Epic is literally giving away free games

>epic is literally giving away free games
How will valveshitters ever recover?

Attached: VALVE BTFO.png (720x545, 222K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Gives away free games
>No one wants to use it still
How WILL Valve recover?

valve has had free weekends for years

recover from what? i can just pirate those games. they're free all year round

>Has an absolutely absurd sale where anything above $15 is $10 off and Epic eats the cost completely (after saying they'll never do sales even on the level of current day Steam because it devalues games)
>Has to extend their 'new free game every week' deal to the end of the goddamn year

I think Epic might be struggling to maintain a userbase that doesn't just play Fortnite

It's like getting free candy from a pedophile.

they're really desperate

Other companies already do this.

Also they're games everyone has already played.

Ask yourself. Is giving your personal info to China really worth it?

>people only use EGS for the free games
>don't actually purchase anything

How profitable has this even been for Epic? They keep throwing money around and paying shills up and down but I still don't know anyone who actually uses this legitimately. Even the people who shit on Valve are (if you notice) people who don't even play on PC, so Epic isn't getting their money, either.

>this thread again

Or free sex from an aids-infested Chinese hooker.

steam is based
origin is based
uplay is based
gog is based
battle.net is based
bethesda launcher is based

egs is fucking chink spyware trash

>giving personal info to China
you're such a retard dude, jesus christ

I just got toonstruck for free from gog yesterday
I got company of heros free a while back on steam, some racing game as well. Plus I got ass creed unity and steep free from ubisoft. Destiny 2 from blizard as well.

No amount of free games will get me to install your chink spyware Xi.

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>origin is based
>uplay is based
OK, let's not go that far.

That's a very specific example.

> Free now - Jun 20

Oh so we can only play it for free for a few days. That's not worth installing chink spyway launcher for.

it saddens me that there are people who actually and unironically believe EGS isn't anything other than total dogshit and a threat to PC gaming

Once you claim the game, you get to keep it forever. To only reason to be against this is if you're a braindead fanboy.

>To only reason to be against this is if you're a braindead fanboy.

Or you can just not want to use a piece of shit store like the EGS. Hell, if they're already giving it away for free why not just pirate the damned thing if you're forced to use a really shitty platform to play it on?

>being this salty from getting called out
Oy vey another Tiananmen Square Massacre.

But I've got countless games like that on steam, evil within and binary domain come to mind. Als if the games are free, they are monetizing something else, I wonder what...

Do places generally charge money for free games?
If not I don't see the big deal. As I see it, Epic will bugman out and start CHARGING for this free game. I give it a week before those gooks reveal who they really are.
1989 Hundred Acre Wood Devastation

>forced to use a really shitty platform to play it on
In what way is epic shit?
>muh chinese malware
Literally a /pol/ tier delusion.

How does this copypasta work? Do the Chinese get automatically banned from having this on their screen or do they have to send it themselves?

like mana from heaven

Man they really don't want to just improve their client, that's the only way they'll retain any users

im not poor so i dont exactly give a fuck

If they are reading it on their screen the info is in their data. You think the chinese spyware meme is a meme? Hell no, the chinese know their government monitors them all in real time. It shows up in their data and their social credit score plummets instantly. It can blacklist them from all sorts of shit.
They are a barbarous backward inhuman soulless mass of carrion.

>In what way is epic shit?
-No cloud saves
-No built-in controller support
-Epic brought the bullshit of paid exclusivity from the console space to the PC space so I'd rather not support those cunts
-The fucking thing doesn't even have a shopping cart, showing extreme incompetence

I think Carrion looks like a pretty fun game.

Good to know. Fuck China.

Oy vey another Nanking massacre.

FTFY idiot, tiananmen was chink on chink damage control.
Nanking was nip on chink blood sports festival.

Attached: google it lazy cunt.jpg (1600x1067, 926K)

Winnie the pooh?

Rape of Nanking is a myth. You can't rape non-sentient objects.

>epic is literally giving away free games
I know, right?!

Attached: file.png (225x225, 9K)

Steam does this too, why do we love Epic again?

But you're not supporting anyone. You are literally getting free games.

Is there a list somewhere? last time I saw this I was amazed that there was not a single one thing that I wanted.

My friend, you have no idea how fucked up China is.

Ultra turbo jews on scifi super steroids.

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>mining intensifies

It's still very unstable and crashes on me quite often

It's a myth because non-sentient objects can't rape.
FTFY again you dumb faggot.

