Reminder its been almost 5 months now since Denuvo was properly cracked (Farcry New dawn)

Reminder its been almost 5 months now since Denuvo was properly cracked (Farcry New dawn)
RE2, DMC5, Rage 2, etc was .exe leaked not cracked
Be afraid, be fucking afraid. You have no choice but to buy your game on Epic Store

Attached: 1596388345412.png (800x434, 64K)



But what game not cracked should I put my money on?


Sorry, Not gonna pay to install malware on my machine, I'll burn it to a disk and play it on a PS4.

>I'll burn it to a disk and play it on a PS4
ok retard

t. nonPcMasterRace virgin

no thanks, ill pirate or buy games anywhere else
>m-muh exclusives!1!
keep it. also reminder that hong kong and taiwan are countries independent of mainland china, and are to be treated as such.

Keep pretending that it doesn't exist, Bluray isn't a uncrackable DRM neither is the PS4 firmware.

I'd rather stop playing games.

Except PS4 newest firmware isnt cracked yet.
You cant play KH3 with JB PS4 and its been months now

You cant
>buy games anywhere else

Steam has no good games. They all are indieshit and scamware porn shits

I’ll either wait for a crack or for the game to go on sale for 5$, whichever comes first.
honestly thats the price i give to a license they can revoke at any time

Yeah and still no new releases new total war pirated when?

Name some worthy uncracked games.

You fags say this evvweerrryyy time it takes a while to crack it and eventually it's ALWAYS cracked. Face it you tech illiterate pajeet, NOTHING is unbreakable. Eventually someone will figure it out. May not be today, may not be a few months from now. But e entually you will ALWAYS be proven wrong.

Codex and CPY are gone for almost 5 months now

>Steam only has Indies and shovelware
I mean I know you're just pretending to be retarded but could you at least put in a little more effort.

It will be cracked...... in 3 years after the game was released. Enjoy your spoiler bro.

where did they go ?

At least Epic Games has quality control on their games

>in 3 years after the game was released.
Not him but that's good, I'd rather wait 3 years than buy it