fantasy Adventure/Sword of Mana/Adventures of Mana.

Nope. I'm waiting for the physical copies to release. I want that pretty cover art. I have it preordered, though.

Mystic quest

> Mana thread
> Posts a Final Fantasy game
Absolute retard

Yes, I still don't know how I figured it out. I think it might have been a complete accident. I remember being stuck at that part for months.

Fried Chicken.

There was a message in the game that said "palm trees and a 8".

I blame the GB's limited room for English text.

I've thought about buying the collection, but idk if it'd be worth it considering my track record with the series.

I got bored of first game probably at like the halfway point.
I got bored of the second game probably somewhere near the end, I just remember the game seemingly carrying on forever when I kept thinking I was close to the end.
I never touched 3, so that would be a new experience for me if I get the collection.
I know these aren't in the collection, but I tried out the GBA and PS1 games and only got like an hour into them before stopping.

The games seem cool and I have a decent time with them, but for some reason they never hook me.

Beat FFA and have been going through Secret now. I just got to the part where you can blast to the desert and the ice country

I figured that out on my own easily. There is a slight delay when you go over a switch and the squares near the trees had the same effect.

Getting the physical release.

From what I remember about Sword of Mana it took out most of the Final Fantasy references. Playing Adventures of Mana (vita) because I lost my cartridge of Sword, and seeing black mage in the menu and a red mage in a dungeon is throwing me off.

I would be, but I am waiting for the physical copies.

Attached: 918PrzLX0fL._SL1500_.jpg (926x1500, 403K)

Finally got Travis Strikes Again + Seasons Pass when the sale started, just finished Coffee and Donuts, can't fucking wait for NMH3

would Square be able to pull off a new game?

How did they get away with it bros?

That part is such bullshit. You have to grind drops from those lizard fucks to give to the guy to get the most obtuse hint.