>implying it's never been done before
Good fucking lord. Are the shills being retarded for strategic purposes?

I'm supporting Epic by using their service to play these free games, and they can use that as a way to say "Look how large our playerbase is!"

the EGS is in it's infancy, so it's expected to take severe losses. Steam wasn't profitable till like 2006 or 2007 I think. That's not to say EGS is on the same track, but it's not really expected for a new storefront, of any sort, to be immediately profitable. Gaming in particular has a pretty long windup because of brand loyalty and attachment to an existing library/not wanting to use a new client, etc. Look at origin. Took a long while for it to come into it's own.

As for how they're paying for all this shit, fortnite. Fortnite is making billions of dollars every month. With a B.


Japan's occupation of China is pretty interesting. If they hadn't been such blood-thirsty rapemurderers, then their whole SEA expansion would've probably gone much better.

>he actually installed it

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>valve is literally providing a good service
How will epicshitters ever recover?

>Steam wasn't profitable till like 2006 or 2007 I think.

You're making up dates in your head here

Oh cool
>downloads game and just writes a short brainlet script to dodge the launcher requirement
>exit egs and play
Thanks Epic, you still suck eggs though.

Most of those aren't, but they do have one thing in common...

Their exclusives are there own games. Only Steam and GoG has other games that you could buy on the other platform.

Epic is literally buying stuff to withhold from the customer. It's like buying Pepsi and making it so nowhere else can stock Pepsi but you guys.

No Linux support

i dont use any torrent clients i just used an icon to represent piracy
chads use google drive links

and epic is struggling to keep dozens of customers. With a D.

I paid 15 bucks for that like a week ago.
these video games aren't worth a fucking thing and I don't know why I keep paying money for them

If i want free games i can just visit rutracker retard i don't need chink launcher for that


Yeah but japs are insecure beta hotheads that would condition each other to cut out their own bowls if they fail at some mundane shit other normal humans would recover from in life.

If the game is free, why wouldn't i just pirate it so i get a drm free version? It's not even an online multiplayer game

Is the 302mb pirate copy floating around worth it?
Fuck epic I'm not using them and am only downloading this to purposefully spite them. The dev also deserves to suffer for this, sorry if you like them. They fucked up.

I use it.
A free game is a free game.

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>epic eats the cost completely
That's where you're wrong pal. Developers either eat the cost or disable their games until sale is over.


Its not really free if you personal data is being sold and used, you fucking retard

Can confirm, I'm regularly grabbing the free vidya but I've yet to install one. EGS is basically just a Fortnite launcher for 99% of the people.

God I wish they made UE4 standalone, it's doing nothing but bogging down your resources for fuck's sake.

You wouldn't want free heroin in a used syringe from a Floridian with AIDS.

why do they have bowls inside them. What secrets have the japs uncovered?!

>i fuck it
>sex is sex doesn't matter if its a goat
this is how you sound

Sounds utterly terrible from a dev standpoint. Why would you do this?

well they bought lots of their own games might as well give them away

>making up dates
i'm not. But feel free not to believe me, no skin off my ass, i'm no investor. Just explaining why they keep doing this shit.
Just like origin was. And now origin's the second biggest (western) digital storefront. user if you don't like the store, that's fine. But doomsaying when it's barely an infant is just stupid.

>capitalism intensifies
China is just bad news, they are further proof that stable totalitarian system are possible and "comfortable".

Didn't they say free game every 2 weeks before? Why is it every week now?

>Oy vey another Nanking massacre.
Only a butthurt chink would think that Nanking massacre is a good retort since EGS is probably used by no one in Japan.

No, Epic's eating the cost for this entire sale and they've said so themselves. Nobody in their right mind would agree to sell a game that's less than six months old for $5 when it's normally $15

You're just jealous that you didn't get in early on the free games train.

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>origin's the second biggest (western) digital storefront
Citation needed. I'm rather intrigued by this.

Did origin really come on it's own? It's still mostly EA published games.

>i'm not.

Then cite your goddamn sources

It was two games every two weeks, but I assume they changed it to one new game every week because it keeps people talking about their store more often

Epic has existed for like 20 years prior. There is ZERO reason their store looks as shit as it does except Sweeny doesn't care.
Thats fine, if he won't care, neither will I.

Origin did shit like this before, and last I saw, it wasn't beating Steam over the head with any kind of sales numbers

I downloaded the game from a private tracker like 2 years ago kek. Epic wants to be a part of the gaming scene thats fine, he gets to compete with pirates - a real component of the gaming scene.

>Someone forcing a shit meme is an epic shill
What a shocker

i don't know how to write it, and you know what i meant to write, incase you don't here's an image, also anglo isn't my first language.

Attached: soduku.jpg (702x1000, 284K)

reminder that a cenrtain amount of copies of every epic exclusive has already been paid for by tim sweeney. make sure to do your part by claiming those free copies by pirating them.
also, since the shill’s last thread was pruned, reminder that hongkong, tibet and taiwan are not chinese soil, and should be treated as independent countries.

and they can only afford shills who have a 3 year old meme folder hahahahahahaha.
The truth is all the newer memes are probably monitored by their social credit system and we are seeing evidence of them not even having those memes saved in order to avoid the censors.
fucking magical isn't it?

These are hot memes off the presses.

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Too bad it is actually epic uses you.

They've put out some great indie titles for free so far, but I'm wondering if they'll surprise with some recent AAA releases. There's still more than 35 games yet to be announced and if they want people to really install it, they'd give away something big. My guess is one of them is that they'll throw Rocket League on their for free for a week now that they own the dev.

Uma delicia is YEARS old mate.
Having shitty old memes of your georival is pretty revealing in itself. Why is putin such a big deal in your memes unless you geostraddle their nation... like china does.
You fucks are so pathetic. Go get ran over by a construction vehicle. Or better yet, 3 tanks.

>My guess is one of them is that they'll throw Rocket League on their for free for a week now that they own the dev.

Fucking everyone already owns Rocket League so that isn't going to do much for them

I got Toonstruck from GOG a few days ago, and Guacamelee about a week ago from Steam.

Never underestimate the power and massive amount of third worlders and perpetually broke people. Something like Rocket League I could see a couple million people installing their launcher in the span of a week if it was free.

Apparently, they initially advertised the 10$ off deal on the Fortnite client as well as EGS, but stopped when literally everyone there just bought v-bucks with it instead of checking out the store.

>he thinks the meme is about pootin
lurk more

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>literally /pol/ tier delusion
There was a screenshot of Windows processes and how the launcher snoops itself in all sorts of other ways that other apps don't.


Its literally putin shopped onto every old ass meme from 2012 you can find.
All 3 of them have putin's face shopped onto them.
You are retarded as fuck to deny putin is an element of it when he is the only link (besides being so old they are irrelevant now) between the 3.

>no one uses it
>satisfactory autism game sold 500K+ copies on epic so far


Attached: OOOOOOOOOOO.jpg (300x379, 33K)

steam only matters because its convenient and shit goes on sale. why would i use a client with less features. i don't give a shit who gets my money as long as its less of it.

>there was a totally legit screenshot dude, trust me
Every time

Why would to go and tell lies on the internet?


Attached: madAsHell.jpg (639x415, 49K)

>source: my ass

It's a fact

>Sweeny tells the public he personally buys all those copies
I wish I was joking. The guy not only started playing the "mine mine mine" game but he also told every pirate world over they have CART FUCKING BLANCHE to pirate their game. The old argument of lost sales literally doesn't apply when the Publisher is telling you "I got you senpai, this ones on me."

Thanks but I don't want spyware on my toaster.

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Yeah I got Metro for free and I'm gonna get Good game for free. Thanks Tim!

>he doesn't know
nice """sold copies""" mr.xing

>i don't believe the video game company's own numbers because i want them to fail for cooperating with a company i don't like
cope some more

>free EtG
Lol, so now it's LITERALLY a poor man's Nuclear Throne.

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>food analogies

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Gurumin was free and it shits all over this reddit game. And it's not the only one that was free thanks to Steamchad.

Nobody likes egs except shills.

Fuck Valve

>literally only one game on Bethesda’s launcher AND it’s garbage
Yeah, it’s amazing.

I'll get the game too. I got Subnautica even though I had it on Steam too. I'll probably never play it though

>they will stop after 2019

If you’re cool with the Chinese government stealing your credit card info go on ahead dude.

>Epic already ran out of good games to give away

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Remember to thank Tim for giving away games like Metro Exodus for free.

>Based japs already confirmed to us that epic inflates copies sold by buying hundred thousands of pre-orders.

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